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26 July 2024

✨ IT’S RELEASE DAY!! ✨ Happy Release day! Barrett by Laramie Briscoe is the 4th book in the Broken Falls Series!


Barratt (Broken Falls, #4) 


 Laramie Briscoe 


Contemporary Romance

Release Date

July 26, 2024 

Hosted by

 Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

Barrett Grant is wild AF with hips he knows how to use, and he’s also eleven years younger than me…


Get Baked is the culmination of every dream I had as a twenty-something. A dream my ex-husband stomped like a bug beneath the tip of his expensive Italian leather shoe. When I left with nothing more than my dignity and a vintage stand mixer I found at a thrift store, all I wanted was to be happy. Promised myself I wouldn’t settle until that happened.

Years later, it’s finally happening in the small town of Broken Falls, WV. My dreams are coming true, my happiness is so close I can reach out and touch it.

But my secrets? They won’t stay buried forever. Especially where Barrett Grant is concerned.


I messed up big time with Gabby, the hot, older, owner of Get Baked. I had no business swiping right if I wasn’t going to take our relationship and her feelings seriously. When I reacted badly to a waitress who questioned if she was my mother, I should’ve let it go. 

But I didn’t, and now I can’t. Not when I miss the f*ck out of her, and lost a year off my life the night Get Baked was broken into. This time, I promise myself, I’ll give us the shot we should’ve gotten the first time.

If only she gives me a second chance.

Tropes Included

  • small town
  • blue collar
  • second chance
  • reverse age gap
  • golden retriever hero

Barrett is book three in The Broken Falls Series: a series of interconnected standalones following a group of friends who have become family in small-town West Virginia, and the women who bring them to their knees. You do not have to read them in order, but each book builds upon the relationships of the last.


It's been a long day, and Gabby still hasn't texted me back. My common sense tells me I should take that for what it's worth, but the part that really cares about Gabby wants to make sure she's okay? It's worried as f*ck, and I need to know. I debate on whether I want to stop when I drive by and see her car still parked in the back of Get Baked. There's a real chance that she doesn't want to see me, there's an even bigger chance that I just need to make sure she's okay. I want to set eyes on her.

Parking next to her, I get out and walk to the back door. I knock twice, waiting for her.

"Who is it?"

"It's Barrett. I just wanna make sure you're alright. I'll leave if you want me to after I see how you're doing." I hurry those words in a rush.

The sound of her unlocking the door makes me smile. With a sigh, she opens it, staring at me. "As you can see I'm okay. It's going to take more than what happened to bring me down. I might be a little bruised and broken, but I'll make it through."

"I have no doubt that you will, Gabs. I just want to make sure you're good. You never texted me back."

She sticks out a hip, throwing me a little bit of attitude, which I love. "I didn't know I was required to text you back, Barrett. We broke up, remember? I wasn't sure that after the way we left each other, either of us would want to hear from the other."

That's a fair assumption. "I care about you, I always have. I can't turn that off because we've had some sh*t happen between us. I lost years off of my life when I saw that someone had broken into your shop, Gabby."

"I know..."

"No you don't. You'll never know the fear." I interrupt her. "I know I don't have the right to be here, because I f*cked up what we were building."

She interrupts me. "No, we both f*cked that up, Barrett. It wasn't just you. That was a team effort." She exhales loudly. "Let's start over."

I inhale, close my eyes, and then let the breath out slowly. "Hey girl, hey."

She laughs, which is what I hoped she would. It lights up those eyes of hers and my stomach does a flip. "Hey."

"So, I texted you earlier, you might not have gotten it, or you were busy. But I wanted to make sure you're okay. There's been some crazy sh*t happening in the neighborhood lately." I grip the door facing to keep from reaching out and cupping her hip in my hand.

Her head dips down, before coming back up. "I did get your text, but I was busy, and then when I thought about responding, I was tired. I'm fine. The window will be replaced next week, and until then I've posted on social media, and Kara mentioned it in her live stream today.  I'm not hurting for customers, people have been extremely supportive, and I'm sorry I didn't respond to you."

"It's okay. I'll leave now that I know you're not hurt. I gotta take a shower anyway." I'm dirty, and dusty, and just want to get all of that off. I love my job, but I'll never be the type of guy who can get off work and then head out immediately afterward. All part of living that blue collar life.

"Barrett, do you wanna come in and eat something? You came all the way over here, when I know more than anything after work, you want to go home." She pushes a piece of dark hair behind her ear. "You were worried about me, and I appreciate it. Let me at least feed you."

Little does she know I want way more than for her to feed me, but right now I'll take whatever she's offering. Whatever it takes to get me the second chance I've wanted for months, I'm going to do. "I'd appreciate it, you don't have to."

"I know, and the one thing you should know about me is I don't do things I don't want to do."

I grin, tilting my head back. "That's the damn truth. What are you feeding me?"

She rolls her eyes. "I have leftover pot roast that I'm making quesadilla's out of."

It's one of my f*cking favorite meals. I groan, rocking back on my heels. "It's like you knew I'd be here."

"Oh God c'mon in you little sh*t."

And with those whispered words, I know that for tonight we'll be okay.

Laramie Briscoe is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of over 30 books, with sales of over half a million copies.

Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie has appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Her books have been known to make readers laugh and cry. They are guaranteed to be emotional, steamy reads.

When she's not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on Netflix. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband.

⬇️ Start the series with Boone⬇️




The Alpha’s Burden by Ellie Scott Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours @elliescott_author

Will he be successful in winning her heart or will he

 accept her rejection and select

 a Chosen Mate?

The Alpha’s Burden

by Ellie Scott


 Paranormal Werewolf Romance 

“I refuse to accept your rejection,” I say looking at my fated mate. Her face goes red, “I do not want you!” she screams as I simply stand there staring at my fated beauty. “You will learn to want me,” I reply as I take her arm and drag her resisting body towards my SUV.

Alpha Zack has been searching for his fated mate for years. At thirty-two, he was being pushed to take a chosen mate. But none of the women the Elders had selected for him had piqued his interest.

And then he attends the annual Mates Gala, where he finally finds her … his fated mate. But she is already in love with another. He is heartbroken but refuses to accept her rejection, wanting a chance to win her heart.

Will he be successful in winning her heart or will he accept her rejection and select a Chosen Mate?

Read the first 5 chapters FREE!!

**Exclusively available on Dreame! **

Ellie Scott is a Canadian writer writing paranormal, romance - all things fiction. 

She has two maltese fur babies Oliver and Benjamin.

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Resurrecting My Magic, The Magic Alliance, Book Two by Timoteo Tong!

Title:  Resurrecting My Magic

Series: The Magic Alliance, Book Two

Author: Timoteo Tong

Publisher:  NineStar Press

Release Date: 07/23/2024

Heat Level: 2 - Fade to Black Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 118100

Genre: Paranormal, YA, fantasy, coming of age, LGBT, MM romance, self-acceptance, angsty, supernatural, magic, young love, virgins

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In the thrilling sequel to Magic, Monsters and Me, Elijah Delomary steps into a whirlwind of challenges that test his strength, his identity, and the depth of his relationships. Confronting Zid’dra, the diabolical king of the menacing Gloom, Elijah faces a web of deceit spun by the sinister force, luring him toward his demise. However, his escape is orchestrated by the intervention of the Áuqala, who guides him back to Earth with a crucial message—to believe in his innate magic. Meanwhile, Elijah's mother undergoes a profound transformation, shifting her focus to support her son, amend past mistakes, and discover a newfound love for herself along the way.

Elijah’s journey isn't just about reclaiming his powers and rekindling his relationship with Austin, his boyfriend; it's a battle against Zid’dra's relentless pursuit. As he struggles with his identity and seeks reconciliation, he becomes entangled in a dangerous game with Zid’dra, all while being shadowed by Devlina, his nemesis. An unfortunate accident sidelines Elijah, forcing him into a period of introspection and healing, where he grapples with self-acceptance and finds his true essence.

Amidst a summer blooming with rekindled love, Elijah is drawn into a chaotic conflict as the battle between Zid’dra and Devlina escalates into a full-blown war, pitting the coven against Devlina. Faced with a terrifying revelation, Elijah is pushed to protect his family, Austin, and the very fabric of existence. The weight of these challenges tests Elijah's strength, forcing him to confront the darkest forces while proving the unwavering strength of his love to Austin.

Resurrecting My Magic Excerpt
Timoteo Tong © 2024
All Rights Reserved

Long, long ago, under a layer of red and brown smog in the sprawl of the San Fernando Valley, northwest of downtown Los Angeles, before Elijah Delomary lived in the purple-and-white Victorian mansion at the top of Magnolia Boulevard in Burbank, a terrible event happened that changed the trajectory of his life. His mother, Belinda Delomary, made a mistake, setting in motion the course of events culminating with him in a field in Homer’s Glenn watching Devlina, the Queen of the Gloom, battling monsters named Henges, or “Zusqoe” in the Dark Language. His mother was very much the reason why Devlina was at war with the Gloom.

Belinda Delomary stood in the dining room of the tiny ranch house painted olive green—not her choice, but rather her ex-husband’s. Ex—that described him. Gone from her life. And yet, here, in the fading light of another terrible day after he walked out on her and their young children, he was present, still able to inflict pain on her.

“Notice of foreclosure,” emblazoned on top of the official document, with the seal of the court and signed by some bureaucrat in a courthouse downtown, instructed her the sheriff would evict her and her children from the house in the next week due to nonpayment of mortgage. Belinda fumed, balled up the paper, and tossed it in the trash can. She went to the kitchen, opened the back door, and walked across the rutted, overgrown backyard to the detached garage, closing the door behind her. She proceeded to scream at the top of her lungs for ten minutes.

When her red-hot anger subsided enough for her to not use her magic to smite the world, she marched out of the garage, back across the knee-high grass. Larry, her ex, had promised to give her a wonderful garden, but instead, she had a weed-strewn mess. Just like Larry, all promises and no action. She stumbled over a worn tire he had left among the weeds.

“Goddamn it!” she cursed out loud. “I hate you and your very birth, Larry Eugene Smith!” She walked carefully up the rutted, concrete steps—another item from the honey-do list Larry had never completed—and back into the house. She went to the den, Larry’s preferred room—with the awful paneled walls, stone fireplace, and mini-bar filled with bottles of whiskey, his drink of choice. The room smelled of his cologne, Brash, a foul-smelling holdover from the eighties. She sat down at his little desk and stared at the landline. She hated the thought of making this call. She had ignored her mother’s warnings to not marry the man, to be smart, to be a “Delomary.”

“Be better. Think twice, girl,” her younger sister Lisa, the pragmatic, brainiac one, had warned her.

“I love him,” she’d told Lisa and the youngest sister, Christine, the afternoon before they were set to elope and get married in Vegas.

“He looks like a crook,” Christine, the no-nonsense sister, said, filing her nails at the kitchen table in their parents’ mansion in Holmby Hills. “And he smells like mothballs.”

“That’s his cologne,” Belinda had said.

Christine gagged, “Brash? That’s a sign. He buys his cologne at the chain pharmacy. No good. No good.”

“Elitist,” Belinda had said.


“Belinda,” Lisa had interrupted them, “I think you know we’re right. He’s not right for you.”

“I love him,” Belinda had said, then stood and stalked across the large, sunlight-filled kitchen. “You’re either with me or against me!”

“Bye, fool,” Christine said.

“Bye, haters.”

The joke, of course, was on Belinda. She married Larry at a drive-in wedding chapel off the strip in Vegas and then they honeymooned at a motel far off strip, infamous for being a hotspot for homicides

Her sisters and mother warned Belinda and yet she married him and he had ruined her. She had no money and was about to lose her children’s home because she believed him when he assured her he’d pay the mortgage in lieu of child support. She gritted her teeth, prepared to hear her mother’s words, “I told you so.” Still, she had to hear them. Her mother wasn’t wrong, and now she needed the family money and the family lawyers to save her—from herself and her bad choices. She was terrible at making decisions. She was terrible at love. She had fallen for a con artist. A man who pretended to be something he wasn’t. A prince in shining armor. Instead, she got a magician of sorts. No, he wasn’t magical. Instead, he was good with sleight of hand. He paid the mortgage with one credit card, then opened another to pay the first credit card. He never worked; rather, he lived off credit and a game of cat and mouse with the creditors until the game ended, and he lost. She lost. The kids lost. In a few days, the sheriff would come and evict them from their home.

Late at night, as rain thundered off the roof from a late season storm from the Gulf of Alaska, Belinda accepted defeat and called her mother.


NineStar Press | Books2Read

Timoteo K. Tong grew up in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles dreaming of living in a rambling Victorian mansion. He currently lives with his husband and way too many plants in San Francisco. He is obsessed with cheese pizza, drinking cola, and daydreaming about magic. He sold his first book when he was age eight, a story about his beloved stuffed animal named Crocker Spaniel. He is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators International.

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25 July 2024

Wild Child Wild Heart Mountain: Wild Riders MC Book 10 by Sadie King Book Tour~~ @SilverDaggerBookTours #WildChild #WildRidersMC @AuthorSadieKing


She’s the MC President’s daughter and she’s off limits.

 But we’re on a road trip together and there’s only one


Wild Child

Wild Heart Mountain: Wild Riders MC Book 10

by Sadie King


 Contemporary MC Romance 

She’s the MC President’s daughter, she’s off limits, we’re on a road trip together and there’s only one bed!

Charlie is spontaneous and wild. She’s utterly gorgeous and intent on contradicting everything I say.
She frustrates the heck out of me and turns me on in equal measure.

I shouldn’t fall for the feisty MC President’s daughter.
She’s off limits and fifteen years younger than me.
I’m ex-military and stuck in my ways, she’s a free spirit who follows her heart.

We’re opposites in every way.
But when we’re stuck on a road trip together, and there’s only one bed I don’t know how long this ex-soldier’s defences will hold…

Wild Child is a forbidden love, age gap, forced proximity, steamy romance novella featuring an ex-military biker and the curvy younger woman who's off limits.

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Wild Ride

Wild Heart Mountain

 Wild Riders MC Book 1

If an attractive ex-military biker offered to give you anything you desired, what would you ask for?


Mom always made the decisions for me: Go to college, get a good job in the city, find a nice man in a suit.
Instead, I’ve lost my job and I’ve lost my apartment. I’m single, I still have my v-card, and I’m wildly attracted to the bearded, tattooed biker who rescued me and my broken-down Caddy.
I’ve only ever done things to please Mom until I meet Colter.
He offers me a weekend of yes. One entire weekend where he will do whatever I ask of him.
It’s a fun game at first, but as the weekend goes on, I realize the only thing I want from him is one he’s not prepared to give: his heart.


I don’t do relationships. I have my MC club, my vintage bike collection, and my oversized dog. Women are trouble and best left alone.
But when I see Danni, stranded on the side of my mountain and looking like a pin-up straight out of the fifties, I can’t resist. It’s been a long time since I let a woman on the back of my bike. But Danni is one curvy exception.
She’s spent too long pleasing others, and now it’s my duty to please her.
As long as she knows it’s just for the weekend…

Wild Ride is a forced proximity steamy instalove age gap romance featuring an ex-military mountain man biker and the curvy younger woman who steals his heart.

Authors Note: Wild Ride is a short steamy story that can be read in a couple of hours. If you love a quickie then this one's for you.

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**Don’t miss the rest of the series!**

If you love damaged heroes and curvy girl romance then you’ll love the Wild Riders MC.

This group of ex-military bikers fall hard and fall fast when they encounter the curvy women who heal their hearts.

Expect forced proximity, forbidden love, age gap, fake relationships, single dads, single moms and off limits love with OTT protector heroes who will do anything for the women they love.

Spend some time with Wild Heart Mountain’s Wild Riders MC, the MC that’s all heart.

Find them on Amazon

Sadie King is a USA Today Best Selling Author of short instalove romance. 

She lives in New Zealand with her ex-military husband and raucous young son.

When she’s not writing she loves catching waves with her son, running along the beach, and good wine, preferably drunk with a book in hand.

Keep in touch when you sign up for her newsletter. You’ll even snag yourself a free short romance!

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A Cup of Flour, A Pinch of Death (A Baker Street Mystery) by Valerie Burns Book A Tour with Recipe!

A Cup of Flour, A Pinch of Death (A Baker Street Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Setting – Michigan
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Kensington Cozies (July 23, 2024)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 288 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1496738241
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1496738240
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CLZ49T1M
Audiobook ASIN B0D2LQDDW1

On the shores of Lake Michigan, influencer Maddy Montgomery has turned the bakery she inherited from her great aunt Octavia into a destination. There’s just one thing she won’t post: the body in the freezer . . .

Thanks to Maddy’s social media savvy, Baby Cakes Bakery is becoming a huge success—so much so that she’s attracted the attention of her former nemesis, the fiancé-stealing Brandy Denton. When Brandy blows into New Bison like an ill wind and disrupts a vlog Maddy’s filming, their argument goes viral. After Brandy’s body is found in the freezer at Baby Cakes, Maddy instantly goes from viral sensation to murder suspect.

As Maddy is still reeling from the murder, a stranger shows up in the bakery claiming to have been a friend of Octavia. He believes Maddy is in danger. When a second body washes up on the lake shore, it seems clear someone’s out to kill to keep a secret—and it may have to do with her great aunt.

Maddy rallies her aunt’s friends, the Baker Street Irregulars; Sheriff April Johnson; and her veterinarian boyfriend Michael—not to mention her English mastiff Baby—to do some digging and root out whoever’s behind the killings . . .

About Valerie Burns

Valerie (V. M.) Burns is an Agatha and Edgar Award-nominated author. She is the author of the Mystery Bookshop, Dog Club, RJ Franklin, and Baker Street Mystery series. As Kallie E. Benjamin, Valerie writes the Bailey the Bloodhound Mystery series. She is an adjunct professor in the Writing Popular Fiction Program at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA, and a mentor in the Pocket MFA program. Born and raised in northwestern Indiana, Valerie now lives in Northern Georgia with her two poodles. Connect with Valerie at



1 cup melted butter

2 cups dark brown sugar

2 eggs

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

1¾ cups flour

½ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray an 8"×8" pan with cooking spray or coat with butter.

  2. In a large bowl, mix melted butter and brown sugar.

  3. Add eggs and vanilla and stir vigorously until smooth.

  4. Add the flour, baking powder, and salt and stir until well incorporated.

  5. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and smooth out.

  6. Bake for 45 minutes until the edges are golden and a toothpick comes out mostly clean.

  7. Cool completely, then cut into squares.

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July 20 – Boys’ Mom Reads! – AUTHOR GUEST POST

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July 21 – Lady Hawkeye -SPOTLIGHT


July 22 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

July 22 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

July 23 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW

July 23 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

July 24 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

July 24 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

July 24 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT

July 25 – Celticlady’s Reviews – RECIPE

July 25 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT

July 26 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT

July 26 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author – SPOTLIGHT

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