
To any authors/publishers/ tour companies that are looking for the reviews that I signed up for please know this is very hard to do. I will be stopping reviews temporarily. My husband passed away February 1st and my new normal is a bit scary right now and I am unable to concentrate on a book to do justice to the book and authors. I will still do spotlight posts if you wish it is just the reviews at this time. I apologize for this, but it isn't fair to you if I signed up to do a review and haven't been able to because I can't concentrate on any books. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly April 2nd 2024

14 May 2024

Grab your copy of Captivating Anika (On Call, #9) by Freya Barker!


Title: Captivating Anika (On Call, #9) 

Author: Freya Barker 

Genre: Romantic Suspense 

Release Date: May 14, 2024 

Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

Anika Jones has her future carefully plotted out and is checking the boxes, one by one, despite the bumps thrown in her path. This last one is a challenge, but she manages to stay on track; her salon is thriving, and she just bought a house. Unfortunately, when one of her employees runs into trouble, she inevitably gets sucked in, throwing her carefully paced life off-balance. It doesn’t help a friend, who’s been ghosting her for a year, suddenly makes an appearance.

He was born to pig farming, but for Noah (Hog) Hodgekins fighting fires is his calling. He wasted too many years honoring a legacy he wants no part of. But now that he’s finally free from family obligations, there’s nothing holding him back from pursuing the life he’s been dreaming of. The first step is mending bridges with the one person who is central to that future, but she comes with her own challenges, family and otherwise.

Instead of treading carefully to gain her heart, he ends up throwing caution to the wind when her recent string of bad luck lands the FBI on her doorstep.


USA Today bestselling author Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories. With forty-plus books already published, she continues to create characters who are perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy. 

Recipient of the 2019 Best Book We've Read All Year Award for "Covering Ollie, the 2015 RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for Best First Book, “Slim To None”, Finalist for the 2017 Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, and Finalist for the 2020 Kindle Book Award with “When Hope Ends”, Freya spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

Hidden in the Shadows by A.D. Vancise Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #HiddenInTheShadows @AngieVanciseAuthor @vancisea #books

Never trouble Trouble, ‘til Trouble troubles you,

for if you trouble Trouble, Trouble’s sure to trouble you. 

Hidden in the Shadows

by A.D. Vancise

Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Mystery

"All I can ever think about is murdering her." -C.B.

Twenty-three-year-old Evie Day never dreamt she’d be back in Woodsville Arkansas, a small town in the middle of nowhere, after having left five years earlier, but the death of her grandfather called for her return. After discovering a photo from 1933 of a mysterious woman standing next to a tiny wooden box, a strange vial of blood wrapped up in a handkerchief in the pocket of her grandfather’s overalls, and a key hidden in his desk drawer that belongs to a secret safety deposit box, Evie is unwittingly thrown into a world of evil where those closest to her are the ones to be the most feared and danger lurks around every corner.

Hidden in the Shadows by A.D. Vancise shines a light on the darkness and reveals the underlying players that have been hunting in plain sight.


The survivors of satanic rituals and child trafficking inspired this book, along with a photo I found in my grandfather’s family photos of a mysterious woman standing beside a tiny box. My grandfather died with the real story of what happened. He was a police officer.

I knew I had to take this story down a dark path once I heard the victims’ stories and those who never believed them. The killer’s POV is based on true testimonials of survivors. These horrific acts happened and continue to happen to kids worldwide.

Having said that, I feel the importance of noting a trigger warning for intense graphic material such as child trafficking, sadism, occult rituals, sexual and physical abuse, violence, and murder. If reading this material evokes memories of or PTSD from abuse, please contact professionals or a safe person immediately. This novel is in no way meant to sensualize or exploit these serious events. It requires courage to read this story meant to bring awareness to these heinous acts and give a voice to the children who no longer have one. It’s to shed light on a darkness that has plagued this world for far too long. I am awed by all those who can receive this information and want to help the children. We all need to give them a voice. Thank you for being brave enough to read this story.


A.D. Vancise

Reviews for Hidden In the Shadows

"Writing with crisp efficiency, mordant wit, and bursts of searing terror, Vancise whets the novel's escalating puzzles and portents with an edge of queasy uncertainty." -Editors Pick, Booklife. 

"If you're looking for a spine-tingling read that will leave you wondering who to trust, what dangers are lurking beneath the surface and when the next twist will come, then Hidden in the Shadows is the book for you."-Booktrib. 

"Hidden in the Shadows by A. D. Vancise is a thrilling mystery that keeps readers in suspense from the first clue until the end." – Five Stars. Literary Titan.

"A.D. Vancise excels in crafting a dark, atmospheric story." -D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

"If you are a reader who is tired of reading the same old books that are lackluster and forgettable, then take a chance with this will not be disappointed." -The Red-Headed Book Lover.

"The author vividly informs your mind's eye." – Five Stars. Readers' Favorite.

Dark, disturbing, and gripping.” -Five Stars. Bookview Review. 

A grim but exciting and compelling mystery even in its most disconcerting moments.” Kirkus Review.

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A D Vancise lives in Canada. When she’s not writing, she’s taking care of her three dogs, her cat, two ducks and some chickens. Her daughter is her inspiration for all things wonderful in the world

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13 May 2024

Friends for Life by Liz Murphy Blog Tour!

Friends for Life

Kate, Rose and Pascalle are thrown together because they share one experience – they have each lost their husbands. Shocked and bewildered, all three try to work out what it means to be suddenly alone with no partner, no security and their entire future wiped out.

If that wasn’t enough, they are also faced with family conflict, elderly parents, and a support network that turns out to be sadly lacking. And for each woman, secrets from the past threaten to derail their attempts to move on.

*On the surface, Kate’s husband Jason was fun-loving and generous. Only she knows differently. In the months after his death, her attempts to rid her life of the things that trigger bad memories are also driving her son away. By keeping Jason’s secret is she in danger of losing her son as well?

*Rose and Richard were soul mates. Married straight out of university, they shared a career, a business and a love of the good life. Childless, they lived only for each other, or so Rose thought. That all changed the night Richard was killed in a car crash.

*Once spirited, vibrant and flamboyantly French, Pascalle is now a grey shadow of herself. Her husband Trevor’s death has left her so emotionally paralysed, she can’t accept that he’s gone. Then her daughter offers her a chance to create a new life for herself. But will past secrets emerge to hinder her decision?

We follow Kate and Rose through their first year without their husbands. As their friendship with Pascalle grows they encourage each other to be brave, to take control of their lives, and to begin to heal. They draw on past mistakes to help each other build new relationships with their families. And by trusting each other, they realise that true friendship can point the way to a new future.

Friends for Life by Liz Murphy 

Kate, Rose and Pascalle have recently met at a drinks party where they were reluctant guests. All three have been struggling to cope with the deaths of their husbands, and each sees in the other women who understand exactly what they’re going through. They’ve arranged to meet again at a cafĂ© to chat more. Pascalle, who’s been unable to move on from the death of her husband Trevor four years ago, has just had a dream where he tells her it’s time for her to let him go…

Pascalle had been sitting quietly listening to Kate and Rose, and when they finished she took a deep breath and lifted her head as though she’d made a difficult decision. ‘Can I tell you ladies about a dream I had? I haven’t shared this with a soul.’

Rose and Kate both nodded at the same time. ‘Of course, say anything you like,’ encouraged Rose.

Pascalle began the story of her dream and ended with Trevor’s line: ‘You have to let go of the past to move into the future.’

Tears shone in all their eyes, and Kate spoke first, squeezing Pascalle’s hand. ‘There it is, your message, your sign. Trevor’s giving you his blessing to move on.’

‘Yes, and in my heart I know you’re right,’ agreed Pascalle. ‘But you see I don’t want to live without him.’

‘We none of us want to live without our husbands,’ Kate agreed. ‘But what a waste it is if we don’t. Two lives lost rather than one.’

‘If it hadn’t been for Mum I’m not sure what state I’d be in,’ Rose confessed.

‘How lovely that you still have your mother around,’ said Pascalle.

‘In a way yes, but her mind has deteriorated so much now that she doesn’t often recognise me. That’s really hard to accept. Shortly after Richard was killed it did cross my mind that there was no point in me living on. We have no children, I have no brothers or sisters. He was my everything. Then one day when I was at my lowest, I looked at my mother and she had such trust in her eyes, and I realised that I couldn’t leave her, no matter how hard it is to stay with her. So, here I still am, just getting on with it, on my own.’

Listening to Rose, Kate was struck by how in love with her husband she appeared to have been, and yet if the gossip at the tennis club was true, that love wasn’t returned. But then she conceded, you can never tell the state of a marriage from the outside. I mean, take her and Jason, no-one looking in would have guessed what was really going on there, not even their children who still had no idea about their dad.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Pascalle who’d sat bolt upright as though suddenly struck by an idea and was saying, ‘Ladies, I know how you can help me. Justine has been nagging me for weeks to join a yoga class here at the library. I don’t want to go on my own. But if you two would come with me…’ She ended the sentence with a smile.

Kate and Rose looked at each other. ‘I’ve never done yoga before in my life,’ Rose said. ‘What about you Kate?’

‘Not yoga, but I’ve done a bit of pilates, and I play tennis and swim, so I have a decent level of fitness. Anyway, how hard can it be? Pascalle, I’m in.’

Rose laughed. ‘In that case I’d better be in too. When is it, what time does it start?’

Kate spotted a notice on the cafĂ© wall. ‘Looks like it’s 9am on a Friday morning. I’ll have to rearrange my work diary for that morning, but I can do it.’

Pascalle, who’d bitten into a piece of her cake, choked when she heard the time. ‘Oh no, sorry ladies, I didn’t realise it was quite so early. Are you sure you don’t mind?’

Kate and Rose laughed simultaneously. ‘I’ll let you know after the first one,’ Kate giggled. ‘I’ll Google the website and see if there are any spaces in the class.’ After a couple of seconds she found the relevant page. ‘It’s not on for the next few weeks because of Christmas, but there are spaces for the first Friday after New Year. I’m booking us on.’

‘I guess there’s no backing out now,’ said Rose wryly as she checked her watch and started to gather her handbag and jacket. ‘I’m so sorry ladies, I should be getting back to my mother.’ She stopped and looked at both women. ‘I’m so glad we’ve met. I’ve tried loads of bereavement groups but none of them has helped as much as meeting you. Speaking to you, has made me feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.’

‘This has been a real pleasure,’ said Pasacalle, ‘But I’d better head off too. Now I can hardly wait for our first yoga lesson!’

As they hugged goodbye, Kate felt a lightness in her that she hadn’t known for the last three months, and if she was honest, for a whole lot longer than that.

Originally from Scotland, Liz Murphy moved to London in the mid 1980s as a features writer on Woman’s Own and since then has worked on some of the biggest weekly and monthly magazines in the country including Good Housekeeping, House Beautiful, TVTimes and Sky The Magazine, where she held senior editorial positions. Liz is also a qualified mat and reformer Pilates teacher.

The sudden death of her husband, Steve, prompted her to reassess her priorities, following which she left magazines and now focuses her time on teaching Pilates, playing tennis, working at tennis tournaments, singing in a choir and sitting on the governing body of a federation of three primary schools. She has two grown-up daughters.




Liz Murphy writer

A Wife for the Werewolf Monster Match Book 1 by Rose Kent Cover Reveal! #aWifeForTheWerewolf #MonsterMatch @rosekentauthor @rosekentwrites @SilverDaggerBookTours

 Matchmaking monsters, one heart at a time.  

A Wife for the Werewolf

Monster Match Book 1

by Rose Kent


 Paranormal Romance

After inheriting her grandmother's business, Potion Palace, witch Kate Halloway struggles to keep it afloat. In a bold move inspired by the booming world of online matchmaking, she and her best friend Cassie launch Monster Match, a dating service for supernatural beings, hoping to boost sales.

But when their first client, alpha werewolf Trent Everwood, finds success with their help, a rival coven creates their own competing service using Kate's potion recipes. To make matters worse, a death occurs at one of their events. Kate becomes a prime suspect and must fight to clear Monster Match's name.

Trent also has his hands full as humans start breaking treaty laws and trespassing on pack lands. And just when things couldn't get any more complicated, a match between him and Kate threatens the stability of their lives. Can they save Monster Match from scandal and protect the Potion Palace?

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Step into the supernatural world crafted by Rose Kent, me, the daring alter ego of a passionate science teacher, devoted mom, and proud pet owner. Within my paranormal, fantasy romance stories you will find a fiery mix of lust, love, and magic.

I work hard to weave vivid tales of forbidden love, uncomfortable angst, pulse-pounding action, and otherworldly creatures that will keep you hooked from the very first page. Come join me on a wild ride through the realm of the supernatural, where passion and the unknown collide to create a truly magical reading experience.

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Pride and Principal: A Silicon Valley Mystery by Marc Jedel Virtual Book Tour!

A book cover with a clock and a building

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About Pride and PrincipalA group of electronic devicesDescription automatically generated

Pride and Principal: A Silicon Valley Mystery

Cozy Mystery

6th in Series

Setting - California

BGM Press (April 23, 2024)

Number of Pages: 23

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D1WFL2HQ

The school secretary has a sharp tongue but is she a killer? Can Marty do the math or will he get schooled by a criminal mastermind?

Marty Golden is frazzled. Struggling to juggle nieces, a rambunctious dog, a demanding job, and a serious relationship, the software engineer is never quite sure whether he’s coming or going. But when his nemesis begs for help after she’s accused of offing the school principal, the amateur sleuth agrees to hunt down the real culprit.

Confounded to discover the cantankerous woman stood to take the dead man’s position, he strives to find anyone who could benefit from discrediting the grump. And when his brilliant deductions and personal life implode, not even Marty’s groan-worthy dad-jokes can save him from an explosive threat.

Does this bumbling amateur sleuth have what it takes to capture the real killer?

Pride and Principal is the rollicking sixth book in the Silicon Valley cozy mystery series. If you like heroes in over their head, family hijinks, and plenty of wit and charm, then you’ll love Marc Jedel’s wild ride.

Try Pride and Principal to put two and two together today!

A person wearing a hawaiian shirt

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Marc Jedel writes humorous murder mysteries. He credits his years of marketing leadership positions in Silicon Valley for honing his writing skills and sense of humor. While his high-tech marketing roles involved crafting plenty of fiction, these were just called emails, ads, and marketing collateral.

For most of Marc’s life, he’s been inventing stories. It’s a skill that’s served him well as both an author and marketer. The publication of Marc’s first novel, Uncle and Ants, gave him permission to claim “author” as his job. This leads to much more interesting conversations with people than answering, “marketing.”

Like his character, Marty from the Silicon Valley Mystery series, Marc now lives in Silicon Valley, works in high-tech, and enjoys bad puns. Like his characters Jonas and Elizabeth from the Ozarks Lake Mystery series, he grew up in the South and spent plenty of time in and around Arkansas. Like his character, Andy, from the Redwoods Country Mystery series, Marc continues to grow older and would prefer not to run a bed-and-breakfast inn when he retires. Like all his protagonists, Marc too has a dog, although his is neurotic, sweet, and small, with little appreciation for Marc’s humor.

Visit his website,, for free chapters of novels, special offers, and more.

Author Links

Purchase Links - Amazon 


May 6 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 7 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT

May 8 – Christy's Cozy Corners – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST

May 9 – Reading Is My SuperPower – AUTHOR GUEST POST

May 10 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR GUEST POST

May 11 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR GUEST POST


May 12 – Carla Loves To Read – REVIEW

May 13 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

May 14 – Cozy Up With Kathy – CHARACTER GUEST POST

May 15 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

May 16 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

May 17 – Sneaky the Library Cat's blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

May 18 – StoreyBook Reviews – AUTHOR GUEST POST

May 19 – Elizabeth McKenna - Author – SPOTLIGHT


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