
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

20 August 2014

Twisted by Kennedy Obohwemu Book Spotlight!

 There are outstanding books out there by writers of colour. There are so many there is hardly time to devour them all. But there are some books we simply cannot do without.
Here comes one guaranteed to keep you biting your nails from start to finish!
‘Twisted’ is a revolutionary novel based on the findings of an international research.
In 2003, Nigerians were reported to be the happiest people in the world following the results of a scientific survey carried out in 65 nations in 1999-2001. The research was reported by one of the world’s top science magazines, New Scientist, and was picked up by a number of news outlets. The report considered that the country’s family life and culture were more important than its problems and material wealth in determining happiness.
Nigeria has a rich literary history, and Nigerians have authored many influential works of post-colonial literature in the English language. Nigeria’s best-known writers are Wole Soyinka, the first African Nobel Laureate in Literature and Chinua Achebe, the legendary writer best known for the novel, Things Fall Apart and his controversial critique of Joseph Conrad. Other Nigerian writers and poets who are well known on the international stage include Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, John Pepper Clark, Ben Okri, Buchi Emecheta, Helon Habila, Chris Abani, and Ken Saro Wiwa who was executed in 1995 by the military regime.
Nigeria has the second largest newspaper market in Africa (after Egypt) with an estimated circulation of several million copies daily in 2003.
Our Nigerian beauties have taken the world by storm, excelling in such beauty contests as M-Net Face of Africa and Miss World Beauty Pageant.
The Nigerian film industry (Nollywood) is budding with a variety of talents on daily basis, and is currently the 3rd largest movie industry in the world after Hollywood (USA) and Bollywood (India).
This novel appreciates the exploits recorded in recent years. It delves into the ever fascinating world of modelling and beauty pageants, and with a touch of class draws attention to Nollywood and the tourism potentials of the country. It is a thriller, provocative, compelling and sensual, one whose characters are designed to operate in an atmosphere of gruelling suspense, intrigue, love, sex, betrayal, violence, murder, such that readers are strapped into an unforgettable experience from opening page to shattering climax!
‘Twisted’ is a blockbuster novel that spans three genres: mystery, suspense and romance. It is devoid of offensive language, crassness, obscenity and extreme vulgarity such that the younger audience could explore its contents without their guardians expressing fear of untoward effects. Although not specifically written for a younger demographic, the novel is suitable for adolescents and adults alike. It is a novel for everyone to read and enjoy, irrespective of age, social class or religious inclination. Whether young or old, single or married, you’ll find this novel a most worthy companion.
The novel is unique for its incredibly complex plot.
‘Twisted’ is a suspenseful story, with remarkable twists and turns. Its plot and subplots are designed to tickle your senses, place you on a high, knock you out and ultimately leave you breathless!
It is important to understand that the premise for this novel is centered on a character that lived all his life abroad. Everything about Mofe was foreign: his ideas, his ideals, his fantasies! He believed in the American dream and he lived out that dream. America made him who he was and he would always be grateful to America. The young man made exploits overseas, and he hardly visited his own country.
To many outsiders Africa remains a complex conundrum, and a good number of our citizens out there are unwilling to return home. This is largely due to reports often received from the media — civil wars, dictatorships, poverty, and all the other favourite stereotypes of Africa in the press.
Mofe’s homecoming was necessitated by the death of his father. And by a gradual process of self-discovery, he got to realise that his motherland was a gold mine in itself.

This novel is a compelling story that captures the intensity of living, loving and creating a family in today’s world. A richly textured material that astounds the imagination, ‘Every Time We Meet’ leaves you spell-bound and ultimately makes your heart pound faster with each page. The story captures the very essence of human relationship, the ability to sow a seed in the life of the person next to you. It brings that bond to the center stage in a real life situation, and admits how incredibly complex and how conflicting the images could be.
Twisted is authored by Dr. Kennedy Obohwemu and published by First Edition Design Publishing (USA). The novel is available as e-book (Book 1: Frozen and Book 2: Nightfall) as well as paperback (the omnibus edition).
The covers were designed by multiple award-winning cover art expert, Tatiana Fernandez (USA).
The book is now available in the following sales outlets:
2. Barnes & Noble:
Twisted will be available in other leading online stores in the coming days.
About the Author

Dr. Kennedy O. Obohwemu is a medical graduate of Delta State University, Abraka.
He hails from Oteri in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria.

He attended Government College, Victoria Island (GOCOVI), Lagos where he
served as Senior Prefect. He effectively utilised this position to win laurels for the
school, participating in and winning various Quiz Competitions, Essay Competitions
& Inter-School Debates.

Kennedy is a much travelled personage. He has visited virtually every medical
school in the country, exchanging vision and ideas. In 2006 he was among 18
delegates that represented Nigeria in the National Convention hosted by Federation
of Ghana Catholic Health Trainees, University of Ghana Medical School, Accra. He
repeated that feat in 2009, leading 24 delegates to another edition of the

He was the National President of the Federation of Catholic Medical and Dental
Students (FECAMDS) in his undergraduate days. He was also the Founder and
National President of the Association of Nigerian Student Authors (ANSA).

An avid reader, Kennedy enjoys stories of love, adventure, mystery and suspense.

He plays football and loves music.

He has his beloved mother to thank for the inspiration to write.

Dream Killers by S.M.Blooding, Free on August 20th!!


DK S1 3D Box Set 2

The Sea of Dreams spat me out with no memories, no idea of who I was or what my purpose might be. When Captain Bo, dream killer extraordinaire, arrived, I took a chance to explore. On the road of discovery, I tripped upon dreamplanes floating dead in a graveyard, scared children attempting to survive their dreams turned nightmare, strange guardians, rogue Dreamlanders, and ships with hearts of silver. I learned more about Dreamland than I ever thought possible. But people are dying. They’re disappearing. Dreamland is twisting, shifting, ripping. I don’t know how best to help, how to save those I’ve met, who have wormed their way into my heart. If only I knew who I was, what I’d been born to do. Then I found out. I know who I am. I wish I didn’t. Dream Killers is geared for fans of Once Upon a Time. The first season (Spring 2014) consists of 3 novellas called episodes. It follows River as he discovers who he is and his role in Dreamland. Dream Killers is to Dreamland Stories what Agents of Shield is to the Marvel movies. Dreamland is an intense, rich, fascinating world with lots going on. If you like fairy tales, are looking for something new,try this one.

Purchase Get it for FREE Wednesday August 20 - Friday August 22

Follow S MBlooding

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Meet the Author:

SM “Frankie” Blooding lives in Colorado with her pet rock, Rockie, and Jack the Bird. Jack has refused to let her to take up the piano again, but is warming to the guitar. It might help that Frankie has learned more than two strings. She’s added a few more Arabic words to her vocabulary, but don’t invite her into conversation yet—unless, of course, you’re willing to have a very . . . slow . . . conversation. She’s dated vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, weapons smugglers and US Government assassins. Yes. She has stories. She’s also an investigator with a local paranormal investigation group, Colorado Paranormal Rescue!

19 August 2014

Destiny's Anvil: A Tale of Politics, Payback & Pigs by Steven Hicks Spotlight!

New Orleans novelist Steven Wells Hicks recently published his latest novel Destiny’s Anvil: A Tale of Politics, Payback & Pigs. 
Will Guidry’s career as a backwater lawyer is going nowhere until he has a couple of beers with up-and-coming political operative Tucker Callahan, whose family’s petrochemical fortune instills in him a confidence bordering on hubris. As Tucker explains to his rudderless brother, Carter, “Guidry and I made a deal because he needed a miracle and I wanted to play God.”
Guidry rides Tucker’s political horse sense into the office of Louisiana’s Attorney General, while Tucker capitalizes on Guidry’s victory to bolster his own political reputation. But what should become a powerful alliance deteriorates into a bitter feud when Guidry tries to flex his political muscle and Tucker suspects he may have maneuvered a calculating sociopath into the marble halls of power.
Caught in the crossfire is Carter, the story’s narrator. Devastated by betrayal at the hands of his brother and the woman he loved for a lifetime, a brooding Carter remains content to watch the power struggle between Tucker and Guidry from the sidelines. Everything changes when he stumbles on the charismatic attorney general committing a monstrous crime, and finds himself drawn into the vortex of his brother’s private war.
Racing from a bungled execution through ruthless political payback and a no-holds-barred courtroom showdown, before culminating in a bloodbath by the side of a bayou, the stakes continue to rise and Carter finds his small-town naiveté peeling away. Replacing it is a mounting dread of what will happen when the hammer of Fate meets destiny’s anvil.
Destiny’s Anvil was published in June 2014 and is available for sale on Amazon.

Excerpt from Destiny’s Anvil:
THE MERCURY WAS STILL HOVERING ABOVE NINETY when the three of us rolled up to the first set of gates at the state penitentiary in Angola. Climbing out of my car, I glanced toward the sun dropping over the cotton, bean and sweet potato fields that stretched unbroken toward the horizon. I wondered if the hapless bastard who had fewer than fifteen minutes left was gazing out a window, watching the last day of his life ebb toward eternal darkness.
I didn’t want to be there. I was twenty-six years old, secure in the prospect of at least fifty more years of a generous life, and didn’t want to see a man put to death before my eyes, no matter what he did. My brother Tucker had tried to worm his way out of witnessing the execution as well, but he couldn’t come up with an excuse that Will Guidry might buy. We both knew that over the previous fourteen years Will had worked up a hankering for blood that eclipsed any reverence he ever may have held for justice.
Two guards checked our names against their clipboard, opened the back doors of a cruiser and we got in. Without a word, they drove us through the prison compound to the no-frills building where Louisiana’s executions were carried out. We were led through several sets of barred doors until we reached a stark room with two rows of wooden chairs at one end and the electric chair at the other, maybe fifteen feet apart, maybe less.
The drifter who had raped and smothered Will’s kid brother Robby in the clearing of a cane field was already strapped into the chair and an electrode was being attached to his left calf. He watched the process, showing no emotion beyond detached curiosity. His expression didn’t change as his shaved head was straightened and a man wearing a threadbare black suit put a moistened sponge on the crown of his head and covered it with a metal skullcap. His eyes never wavered as he declined to buy final seconds with last words.
Father had told Tuck and me about how the dog, after nosing the sneaker around the drainage ditch, took off through the canebrake, how the three men looked at each other and started working their way into the thicket behind the dog, their hands and forearms collecting nicks and scratches as they hacked through the stalks of cane, how they were barely twenty yards into the cane when they heard the single bark followed by whimpers. I was later told that my father had been the first of the three to make it into the clearing, and that once he realized what he had stumbled upon, the only thing he could whisper was, “Oh, Jesus.” The dog’s chin was between its forepaws, and inches from the tip of its nose lay the second sneaker, still on the foot of Robby Guidry’s lifeless body. Even in the rose light of fading afternoon, the sock on the boy’s other foot glowed white, in stark relief from the blue jeans that had been yanked down to his ankles. A rivulet of blood had seeped out of his rectum, and was drying halfway down his left thigh. Once his face was pulled out of the mud into which it had been pressed, the parish coroner said he wouldn’t be able to tell if Robby had been strangled or forcibly drowned in mud until he got the body hosed off for the autopsy.
While the warden read the sentence in a bland monotone, the drifter’s eyes scanned across the faces on our side of the room. I felt myself shudder when his eyes locked on mine. He looked at me for an eternity that lasted less than a second, and my eyes followed his as he shifted them to his left and into the steady eyes of Will Guidry. Will’s face was stone except for the slightest movement of his lips, and I heard him whisper, “Fry in hell, dickhead.” Even though I knew there was no way the drifter could hear Will at that distance, I swear I saw him smirk at Will as a sweating guard stretched a black blindfold across his eyes before knotting it against the back of his skull.
The warden nodded his head and the electricity rocketed through the convict with the hiss and crackle of bacon in a dime store skillet. His hands tensed into claws as he dug his nails into the arms of the chair and his body thrashed against the leather restraints until thirty seconds had passed and the current was switched off. The silence was thick and underlined by the stench of smoldering flesh.
A doctor with a stethoscope moved toward the convict, but stopped once he realized the body would need a few seconds to cool down enough to touch. I let my held breath release and was gulping for any whisper of sweet evening air when the doctor looked at the warden and said, “He isn’t dead.”
Robby Guidry was only the murderer’s first victim. Three months after her son’s desecrated corpse had been discovered in the cane field, a disconsolate Marie Guidry had shoved her head in the family oven and turned on the gas. Having lost his wife and younger son within less than one hundred days of each other, Frank Guidry’s drinking ran away from him until the day that an increasingly withdrawn Will showed up at school with a shiner everyone couldn’t help but notice. The news of Will’s black eye hit my father particularly hard. Father was a good neighbor, the kind of man who always kept jumper cables in his trunk or saw to it that your garden was watered if you’d gone out of town and forgotten to ask anyone for help. I knew for a fact that Father felt acutely sorry for Will Guidry when he stepped up his regular prodding of both Tucker and me to spend more time and behave like brothers from the womb with Will. But Tuck was better at being an openhearted brother than I ever was, and as Tuck and Will became more like actual brothers, Tuck and I became less.
The second jolt was set to last a full minute, but I doubt thirty seconds had gone by when tongues of orange flame blazed from beneath the skullcap, followed by billows of steam and acrid smoke. A urine stain spread across the front of his pants, his skin bloomed scarlet as the temperature rose, and his body swelled to the point his flesh began to split. Blood streamed from his nose and mouth, and the smell of sizzling flesh mixed with the stink of where he’d fouled himself. I was ready to scream for someone to cut off the power for God’s sake when the room went silent except for the retching coming from Tucker as he lurched forward and vomit spattered on the waxed linoleum floor.
After letting the lifeless body cool, the doctor listened to his stethoscope, nodded and read the time off the wall clock in the death chamber. Two guards wheeled in a wobbly cart, on top of which was a state-issue coffin covered with a cheap, nubby fabric, while a third guard started to absentmindedly whistle between his teeth as he unbuckled the restraints. We were herded out with the other witnesses and taken back to our car at the prison’s main gate as the evening’s first stars pierced the twilight.
The emotional canyon separating me from Tuck had widened during our time at LSU, and I was neither surprised nor disappointed, in fact I was relieved, when Will Guidry realized he’d find more butter on my brother’s side of the bread than he ever would on mine. Hell, Will glommed so close to Tucker that people on campus started to snicker that Tuck was having the devil of a time trying to figure out how he might ever separate himself from his Siamese twin.
Following graduation, Tucker and Will had set off in search of stars beyond their reach while I returned home to New Acadia, a house that had grown empty during my time away and no prospects for any kind of meaningful work.
None of us had said the first word to each other since we pulled up at Angola, and I didn’t think any of us knew what to say after what we’d just witnessed. I glanced at the rearview mirror expecting to see a brooding Will Guidry, only to find one who was downright chipper as he said, “That was great. Let’s go find us someplace to eat.”

Steven Wells HicksAbout the Author:
Steven Hicks came to Mississippi in 1974 and spent the next quarter century writing for various advertising agencies, including his own. He wrote commercials and print ads about hot dogs and other baloney, used cars, barbecue shacks, sunscreen, banks galore, white bread, undertakers, churches, casinos, turkey calls, finger-lickin’ chicken and symphony orchestras. Some of the work was thoughtful. Some was funny. Most was neither.
During that period of time, he earned the enmity of his competitors and peers by being named Mississippi’s top copywriter nine times, winning six certificates of excellence in the International CLIO Awards, over 150 ADDY Awards, Radio Mercury honors and being included in Who’s Who in American Advertising.
A major portion of his advertising and marketing income came through his work as a political consultant, engineering the media and messaging efforts for more than six dozen campaigns, culminating with the POLLIE Award for best statewide/national commercial from the American Association of Political Consultants in 1989.
While the embarrassing abundance of honors mean next to nothing to Hicks, the education he got through the process meant everything. He learned how to write what people like. He learned to write with economy and clarity, because consumers won’t buy things from long-winded peddlers of perplexity. He learned when words have to be polished and when they’re best left plain.
Through it all, people kept telling Hicks he should write books and he kept saying, “Maybe one day,” until the day came when a near-fatal stroke in 1997 forced him into an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with his own mortality, and he realized he wanted to be remembered for something more consequential than gimmicky commercials.
There was only one hitch. The stroke had taken away his ability to read.
For the next thirteen months, Hicks stubbornly stared at newspaper letters until he could form words, read sentences, then paragraphs, and finally had the ability to once again read novels, albeit at a far slower pace and with cognitive problems enhanced by lingering reading difficulties stemming from alexia, an aphasia problem caused by brain lesions.
It made the headstrong Hicks more determined than ever to take a shot at those novels people had been encouraging him to write for years.
Ten years and eleven revisions later came his debut novel, The Gleaner, a trans-racial romance set in a sleepy Mississippi whistle-stop. In a competition of 5,000 entries, The Gleaner was named a quarter-finalist in’s prestigious “Breakthrough Novel” competition. Upon its heels came two comic novels in 2009, The Fall of Adam, a satire of Deep South advertising, and Horizontal Adjustment, a farce about sexual escapades among competitors for a news anchor position in a tank town television station along the Florida Panhandle.
Deciding to take a breather from novels, Hicks started publishing New Orleans restaurant guidebooks on an annual basis in 2011, all of which have become mainstays on’s list of the 100 top-selling books about world dining.
In May of 2014, Hicks published his fourth novel, Destiny’s Anvil, which marked a stark departure from the breezy style of his earlier works.
“The final product is the polar opposite of the novel’s original intent. It is dark, violent bordering on savage, as it strips away the veneers of not only politicians, but the entire American political system. At the same time, it moves with the furious pace of a thriller overflowing with cliffhangers,” says Hicks.
Steven Wells Hicks currently resides in Jackson, Mississippi, but is in the process of moving to New Orleans. To learn more, go to, or connect with Steven on Twitter.

18 August 2014

The Last Infection and The Hand That Feeds by Michael W.Garza Spotlight!

Halloween is coming soon...just saying!!!

The Last Infection chronicles the fall of civilization and the rise of the dead and the evolution of the infected. The infection swept across the country like a tidal wave. Survivors cling to life as the infected own the night and the dead walk the streets. Chris has endured on his own and bumping into Jake and Alicen weren't in his plans. The young brother and sister have plans of their own, but Chris has heard too many promises of sanctuary and infection free zones. Jenn's arrival turns his attention to the one thing he never thought he would face again, hope. They make a pact to reach the kids safe haven, but only time will tell if anyone can survive the last infection.

The Hand That Feeds
 How far will a parent go to keep their child alive?

John and Angela Mason’s lives are brought to a tormenting halt when their ten year old son is reduced to a lifeless shell. John watches his wife slip into madness as his son rises from the dead. He realizes they must escape the terrifying infection in order to survive but how can he choose between the insanity consuming his wife and the undying hunger of his son.

An appetite for death will come in one form or another and it will be left to John to decide on the hand that feeds.

Michael W. Garza often finds himself wondering where his inspiration will come from next and in what form his imagination will bring it to life. The outcomes regularly surprise him and it's always his ambition to amaze those curious enough to follow him and take in those results. He encourages readers to peek at his latest work as well as the material he's published in the past. He sincerely hopes that everyone will find something that astonishes, surprises, or simply scares the heck out of you. 

Ruin Falls by Jenny Milchman Review!

In a suspenseful follow-up to her critically acclaimed Cover of Snow, Jenny Milchman ratchets up the tension with this edge-of-your-seat story of a mother determined to find her missing children.


I recently read Ruin Falls by Jenny Milchman, a suspense author. This is her second novel and I found it to be quite a good read. Typically, the suspense genre is not one of my favorites, but the description on the jacket caught my attention right away and what I found between the pages lived up to the description on the jacket.

A synopsis from Goodreads is as follows:

Liz Daniels has every reason to be happy about setting off on a rare family vacation, leaving behind her remote home in the Adirondack Mountains for a while. Instead, she feels uneasy. Her children, eight-year-old Reid and six-year-old Ally, have met their paternal grandparents only a handful of times. But Liz’s husband, Paul, has decided that, despite a strained relationship with his mother and father, they should visit the farm in western New York where he spent his childhood.

On their way to the farm, the family stops at a hotel for the night. In the morning, when Liz goes to check on her sleeping children, all her anxiety comes roaring back: Ally and Reed are nowhere to be found. Blind panic slides into ice-cold terror as the hours tick by without anyone finding a trace of the kids. Soon, Paul and Liz are being interviewed by police, an Amber Alert is issued, and detectives are called in.

Frantic worry and helplessness threaten to overtake Liz’s mind—but in a sudden, gut-wrenching instant she realizes that it was no stranger who slipped into the hotel room that night. Someone she trusted completely has betrayed her. Though she knows that Ally and Reid are safe, Liz will stop at nothing to find them and get them back. From her guarded in-laws’ unwelcoming farmhouse to the deep woods of her own hometown, Liz follows the threads of a terrible secret to uncover a hidden world created from dreams and haunted by nightmares.

This book kept my interest the whole time I read it. It was an interesting concept, that the fact that it is not a stranger who “kidnaps” her kids but someone she knows and loves. The idea of kidnapping is not an original concept; however,  the reason the person takes the kids is a somewhat original idea. Some parts of the book reminded me of the idea behind the show Doomsday Preppers and that made it interesting. For her second novel, Milchman provides a truly suspenseful story where you suspect everyone because the cast of characters are all shady and seem to have secrets to hide. I would recommend this book to anyone who is also a fan of Laura Lippman, Liane Moriarty, or even James Patterson.

Guest Reviewer: Kara C. Kelly

About the Author

Jenny Milchman is a suspense writer from the Hudson River Valley of New York State. Her debut novel, COVER OF SNOW, was published by Ballantine/Random House in January 2013 and her follow up novel, RUIN FALLS, will be published in April 2014. 

Her short story 'The Closet' was published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine in 2012, and another short story, 'The Very Old Man', will be published in EQMM this year. The short work 'Black Sun on Tupper Lake' appears in the anthology ADIRONDACK MYSTERIES II.

Jenny is the Chair of International Thriller Writers' Debut Authors Program. She is also the founder of Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day, which was celebrated in all 50 states and four foreign countries by over 700 bookstores in 2013. Jenny hosts the Made It Moments forum on her blog, which has featured more than 250 international bestsellers, Edgar winners, and independent authors. Jenny co-hosts the literary series Writing Matters, which attracts guests coast-to-coast and has received national media attention. She also teaches writing and publishing for New York Writers Workshop and Arts By The People.

A copy of this book was received for review and there was not monetary compensation.

Blood White by Ashley Nemer Book Spotlight and Excerpt!

The Art of Safkhet Presents – ASHLEY NEMER
BLOOD WHITE, July 14th, 2014

Blood White contains a novella, Blood Gold and deleted scenes, interviews and other extra tidbits from the blood series that could not make it into the other three print novels.
This is an Insiders Guide to the Blood World.

Do you wonder how the Algula race came to be? Or how Earth and everything we know have been manipulated over time and the world we think we know isn't even close to what reality is.

Take a step back in time with Blood Gold, the short story inside this book to discover the truth about our existence and how we really came to be called humans.

Also inside this book discover what makes the main characters tick as you take a journey into their thoughts with interviews with King Zayn, Princess Nikole, Princess Leigh and Princess Haydar. As an added bonus enjoy deleted scenes from the Blood Series Trilogy.

Purchase Links

Author Bio
Ashley, also known as Niki Becker, is married and lives in Houston with her husband Tony. They have two dogs, Toto and Doogie. They have been together for over 9 years and he brings her more joy than she could ever imagine as a child. She loves to read and has been hooked on the romance genre ever since her lifelong best friend gave her "Ashes to Ashes' by Tami Hoag to read when they were younger.
Ashley finds her strength through her family, especially her parents. They always support her in life; they push her to strive for greatness. There once was a motto that Ashley heard in her youth through her Taekwondo life 'Reach for the Stars' and that is what Ashley has always done. It was through her upbringing that the values Ashley has and displays come from. With her parents always cheering her on in life she was able to grow up having faith in herself and her ability to conquer the world.
Ashley enjoys writing many different genre’s of fiction. Her areas range from science fiction/ paranormal, mystery, romance, poetry and erotica (using pen name Niki Becker.)


The beginning of the earth’s creation …
Fire and lightning flared around the mountaintops of Har ha-Elohim. The air whipped back and forth while the four Gods paced up and down the valleys. There was a storm brewing in the air. The taste of salty rain touched the four tongues of the deities who were invading this new realm.
“Isaf, it is time to make this land flourish,” Hubal commanded. He raised his arms out past his sides, over his shoulders, and then above his head. The rain began to beat down on them, growing stronger with each inch his arms moved up his body.
“Hubal, what do you want me to use as a starting point?” Isaf moved over to stand next to his leader. Each step that he took made the ground beneath him rumble.
“Take this land with you; we will make a new home on this plane called Earth. We will be Gods greater than all others. Our pantheon will not only have our realm, it will have a planet to claim as well.”
Tornadoes and water spouts started to form along the land and lakes. Na’ila came behind Isaf and stood next her bonded mate. Hubal watched her take Isaf’s hand, and then he motioned for Manad to join them in the valley.
< div style="text-align: left;"> “Sun, moon, ground, air, water, all of us joined together, we will create the greatest place in all of eternity. We will create Earth.”
The four deities held hands in a circle and began to chant low. Their voices carried over the plains and through the valley. Isaf’s ground started to move under them, and within a few hours, their reality changed. They began to watch as trees, rivers, grass, shrubbery, and sunlight became their surroundings. When they let go of their hands, a loud, cracking thunderbolt went off in the sky. They looked off to the east and knew that their enemy, Zeus, was casting them out.
He’d cast them out of the realm of other Gods, the place they had known as their own for their lifetimes. He had cut them off from their families, mates, and children alike. It was up to these four beings to bring life to this new planet, make it flourish. Hubal knew that once this was a success, they would be able to go out and claim other parts of the galaxy, and eventually the other Gods would seek out their creation as a new place for escape, peace, and freedom.
“We did it,” Manad said. He broke free of the circle and ventured off into the west. He moved across the grass, the sun following him along his journey.
“Look how the blades of grass follow the light. They move in an east to west pattern,” Na’ila noticed.
“Manad doesn’t know how powerful he is going to be here on this new planet. Everything will rise by his command and set by his slumber.” Hubal could see into the future. He could feel and taste what their paths held for them all.
“And what about you?” Isaf said. “What happens to you when your friend is off walking away?”
“I’ll follow him. Every day, when his sun sets, my moon will be there to catch him and follow the same course he took that day, cleaning up any mess that might have been left in his wake.”
“And this is the life you want for yourself?” Na’ila’s disapproving gaze wasn’t missed by the two other Gods standing there.
< div style="text-align: left;"> “No, it is my duty to protect us all. I brought is here; I will see that we all thrive.”
“Then let us begin the creation of this new realm.” Isaf kneeled on the ground. He placed his hands palm down on the fresh blades of grass. His magik was different. He balanced himself out. When in one section he created earthquakes, in another he created mountains. He brought land and water together before he was done, and a solid continent was formed, a vast and glorious creation.
Author Links

Ashley’s published works under
Ashley Nemer & Niki Becker


Maverick Touch: The Cat by Ashley Nemer March 25th, 2013

Maverick Touch: The Highway by Ashley Nemer March 24th, 2014

Blood Purple by Ashley Nemer September 24th, 2012

Blood Yellow by Ashley Nemer July 3rd, 2013

Blood Green by Ashley Nemer April 28th, 2014

< div style="text-align: left;"> Blood White by Ashley Nemer July 14th, 2014

Special Assignment by Niki Becker December 17th, 2013

Short Stories

Bud’s Christmas Wish by Ashley Nemer November 17th, 2012

Bud’s Christmas Miracle by Ashley Nemer November 24th, 2013

The Café (Temptation Tuesday) by Niki Becker May 7th, 2013

Fantasy Cruise (Temptation Tuesday) by Niki Becker July 2nd, 2013

The Backyard (Temptation Tuesday) by Niki Becker August 6th, 2013

Sekhmet’s Revenge Volume One through Four by Ashley Nemer & Stacy A. Moran September 28, 2013

Soul Mates by Ashley Nemer and L.S. Broomfield October 2nd, 2013 (Through Secret Cravings Publishing)


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