
To any authors/publishers/ tour companies that are looking for the reviews that I signed up for please know this is very hard to do. I will be stopping reviews temporarily. My husband passed away February 1st and my new normal is a bit scary right now and I am unable to concentrate on a book to do justice to the book and authors. I will still do spotlight posts if you wish it is just the reviews at this time. I apologize for this, but it isn't fair to you if I signed up to do a review and haven't been able to because I can't concentrate on any books. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly April 2nd 2024

21 May 2024

The Broken and Afraid by Monica Corwin Book Tour!

The Broken and Afraid
by Monica Corwin
Publication date August 1st 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

I can still feel the sand under my nails. The blood on my skin.

Parrish’s blood on my skin.

It’s been a year since my friends, Poe, Gin, and I returned home from overseas and left military service. A year of waiting to take our fallen friend’s ashes to the ocean he loved more than anything else.

But we can’t do it alone. Not when every night is a circle jerk of nightmare fuel and none of us can even look at each other without breaking.

I need her. The nurse who saved my life, my ex, the girl I thought I’d marry one day. But she hates me. I’m only hoping she can put our past aside long enough for one final mission.

The Broken and Afraid is a why choose steamy road trip romance with ptsd reconciliation, sword crossing, and so much only one RV vibes. 
Monica Corwin is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. She is an outspoken writer attempting to make romance accessible to everyone, no matter their preferences. As a Northern Ohioian, Monica enjoys snow drifts, three seasons of weather, and a dislike of Michigan football. Monica owns more books about King Arthur than should be strictly necessary. Also typewriters...lots and lots of typewriters.

You can find her on 
Monica Corwin is also on 

If you want up to date information on releases be sure to follow her here 

Rest in Peace An Eva Rae Thomas Mystery #15 by Willow Rose Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #EvaRaeThomasMystery @willowredrose @willowroseauthor

Lies and secrets pile up in this chilling next installment of Willow Rose’s bestselling series about FBI profiler Eva Rae Thomas.

Rest in Peace

An Eva Rae Thomas Mystery #15

by Willow Rose


Suspense, Thriller, Mystery

Sarah Chapman is angry at her husband. She’s also drunk… very drunk as she drives down their street, ready to face him.

When a neighbor hears the commotion and rushes to help, he finds her inside, gun still in her hand, and her husband, Steven, dead in the bed.

Sarah is arrested and taken away but claims to be innocent.

The only one who believes her is FBI profiler, Eva Rae Thomas.
She knows Sarah personally, and as she looks at the evidence in the case, she is convinced that Sarah is telling the truth, even though she was highly intoxicated when the event occurred.

But the detective on the case is determined to have her convicted for the murder.

As more bodies turn up, only Eva Rae Thomas sees the connections and soon starts a race against time to prove Sarah is innocent and to catch the real murderer before it’s too late and her own family is targeted.

Lies and secrets pile up in this chilling next installment of Willow Rose’s bestselling series about FBI profiler Eva Rae Thomas.

Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads

Willow Rose is a multi-million-copy best-selling Author and an ALL-star Author of more than 90 novels.

She has sold more than six million books that are translated into many languages.

Willow's books are fast-paced, nail-biting pageturners with twists you won't see coming.

That's why her fans call her The Queen of Plot Twists.

Willow lives on Florida's Space Coast with her kids, two cats and her Goldendoodle. When she is not writing or reading, you will find her surfing and watching the dolphins play in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

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Ashes on the Wind (Leopold and Loeb 1924) 100th year of the Crime of the Century May 21st 2024


Ashes on the Wind 

The Love Story Behind The Crime of the Century

This crime happened 100 years ago in 1924. There are many books about the crime. Brandy Purdy gets a bit more intimate about what the Leopold and Loeb crime was about and why would two young wealthy men with the world at their feet commit such a crime. With impeccable research, Brandy tells the intimate story of Leopold and Loeb on a different level than other people have done. A very important fiction book written by an author who takes her time to tell a story. She has 9 other historical fiction books of which 2 others are highlighted here. 

What is the book about?

"Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb were the defendants in the infamous Leopold and Loeb case. They were wealthy and highly intelligent students who committed a heinous crime in 1924. The duo kidnapped and murdered a 14-year-old boy named Bobby Franks in Chicago, believing they could commit the perfect crime. 

Their motive was to demonstrate their intellectual superiority by committing a flawless act of violence. However, their arrogance led to their eventual capture and trial.

Clarence Darrow, a renowned defense attorney, represented them during the trial, which became a significant legal spectacle. Ultimately, Leopold and Loeb were sentenced to life imprisonment for their crime. Their case raised questions about criminal responsibility, punishment, and rehabilitation."  

What motivated them?

"Leopold and Loeb’s motive for the crime was rooted in their misguided belief in their own intellectual superiority. They sought to prove their brilliance by committing a “perfect” murder. Unfortunately, their arrogance led to their capture and a significant legal trial"

Nathan (Babe) Leopold and Richard (Dickie) Loeb

575 pages 

Kindle Edition

Published April 15, 2024

Ashes on the Wind

(Leopold and Loeb 1924)

As he packed up his medical bag Dr. Frankenthal shook his head glumly and muttered "You'd both be better off if you said goodbye right now."
Naturally, I ignored him. He didn't understand us, nobody did. It was all so much drunken drama, but in the cold light of morning and sobriety the fire always burned out. It was like our love endured a nightly cremation and then at dawn we watched it rise anew, reborn, a phoenix from the ashes. It truly was a beautiful thing!

Link to Interview with Brandy Purdy 

Launch Day Book Blast for EXILES, Literary Fiction/Coming of Age by L.J. Ambrosio!

Welcome to the Launch Day Book Blast for EXILES, a Literary Fiction/Coming of Age by L.J. Ambrosio, organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

The author will award a $20 Amazon/BN GC, an autographed copy of the book, or a dragonfly necklace to three randomly drawn winners. 

Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

In this final chapter, Ron's story concludes from Reflections on the Boulevard (2023). Michael's wish was for Ron to exile himself in the heart of Paris with its beautiful culture and citizens as they protest and fight for the soul of the city. Ron's journey is met with life-affirming friendships and lessons along the way. The final book in the Reflections of Michael Trilogy, which started with A Reservoir Man (2022).

Tour Dates 

A cool autumn breeze, in the twilight, wrapped around our exile who sat on a bench in front of a bookstore that resembled a place we might find in a Tolkien novel. On this street, rue de la Buccheri, was the bookstore Shakespeare and Company. The store itself was famous for housing the books of many great literary artists on their shelves. They also supported any young or old artistic vagabonds by allowing them to sleep in the aisles of the bookstore on makeshift beds when finding themselves homeless.

Ron, who managed the store, sat on this bench every evening thinking of Michael. Ron thought of things he remembered and how much he learnt from Michael. He felt the emptiness in his soul, yearning to have that connection just one more time. He had lived in Paris for six years now, a brief time for an exile, yet he was free from a society drowning in untruths; his refuge was the bookstore.

Just like every night, as Ron prepared to close the store, he occasionally checked the front of the store, looking for his friend. Then, he noticed another young man still looking at books on the outside shelves.

Ron moved outside to get a closer look at the late customer under the guise of moving the outdoor book bins back inside. He suddenly noticed that the young man was putting a book down his pants.

Ron raised his voice and shouted for the thief to put the book back on the shelf. The young man, caught in the act, ran away.

The young man sprinted and tripped while running past the café. In this stumble, he decided to turn the corner and make his way rapidly toward la Seine.

Louis J. Ambrosio ran one of the most nurturing bi-coastal talent agencies in Los Angeles and New York. He started his career as a theatrical producer, running two major regional theaters for eight seasons. Ambrosio taught at 7 Universities. Ambrosio also distinguished himself as an award-winning film producer and novelist over the course of his impressive career.

Whispers Through The Canvas by Kathleen McGillick Blog Tour!


Whispers Through the Canvas

Murder... Across the Fractured Corridors of Time.

Plunged into a centuries-old conspiracy, unconventional art historian Rowan Southeil must race against time to stop an ancient evil from rewriting history. When a young artist is murdered in a chilling echo of medieval violence, Rowan finds herself drawn to a seemingly unrelated clue - a 16th-century painting drenched in arcane symbols. Aided by the victim's haunting presence, Rowan delves into the painting's mysterious past, uncovering a dark conspiracy that stretches back generations.

Teaming up with the pragmatic Detective Lancaster, the intuitive Rowan follows a daring journey through time, from the storied halls of 16th-century Tudor London to the secretive 17th-century Vatican. As she awakens powerful elemental forces within herself, Rowan must decipher the painting's secrets - and the connection to the medieval-style murder - before Lev Rubilov, a dark centuries-old occultist, can harness its magic to rewrite history and restore a twisted vision of the past.

For fans of genre-blending thrillers like A Discovery of Witches and Outlander, this captivating novel weaves together mystery, the supernatural, and high-stakes time travel in a race against the clock to stop an ancient evil. Whispers Through The Canvas is a crime story, filled with action and adventure, within a historical fantasy milieu. If you love kick-ass heroines who have a bit of life experience and walk on the wild side of magic, this book is for you.

- The protagonist arrives in 16th century London through the paintings portal

Ornate oak furnishings crowded the space, and richly hued tapestries and velvet drapes materialized in my vision. Polished planks underfoot creaked with each cautious step as I moved through warm beams of daylight, slivering the blanket of oak on the walls. The lavender-kissed air hung heavy. Every detail screamed 16th century.

With each cautious step, I moved silently, my footsteps barely making a sound on the smooth surface. I couldn’t shake the feeling of vulnerability. As I navigated the room, I marveled at the wealth and privilege that permeated every corner. This was the dwelling of someone of significant means and influence.

However, my own circumstances had drastically changed. Now, clad in incongruous 16th century attire, I felt like an imposter in this lavish setting. Every instinct urged me to be discreet, to blend into the shadows, for the consequences of being discovered in this time and place could be dire. As I approached the window, I positioned myself to the side, careful not to obstruct the view. Peeking out, my eyes widened at the sight before me. The architecture of the manor house was unmistakably Tudor.

In the midst of the courtyard, my attention was drawn to a man and a woman engaged in an intense conversation. Their body language spoke volumes, revealing a complex dynamic between them. The woman appeared wary, keeping a safe distance from the man, who emitted an air of power and significance. A sense of recognition stirred within me as I wondered if these were the very individuals I had glimpsed inside the witch ball. Who were they, and what role did they play in this intricate web of events? The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, but there were still many unanswered questions.

Yet, amidst the intrigue and uncertainty, a sense of danger loomed. The strict societal norms and limited rights, particularly for women, during the mid-1500s added a layer of apprehension. Aware of the risks, I reminded myself to remain cautious and observant. The task at hand was to gather as much information as possible, decipher the motives of those around me, and navigate this treacherous era without drawing attention to myself. It was a delicate dance, one that required me to blend in while searching for answers.

Keenly aware, I continued to survey the courtyard, my eyes darting from one figure to another, searching for any clue that might shed light on my situation. My palms grew slick. Who were these mysterious figures exchanging forbidden goods?

My heart jumped. A voice said, “That is Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey.”  

“Jesus! You about gave me a heart attack. Who are you?” I said and whirled around to see a tiny older woman clad like me, in mid-16th century garb. The woman from the orb.

She continued without introduction. “Ah, Henry Howard, he is a great poet; he is. But not well-liked. Arrogant he is. And because of that, he will lose his handsome head. Go on, open the window. Give it a listen. Do you think you can stop the exchange?” 

Henry Howard. Could it be him?

I touched the black metal handle on the window, pulled it down, and with a slight push, the window eased open. The secluded area was quiet except for the chirping birds perched in a gnarled oak tree. The man accepted a package wrapped in cloth bound with twine. He peeled back the fabric revealing a painting.

“No one must ever know,” the man I assumed was Henry said. “This must remain our secret.”

“For both our sakes,” the woman said sternly, with a heavy German accent. “If His Majesty found out I had painted such a woman for you—”

“Yes, yes,” Henry said, undeterred, and pressed a leather pouch into her palm. “Now you must go.”

The woman placed the pouch inside the folds of her smartly made dress and slipped away. What was I supposed to do? Run like a madwoman and snatch the painting from him?

From the bustling courtrooms of Atlanta to the vibrant tapestry of 16th-century England, Kathleen McGillick's life and career have been a captivating blend of legal expertise, artistic passion, and a thirst for adventure.

Fueled by an undergraduate and graduate degree in nursing, Kathleen built a foundation of compassion and care. 

This dedication to service later led her to pursue a Juris Doctorate, allowing her to navigate the intricacies of the legal system for nearly three decades. Her courtroom experience now breathes life into the intricate details of her legal thrillers, ensuring every courtroom scene crackles with authenticity.

But Kathleen's story doesn't end there. A deep fascination with art history led her to delve into the world of renowned artists and captivating eras. Her particular passion for 16th-century British history allows her to transport readers to richly detailed historical settings, immersing them in the culture, politics, and societal nuances of the time.

Driven by an unwavering dedication to her craft, Kathleen has independently published eleven legal thrillers since 2018. Her commitment extends beyond solo creation, as she actively engages with the writing community, honing her skills through workshops and courses led by renowned authors.

And when she's not crafting captivating narratives, Kathleen embarks on international journeys, soaking in diverse cultures and experiences that further enrich her writing. This global perspective adds another layer of depth and realism to her stories, allowing readers to connect with characters and settings that transcend geographical boundaries.

To delve deeper into Kathleen's world and explore her captivating legal thrillers, visit her website at

Audio Book Blast Grounds for Murder: Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries by Lena Gregory Read by Eleanor McCormick Book Blast




Grounds for Murder: Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries 

Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series 

Setting - Watchogue, Long Island, New York 

Audiobook (May 21, 2024) 

Publisher – Tantor 

 Audio Listening Length – 6 hours and 55 minutes 

ASIN : B0D324Q1S7 

Audio CD ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CZ2KWM4M 

Gemma Halliday Publishing (November 21, 2023) 

Number of Pages 226 

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CCLT922F

From author Lena Gregory comes a tasty new mystery with a killer twist...

Danika Delaney is thrilled to have taken over her uncle Jimmie's old fashioned malt shop on eastern Long Island and is working hard to make it her own. In an effort to increase business, Danika invites a mystery writer to the Coffee & Cream Café for a discussion and book signing. 

Things seem to be going well, until a guest shows up and confronts the author, accusing him of plagiarizing his work. Embarrassed by the incident, Danika goes to the inn where the writer is staying the following morning, hoping to apologize and offer him another chance to return. What she finds instead is his dead body—beside a cup of poisoned coffee! Now it's up to Danika to find out who wanted to silence the author... before the killer decides to write Danika a not-so-happy ending!

About Lena Gregory

Lena grew up in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island, but she recently traded in cold, damp, gray winters for the warmth and sunshine of central Florida, where she now lives with her husband, three kids, son-in-law, and four dogs. 

Her hobbies include spending time with family, reading, and walking. Her love for writing developed when her youngest son was born and didn’t sleep through the night. She works full time as a writer and a freelance editor and is a member of Sisters in Crime.

Author Links Purchase Links Amazon - B&N - Kobo

Audiobook Coming Soon!

Release Date June 25, 2024


May 21

Guatemala Paula Loves to Read

Maureen's Musings


Sarah Can't Stop Reading

Eskimo Princess Book Reviews

Reading Is My SuperPower

Cozy Up With Kathy

StoreyBook Reviews

Celticlady's Reviews

Sapphyria's Book Reviews

Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book

May 22

Ruff Drafts

Socrates Book Reviews

Girl With Pen

Literary Gold

Christa Reads and Writes

Baroness Book Trove

Hearts & Scribbles

Christy's Cozy Corners

Brooke Blogs

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20 May 2024

Romancing the Feral Coletti Warlords Series Book 18 by Gail Koger Book Tour! s #RomancingTheFeral @ColettiWarlordBooks @gkoger58 @SilverDaggerBookTours

 With danger lurking at every turn and unexpected allies

 by her side, she'll stop at nothing to find love and


Romancing the Feral

Coletti Warlords Series Book 18

by Gail Koger


SciFi Romance, Comedic Adventure

Much to her parents’ delight, Zadie’s angelic appearance and unique psychic abilities won her the title of master thief by the time she was twelve years old. Zadie wasn’t so elated, she hated stealing.

Her parents’ life of crime was how they ended up on Gliese, the hellhole of the galaxy, where every day was a fight for survival, and the inhabitants would slit your throat for a scrap of food, or a bottle of clean water. Zadie’s innocent appearance hides the feral warrior she’s becoming.

Jedrick, commander of a Coletti battle group, is stunned to discover this dangerous child is his future mate and it's a full-time job keeping her alive. Will she live to see twenty-one?

Amazon * Smashwords *Bookbub * Goodreads

Poof! Out of nowhere, a huge, very angry Coletti warrior with red chains woven into his warrior’s braids appeared with a laser pistol in one hand. His cold amber gaze studied me for a moment and then dismissed me as harmless.


I rolled my eyes. Like Mother always said, ‘Males are predictable and incredibly stupid’. Uncle Ax had psychic abilities, but he seldom used them. If he had mentally scanned the area for any kind of threats, he wouldn’t be oblivious to the Coletti warrior standing behind him. Now would he? Once again it was up to me to save the day. I raised my hands and in my best scared little girl voice cried, “Don’t shoot us. Please, don’t shoot us.”

Uncle Ax’s head jerked up. His eyes began to glow as he summoned his berserker powers.


I smothered a groan. In his berserker mode, reckless didn’t even begin to describe Uncle Ax.


Totally ignoring the weapon pointed at him, Uncle Ax attacked the warrior.


To my horror, the fight lasted about sixty seconds. My uncle was abruptly face down on the floor and handcuffed. “I am Battle Commander Jedrick, and you are under arrest for theft, sabotage, terrorism, and child endangerment.” He held out his hand to me. “Come to me child. You are safe now.”


Like I said, predictable. He thought the laser pistol on my gun belt was a toy and he wasn’t wearing his battle armor. I whipped out my child-sized weapon and fired.


Jedrick’s eyes widened in surprise as the stun beam hit him in the chest. He crumpled to the deck as violent muscle spasms contorted his body. His gaze never left me. It was as if he was imprinting me on his mind.

Howdy. My name is Gail Koger and once upon a time I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher. Too many years of wild requests, screwy questions, bizarre behavior and outrageous demands have left me with a permanent twitch and an uncontrollable craving for chocolate. I took up writing science fiction romance to keep from killing people. So far, it has worked.

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Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$20 Amazon giftcard,

ebook of Stilettos & Sniper Rifles by Gail Koger,

ebook of Forever Askole by Gail Koger

-1 winner each!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Loving Lizzy by Cassie Colton 🌠 EXCERPT REVEAL! 🌠 @cassiecoltonauthor


Title: Loving Lizzy 

Author: Cassie Colton 

Genre: Contemporary Romance/ Medical Romance 

Release Date: June 4, 2024 

Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

Pediatric doctor Michael Harris embarks on a humanitarian mission, only to be kidnapped by rebels, leaving his pregnant wife, Elizabeth, to face the challenges that unfold in his absence. As Elizabeth gives birth to their son Conner while Michael is held captive, tragedy strikes when Conner succumbs to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome four weeks later.

Enduring the pain of her husband's captivity and the loss of their son alone, Elizabeth is shocked when she receives a call from her doctor with a devastating diagnosis: breast cancer. Fearing the possibility of history repeating itself, as Michael had witnessed his mother's battle with the same disease, Elizabeth decides to face this battle on her own.

When Michael finally reunites with the woman he loves, he is determined to convince her to fight for herself and their future together. Will Michael be able to break through the walls Elizabeth has built around herself and inspire her to join him in the fight for their shared happiness?


Tears fell from her face, smearing her perfectly made-up persona. He took her hand and led her to the couch. After searching the disorganized condo, for Lizzy’s standards, for tissues, he finally brought out a roll of toilet paper. He picked up the papers and set them beside him as he picked her up and sat her on his lap.

“Is it another man?” he asked softly. Afraid if she said yes, he’d lose it, yet needing to know. His OCD ex-wife was off her game, and he wasn’t leaving until he knew the truth. His hand automatically swiped the tear running down her cheek as her eyes remained fixed on the documents.

Lizzy stroked along his jaw as she shook her head. “I’d never do that to you.”

“But you don’t want to see me anymore. What isn’t working?” He held the makeshift tissue while she blew her nose. He noticed the paleness of her face and the dark circles under her eyes as they flitted to the items beside him.

Michael’s gaze followed hers and landed on the pages. His eyes glossed over the words and stopped at “breast cancer.” He swallowed down the lump in his throat as he faced her. “Are you sick?” His heart raced as he watched her startled gaze meet his.

Her silence confirmed his fear.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he whispered.

She rose up from his lap and walked across the room. Her hand fiddled with the longer strands of hair on the back of her neck from her pixie cut. “I didn’t plan on telling you. I intend to face this alone. I don’t want you to stay, especially now.” she whispered as if she didn’t want to say the words aloud.

Cassie Colton is a best-selling and award-winning author of romantic suspense, military, and contemporary romance. Always an avid book reader and storyteller, she worked for one of the happiest places on earth. There, she found her love for making magic and happily ever afters.

The Serenity Mountain Series begins her author journey, detailing the lives of former military men and women who have lost their way and found peace on Serenity Mountain. Like in every story, her characters have to fight through adversity to find happiness ever after.

Like life, Cassie writes about character struggles that sometimes become dark before they see the light, but she always provides a happy ending. She believes everyone deserves to find happiness and love because it is the only thing worth fighting for.

She now lives in Virginia with her wonderful family and service dog, Leia. She enjoys gardening, flowers, cooking, and learning about beekeeping.


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