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08 October 2021

Murder Worth the Weight by D.M. Barr Book Tour and Giveaway!

Murder Worth the Weight by D.M. Barr Banner

Murder Worth the Weight

by D.M. Barr

September 13 - October 8, 2021 Virtual Book Tour


Murder Worth the Weight by D.M. Barr

Whenever Terry Mangel's body acceptance revival meeting rolls into town, local diet execs and "fat shamers" turn up dead, often in grotesque, ironic ways. All single murders in small suburbs, no one's noticed a pattern, until rookie investigative reporter Camarin Torres takes a closer look.

Torres is a crusader against discrimination. She reluctantly accepts a job offered by handsome publisher Lyle Fletcher, a man with a vendetta, who sees the recent college grad as salvation for Trend, his fledgling fashion magazine. Torres, however, detests everything the publication stands for, and joins solely to transform its judgmental, objectifying content.

As an unexpected romance blossoms, the overconfident, justice-hungry reporter defies orders and infiltrates Mangel's world, only to find herself in the crosshairs of a vigilante group targeting the $60 billion diet industry. To this vindictive mob, murder is definitely worth the weight. But as Torres soon learns, unmasking the killer may save her life but shatter her heart: every clue seems to implicate Fletcher, her mercurial mentor and lover, as the group's mastermind.

Previously published as Slashing Mona Lisa

Book Details:

Genre: Suspense, Romantic Suspense, Psychological Suspense, Women's Fiction
Published by: Punctuated Publishing
Publication Date: 08/09/2021
Number of Pages: 340
ISBN: 978-0-9977118-6-8
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

Chapter 1

CAMARIN TORRES PEERED down the tracks again, as if repeated checking would cause her delayed train to magically appear. It was a warm April afternoon, but the unexpected heat did little to lift her spirits. She was heading back to her apartment after yet another unsuccessful interview. If this kept up, she’d be the only one of her NYU friends graduating next month without a job lined up. How ironic not to be able to afford the food she wouldn’t allow herself to eat anyway. She checked her watch a third time. The 5:03 from White Plains to Grand Central was already ten minutes late.

Camarin heard a voice a few feet behind her softly exclaim, “Dammit!” Curiosity aroused, she spied a girl in her late teens standing by the vending machine, fervently searching through her handbag.

Camarin stared, mesmerized by what could have been a mirror image of her late twin sister Monaeka. Long, dark hair partially obscured her tanned, pretty face, and despite the temperature, she’d draped her two-hundred-plus pound body in an oversized raincoat. But as Camarin well knew, yards of fabric didn’t really fool anyone. The girl hunched over slightly, a stance her sister Monaeka had perfected, a sign of deference to a world demanding an apology for violating their arbitrary standards.

Camarin felt a familiar tug of compassion as the girl plunked a few coins into the machine and then searched for more. Looking on, she debated the merits of acquiescing to her own desire for a late-afternoon sweet. What’s really the harm? Cam reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out three quarters, which she held out toward the stranger as she walked toward her.

“Want to share something?”

The girl tensed and gave her a quizzical look, but after a moment her shoulders relaxed. “That’s so nice of you. Thanks.”

Camarin winked and pushed the quarters into the machine. One click and clunk later, she retrieved their prize—a Kit Kat bar. One of Monaeka’s favorites. As she held it out to the girl, a slim, stylish woman clad in black came out of nowhere and snatched the chocolate bar right out of her hand.

“You don’t need it,” she said. “You’ll thank me later.”

The girl’s face turned bright red, but she said nothing, just watched in shock as the thief continued down the platform.

Camarin felt the blood rush to her temples. No matter how many years and miles she’d put between herself and her past, the critical voices kept seeking her out, today in the form of this interloper. Enough, she decided. She set down the briefcase containing her resume and clips and tore after the woman, grabbing her arm and pulling her around so they stood face-to-face.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Camarin yelled.

Heads turned. Conversations ceased.

“What’s it to you?” the offender shot back.

Camarin pointed at the girl, whose eyes were wide in disbelief. “That girl happens to be a friend of mine, so I’m asking a second time… what are you doing?”

“Saving her from herself, that’s what. Your friend is huge, and it’s unhealthy. If she can’t control herself, she needs others to do it for her.”

“Well, Miss High-and-Mighty, since you know everything about everyone, did you ever consider that my friend…Sabrina’s…size might have nothing to do with self-control? Could it be the result of…the lithium she takes to control her bipolar disorder? Are you a psychiatrist who has a better suggestion for more appropriate meds that don’t put on weight?”

“Well, no… no,” the woman stammered, as if the rush of passion suddenly drained from her, leaving her feeling exposed.

“You know what I think?”

The fat shamer glared back but remained silent, so Camarin summoned her courage and repeated herself, a few decibels louder. “I said, do you know what I think?”

“No. What?” The woman sneered.

“I think you should go over to Sabrina and apologize.”

“Apologize for helping her get thin?” Her voice dripped with indignation.

“No, apologize for sticking your big nose where it doesn’t belong,” interjected a young, beer-bellied man in overalls a few feet away. A Joe’s Plumbing patch was embroidered on his chest pocket.

“What exactly do we have to do to be accepted by you people? Why can’t you just leave us alone?” screamed a plump, older woman with perfectly coiffed hair and a fitted suit.

“Give her back the Kit Kat bar,” hollered a man clad in military garb, who then started chanting, “Kit Kat, Kit Kat, Kit Kat…” Others joined in, and the cacophony grew stronger.

“You may have grabbed a Kit Kat, but you ended up with Snickers,” said Cam with a smirk. “Maybe you want to just hand over the candy, so we can forget this whole ugly incident?”

The woman spat at the ground in front of Camarin and defiantly threw the chocolate bar on the tracks, eliciting loud boos from the small but agitated crowd. Then she ran down the platform, heading for the stairs that led to the parking lot.

“Good riddance,” the plumber called after her.

Camarin stood for a moment, shaking from the encounter. Then she returned to the now teary-eyed girl. “Sorry I made you bipolar,” she whispered. “I needed to make a point, and it was all I could come up with on the spur of the moment. Hi, I’m Camarin.”

“I’m Lexie,” the girl said. “No one has ever stood up for me before. Thank you.”

“Hey, I know what it’s like. I used to deal with jerks like that all the time.”

The plumber pushed a run of quarters into the vending machine and took out two Kit Kat bars, handing one to each of the women. Others on the platform clapped and cheered. The sound was slowly drowned out by the roar of the oncoming 5:03 PM train.

As the doors opened, Camarin noticed Lexie and the plumber now chatting animatedly. Not wishing to intrude, she entered the next car over. It was practically empty, not unusual considering most people were traveling in the opposite direction at this hour. A perfect opportunity to relax after an upsetting confrontation. Perhaps savor that chocolate bar. She could always purge later.

Given the plethora of unoccupied seats, she was surprised when a handsome man in an expensive-looking suit asked if the spot beside her was taken. She guessed he was in his early forties, since his face was too young for the silver in his hair and beard. He spoke with a confidence so lacking in her gawky college-boy contemporaries. She felt a shiver as the silk of his sleeve touched her bare arm as he settled in.

She wondered what clever icebreaker she could use to engage her attractive new neighbor in conversation. Nice weather, huh? would be too lame. Seconds passed. Other passengers shuffled by. Soon, the moment would be lost.

Then, to her delight, he leaned in covertly, as if sharing a private confidence. “Nice going. You’d never seen that girl before in your life, had you?”

She pulled back and studied his expression. Affable or accusatory? His smile assured her of his friendly intentions.

“What gave me away?”

“Nothing. Just a hunch. One you just confirmed.”

Camarin twisted her mouth, irked at having been so easily played.

“Do you always go around tricking strangers into confessing their secrets?” she asked.

“Probably as often as you go around defending the underdog.” The man winked. “Nothing to be ashamed of though. Quite the opposite. As I think you’ve already figured out, life is just a series of bluffs.”

Camarin considered the comment as the train rumbled along the tracks toward Scarsdale.

“And do you bluff much?”

“Funny you should ask. These days, it’s all I do.”

Grateful for such a provocative opening, she pressed forward. “That sounds intriguing. Care to elaborate?”

“Thought you’d never ask,” he said with a smile. “Up until a few years ago, I’d spent my entire career practicing law. Then my circumstances and interests changed, and I decided to become a redeemer of lost causes. I just purchased a failing magazine, which I intend to make profitable again. If that’s not the bluff of the century, I don’t know what is.”

Elegant and he owns a magazine? Camarin’s heart skipped a beat.

“That’s such a coincidence. I’m just coming from an interview with a magazine.”

“Some might call it a coincidence. I call it kismet,” the man said as he held out his hand. “Lyle Fletcher, fledgling publisher.”

Chapter 2

AS THE TRAIN rolled down the tracks toward Manhattan, Camarin sensed her future suddenly lurching ahead as well. “Camarin Torres, journalism and prelaw major. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

She reached out to shake his hand, eager to see if his grip would be as firm as she imagined, but the conductor interrupted, asking to punch their tickets. There was no way to try again without looking awkward, so she swallowed her disappointment and returned her hand to her side.

Fletcher broke the pregnant pause. “So, there must be many professions out there for someone as bold and beautiful as you. Why journalism and law?”

Camarin’s face grew warm. Had anyone else handed her that line, she would have regarded it as a come-on. But he seemed sincere, so she felt comfortable opening up. “All my life I’ve seen bullying and discrimination. As a child, I felt helpless to stop it. But as an adult, I can make a difference.”

“Bullying because of your ethnicity? You’re… ”

“My mother’s side of the family comes from Guam. But no, fortunately, I’ve encountered very little bias because of my roots. Maybe it’s because we live just outside Los Angeles, where I’m part of a large Chamorro community who share an intense sense of cultural pride. In fact, I think my background may have worked in my favor, that push for diversity in colleges and all.”

“So, discriminated against as a woman?”

“No again,” she said, reluctant to share too much of her past with a stranger, no matter how charming. “Let’s just say I’ve seen how cruel people can be to those who don’t quite fit in, no matter how hard they try. I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen to anyone else ever again.”

“You’re going to personally end intolerance?” Fletcher seemed both dubious and amused.

“Well, at least make a sizeable dent in it,” she said with a smile. It wasn’t the first time that people had appeared incredulous at her idealism. “You’re speaking to the world’s first female Chamorro anti-discrimination crusader. After graduation anyway. And eventually law school, when I can afford it.”

“Lofty ambitions. You’ll need them in a world that doesn’t always cooperate with people’s dreams. Again, I’m impressed.”

“Thank you,” she said, her face growing even hotter. A charismatic publisher thought she was impressive. A once-disappointing day was rapidly metamorphosing into something magical, like a child’s giant, colorful carnival balloon.

“Have you interviewed at my magazine, Trend?”

Pop! Camarin did her best not to cringe with contempt. Trend represented everything in the world she’d come to hate: the brainwashing of women to fit into narrow, permissible roles dictated by fashion designers and greedy advertisers. And this man, appealing or not, was one of their leaders. Camarin paused, trying to formulate a polite and diplomatic response.

“You have heard of it, right?”

“Yes, of course. But no, I didn’t interview there. No offense, but as you said, it’s failing. As a matter of fact, I turned down an unsolicited offer from one of your competitors, Drift. I’m just interested in more…serious publications.”

“No offense taken,” he said with a grin. “I realize that up to now Trend has just covered style and gossip—total fluff. That’s what I’m planning to change. In your words, go in a more serious direction.”

She wondered if the comment was authentic or if he was just another jerk and this was an excuse that allowed him to live with himself. They remained quiet for a bit, and then curiosity got the better of her.

“I didn’t realize Trend is based in Westchester.”

Fletcher’s face clouded over. “No, it’s in Manhattan. I was out here today because…my late wife owned a condo in White Plains that we’d been renting out. I was just meeting with the real estate agent I might hire to sell it for me.”

Cam looked down at her pumps, annoyed at herself for bringing up such a sensitive subject. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“Of my wife or the condo?”

She glanced back, astonished. He started to laugh, and she felt the earlier harshness of her judgment soften by a smidgen. He really was quite charming—for a body shamer.

“Are you ever serious?” she asked.

“Oh, when I am, you’ll definitely know it. Like now. How many years of college do you have left?”

His tone switched from whimsical to all business, and something about the way he commanded control sent a shiver up her spine. Hot as hell. Dammit. “About a month. Then I’m done.”

The conductor announced that they would soon be arriving at Grand Central Station, their final destination, and the windows grew dark as they entered the tunnel.

He reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a business card. It read Trend Magazine, with a fashionable NoHo address, close to her own apartment.

She held up her hand. “That’s kind of you, but I really don’t think—”

“Hey, I can see you’re not enamored with our current format. Nevertheless, I’d still like you to come in, show us your work. Allow us to describe the magazine’s revamped editorial direction. I think it may surprise you. I can use someone with your guts and ambition to develop our investigative-reporting beat. That is, if you have any interest.”

She took the card, slipping it into her jacket pocket. “If you’re really serious about moving away from your current focus, I’ll try to keep an open mind.” After all, a job was a job, and up to now, no one else but Drift had made an offer.

“Call tomorrow and speak to Rachel. She’ll set everything up. You’re going to be a superstar. Of that, I’m already certain.” He reached out to shake her hand. It felt as forceful as Camarin had imagined earlier. She didn’t try to read anything into the almost imperceptible squeeze he added at the end. Until proven otherwise, he was still the enemy.

As he rose and headed for the exit, she waited a few beats longer before also joining the crowd jostling toward the platform. By the stairs a newsstand featured the latest issue of Trend. Hating herself, she slapped down her $3.50 for a copy. Magazines like this were part of what had driven her sister over the edge, but she needed to see if there was anything redeemable within its pages. The jury was still out until Lyle Fletcher had proven himself a reformer, and not an enabler.


Excerpt from Murder Worth the Weight by D.M. Barr. Copyright 2021 by D.M. Barr. Reproduced with permission from D.M. Barr. All rights reserved.

 Author Bio:

D.M. Barr

By day, a mild-mannered salesperson, wife, mother, rescuer of senior shelter dogs, competitive trivia player and author groupie, happily living just north of New York City. By night, an author of sex, suspense and satire. My background includes stints in travel marketing, travel journalism, meeting planning, public relations and real estate. I was, for a long and happy time, an award-winning magazine writer and editor. Then kids happened. And I needed to actually make money. Now they're off doing whatever it is they do (of which I have no idea since they won't friend me on Facebook) and I can spend my spare time weaving tales of debauchery and whatever else tickles my fancy. The main thing to remember about my work is that I am NOT one of my characters. For example, unlike as a real estate broker, I've never played Bondage Bingo in one of my empty listings. As a yo-yo dieter, I've never offed anyone at my local diet clinic. While I'm a bit paranoid, I've never suspected my husband of wanting to murder me for my inheritance. Well, that's not entirely true, but let's go with that for now. And while I've volunteered at senior centers, I've never mastered the hula hoop. But that's not to say I haven't wanted to...

Catch Up With D.M. Barr:
BookBub - @DMBarr
Instagram - @authordmbarr
Twitter - @authordmbarr
Facebook - @authordmbarr

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This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for D.M. Barr. There will be 1 winner of one (1) Gift Card (U.S. ONLY). The giveaway runs September 13 through October 10, 2021. Void where prohibited.

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07 October 2021

The Misconception of Mia by Theresa Papa Book Tour and Giveaway!


The Misconception of Mia

The Connected Series Prequel by Theresa Papa 
Publication Date: September 19, 2021 
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Mafia Romance

Download for Free | Amazon

If the Mafia Don finds out her secret, nothing can save her. Have you ever played that game where you must choose between impossible, unthinkable scenarios? Imagine that is your reality. 

 It’s Mia’s wedding day, but she is in love with another man. Can she keep up the farce for a lifetime? Or will the day come when all is revealed, and she must make a deadly choice. Both men are in line to take over their respective families as Dons. 

Alberto and Gino want Mia as their own. The rivalry is real. Mia has no control over her destiny. Her true love is in danger if she gives in to her desire for him. After graduation, she chooses to marry the other to please her father and save her man. That choice puts her own life at risk.

 Find out what happens when your life is not your own. And death is the price you pay for the disrespect. Full Disclosure: This story ends in a cliffhanger tied up in a sweet little bow at the end of The Connected Series. See how it all ends up for Mia and download today!

The Deleted Heir

The Connected Series, Book 1 by Theresa Papa 
Publication Date: September 29, 2021 
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Mafia Romance

Purchase: Amazon

The past should never define us… Let the good parts support us and the bad fall away. 
 A haunting childhood memory keeps Marco paralyzed in his relationships. For most of his life, he’s felt displaced. Until the one he cared for and loved since the day she was born returns. But she is forbidden… They grew up as pseudo brothers and sisters.

 Now his attraction to her has surfaced since her return. He can’t face his best friend with a hard-on for his little sister. How long can he keep the secret? Will, she let him? Amelia had the perfect childhood, a loving family, protective brothers, and the one person she could always turn to for attention or advice, Marco.

 Recently out of college, she struggles with what direction her life should take. In the interim, Marco gives her a job. She never imagined he would be so hot. Can she talk him into a relationship despite their age difference? Can Marco let go of guilt and become the man Amelia needs? Or will trepidation keep him running in the opposite direction?

About the Author

Theresa Papa is a writer and author of a new fiction Romance collection of novels. The Connected Series begins with The Misconception of Mia, serving as a prequel to the three novels that follow. The Deleted Heir, Consigliere, and Not So Wiseguy round out the set of four books in all based on a family under the thumb of the Chicago mafia. 

 Theresa is blessed to be married to her main man for thirty-five years. She knows what it takes to have a loving, lasting relationship. Her husband keeps her laughing after all this time. Tips on keeping the sparks alive along with the witty banter appear in her writing regularly. Her tagline “Add some spice to your life, read Romance” is a clever way of describing the feelings her writing evokes.

 Love stories, a little suspense, and the happily ever after are Theresa’s prescription to keep you smiling. She is ecstatic to share her characters with the world and entertain her readers. Her big Italian family extends throughout the country with a rich and flavorful history. Much of that history spurs ideas for the stories she creates. Make sure you visit the Art Imitates Life in the back of every one of her books. It’s fun to see where ideas are born. 

 Feel free to sign up for her list to hear about new releases as soon as they are available as well as extras like free excerpts and prequels. Just type into your browser or click the link,

Website | Newsletter | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Bookbub | Amazon

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Death Rang The Bell by Carol Pouliot Book Tour and Giveaway!

Death Rang The Bell by Carol Pouliot Banner

Death Rang The Bell

by Carol Pouliot

October 1-31, 2021 Book Tour


Death Rang The Bell by Carol Pouliot

21st-century journalist Olivia Watson thinks traveling back in time to 1934 to attend a Halloween party with her friend Detective Steven Blackwell will be a lot of fun. And it is...until she witnesses the head of the Shipley Five-and-Dime empire murdered, and fears the killer saw her face.

The smart move is to return to the safety of the present, but Olivia possesses a secret and is about to defy the unwritten rules of time-travel. She convinces Steven to let her stay in his time and help unravel the motives behind the murder, even if it means risking her own life to save another.

When Steven delves into the investigation, he discovers how a bitter relationship, a chance encounter, and a fateful decision converged to set the stage for murder. In a maze full of unreliable clues and misdirection, dark secrets refuse to stay buried and forgotten ghosts won’t fade away. Steven is reminded that old sins cast long shadows.

Can Steven catch the killer before time runs out for Olivia?

Praise for Death Rang the Bell:

"This highly inventive series serves up a real treat--a perfect combination of mystery, time travel, and romance."
~~ Deborah Crombie, New York Times Bestselling author of the Duncan Kincaid/Gemma James novels

"Pouliot has the period details mastered, adding realism and depth to this wholly satisfying read."
~~ Marni Graff, author of The Nora Tierney English Mysteries

"With engaging characters, a murder mystery, and a trip back in time, Carol Pouliot’s Death Rang the Bell will keep you turning the pages all night!"
~~ Nancy Allen, New York Times Bestselling Author

"A Halloween setting, a house where time folds back on itself, and a crime with deep roots in the past make Carol Pouliot’s Death Rang the Bell a joy for fans of crisp writing and twisty, character-driven plots."
~~ Connie Berry, Agatha-nominated author of the Kate Hamilton Mysteries

"A delightfully immersive story, filled with surprising twists and turns, a touch of romance -- plus a heroine you will happily follow as she jumps between decades, Death Rang the Bell is a truly great escape."
~~ Alison Gaylin, USA Today and international bestselling author

"This intriguing and beautifully written series will draw you in and make you feel right at home in a time period you’ll wish you could visit."
~~ Grace Topping, USA Today bestselling author of the Laura Bishop Mystery Series.

Book Details:

Genre: Mystery (Traditional Police Procedural with a Time-Travel Twist)
Published by: Level Best Books
Publication Date: September 21, 2021
Number of Pages: 311
ISBN: 978-1-68512-000-9
Series: The Blackwell and Watson Time-Travel Mysteries, #3 || Each is a Stand-Alone Mystery
Purchase Links: Amazon | | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:


Chapter 1

Hot coffee spilled over the rim and burned her hand. Lillian wanted to cry. At nine in the morning, she’d been on her feet since six and had seven long hours to go. She didn’t know how much longer she’d be able to keep it up. She was constantly exhausted and the struggle to breathe was worsening; some days it was nearly unbearable. She knew the disease was going to overpower her, and that moment was coming soon.

Lillian slid around some tables and set a heaping plate of eggs and bacon, potatoes, and toast in front of Arnie McCormack, then topped off his cup from the pot in her other hand. McCormack lowered his newspaper and leered, pinching her behind as she stepped away. Rude bastard. She’d like to pour the scalding coffee over his head and dump his breakfast right in his lap.

The only thing that kept her going every day was the thought of her beautiful little boy. Well, not so little anymore. He was growing up fast, nine years old in January. She managed a smile and wiped away a tear before it became a flood. Best not to think too much about things. Especially money. Lillian knew if she didn’t get the money somehow, she’d never see her son grow into a man.

And what about her letter? It had been four weeks since she’d mailed it. Surely he should have written back by now. She hadn’t been unreasonable, hadn’t asked for much, only enough to pay for treatment at the Little Red Cottage in Saranac Lake.

Dr. Trudeau’s Little Red Cottage. It sounded like heaven. Lillian had heard wonderful things about people being cured there. Imagine, cured! The thought made her dizzy.

Lillian returned to the lunch counter, using the backs of chairs for support. When she arrived at the griddle, she was breathing hard.

Tomorrow, she thought, if I don’t get an answer tomorrow, I’ll send another letter.


Chapter 2

The Three Witches of Macbeth were doing a swell job. Annie, Molly, and Lilly led the parade of pirates, sailors, and fairy princesses through Knightsbridge, picking up ghosts, goblins, and a mummy along the way. Crowds of families followed the costumed children down Victoria Avenue to the entrance of The Elks Club, where, from the top of the staircase, The Three Witches hissed, “Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and caldron bubble.”

Molly cried out, “Beware, all ye who enter here.” Then she thumped a tall gnarled staff on the stone step, and Annie and Lilly grasped the thick iron rings with both hands and heaved. As the massive oak doors creaked open, the masquerading children flew up the stairs and into the community room, awash with the scents of apples and cinnamon.

Carved pumpkins flickered in the semi-darkened room, revealing white cobweb-filled corners and big black spiders and bats hanging so low that adults had to duck. Seeing colorful bags piled on black-draped tables, one little boy jumped up and down, clapping his hands in glee. A girl grabbed her friend’s hand, and they did a little dance, and three teenagers slapped each other on the back. A Halloween treat awaited each of them. Eager to explore, the kids fanned out.

“Ooh! I feel like I’m ten again,” said Olivia, shaking the black-and-orange tin noise maker. “Why didn’t we wear costumes?”

Steven gave her a look. “What if I had to rush out for an emergency?” he asked.

“You could’ve dressed like a cop.” She smirked.

“Hi, Steven.” Decked out in an eye patch and pirate gear, Jimmy Bourgogne appeared from behind Olivia, swept off his hat, and gave a courtly bow, bending low to the floor. “Miss Watson.”

“Jimmy, you look fantastic,” exclaimed Olivia. “I didn’t recognize you with that mustache and goatee.”

“Congratulations, Jimmy. You fellas did a swell job,” Steven said.

“Thanks, but the credit really goes to Leon here.”

A slender young man with light brown hair joined them. He sported a plaid shirt with a tin sheriff’s badge pinned over his heart, red kerchief around his neck, and holster holding a toy gun attached to a leather belt.

“Hi, Leon.” Steven extended his hand. “This is my friend Olivia Watson. Olivia, Leon Quigg is my mailman.”

“Nice to meet you, Miss Watson.” Leon said, nodding as he doffed his cowboy hat.

“I’m glad to meet you, too. This is a wonderful party.”

Jean Bigelow sidled up to Olivia, yelling amidst the racket. “You made it!”

“Jean! Isn’t this swell?” Olivia chuckled to herself. Liz and Sophie would crack up hearing her talk like a real 1934 person.

After several months, acting like she belonged here had become second nature, but Olivia Watson didn’t belong here. She lived in 2014 and only visited 1934 from time to time.

This week Olivia was spending several days in Steven’s time. No passport, no suitcase, no plane ticket required. All it took was a simple step across the threshold of her bedroom door into Steven’s Depression-era house−simple but the key to her recently discovered ability to time travel.

“What are you reading tonight?” Olivia asked the librarian.

“Edgar Allan Poe. ‘The Cask of Amontillado.’”

“That’s the one where the guy gets walled up, isn’t it?”

Jean nodded. “I’ve been practicing creepy voices for days.”

“Well, you look the part. I love your cape, very 19th-century.” Olivia touched a fold of Jean’s costume. “Ooh, velvet. I wish I’d worn that.”

The organizers had packed the evening full of entertainment. Steven and Olivia watched a magician pull pennies out of children’s ears and a rabbit out of his top hat, and wondered how he made the mayor’s watch disappear. The kids bobbed for apples, the water sloshing out of the metal washtub soaking the floor. The younger children played Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Donkey and Drop-the-Handkerchief, while the older ones played charades and told ghost stories.

At seven thirty, the kids crowded along the row of tables where members of the Elks handed out treats. Noses in their black-and-orange bags exploring the treasures within, they moved to the far end to select their favorite soda, handing the tall glass bottles of Hires Root Beer, Orange Crush, and Coca-Cola to Jimmy Bou and Leon Quigg, who were armed with metal bottle openers.

The evening culminated with story telling. The village librarian led the young children into a side room, spooky picture books in hand. The older ones gathered behind the curtain on the shadow-filled stage where Jean Bigelow waited in flickering candlelight. When they’d settled in a circle on the floor, Olivia among them, the librarian cleared her throat and began.

“The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge....”


Excerpt from Death Rang the Bell by Carol Pouliot. Copyright 2021 by Carol Pouliot. Reproduced with permission from Carol Pouliot. All rights reserved.

Author Bio:

Carol Pouliot

Carol Pouliot holds a BA in French and Spanish and an MA in French. She has taught French, Spanish, German, and English. She owned and operated a translating agency for 20 years. Her work has been published in Victoria magazine.

Carol is the author of The Blackwell and Watson Time-Travel Mysteries, which includes Doorway to Murder (book 1), Threshold of Deceit (book 2), and Death Rang the Bell (book 3).

Carol is passionate about the world and other cultures. She has visited 5 continents thus far and always has her passport and suitcase at the ready.

Catch Up With Carol Pouliot:
BookBub - @cpouliot13
Instagram - @carolpouliotmysterywriter
Facebook - @WriterCarolPouliot

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This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for Carol Pouliot. There will be Four (4) winners for this tour. Two (2) winners will each receive a $15 gift card; Two (2) winners will each receive 1 print edition of Death Rang The Bell by Carol Pouliot (US Only). The giveaway begins on October 1 and ends November 2, 2021. Void where prohibited.

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06 October 2021

Wall of Stone By Heather Robinson Book Tour! @HevRob1 @maryanneyarde @heather.robinson.908579 @coffeepotbookclub #HistoricalFiction #AncientRome #BlogTour #CoffeePotBookClub

Book Title: Wall of Stone

Author: Heather Robinson

Publication Date: 23rd August 2014

Publisher: Independently Published

Page Length: 366 Pages

In AD121 the Twentieth Legion of Rome stands at the northern frontier of Britannia. Forgotten, neglected and dour in spirit, they must still do their duty for an Empire whose meaning is becoming lost to them.

As the lives of the local Teviot family intertwine with the legion, relationships of love and bitter anguish unfurl. Will the invading army push north? Will the disputing native tribes unite in an uprising? Can Marcus be with Jolinda?

When peace is fragile, friendships count for everything...

Universal Link:

This book is available on #KindleUnlimited.

Heather Robinson is a novelist and short story award winner from Wiltshire, UK.  Her academic background includes a Bachelor of Science degree with most of her working life spent as an Administration Manager locally.  She is also a qualified and experienced radio presenter, hosting a weekly show for Warminster Community Radio.  Proud parents of two boys, Heather and her husband Graham share a passion for live music, hiking and motorcycling. 


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05 October 2021

And Hell Followed by Beckett Riley Reveal Spotlight! @beckettwrites #BookishPost

And Hell Followed
Beckett Riley
Publication date: October 26th 2021
Genres: Adult, Dark Romance, Historical, Romance, Western

We all have our demons

My parents thought emigrating from Germany to the American frontier was going to be a good thing for everyone. But it seems that a darkness is doomed to follow us wherever we go.

Life can be harsh and unforgiving in this world, especially for a woman. Luckily, I have my brother, Thomas, to watch out for me and protect me. He can only do so much, though, and after that vile attack, I find myself in need of his protection more than ever. It was then I realized that festering darkness came from within.

Although society won’t take kindly to it, we have forsaken God and embarked on an unholy life, but just as things finally began to calm down, the past reared its ugly head and came back to tear us apart and destroy and everything we’ve built.

But as Thomas once told me, I would ride my steed through the fires of hell to salvage the only thing worth living for, and if the devil gets in my way, he will beg to God for mercy.

We will be free.

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Author Bio:

Beckett Riley resides in the sunshine state where she writes in between taking care of a four-year-old daughter, three dogs, six chickens, a grumpy barn cat, and a husband (sometimes in that order according to him). She loves writing erotic stories as much as she enjoys reading them. Dark romance and happily ever afters with hot, possessive, guys bring tears of joy to her eyes so please excuse the alpha males roaming her pages, they know not what they do.

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Hold Onto The Stars by Tracy Broemmer Book Release Tour! #NowLive @IndiePenPR #BlueCollarRomanceSeries


Nothing about CJ Everhart is traditional, from her blue collar job to her thoughts on relationships but now that she’s thirty, she wonders if there is more for her than the life she’s living. 

 Enter big-city transplant, Peyton Quinn, and CJ can’t deny the chemistry between them, but can Peyton convince her to take a chance on love? Fall for this hard-working hottie in Hold Onto the Stars by Tracy Broemmer, a Blind Date Romance, the next book in the Blue Collar Romance Series.

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  From author Tracy Broemmer comes a blue collar, blind date romance with a fun twist, a sassy heroine, and a happily ever after. CJ Everhart—small town girl, licensed electrician, professional sports fan. With her thirtieth birthday in the rearview mirror, CJ can’t help but wonder if there’s more to life than what small-town Oak Bend, Michigan has to offer. 

Nothing about CJ is what the people of Oak Bend would call traditional from her blue-collar roots and reputation as one of the town’s best electricians, to her thoughts on what she really needs in a relationship. She’s not the kind of girl who needs flowers or other silly romantic gestures, and her ideal future bucks the small-town script of marriage, babies, and soccer-mom minivans. 

Peyton Quinn—big city guy, elementary school teacher, new to small-town living. Transplanted from a Chicago suburb, Peyton moves to Oak Bend for a change of pace—oh, and to hide from his well-meaning family. Enter a well-meaning friend who sets him up with the perfect blind date. Too bad she doesn’t hold a candle to the mysterious Tigers fan that he ran into in a local sports bar. 

When their paths cross, sparks fly between CJ and Peyton. CJ doesn’t deny the attraction, though she insists she’s not the kind of woman Peyton needs. But the more they’re around each other, the more Peyton believes fate brought them together. Can Peyton convince CJ they were made for each other and the sky is the limit for their love if they can hold onto the stars?

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Copyright 2021 Tracy Broemmer

CJ tried to keep her eyes off him. After all, he was Violet’s date. Never mind the fact that he was the best-looking guy in the bar, the most interesting thing to happen in Oak Bend since Sherry brought in the Fifty Shades of Grey series to their little local library, and currently leaning over the pool table, putting some prime all-American male on display. 

CJ let her eyes roam over his arms, the way his shirt bunched up a bit over his biceps. One of his hands rested on the green felt, propping the pool cue, while the other held the cue loosely as he eyed his shot. Cheeks hot, she dragged her eyes over his backside—she liked a man who filled out his jeans the way he did—and glanced at Violet, ready to beg for forgiveness. But Violet had her back to the table, talking to a few guys they had gone to school with. CJ looked back at Peyton when she heard the clack of the cue ball.

 She watched two solids drop into the corner pocket, totally unprepared when he looked up and hit her with that intense gaze. “Lucky shot,” he said around a sheepish grin. CJ simply smiled and watched him study the table for his next shot. When he did finally step closer to the table and lean, she let out a quiet groan. Embarrassed, she bit her lip when he straightened and looked at her in askance. “What?” “Nothing.” She shook her head. “C’mon.” He turned to her and tipped his head. “What’re you thinking?” 

“That’s not your best shot,” she mumbled. “No?” He looked back at the table with a frown. “You’re not at a good angle.” Uncomfortable under his intense scrutiny when he shifted his gaze back to her, CJ grabbed her beer and drained it. “The two ball is less than an inch off the corner pocket,” he told her. And that less than an inch would mean he would miss the shot, but she simply shrugged and nodded to the table.

 With her beer gone, Violet still engaged in conversation, and nothing to do with her hands, CJ folded her arms over her chest and watched Peyton take the shot. It wasn’t pretty, but after a second of bumping around, it dropped into the pocket. “What shot would you have taken?” he asked her as he eyed the table again. “The five at the side,” she answered without hesitation. He swung his gaze to the five and shrugged, but he nodded.

 The last shot had left him with nothing good this time, so CJ’s eyes wandered over his backside again. “You’re dry.” CJ stared at him blankly when he joined her at the high-top table. Watching the fluid motion of his body moving around the table had been entertaining, and while her panties hadn’t melted, she was aroused
 enough to feel flustered by his comment


About Tracy Broemmer

An only child, Tracy Broemmer grew up with a wild imagination. An avid reader from a young age, she spent a lot of time with her nose buried in books and a lot of time making up her own stories. She penned her first book in grade school and hasn’t stopped writing since then.

When she’s not writing, you might find her with a book in hand, or maybe a glass of wine, or maybe a book in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. Tracy enjoys spending time with her family, traveling with her husband of twenty-eight years, music, NFL, and MLB. 

Tracy is the author of the Lorelei Bluffs women’s fiction series, the Williams Legacy, and several stand-alone women’s fiction novels. She has recently dabbled in contemporary romance, as well. Tracy’s books have been called gripping, emotional, and timely, and readers describe her characters as real and relatable.

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About The Blue Collar Romance Series

Escape to Oak Bend where blue-collar hotties work hard and love even harder. From broody carpenters to sexy electricians, these eight standalones are packed with small town feels, heat, and heartwarming happily ever afters. Enjoy your favorite tropes written by an amazing group of authors: Jaymee Jacobs, Alexa Rivers, Evelyn Sola, Kate Carley, Tracy Broemmer, Mila Nicks, Claire Wilder, and Moni Boyce. Fall head over heels for swoon-worthy book boyfriends who aren’t afraid of a little hard work for that happily ever after.

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Christmas Data Breach (West Investigations) by K.D. Richards Book Tour and Giveaway!

Christmas Data Breach (West Investigations) by K.D. Richards

About Christmas Data Breach


Christmas Data Breach (West Investigations) 

Romantic Suspense 3rd in Series Setting - New York/New Jersey 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Harlequin Intrigue (September 28, 2021) 

Digital Print length ‏ : ‎ 256 pages 

ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0917K3JQN

A mysterious fire is set at Christmas…

Forcing a security expert to reunite with the woman he never forgot

Security specialist Gideon Wright knows Mya Rochon’s cancer research is groundbreaking. But when an arsonist destroys his ex-wife’s lab and puts her at risk, he discovers it’s dangerous, too. With Gideon’s protection, Mya’s determined to finish her project—no matter the risk to her life…or Gideon's heart. But will their rekindled partnership face its most deadly adversary yet?

About K.D. Richards

K.D. Richards was born and raised in the Maryland suburbs just outside of Washington, D.C. A writer since a young age, after college Kia earned a law degree and worked as an attorney and legal instructor for fifteen years but never stopped writing fiction. She currently splits her time between Toronto and Maryland with her husband and two sons.

Author Links 

  Purchase Links 

October 4 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW
October 4 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT
October 5 – Novels Alive – REVIEW
October 5 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
October 6 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
October 6 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW  
October 7 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
October 7 – The Book Diva's Reads – SPOTLIGHT
October 8 – Novels Alive – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 8 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog – SPOTLIGHT
October 9 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
October 9 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews - REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW
October 10 – I Read What You Write - REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 10 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT 

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04 October 2021

Perfect Bind (A Beloved Bookroom Mystery) by Dorothy St. James Book Tour and Giveaway!

A Perfect Bind (A Beloved Bookroom Mystery) by Dorothy St. James

About A Perfect Bind

A Perfect Bind (A Beloved Bookroom Mystery) 

Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Berkley (September 28, 2021) 

Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 304 pages 

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0593098609 

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0593098608 Digital 


Librarian Tru Beckett, ardent defender of the printed word, is about to find out that keeping murder checked out of her beloved library is much harder than she thought...

Tru Beckett succeeded in building a secret book room in her now bookless library, where book lovers from lovely Cypress, South Carolina, can rejoice in the printed word. Now she's working hard to maintain the little library downstairs while keeping her "real job" upstairs in the bookless technology center. The last thing she needs is a mysterious vandal who seems intent on breaking into her secret book-filled sanctuary and creating chaos. The nasty interloper doesn't steal anything, but brutalizes the books, damaging them and knocking them off shelves.

A patron of the secret book room tells Tru that there have been creepy goings-on at the library for years, especially in the basement where the secret book room is located. He's heard rumors of a poltergeist that haunts the library, determined to scare off readers. Tru is certain it's hogwash, but she's at a loss to think of who might be vandalizing the beautiful books she fought so hard to protect. And when a dead body shows up right behind the library, Tru is certain that it's not a ghost but a cold-blooded killer that she and her trusty tabby Dewey Decimal will need to uncover.

About Dorothy St. James

Dorothy St. James is the author of the White House Gardener Mysteries and the Southern Chocolate Shop Mysteries. She lives in the Lowcountry of South Carolina with her sculptor husband. Dorothy is a member of Mystery Writers of America (MWA) and the International Thriller Writers (ITW) and Sister’s in Crime (SInC). This is her second Beloved Bookroom Mystery.

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  Purchase Links - 
Amazon - Penguin Random House - B&N - Kobo - Google Play - IndieBound 

                                           a Rafflecopter giveaway 

September 28 – Novels Alive – GUEST POST
September 28 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
September 29 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW
September 30 – I'm All About Books – SPOTLIGHT
September 30 – Author Elena Taylor's Blog – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 1 – Mochas, Mysteries and Meows – CHARACTER GUEST POST
October 1 – View from the Birdhouse – REVIEW
October 2 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW
October 3 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW
October 3 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – REVIEW
October 4 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
October 4 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
October 5 – Book Club Librarian – REVIEW  
October 5 – Christy's Cozy Corners – SPOTLIGHT
October 6 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT
October 6 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW
October 7 – Socrates Book Reviews – REVIEW
October 7 – Mysteries with Character – GUEST POST
October 8 – Angel's Guilty Pleasures – SPOTLIGHT
October 8 – My Reading Journeys - REVIEW
October 9 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews - REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW
October 9 – I Read What You Write – SPOTLIGHT
October 10 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT
October 10 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 11 – Melina's Book Blog – REVIEW
October 11 – BookishKelly2020 – SPOTLIGHT 

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03 October 2021

Playing Possum (The 2 Sisters Pet Valet Mysteries) by Dane McCaslin Book Tour and Giveaway! @dollycas @mccaslin_dane

Playing Possum (The 2 Sisters Pet Valet Mysteries) by Dane McCaslin

About Playing Possum

Playing Possum (The 2 Sisters Pet Valet Mysteries) 

Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Lyrical Press (October 5, 2021) 

Number of Pages: 300 (approx.) 

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08SJ2VFHP

The 2 Sisters Pet Valet Service is purring along, thanks to the entrepreneurial talents of retired schoolteacher Gwen Franklin and her bestie and business partner, Nora Goldstein. But when the fur starts to fly, they become partners in crime detecting as well . . .

At Nora’s request, Gwen is happy to accompany her to a meeting with ex-hubby #3’s lawyer. Much to Nora’s surprise—and dismay—she’s been named executor of said ex’s will. The fact that the man has been missing for years and was just declared legally dead only makes an already complicated process more so. And besides, is he really dead? What’s not a surprise is that Nora’s twin ex-stepchildren are pressing for access to their father’s dry cleaning fortune . . . 

With Gwen’s assist, it’s time for Nora to do a little digging. It turns out that the twins’ catering business is failing—and that their dad’s business was laundering more than clothing. Soon, Gwen and Nora are infiltrating a long list of dirty deeds, including fraud and illegal gains. And the perpetrators are all too close to home. The police may want Gwen and Nora to stick to their own line of work, but the pair are determined to make sure the truth comes out in the wash—before someone ends up in the discard bin . . .

About Dana McCaslin

McCaslin began a life-long love of mysteries at a very young age. She bypassed Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden and went straight for Agatha Christie, thanks to her mother’s library books. Dane is retired from a twenty-plus-year career in teaching high school and college English, and she uses her newfound freedom to read for pleasure, write mysteries, and smell the roses.

  Author Links 
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  Purchase Links - Amazon - B&N - Kobo - Google Play

September 27 – Author Elena Taylor's Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
September 27 – Novels Alive – GUEST POST
September 27 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT
September 28 – Mysteries with Character – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
September 28 – Baroness' Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT
September 29 – I'm All About Books – SPOTLIGHT
September 29 – Christy's Cozy Corners – GUEST POST
September 30 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews - REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST
September 30 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT
September 30 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW*, GUEST POST
October 1 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
October 1 – Literary Gold - CHARACTER GUEST POST
October 2 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 2 – Laura's Interests – CHARACTER GUEST POST
October 3 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
October 3 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW, GUEST POST
October 4 – BookishKelly2020 – SPOTLIGHT  
October 4 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

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Murder at the Christmas Cookie Bake-Off (A Beacon Bakeshop Mystery) by Darci Hannah Book Tour !

Murder at the Christmas Cookie Bake-Off (A Beacon Bakeshop Mystery) by Darci Hannah

About Murder at the Christmas Cookie Bake-Off

Murder at the Christmas Cookie Bake-Off (A Beacon Bakeshop Mystery) Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Kensington (October 5, 2021) 

Mass Market Paperback ‏ : ‎ 304 pages 

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1496731735 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1496731739 

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08RX1V293 

Tucked away inside an old lighthouse in Beacon Harbor, Michigan, bakeshop café owner Lindsey Bakewellis ready to make her first Christmas in town shine bright. But her merry plans crumble fast when murder appears under the mistletoe . . .

With the spirit of the holidays wafting through the Beacon Bakeshop, Lindsey thinks she has the recipe for the sweetest Christmas ever—winning the town-wide cookie bake-off. Unfortunately, striving for a picture-perfect December in Beacon Harbor is a lot like biting into stale shortbread. Low on staff and bombarded by visits from family, Lindsey can barely meet demands at work, let alone summon the confidence to face fierce competition . . .

Self-appointed Christmas know-it-all Felicity Stewart is determined to take the top spot in the bake‑off, and she’s not afraid to dump a little coal in everyone’s stocking to do it. Just as the competition heats up, everything falls apart when the judge is found dead—and covered in crumbs from Lindsey’s signature cookie!

Solving a murder was never on Lindsey’s wish list. But with her reputation on the line during the happiest time of the year, she’ll need to bring her best talents to the table in order to sift out the true Christmas Cookie culprit.

Includes Delicious Recipes!

About Darci Hannah

Cozy mystery author, Darci Hannah, is a native of the Midwest and currently lives in a small town in Michigan. Darci is a lifelong lover of the Great Lakes, a natural wonder that inspires many of her stories. When Darci isn't baking for family and friends, hiking with her furry pals, Ripley and Finn, or concocting her next cozy mystery, she can be found wandering around picturesque lakeside villages with her hubby, sampling baked goods and breaking for coffee more often than she should.

Author Links 
  Instagram: @authordarcihannah 
  Purchase Links: Amazon B & N BAM 2 Dandelions Bookstore 

October 1 – I'm All About Books – SPOTLIGHT
October 1 – Cozy Up With Kathy - REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 1 – Maureen's Musings – S0POTLIGHT
October 2 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
October 2 – Diane Reviews Books – GUEST POST
October 2 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog – SPOTLIGHT
October 3 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
October 4 – The Avid Reader - REVIEW, RECIPE
October 4 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW
October 5 – Mysteries with Character – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 5 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
October 6 –Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST
October 6 – Christy's Cozy Corners - REVIEW, GUEST POST
October 6 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
October 7 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT
October 7 – Baroness' Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT
October 7 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW
October 8 – Literary Gold – CHARACTER GUEST POST
October 8 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
October 9 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW
October 9 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT
October 10 – I Read What You Write - REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 10 – Nellie's Book Nook - REVIEW
October 11 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews - REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW
October 11 – Angel's Guilty Pleasures – SPOTLIGHT
October 12 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic - GUEST POST
October 12 – Melina's Book Blog – REVIEW
October 12 – BookishKelly2020 - SPOTLIGHT 

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