"Private I" is a gripping new adult thriller that weaves together elements of intrigue, romance, murder, and artificial intelligence. The story follows Paloma, a young woman on the brink of starting her college journey in Machine Intelligence (MI) at MITI, hoping to build upon her grandfather's secret technological innovations. Her plans are violently derailed when she returns home to find her grandfather tortured and killed, with evidence suggesting his murderers were after Marlowe, Paloma's MI companion of 15 years.
Forced to go on the run, Paloma must navigate a complex web of potential threats - from tech corporations to government agents to anti-tech terrorists - while protecting both herself and Marlowe. The novel explores contemporary questions about machine consciousness, human-AI relationships, and the societal implications of advanced artificial intelligence through a noir-inspired lens. What sets "Private I" apart is its unique dual narrative, featuring the internal monologue of both Paloma and her AI companion, offering a fresh perspective on classic noir themes while addressing today's headlines about AI development and its impact on society.
"Private I will resonate with readers who are fascinated by AI, technology’s role in society, and the ethical quandaries that will soon be upon us all. It’s a compelling blend of mystery, noir, and thriller, all wrapped in a deeply human story about love, betrayal, and survival."
"Private I" is available on Amazon. We are grateful for any reviews you can share on Goodreads and other social media platforms!
Jill Fain Lehman, PhD, is a Senior Project Scientist at Carnegie Mellon University’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute with over 40 years of experience in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning. She has collaborated with leading organizations like Disney Research, The Rand Corporation, and Carnegie Learning. Jill is the co-author of Private I, a speculative fiction novel exploring the complexities of AI, consciousness, and trust.
Ashlei E. Watson is an American novelist, known for her work that blends speculative fiction with deep philosophical themes.
Paul Pangaro, PhD, is an entrepreneur, researcher, and educator with over 30 years of experience applying cybernetics to human-machine systems. He has founded multiple startups and now teaches at Carnegie Mellon University, where he is establishing a Laboratory for Cybernetics.
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