
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

24 March 2017

A Princess in Waiting by Noelle Adams Book Release and Giveaway!

A Princess In Waiting

I was born the youngest princess of a tiny country in the Alps, but I've never been any good at being a princess. I'm shy and bookish, and I don't know how to flirt. The only man I'm comfortable around is my best friend, Alex. I used to have a crush on him, but I don't anymore.
I absolutely don't.
Right now, I'm interested in a handsome French millionaire, but I need Alex to help me learn how to be attractive to men. He agrees because he's my friend, but he doesn't seem happy about it.
And I need to remember that Alex is just giving me lessons. He isn't the man I'm trying to win.

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“So, since you’re my friend, what do you suggest I do to move things along with Stefan.”
He stared at me blankly. “Move things along?”
“I don’t mean I want to jump into bed with him, but I’d like to know if he’s a possibility. What if he still doesn’t want to kiss me?”
“He will.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“I just said he will.”
“But you said he did last time, and he didn’t even try.”
“Did you give him any encouragement?”
“What kind of encouragement?”
“You know.”
I gave an outraged huff. “I do not know! What do you think I’ve been telling you all this time? I’m completely clueless. I’ve never done this before.  What kind of encouragement am I supposed to give a man to get him to kiss me?”
Alex straightened up, shifting slightly in his seat. “Just… just… I don’t know… gaze up at him soulfully.”
I snorted. “How am I supposed to do that? What does that even mean?”
He groaned, but then evidently decided to take on this particular task. He turned to face me more fully and reached out to take my shoulders, turning my body toward his. “Okay,” he said in a different tone. “Look at me. In the eyes.”
I gazed up at him without hesitation. I looked at him all the time. There was no one I’d rather look at than Alex.
Our eyes met, and he murmured, “Now stop looking like you want to dig into my brain for answers to your questions.”
I gasped at this comment, but he didn’t give me time to respond.
He continued, “I’m serious. Relax. Stop thinking. Just look at me.”
I tried to do what he said and was startled by the look in his eyes. He was gazing at me too, and for a moment I was trapped by the softness, the depth, the warmth of his expression.
My mind blurred over and my heart started to beat wildly. I could feel my pulse in my wrists, my head, my throat.
“That’s good,” Alex murmured huskily. “Really good. Just like that.”
My breathing was growing more shallow, and other parts of my body started to throb. He wasn’t even touching me, but it felt so much like he was.
Trying to make my mind work the way it was supposed to and engage in this conversation, I asked, “So what if he… if he still doesn’t kiss me.”
“Try touching him.”
“I don’t want to humiliate myself.”
“So make it a little casual touch. Nothing definite. Just touch his arm or his chest or something.”
Instinctively, I lifted my hand and pressed it lightly against Alex’s chest. He was wearing a dark blue crew neck shirt, and I could feel his hard, warm chest beneath the fabric.
I heard his breath hitch slightly. “Good.”
Willing myself to act normal, I managed to say, “What if he still doesn’t kiss me?”
“He will.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“He will.”
“What if—”
He smothered a soft groan. “Then move your hand. Maybe touch his face. But just lightly.”
I raised my hand and used my fingertips to gently stroke along the line of his jaw. “Like this?” I whispered.
Alex seemed frozen, unmoving, as he sat stiffly and stared at me.
I loved the feel of his face so much that I stroked my finger back up to his cheekbone.
He let out a low groan and grabbed my face in both of his hands, pulling me toward him until he was kissing me hard.

#BINGEREAD The Rotham Royals Series
– Grab A Princess Next Door (Rothman Royals #1) for only 99c!!

A Princess Next Door (Rotham Royals #1)
I was born the oldest princess of a tiny country in the Alps, which means my future has been planned out for me since I was an infant. I was supposed to marry a rich, arrogant stranger to help restore the royal bank accounts, but I decided to go to college in the States instead. It was the one act of rebellion in my very sheltered life. 

That's how I met Jack Watson. He lives next door, and he's the nicest, sexiest guy I've ever known. My time here is almost over, though. Soon I have to go back home and be the daughter my family and country expects. So there's no sense in letting Jack seduce me with his slow smile, his skillful hands, and his husky drawl. 

Even if I was allowed to have him for a boyfriend, Jack hates formal occasions, pretentious people, and being the center of attention. He'd never hook up with a princess. 

Which is why he can never know who I am.

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A Princess For A Bride (Rotham Royals #2)
I was born the middle princess of a tiny country in the Alps, which means my primary duty in life has always been to make a good marriage for my family and country. That's why I'm marrying Edward Channing. He's rich, handsome, arrogant, and silent.

Seriously, he almost never talks to me at all.

He might be marrying a princess, but he obviously doesn't want to spend any more time with me than he has to. I have no problem with that. We can live entirely different lives and pursue our own interests. I'm sure we can make this arranged marriage work.

Of course, we do need to produce an heir, but I'm trying not to think about that.

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About Noelle Adams:

Noelle handwrote her first romance novel in a spiral-bound notebook when she was twelve, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. She has lived in eight different states and currently resides in Virginia, where she reads any book she can get her hands on and offers tribute to a very spoiled cocker spaniel.

She loves travel, art, history, and ice cream. After spending far too many years of her life in graduate school, she has decided to reorient her priorities and focus on writing contemporary romances.

If you'd like to contact Noelle, please contact her at Or connect with her on TwitterFacebook, and Goodreads.

Follow the tour and enter to win great prizes!

1 grand prize winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gifcard

2 runner-ups will receive an ecopy of A Princess in Waiting!
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Claimed By Power by Zoey Ellis Book Blitz!

Claimed By Power
Zoey Ellis
Publication date: April 3rd 2017
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal, Romance

Not all angels are angelic…
Thea Robinson has never needed anyone’s charity. Sure, her impoverished existence isn’t desired by most, but her ability to manipulate people’s emotions helps her to blend into the shadows of an unforgiving city. When hideous creatures threaten her life, a surly but gorgeous stranger shows up revealing a world she didn’t know existed. She refuses to put up with his rude, arrogant attitude, but how do you dismiss a warrior angel? And does she really want to when his stormy gaze sends delicious thrills straight to her core?
Cam is one of the most ruthless Power angels in the fight against evil. His devotion to kill demons has made him a celebrated warrior in the Angel Realm, even though his motivation stems from grief. When he is assigned to train and protect a half-angel just coming into her abilities, his rage is unparalleled. Until he realizes Thea isn’t like any others. She stirs a carnal passion in him that he can’t shake. He never counted on her being so beautiful… so fierce… so most definitely his.
Claimed by Power is the first book in the Empire of Angels series, a paranormal alpha angel romance series. If you’re a fan of alpha heroes, powerful heroines, paranormal worlds and falling in love, Zoey Ellis’ riveting, sexy tale is perfect for you.
About the end: Although this book can be read as a standalone, Cam and Thea’s story does continue over the next two books.
Sexual scenes and strong language included. Not suitable for readers under 18.
“What exactly are my powers?” Thea asked
The angel stood up. “Not now. It’s time to go. You have your answers.”
Frustrated, she exhaled loudly. She went to her wardrobe and grabbed a bra, top, and another pair of jeans. The angel turned away, allowing her to dress. She eyed him from behind. So angels were real. And they were handsome and powerful and stern. Nothing like she would have ever imagined them to be. He couldn’t even crack a smile and yet mocked her like a child. Were all angels like that? Maybe he didn’t like humans.
“At least tell me why they sent you,” she said, smoothing down her top. “Why you?”
“Why not me?” he said, almost in a growl. “Who would you prefer?”
“I don’t know,” Thea said, lifting her shoulders. “Someone able to smile once in a while?”
He turned to face her, his plain expression flavored with annoyance. “I’m not here to entertain you. You need someone to train you and help you learn how to control your abilities. I’m the best there is. You should be honored.”
Thea shook her head, annoyed. Trained? Like a puppy? Not happening. Especially not by this man, who’d been abrupt with her from the start, despite his careful treatment of her wounds. “I should be honored? Honored that I was attacked by those creatures? Honored that I almost got ripped apart? Honored that you had to come and save me, a poor damsel in distress?”
His face hardened with each word she said, but she couldn’t give a fuck.
“I don’t need to be saved by a warrior who can’t stop the horrors happening in this city every day. Or by a God that keeps himself hidden from those he’s supposed to inspire? People are raped and drugged and killed every day; where are you then? Where is He then? I’ve gotten this far without the help of you or God, and I’ll be fine to continue without you.”
The angel’s stance didn’t change. The only indication of his agitation was in the grounding of his jaw. “You’re being irrational. If I was able to find you here, the demons will find you here. You cannot escape them. Pack. Now.”
“No.” She grabbed her phone. “You go. Thanks very much, but I’ll be fine.”
With a low grunt of frustration, the angel grabbed her around the waist quicker than she would have thought possible. He flew up to the ceiling, his rock-like arm digging into her stomach, pressing her against his chest. He swept his free hand over the length of the room. The room began to glow and then burst into flames, smoke eating up the remaining air.
“No!” She struggled to get out of his arms while her home and everything she owned burned.
He leapt out of the window, holding onto her as he flew over the city.

Author Bio:
Zoey Ellis spends her most of her time thinking up stories that explore how love and romance can be tested by the darker side of our personalities and the heart-wrenching challenges that must be overcome for love to win, even if two people belong together.
A lover of the fantastical, Zoey enjoys how intense and vast the challenges can be for couples in the paranormal romance genre. Her goal is to build a body of work depicting thrilling, fantastical romances between demanding alpha heroes and fiery heroines hoping the love they make will scorch ereaders and melt hearts. With a soft spot for angels, dragons and alpha shifters, Zoey blends her love of a Happy Ever After with strangely unique worlds and complex plots.
If you're interested in hearing about Zoey's new releases first, as well as her bonuses and giveaways, sign up to her newsletter.


Dorian by Carlos Dash Book Blitz and Giveaway!

Carlos Dash
Publication date: April 3rd 2017
Genres: New Adult, Romance
It was supposed to be a meaningless one-night stand. As a billionaire, I have plenty of those.
But she was different.
How was I supposed to know that I would fall in love with her?
And how was I supposed to know whose daughter she was?
Note: This is a New Adult Romance novel written entirely from the point of view of the male protagonist.
Every once in a while, you’ll see two people who are meant to fall in love. Everything flows perfectly for them.
Imaginary birds are flying around their heads and singing love songs to them. Other couples are walking by and becoming jealous at how in love the two people are. It’s all constantly wonderful and gooey.
Then there are people who aren’t supposed to end up together but do so anyway. They fight fate and destiny, if those two things actually exist. They fall in love with each other even though that isn’t part of life’s plan.
I’m not sure which category Emily and I belong to.
Sometimes I think it’s the former. Sometimes I think it’s the latter. It all depends on what mood I’m in.
But at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is the fact that we have love on our side.
As for whether that love was preordained or something that we brought about through sheer force of will, I’ll let you decide that for yourself.
My name is Dorian Alexander, and this is a story about a girl who would change my life forever.

Author Bio:
I'm a guy who likes to cut right to the chase, so here we go: I'm a male author of New Adult Romance whose stories are told entirely from the POV of the male protagonist. If you enjoy happy endings and steamy tales about people falling in love quickly, my books are for you.
Here are some links to help you keep track of what I'm up to:

If you like my work and want to be the first to know when my next book comes out, you can subscribe to my mailing list here:


Romance Between the Pages Podcast!

Ever wondered about the personalities behind your favorite books? Victoria Danann's new podcast with Riley J. Ford has an incredible lineup of authors booked through the spring. No question is out of bounds. Check it out!

Michelle M. Pillow!

New York Times (#8) & USA Today Bestselling Author
Author of All Things Romance

As long as she can remember, Michelle has had a strange fascination with anything supernatural and sci-fi. After discovering historical romance novels, it was only natural that the supernatural and love/romance elements should someday meet in her wonderland of a brain. She's glad they did for their children have been pouring onto the computer screen ever since.

Michelle loves to travel and try new things, whether it's a paranormal investigation of an old Vaudeville Theatre or climbing Mayan temples in Belize. She's addicted to movies and used to drive her mother crazy while quoting random scenes with her brother. Though it has yet to happen, her dream is to be a zombie in a horror movie. (She came close as a refugee extra on SyFy's Z Nation, airing Fall 2016!)

For the most part she can be found writing in her office with a cup of coffee in pajama pants.

Come say hello! I love talking with readers on social media!

Bestselling series: Dragon Lords (dragon-shifters), Lords of the Var (cat-shifters), Warlocks MacGregor (contemporary-set Scottish magic), Lords of the Abyss (merfolk), and more...

Proof of Michelle M. Pillow's NY Times & USA Today listings are provided here.

Special Delivery by Judi Lynn Cover Reveal!

by Judi Lynn
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Pub Date: 11/7/2017

In Mill Pond, Indiana, neighbors always look out for each other. And even though tourists are drawn to the small town’s charms, it’s the locals who fill it with warmth . . .

Traveling nurse Karli Redding doesn’t have many fond memories of her aging grandfather, Axel—or of Mill Pond. But with Axel’s health in decline and Karli on a month’s hiatus between jobs, she volunteers to set him up with the help he needs. The house and her grandfather could both use some TLC. Good thing Keagan Monroe, the very attractive mailman next door, is always ready to lend a hand…
Not a lot slips by a mailman, and Keagan appreciates Karli’s dogged attempts to spruce up the neglected property. Painting, fixing the sagging porch, delivering a constant stream of casseroles from caring neighbors—he’ll help however he can, all while keeping his feelings under wraps. A short-term fling just doesn’t fit into his schedule. But with each passing day, Karli’s bond with the town grows a little deeper. Has fate sent her exactly where she needs to be? Karli’s willing to find out, and the first step is figuring out the perfect route to Keagan’s heart…

Judi Lynn received a Master’s Degree from Indiana University as an elementary school teacher after attending the IPFW campus. She taught 1st, 2nd, and 4th grades for six years before having her two daughters. She loves gardening, cooking and trying new recipes. Readers can visit her website at and her blog

Rebirth Tattooed Angels Trilogy Book 1 By Valerie Willis Book Tour and Giveaway!

Tattooed Angels Trilogy Book 1
By Valerie Willis
Genre: Urban Fantasy
High school life is almost over, but Hotan's life as an immortal has only just started...
Already struggling with a mountain of hardships, Hotan is just trying to get his diploma as his mother had always insisted. Friends know if he's not at home or at the club playing in his band, you can always find him thinking at the old broken down church. Basking in the moonlight, Hotan finds himself under attack by an immortal named Geliah, the element of Fear. Talib, the element of Judgment, interrupts the fight, furious that Geliah would force Hotan to awaken his own abilities and immortality. Normally when pulled out of the reincarnation spell, an immortal would remember whom and what they were, but he is not the Hotan from the Past. Walk beside him as he struggles to keep his chaotic life in order as he tries to break the secrets of his own element, Rebirth.
Tattooed Angels Trilogy Book 2
Talib and Hotan find themselves facing off with the element of Death, Iapetos. Failing to take him out, Talib's life starts flashing before him. As he experiences thousands of years, things that were once forgotten begin to emerge. Will he find the answer in his past in time to aid Hotan?
Valerie Willis, a sixth generation Floridian, launched her first book, Cedric the Demonic Knight, at the start of 2014 on Since then, she has continued to add to The Cedric Series, a high-rated Paranormal Fantasy Romance Series. This series features an anti-hero who finds himself dragged away from his revenge on his maker by both love and the onset of a larger threat. She pulls in a melting pot of mythology, folklore, history and more into her work with a remarkable amount of foreshadowing that makes reading her books a second time exciting. Rebirth is the first book in her Teen Urban Fantasy, the Tattooed Angels Trilogy, where the main character struggles with social issues with the complications of turning immortal. And if fantasy isn't your cup of tea, head over to her Blog for some "Val, Tell me a Story" posts featuring true, hilarious, and sometimes bizarre, life events from recent to old.

Rana: Teenage Queen by Liza O'Connor Release Tour

by Liza O'Connor

The Eyewitness By Nancy Weeks Book Tour and Giveaway!

The Eyewitness
By Nancy Weeks
Genre: Mystery, Crime Thriller, Romance
Fans of TV’s Blue Bloods will love this dynamic new suspense series.
Maryland PD forensic scientist Emersyn D’Azzo has an explosive past with her father’s younger, sexy partner, Detective Alec Pearce. Then an ill-timed kiss destroys the thin line of trust between her and her dad, just before tragedy strikes and someone guns down her father.
The fatal bullet turns out to be tied to the ongoing spree of random sniper kills across the state, but Emersyn knows this wasn’t a random act of violence and is determined to find the killer.
To do so, she’ll need to rely on help from Alec, whom she doesn’t quite trust but just can’t resist. When they discover a connection to a decades-old disappearance of a college student, their investigation takes a deadly twist. Can they learn to trust each other with their hearts to save their lives?  
Ted edged in closer. “You can take a few moments for one dance.” He eyed Tessa. “You don’t mind if I borrow your sister, do you?”
But I do.”
The deep, masculine voice sent an arousing jolt right into Emersyn’s core. And damn it to hell, her mouth went dry, making it impossible to swallow. She fingered her straw then took a deep drink. This time she welcomed the burning chill against her lungs. Detective Alec Pearce had a knack for showing up at her worst moments. Why the hell was he here?
Ted moved away from her as if he’d been burned. “Alec, good to see you.”
You do know you’re hitting on my partner’s daughter, right, Ted?”
Just asking her for a dance.”
Emersyn glanced between the two; she actually preferred Ted’s company to the man who seemed to go out of his way to make her crazy.
Alec reached for her hand and set it in his palm. “Actually, she promised this dance to me. They’re playing our song.”
The muscles in her body tensed as her fingernails dug into his skin. “I don’t—”
Music is on, Em. Shall we?” His other hand went around her waist, and he gave her a swift yank.
Jerkball, let go,” she hissed in his ear.
His grip tightened. “It’s just one dance. Play nice.”
Alec escorted Emersyn to the small dance floor near the bandstand. Every instinct in her wanted to slap his arrogant expression right into next week, but that would make a scene. It was what half the bar expected the instant he got within striking distance. They were all waiting for her to let loose. But this was a new day, a new diploma, new job, new Emersyn. Emotions in check.
My name is Emersyn. I would think you would remember something so simple.”
Alec’s face lit with a grin as his arms brought her close and their bodies began to move to the music. She shot a glare at Tessa, pleading for her to do something. Instead, her sister, the traitor, took another sip of Emersyn’s drink, lifted it in a toast, and rotated in her seat.
A chuckle came from deep in Alec’s throat. “Tessa likes me. You can thank me now.”
I can also knee you where the sun doesn’t shine.”
He lifted her chin with his thumb. “Now that wasn’t nice. I sacrificed a night with that blonde”—he nodded to a beautiful woman sitting at the end of the bar—“just to keep Lecher Ted from hitting on you … again.”
What makes you think I needed rescuing?”
Oh please, Tessa, make the creep go away. I’m ever so sweet and don’t want to hurt the poor jerk’s feelings.”
She yanked out of Alec’s hold, but he was ready and moved her back into his arms without missing a beat.
Relax. I’m teasing.”
You are such an ass.”
His lips brushed over her ear. “Enjoy our moment, Em.”
Impossible. They had more layers of misunderstanding between them than her mother’s chocolate cake, heated words that couldn’t be unheard and arguments with no closure.
After her father had mentioned at dinner that Alec was joining them for dessert, she’d jumped at Tessa’s offer to buy her a drink at the tavern. It was the perfect place to hide out. A lone wolf like Alec wouldn’t be caught dead in the crowded, noisy bar. But here he was. She’d run but not far enough.
I’m sorry I missed your graduation ceremony, but I have a little something for you,” he whispered.
You didn’t need to do that.”
I’m proud of you.”
The words sounded so genuine. “Dad seems resigned to the idea of me at least working alongside cops, if not as a cop.”
Joe doesn’t want you anywhere near the job. But you found a way around that. Instead of crawling in the gutter looking for the worst mankind has to offer, you’re picking through what they left behind.”
She halted in the middle of the dance floor. “You think that’s why I became a forensic scientist?”
I didn’t mean it like that.”
Then what did you mean?”
The music stopped, and they stood still, glaring at each other. Our thing. “I can’t do this tonight,” she said, dropping her hand to her sides. “Thanks.”
Saving me from another go-around with Ted.”
Do you want me to talk to him?”
I can take care of myself.”
For once, there was no comeback. Instead, he eased her against him and tucked her hand over his heart. “Dance with me, Emersyn.”
That sexy, got-to-have-you-now voice was back, and her other four senses came out to play. Being close to Alec Pearce, taking in his spicy, clean soap scent, feeling the strength of his arms around her wasn’t an awful feeling. Confusing? Hell yes, but her body sure enjoyed it. It’s just a dance, right?
She lowered one hand to his hip and brought the other around his neck, her cheek resting against his. Alec tightened his grip around her waist as he spun them around the dance floor. The move put their bodies in sync, and there was no mistaking the effect she had on him. Her lips brushed against his skin, sending shock waves through her.
He sucked in a breath and tilted his head. Their gazes held for what seemed like an eternity. He was so damn gorgeous, his deep brown eyes with a hint of gold, lush lashes, and a dusting of five-o’clock shadow on his square jaw that she ached to feel rubbed against all her soft places. As if he read her mind, his mouth caressed her bottom lip. He waited, expecting her to pull back. Need took over, and she lost her mind.
Nancy C. Weeks has loved happy-ever-after romances since her early teens. While still in college, she met and married her hero. She spent the next several years honeymooning and working overseas. Today, she lives in suburban Maryland with her husband of more than thirty years. With her two grown children out of the nest, she enjoys spending her days writing suspenseful happily-ever-after adventures outside on the deck as the local bird population keeps her company. When she is not writing, Nancy loves to blog about fascinating people, both real and fictional. The one quote that kept her dream alive:

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ~Thomas Edison~


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