
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

23 May 2024

Kent and Katcha: Espionage, Spycraft, Romance by Larry and Rosemary Mild! Guest review-Laura & Interview!

Kent and Katcha by Rosemary and Larry Mild 

Kent and Katcha: Espionage, Spycraft, Romance by Larry and Rosemary Mild

 Magic Island Literary Works (March 28, 2024)

 Spy, Thriller, and Romance 

Tour Dates 
May 13-June 21, 2024 


Available in Print and ebook, 248 pages

  Kent and Katcha

Description Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Larry and Rosemary breach deep cover to bring you a novel of high intrigue drawn from Larry’s former association with secret operatives and their spook agencies. The year is 1992. The Soviet Union has collapsed, but danger persists. Young Kent Brukner, a freshly trained American spy, arrives in Moscow for a high-risk mission: to infiltrate and compromise a Russian Federation Army facility.

 Under an alias, in a military uniform, he plies his skills—unprepared for the brutal confrontations and irrational consequences. Kent meets the innocent and passionate Katcha, daughter of a British expatriate and a Russian dissident. Together the lovers embark on a nearly impossible journey, beginning in the foothills of the Ural Mountains. Stalked by the evil Major Dmitri Federov, they must escape from St. Petersburg to Helsinki, Finland, or face life in a Russian prison.

CelticLady’s Interview with Larry and Rosemary Mild (5/14/24)

Please welcome my guests, Larry and Rosemary Mild to CelticLady’s Reviews! Their latest novel is a spy thriller, Kent and Katcha.  

Kathleen: Please tell us something about Kent and Katcha that is not in the summary.  (About the book, character you particularly enjoyed writing etc.)

Larry: Pavel Ilyan is a deranged soul imprisoned in Camp Obuchat with Kent Brukner. He’s a minor character introduced to produce drama in Kent’s miserable life. He keeps turning up in the plot like a bad penny just when things seem to be looking up for our hero. Pavel lives in the moment with no fear of death. He’s easily riled to kill and just as easily pacified with a crust of stale bread.

Rosemary: Katcha’s mother, Mavis, confesses that she had no idea what she was getting into by marrying Papa. She was only nineteen, a highly intelligent English girl, who fell for his charm, sincerity, and virility at a business conference. She loves him. But life in the Russian boondocks, waitressing in her small café, is not what she wants for her daughter. Especially now. Beloved Papa spoke his mind at a meeting and was promptly thrown in prison.   

Kathleen: How do you come up with the names of your characters?  Do you name them after real people?

Larry: Although I have modeled a few of our characters with the traits of actual relatives, I have never named our characters after real people. For much of our work, I’ve relied on our Honolulu Star-Advertisers obituary pages for names. Never the identical name, but a first name from Column A and a second name from Column B. giving me a choice of at least five ethnicities to work with. 

Supplying names for Kent and Katcha presented a whole new problem. With a cast of characters approaching fifty names, I had to turn to the Internet for lists of ethnic Russian first and second names. Then it was a case of selecting from Column First Name and Column Second Name. I tried to pick widely throughout the Anglo alphabet. How the two sounded together usually sealed the selection. Of course, I avoided the Cyrillic spellings of these names.

Rosemary: Many of Larry’s name selections had similar endings, which were confusing—too many started or ended with the same letters. I made a number of changes in several last names. When Larry got the manuscript back from me, he had to reorient himself. In Hawaiian pigeon, he’d ask me, “Who dat?”

Kathleen: What is your favorite scene in the book? Why?

Larry: The balancing of the double scene within the Russian Federation Army Building involved a lot of detail work. Separated by a hallway, the espionage in the general’s office had to coordinated with the alertness of the two men working late in the attaché’s office. What will happen next? I love to build suspense. 

Rosemary: My favorite scene? When Kent and Katcha emerge from the bus station and jump into a taxi, they discover they’re being tailed by a black Mercedes. I love the flamboyant, reckless way Kent deals with it.

Kathleen: Describe the room you are sitting in as though it was a scene in one of your books.

Larry: As I sit behind my primary computer monitor (we each have two), I can see the upper reaches of two six-foot bookcases sprawling right and left. They contain about 300 books, both fiction and nonfiction, including advice on writing such as Telling Lies for Fun and Profit by Lawrence Block. Hanging on the inside of the door are two red sashes and a scroll of Desiderata. The two sashes contain foreign city pins that I collected from our worldly travels. Behind me are three tall file cabinets, and above them, long, crammed-full shelves. Rosemary sits in the opposite corner of the room, hidden by my second monitor. From my desk of well-worn oak, I can look out the floor-to-ceiling windows and see the Pacific Ocean from fifteen stories up.

Rosemary: Spread out on top of our two bookcases are our pride and joy: eight traditional Japanese Daruma dolls. They’re just heads, no arms or legs, modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism. The dolls are paper maché, red with white faces, black eyebrows and mustaches, but no eyes! You buy one hoping for good luck when you are about to launch a particular quest. The tradition is to take the doll home and color in the left eye (with a black marker). After completing your quest successfully, you color in the other eye. Larry and I discovered the Darumas at a Japanese department store here in Honolulu and we were inspired. We bought one each time we started a new book, and colored in the second eye after each one was published. But with twenty books under our belts, we had to stop at eight—no more room in our squashed second-bedroom office.  

Kathleen: What writers have you drawn inspiration from?

Larry: My favorite? Ken Follet and his historical novels about Kingsbridge, England, in centuries past gave me both pleasure and learning. Robert Ruark in Something of Value, Uhuru, and Poor No More gave me insight into African culture and the churning upheaval of the times. James Clavell gave me an Asian point of view in Shogun’s feudal Japan and Noble House’s look into the Hong Kong banking industry. My all-time number two spot goes to Leon Uris with Mila 18, (the only book that made me cry), Hajj, Trinity and QBVII.

For fun I read thrillers (Brad Meltzer, David Baldacci, Clive Cussler, and Wilbur Smith) and mysteries (P.D. James, Elizabeth Peters, and Elizabeth George).   

Rosemary: I love the novels of Tom Wolfe--deeply satiric, cutting to the heart of human foibles, but driven by suspenseful plots. Fully drawn portraits: the master-of-the-universe bond trader who takes a wrong turn in Harlem (Bonfire of the Vanities); and the puffed-up southern real estate tycoon brought to his knees by his bankers (A Man in Full). In the Life of Pi by Yann Martel, I’m sitting in the boat with the animals, sun-scorched, starving, and a true believer despite myself. In A Dog About Town by J.F. Englert, the dog thinks and reads (Dante’s Inferno) and helps his owner solve crimes by pushing alphabet-cereal letters with his nose to form clues on the kitchen table. Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith is my favorite suspense novel of all time.   

Kathleen: What is your usual writing routine?

Larry: In the past, it’s been four to five hours per day, six days per week. But as I get older, it’s been more like three to four hours per day, five days per week. At ninety-one, I need more pure reading time and, of course, my afternoon nap. 

Rosemary: Larry has a waaaaay longer attention span than I do. He has a high concentration ability no matter what he does, whether it's writing or fixing a broken lamp or getting the jammed paper out of my printer. Me? I’ve been going to Jazzercise for forty-six years (since COVID on Zoom). It keeps me strong and lively in between juggling our doctor appointments and a bit of caregiving, so I’m lucky if I get three hours of writing in per day.

Kathleen: What are you currently working on?

Larry: I’m currently writing a sequel to Kent and Katcha with a working title of Kauai Spy. It’s about a foreign spy (mole) on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. The target is the Barking Sands Military Facility. Kent is now a practicing lawyer in Honolulu and his wife, Katcha, is in culinary school. I’m six chapters in, waiting for the characters to lead me into trouble and rescue.

Rosemary: I’m working on the fourth Paco and Molly Murder Mystery, The Moaning Lisa. As usual, Larry, being the more inventive of us, wrote the first two drafts, and passed it on to me. I inject flesh-and-blood into the characters, sharpen dialogue, and add scenes. I especially enjoy writing dialogue with crackling conflict. Katcha is feisty, big time! And that works for me. I came out of the womb arguing. 

Praise for Larry and Rosemary Mild

Cry 'Ohana: Winner of the Readers Favorite, 2011 Award "I was hooked from the very first page. The chapters are short but there is plenty of suspense, intrigue, blackmail and betrayal. The characters are very easy to connect with. The descriptions of Hawaii are excellent. Adventure and suspense make this a book you won't want to miss."-Readers Favorite, for Cry 'Ohana 

 “The beautiful setting, engaging characters, and lively plot combine to bring readers a story that is literally difficult to put down. The novel deftly moves between the characters and their stories concluding with a satisfying finish. It is an engaging story of tragedy, hope, and unconditional love."- Mystery Books Site, Reviewed by Edie Dykeman, BellaOnline's Mystery Books Editor, for Cry 'Ohana “Shame can tear families apart, and murder can obliterate them.

Cry Ohana: Adventure and Suspense in Hawaii tells the story of a Hawaiian family who through a string of tragedies finds their family torn apart. But when they need to find justice, the family struggles to reunite. A story of family and reunion for the betterment of it all, and dedicated to Hawaiian culture, Cry Ohana is a choice pick, highly recommended.”- Midwest Book Review Reviews for On the Rails

“I enjoyed this story and felt like it was well researched in regard to the Depression, the different government work programs, and what it was like to live in the mid-30s. Life was very different then compared to today. The story does not gloss over the dangers of her adventures. She did encounter some men who wanted only one thing. Others tried to rob her of what little she had in her possession.”-Leslie,

Storeybook Reviews “This book has everything you could ask for, non-stop adventure, some history lessons, villains and most importantly, highly likeable characters, who have to overcome every imaginable obstacle.”-Denise, Amazon

“Excellent character development. I adored Bertie. She had such an amazing personality. She was a fighter for sure. She wasn’t afraid to go for what she wanted, even if it meant... pretending to be a man. And fight, she did. She had to fight her way through every situation she came to. Don’t let the sweet and fun of this book fool you. There is plenty of action.

 Having taken place in 1936, this book has lots of great historical aspect to it, which I love! I highly recommend this for anybody who would like something a little bit different. I would definitely read more by this great writing duo!”-Wendy, Wall To Wall Books

“I enjoyed reading On the Rails by the talented co-authors, Larry and Rosemary Mild. I liked going back in time to the Great Depression era and meeting Bertie. I loved her character and getting to know her. She was intriguing and I was fascinated by her story. I would love to read more like this from the writing team Larry and Rosemary Mild in the future.”-Amy, Locks, Hooks, and Books

“A book that not only brings some laughter, but packs an emotional punch. I was pleasantly surprised by the high caliber of the writing in this novel! The writers did a lot of research, and it was employed well throughout the book. This is a great read and one that I highly recommend!”-Bee,

Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Guest Review by Laura

“Hours later, he noticed that the trees were thinning, getting further apart. The clouds started to scatter, and Kent welcomed the broken light afforded by a misshapen moon. Another two hours of trudging and he came upon an actual trail-- a hiker's footpath. He decided to follow it.” 

The year is 1992, and the American government has a problem. Of course, it could be said that they have had a problem for quite a while, but with the fall of the Berlin wall three years earlier, the problem has become somewhat more pressing. Russia has been an unpredictable opponent for as long as anyone can remember-- and now they are getting bolder by the day. 

An American spy, Kent Brukner is sent to Moscow with fake identification to the office of the Russian Federation Army General Uri Molitkov in order to plant a listening device. However, calamity strikes in the form of Kent getting caught as he is leaving the office. With no good explanation for why is on the premises, Kent is arrested and sent, without trial, to a Russian prison. 

Thankfully, due to his cleverness, Kent manages to escape the prison before long, and sets out with nothing but the stolen clothes on his back across the Russian countryside. It is on this strange journey that he meets a waitress named Katcha and the two strike up an immediate bond. But soon, this bond will be threatened as they are on an arduous journey to the United States, with the Russian police chasing them along the way. 

'Kent and Katcha' has everything that I want in a spy novel and it executes it perfectly. I love a good romance, and although I didn't expect this to be a romance, per say, it really is one! 

After reading Larry and Rosemary Mild's last book, 'On The Rails,' I knew that this was going to be an enjoyable reading experience for me, and it truly was. You should definitely pick this one up for yourself! 

About Larry and Rosemary Mild

Kent and Katcha by Rosemary and Larry Mild

Award winning authors Larry and Rosemary coauthor mystery, suspense, and fantasy novels and short stories: The Paco and Molly Mysteries; The Dan and Rivka Sherman Mysteries; 2 Hawaii suspense/thrillers; a sci-fi novella; a historical novel (new); and four collections of short stories.

 They are members of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, the National League of American Pen Women, and Hawaii Fiction Writers. Making their home in Honolulu, Hawaii, in a condo overlooking the Pacific Ocean, they relish time with their daughter and grandchildren. 

Rosemary’s popular personal essays include her new book IN MY NEXT LIFE I’LL GET IT RIGHT. She is a former assistant editor of Harper’s Magazine.


Pre-order Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Giveaway Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild

This giveaway is for 3 print or ebook copies. Print is open to the U.S. only. ebook is open worldwide. This giveaway ends on June 27, 2024 midnight, pacific time. Entries accepted via Rafflecopter only.

Follow Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Kent and Katcha Web Tour Schedule

Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus 

May 13 GP

Linda L. Goodreads 

May 15 Review

Leslie. Storeybook Reviews 

May 17

Guest Review-Nora & Excerpt

Gracie S.


May 20 Review

Carole Rae's Random Ramblings 

Mike M.


May 22 Review


Celticlady’s Reviews 

May 23 Guest review-Laura & Interview


Amazon & Goodreads

 May 31 Review


TTC Books& More 

June 3 Guest Review-Sal & Excerpt

DT Amazon & Goodreads 

June 5 Review


My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews

June 7

Review & Interview



June 10 Review


Locks, Hooks and Books

 June 12 Review & Excerpt


Amazon & Goodreads 

June 25 Review

Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus

 June 26 Review


June 27
Review & Guest Post 

Together in a Broken World by Paul Michael Winters New Release Blitz! @ninestarpress



  Together in a Broken World


 Paul Michael Winters


  NineStar Press

Release Date


Heat Level

 2 - Fade to Black Sex






Science Fiction, post-apocalyptic/dystopia/near future, YA, MM romance, lit/genre fiction, virus warfare, action/adventure, western US, road trip, violence, guns, wilderness survival

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Two boys fall in love in a deadly world, but it’s the secrets they keep that might kill them.

Seventeen-year-old Zach was visiting his uncle in a small Montana town when a mysterious illness ripped through the world. Most died, but those who survived the Infection became mindless killers, spreading the disease with a single scratch. Now, a year later, civilization lies in ruins, and Zach is the town’s sole survivor. Desperately lonely, he longs to return to his family in Seattle, but his fears hold him captive.

Eighteen-year-old Aiden is on a critical mission for the covert Scientific Collective, delivering vials whose contents could cure the Infection. Tortured by his boyfriend’s death, he welcomes the risks of the perilous journey. When a militia attacks Aiden, he flees to Zach’s town.

The boys escape together and soon form a bond as they comfort each other in this desolate and broken world. The farther they travel, the more their affection grows, as do the forces pulling them apart. But their greatest threats are the secrets they keep. Zach hides details of his uncle’s death, and Aiden conceals the vials’ sinister origins. In order to survive, they’ll have to confront the truths that could tear their love apart.

Together in a Broken World
Paul Michael Winters © 2024
All Rights Reserved

A Broken World


It’s hard to get over how desolate the world is now. I haven’t seen another soul for over a week. And if I want to stay alive, I hope to keep it that way.

The road cuts a winding path through a dense forest, the cone of my headlights revealing just enough to see ahead. Everything else is stark blackness. Daft Punk and GRiZ blast through the car’s speakers—an EDM mix I made last year as a DJ for my high school. Back when DJs and high schools existed, that is. The bass rumbling through the seat makes me feel connected to the car.

With one eye on the road, I paw at the backpack resting on the passenger seat. It’s the third time this hour I’ve checked on the vials. The familiar shape of the protective aluminum case through the nylon fabric helps ease my anxiety. For the moment, anyway. It may be a little obsessive, but the vials are my critical cargo. They’re what I’m risking my life for. And I’m doing this for Marcus.

The slightest thought of him sends waves of grief flooding over me. I fight those feelings and bury them away. Letting emotions control me is the surest way of getting killed.

When I pull up to a rest area, the car cuts a path through an inch of pine needles spread over the parking lot. Weeds spring up through every possible crack, and vines are well on their way to swallowing the restrooms whole. The sheer relentlessness of Mother Nature is startling.

Since man-made light is a thing of the past, it’s impossible to see your hand six inches in front of your face, especially on a cloudy, moonless night in rural Montana. The headlights are my only guide through the darkness, so I leave them turned on.

As I open the door, I’m hit with a cold blast of air and the smell of sap. It must be low forties out. My breaths puff out in misty clouds.

Looters often overlook vending machines at rest stops, so I always check them out. I’m pleasantly surprised to find the machines undamaged and nearly full. With a few pries of a crowbar, the lock springs open. I load what I can into my backpack and stuff the rest in a black plastic bag.

After doing my business in the restroom, I return to my faded red ’97 Integra, crunching through the thick layer of decaying pine needles. I stop suddenly, staring at another pair of footprints that cross over mine, head up to my car door, and then into the woods. They were not here before. I’m sure of it.

Did I remember to lock the door?

In a flash, I run to the car and reach for the handle. Locked. Thank god. The second I’m in, I fire up the engine. Debris kicks up from the tires as I hit the gas and speed away.

For the next several minutes, I’m hypervigilant, keeping my eye on the mirrors and looking ahead for a potential ambush. Those footprints could have been from a member of a local militia. Their scouts are notorious for spotting lone cars and radioing for backup.

Or the footprints could have been from one of the people sick with that damn disease. The Infected. It’s unlikely since they went right up to the car door. Once the fever has done its damage, the Infected don’t really have that level of cognitive ability. The path would have been more random.

Either way, I’m glad to put the rest area behind me. As time passes, my nerves start to settle. Guess I got lucky. Maybe it was nothing, like a local survivor passing through.

As the minutes drift by, my eyes get heavy. It’s no use fighting sleep, so I scan the highway for a side road with enough cover to pull over and rest for the night.

That’s when headlights shine in my rearview mirror.

Goddamn it.


NineStar Press | Books2Read

Paul Michael is a lifelong creative writer whose life is filled with queer joy. His passion is to spread that joy through storytelling, writing books where you might not typically see queer characters. 

He lives in the Pacific Northwest with his husband and two tuxedo kitties and might have a slight addiction to reading gay romance. But it’s not a problem. He could stop any time he wants. Honestly.

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Stiletto to the Pedal (The Tow Truck Murder Mysteries) by Karen C. Whalen Book Tour!


Stiletto to the Pedal (The Tow Truck Murder Mysteries) by Karen C. Whalen


Stiletto to the Pedal (The Tow Truck Murder Mysteries) 

Cozy Mystery 5th in Series 

Setting - Colorado 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ The Wild Rose Press, Inc. (May 15, 2024) 

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 250 pages 

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1509254536

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1509254538

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CX5VMF77

When the IRS claims Delaney Morran, the high-heeled tow truck driver and amateur sleuth, owes back taxes, she hires an accountant to fight Uncle Sam. Before Delaney can resolve the issue, a tax collector shows up in Spruce Ridge, Colorado demanding an amount Delaney can’t afford. 

It gets worse when Delaney’s accountant becomes the town’s next murder victim and Delaney’s tax records are locked inside the crime scene. The quickest way to get the Internal Revenue off her case is to catch the killer and get her files back, so she speeds around town questioning suspects while keeping one step ahead of the tax man.

Will Delaney be able to solve yet another murder and secure her records before the IRS shuts her down?

About Karen C. Whalen

Karen C. Whalen is the author of two mystery series for The Wild Rose Press, the Dinner Club Mysteries featuring Jane Marsh, an empty nester who hosts a gourmet dinner club, and the Tow Truck Mysteries starring Delaney Morran, a super feminine shoe-a-holic who drives a tow truck. Both are cozy mysteries about strong friendships and family ties set in Colorado.

The first book in the Dinner Club series tied for First Place in the Suspense Novel category of the 2017 IDA Contest sponsored by Oklahoma Romance Writers of America. In the Tow Truck series, Eyes on the Road was a Second Place winner of the 2023 Firebird Book Awards in the Cozy Mystery category. Whalen worked for many years as a paralegal at a law firm in Denver, Colorado and was a columnist and regular contributor to The National Paralegal Reporter magazine.

Whalen loves to host dinner parties, entertain friends, ride bicycles, hike in the mountains, walk on the beach, and read cozy murder mysteries.



There was something I needed to ask DiNerdo. “Who told you I had assets?”

The tax man answered, “I can’t divulge that. Informants are kept confidential.”

“I have a right to know.”

“There’s no right to that information in the tax code.” 

How did I ever think he was a nice person? I rolled my eyes. “Oh, the all-important tax code.” 

He sighed. “But it’s apparent your only asset is your tow truck.”

A pit opened in my stomach and I clasped my hands in my lap to keep them from trembling. “Don’t even think of laying a hand on my truck. I’ll borrow the money from my parents. I’ll get it for you.” Yes, I caved.

He snapped, “It’s not me you owe. It’s the United States Department of Treasury.” 

“You said I still have four days left. Four days, remember? I’m certain I’ll have the money to you by then.” This hassle would all be over soon and DiNerdo would leave me alone.

He stood. “Good day, Ms. Morran. Thanks for the tea.” His face looked grim as he strode over to the sink and put his mug inside.

“You’re welcome.” I swung the door open wide and slammed it shut behind him.

Could the IRS really take possession of my truck? My self-loading Fulcan Xtruder was paid for. I’d inherited it free and clear. An asset to the business, yes, but more valuable to me than an asset. The truck had been my dad’s. It represented my connection to him. What if I lost the truck? If I was a good daughter I’d take good care of his truck.

Threatening to take my truck brought out a whole new level of angry. Threatening my self-loader made me bat-shit crazy. Nobody was going to take that away from me, not even Uncle Sam.



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May 15 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT

May 15 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT


May 16 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR GUEST POST

May 17 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 18 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW

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May 20 – StoreyBook Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST

May 21 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

May 22 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

May 23 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 24 – Reading Is My SuperPower – AUTHOR GUEST POST

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Blindspot by Maggie Smith April 29 - May 24, 2024 Virtual Book Tour!


Blindspot by Maggie Smith Banner

Blindspot by Maggie Smith

From the author of the award-winning Truth and Other Lies comes a gripping suspense novel about an ambitious prosecutor on the hunt for her sadistic stalker . . . only to be framed for murder when he turns up dead.

Rachel Matthews is used to stress—from the cutthroat world of the district attorney’s office to her escalating clashes with her teenage daughter. So when a stranger sends a lavish bouquet with a macabre message and leaves a disturbing video on her doorstep, she’s quick to act. Teaming up with an old classmate turned private investigator, she wades through old case files, searching for someone harboring a grudge. But before she has time to pinpoint a suspect, her stalker issues a demand—he wants money, lots of it, or he’ll hurt her daughter.

Desperate to protect her child, Rachel agrees but soon finds herself fleeing a bloody crime scene, fearful for her life. As evidence mounts against her, Rachel realizes it’s up to her to unmask the enemy behind this vendetta before it’s too late.

Fans of Scott Turow’s Presumed Innocent, Julie Clark’s The Lies I Tell and Heather Chavez’ Before She Finds Me will embrace this taut tale of long-simmering revenge right up to its surprising and twisty climax.

Book Details:

Genre: Psychological Suspense
Published by: Puzzle Box Press
Publication Date: May 21, 2024
Number of Pages: 318
ISBN: 9798989677917
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

April 24, 2023, County Courthouse

The killer is sitting in this courtroom and it’s up to me to prove it.

It isn’t every day a murder this sensational happens in Milwaukee. Sure, we’ve had our share of drive-by shootings, domestic arguments that escalated, home invasions that turned deadly. And yes, there was that lurid trial a while back where the deranged sicko drugged, then ate his victims. That one landed our city in the national spotlight. A once in a lifetime case.

But this one’s right up there. Everyone involved is high profile. Which means it warrants the top guns. Which means my boss of nine years, Marcus Huntley, Deputy DA, is sitting first chair. I catch his eye and his expression confirms what I already know. This is the most important case of my career, and if the verdict goes south, any hope for that promotion goes right along with it.

But this isn’t only about winning for me. There’s a lot more at stake. Consequences I don’t dare think about or I’ll lose my nerve. Because even though the police are convinced this is an open and shut case, I know better.

I know they’ve arrested the wrong person.

Because I witnessed the murder. But for reasons I can’t reveal, I have to keep quiet. Only two people know the whole story and I’ve sworn them to secrecy.

I watch the crowd. Examine every person in detail. Who’s talking to whom, who’s staring at their lap, who’s looking around the room. Who’s fidgeting, adjusting their tie, or rummaging through their purse. Who looks bored and who looks agitated? But even though I’m an expert in spotting a tell, I’m coming up empty.

The electricity in the air ratchets up as the judge enters and the bailiff calls the case. I’ve been up most of the night, pacing the floor, rehearsing my lines, imagining how today would go. What to say and what not to say. What needs to happen so I can walk out of here satisfied.

Part of me wants to scream. Part of me wants to whimper. Part of me wants to rush out the door and never look back.

But I don’t do any of those things. Instead I steel my nerves and set aside the theatrics. A bead of sweat slithers down my spine as I stand to address the judge.

In an orange jumpsuit. And handcuffs.

“Rachel Elizabeth Matthews. You stand accused of first-degree intentional homicide.

How do you plead?”

“Not guilty, Your Honor,” I reply.


Excerpt from Blindspot by Maggie Smith. Copyright 2024 by Maggie F Smith. Reproduced with permission from Maggie Smith. All rights reserved.

Maggie Smith

In a career that’s included work as a journalist, a psychologist, and the founder of a national art consulting company, Maggie Smith added novelist to her resume with the publication of her debut, Truth and Other Lies, a women’s fiction novel set in Chicago and released in March 2022 by Ten16 Press. It won NIEA’s Juror Grand Prize, the Star Award for Debut Fiction from the Women’s Fiction Writers Association, Foreword  INDIES Gold Metal for General Fiction, and was selected for the Women’s Book Association Great Group Reads.

In addition to her writing, Maggie hosts the weekly podcast Hear Us Roar (215+ episodes), blogs monthly for Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and is Managing Editor for Chicago Writer’s Association Write City E-Zine. 

 She resides in Milwaukee WI with her husband and her aging but still adorable sheltie. Her second novel, a psychological suspense called BLINDSPOT will be released in May 2024.

Catch Up With Maggie Smith:
BookBub - @MaggieSmithWriter
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Threads - @maggiesmithwrites



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