
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

12 February 2024

The Hall of Art and Pleasure Chasing Pleasure Trilogy Book 1 by Darcy Monroe Book Tour!

Seven Nights.

Seven Rooms.

One Erotic Lesson.

College student Mackenzie is invited to a secret house of pleasure, where she'll experience sexual fantasies for an entire week. Meanwhile, the guy down the hall might be everything she wants and more. Will she quit the house for love, or continue in the Hall of Art and Pleasure?

The Hall of Art and Pleasure

Chasing Pleasure Trilogy Book 1

by Darcy Monroe

Genre: College Erotic Romance

Mackenzie’s love life is a wreck. Drinking her troubles away in a strip club seems like the best solution until a dancer slips her a business card with a local address on it.

When she walks through the door, she’ll never be the same…

The address leads to a house with the deal of a lifetime: complete seven nights of “education” in The Hall of Art and Pleasure, and on the eighth night, step through a different door to be tested. She accepts the challenge and begins an awakening unlike any other. Room by room, Mackenzie starts to take back her confidence.

Then she meets Tristen. Heartbreakingly sweet, he seems interested in her for more than her body. Mackenzie is torn between the desire to finish her time in the Hall and her longing for a real relationship. If she continues her carnal quest, she may lose Tristen, but if she quits, she’ll never know what lies behind the final door…

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The Hall of Art and Pleasure

I fingered the weathered paper on the door again as I read the fragment of poetry.

Thy self: cast all, yea, this

white linen; hence,

There is no penance due to innocence:

To teach thee, I am naked first; why then

What needst thou have more

covering than a man?

—John Donne

I hadn’t exactly studied poetry, but I am naked first didn’t really need to be translated. If I opened the door, would a nude man be standing there? Would it be the stripper from the night before?

I remembered the way he’d looked at me, all sexy and serious at the same time. I’d felt an instant connection with him, or I never would have let him handcuff me.

A full minute passed as I braced my hand against the handle, the desperate beat of my heart threatening to break through my rib cage. Then I twisted the knob and, in a rush, pushed through and slammed the door.

I stood facing it a while before I dared turn around. Would someone approach me?

No one did. I can do this.

I slowly turned, and the sight of the room stole my breath. I pressed my hand to my chest as I was transported to another time and place. Candles created a softly lit atmosphere. The room was draped in white silks that floated lazily in the breeze of a few fans. There was a canopied four-poster bed directly in front of me, and it was like… like Arabian Nights. Like I was Scheherazade or something. The walls were completely made of mirrors, making the room look larger and more elaborate, the bedroom reflected golden and beautiful on every wall.

This was the romance missing in my life. Not the hasty hookups that were so common in college. Not the way I’d lost my virginity in the back of a cramped sports car, all awkwardness and pain. This was a romance novel, a dream.

A low chuckle rumbled from the side of the room.

I turned, startled to see a man leaning back in an opulent chair, staring at me. His dark brown hair was pulled back. He wore a button-down white shirt and black slacks, like he had just gotten in from the office. Not naked after all. He appeared to be about twenty-five with kind, hazel eyes and… wow. His legs were long. I’d never slept with someone who promised to be so tall.

I bit my lip. He wasn’t the stripper from Cherries.

He gestured to the room with one hand. “You like it?” he asked in a mild tenor.

I nodded.

He unbuttoned the cuffs of his dress shirt, his eyes downcast.

I twisted my hands together in front of my coat. This was so awkward! “So, the contract…”

He chucked again but didn’t say anything.

“Kind of crazy, huh? What exactly am I doing here?”

Having undone his cuffs, he moved on to his shirt with slow deliberation, but he didn’t answer me.

“And how do you get to be a part of a, um… this?” I asked, retreating until my back was flat against the door.

He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it in a ball to the side of the room, then unbuckled his belt. It whipped through the loops of his pants, and he held it for a moment, his mouth quirked into a teasing smile before it hit the ground with a dull thud.

His eyes zeroed in on where my hand rested, just inches from the door handle. “Do you feel safe?”

I shook my head once. This man was anything but safe. This house? Completely unsafe. It was like some weird fever dream, the whole thing.

I could leave right now. If I wanted to.

I felt behind me until my fingers touched the doorknob.

The man paused in undressing, one hand on his zipper, his tanned skin glowing in the low light of the room. He arched an eyebrow.

It was like he could see the thoughts as they raced through my head. 

Why did I sign that paper? I chose this room, but… I’m not ready. Am I? I squeezed my eyes shut.

“Mackenzie,” he said softly, “we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, but there was a reason you said ye. A reason you chose my door. I get it if I’m not your type.”

I opened my eyes. It was my turn to frown at him. He couldn’t possibly doubt his attractiveness. His chest was toned, tapering into a flat stomach. He was the type of man who evoked the cavewoman in girls, the need to feel protected. A knot formed in my throat as I observed the trail of light-brown hair that began below his navel and disappeared into the band of his black trousers.

I shook my head, and his face fell.

“No, I didn’t mean—” My hand left the knob, and I took a step forward.

His teasing smile was back, and I realized what he’d just done. He was messing with me, trying to get me to abandon my desire to flee to comfort him.

I folded my arms, slightly annoyed, but mostly amused. “Well played.”

He bowed like an actor in a Shakespearean play with the flourish of an imaginary hat, managing to drop his pants at the same time.

I giggled. I couldn’t help it. It was so smooth yet so funny.

When he straightened, the warmth in his eyes had changed. Now, they smoldered with something different, something primal.

Oh, boy. What did I get myself into?

Darcy Monroe is an avid romance reader and spicy romance writer. She enjoys binging Netflix, dancing in the rain, and imagining all sorts of steamy scenes with kind, kinky guys.

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Celebrating Women in Horror Month (Part 1) By Kelli A. Wilkins!

By Kelli A. Wilkins

Hi everyone,

People usually associate February with Valentine’s Day and romance… but did you know February is “Women in Horror” month? To celebrate, I’m blogging about my two ghost stories, Dead ‘Til Dawn and Kropsy’s Curse and two short reads, Silent Sentinel and More Than I Bargained For.

First, let’s spend a night in the land of the dead with Dead ‘Til Dawn

Dead ‘Til Dawn

Disturbing the dead doesn’t prove you’re brave – it proves you’re stupid.

After touring Gettysburg battlefield, Jessica, Tim, and Steve decide to sneak out to the Devil’s Den for some late-night fun. Jessica’s friend Kathy objects, and warns them about trespassing where they’re not wanted.

Undaunted by ghost stories and fueled by his own arrogance, Tim races toward the Devil’s Den. When the group drives through mysterious battlefield fog, they find themselves surrounded by Civil War soldiers looking for a little fun of their own.

Kathy leaves the others to fend for themselves and flees to Little Round Top. Although she’s rescued by a kindhearted Union solider named Charlie, she refuses to believe what she’s experiencing is real. As the nighttime battle rages on, Charlie introduces Kathy to other weary soldiers, and she quickly realizes she’s trapped in the land of the dead until dawn. 

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So how did this story come about? Well, I love writing psychological/creepy/spooky horror stories. And I also love traveling to historic places—especially if they’re haunted. 

This novella was inspired by actual events that happened to me in Gettysburg, PA. I had a very unusual experience with battlefield fog and I wanted to use it in a story. I wrote a true story account of the incident, and it appeared in the Out of Time anthology. (You can order Out of Time here:

Although I don’t consider myself a “paranormal investigator” I love exploring haunted places and taking ghost tours. Historic houses and “anything old and creepy” appeal to my imagination. Is it any surprise that I love Halloween?

And because Halloween is my favorite holiday, I wrote this Halloween-themed horror story… 

Kropsy’s Curse

Late one Halloween night, two young boys venture into a secluded graveyard in the hopes of conjuring up a spirit. Although Kyle is skeptical and would rather be home eating candy and watching horror movies, he reluctantly goes along with Jerry’s plan. He doesn’t believe Ouija boards work—until this one starts spelling out a message… 

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This piece of flash fiction came to me when I was mulling over horror ideas. I actually came up with the (strange) ending first, then built the rest of the story around it. I can’t give away any more without spoiling the story, so you’ll have to read it for yourself.

If you’re looking for a quick read that’s more mystery than horror (but still has paranormal elements) check out Silent Sentinel. This 4,100 word mini-thriller blends a crime story with the unusual.

Silent Sentinel - A Mini-Thriller

One afternoon, Valerie visits a flea market and meets a peculiar man who tries to sell her an ancient statue of Anubis—the Egyptian god of the dead. Despite her protests, the man insists that she must have the statue. Valerie gives in and brings her new “guardian” home.

Later that night, Valerie awakens to discover an intruder has broken into her house. She’s forced to fight for her life and relies on Anubis to save her.

When the police investigate, they make a shocking discovery about her attacker and his motive. Only then does Valerie realize how lucky she was— the statue was the last thing she wanted, but exactly what she needed.

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More Than I Bargained For is a lighthearted mini-mystery that blends offbeat humor with the paranormal.

More Than I Bargained For - A Paranormal Mini-Mystery

Katie doesn’t like going to estate sales. Why? Because she sees dead people.

When Katie reluctantly attends an estate sale with her friend Diane, she gets more than she bargained for. The deceased former owner of the house, Grace, realizes that Katie can communicate with her, and she has a lot to say.

As Katie pretends to shop, Grace tells her the story of how she was murdered—and reveals that her killer is still in the house.

It’s up to Katie to uncover the murder weapon and get it to the police… before time runs out.

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Stay tuned for Part 2 of my Women in Horror blog. Until then, you can visit the “Horror, Mystery & More” section of my site to read about my other spooky stories.

Happy Reading!

Kelli A. Wilkins

Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20+ romance novels, and 6 horror ebooks. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror stories. 

In 2023, she released The Route 9 Killer, a mystery/thriller set in Central NJ. Her paranormal/mystery romance, In Another World, was published in 2022. 

Follow Kelli on her Facebook author page: and visit her website/blog for a full title list and social media links.

Death on the High Seas by Anna Legat Blog Tour!


Death on the High Seas

Maggie and Sam take a break from the murder and mayhem of Bishops Well and embark on a relaxing mid-winter cruise across the northern seas. The brochure promises smooth sailing, good food and dazzling entertainment. Sam is hoping to sprinkle the mix with romance.

But nothing goes to plan.

Maggie runs into an old lover, the mesmerising Benedict Rawbotham, who goes out of his way to sweep her off her feet. Sam is left seething with jealousy.

A mayday signal sent by a fishing boat forces the cruise liner off course. But there is something fishy about the rescued crew and Maggie insists that two young women have died on that boat. Alas, no one believes her.

Soon one of the alleged fishermen is also dead and so is one of the cruise passengers. Cordelia Conti Lang, nicknamed the Bitcoin Queen, with links to London’s criminal underworld, is found in her cabin, stabbed to death.

In pursuit of the killer, Maggie hurtles from one disaster to another and Sam begins to fear for her life. Has he taken her on a cruise to hell?

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Maggie Kaye in mortal danger

My hopes were dashed, and my worst nightmare began, the moment I opened my door.

The first thing I saw was the gory apparitions of the two young women from the fishing boat – the same ones I had seen board our ship during the rescue operation. They still hadn’t had the time or the presence of mind to restore their appearances to what one would consider their best. They were distressed, confused, wide-eyed, with their hair wet and stuck to their faces like seaweed. All in all, they resembled a pair of battered sirens, or two fish tossed out of water for long enough to be beyond resuscitation. I knew they were dead, naturally – no one else but me had seen them come onboard.

Of course those two weren’t physically in my room, but someone else was: someone who was alive and to whom their spirits had become attached. That was all I had a chance to consider before a heavy blunt object landed on my head and rendered me unconscious.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself unable to sit up. I was slumped on my back. My hands rested on my stomach, tied together with rope. My head was exploding in blinding pain. From under my brow, I could see a patch of what seemed like blood – my blood – coagulating on the fibres of the silver-grey carpet in my room.

If I weren’t so traumatised, I would have been pleasantly surprised that I was still alive. However, I was traumatised because a man with a crazed look in his eye and a small but vicious-looking axe in his hand was glaring at me from above. It was one of those fireman’s axes that one would find next to a fire extinguisher, a fire blanket and a life belt on the top deck. I was in no doubt that that axe was no child’s toy. I shut my eyes, bracing myself for the first blow.

It didn’t come.

I squinted, allowing one of my eyes to open. The man was still there, but he lowered the axe. It was dangling loosely next to his knee. If I just heaved myself up a fraction, I could grab it. Except that my hands were tied. And the man, though currently inactive, bore signs of violence: his hospital gown (for that was what he was wearing, probably courtesy of the medics) was torn and covered in blood. I surmised that it was not only his own blood coming from the cuts and gashes on his face, but also the other man’s blood – his victim’s. The man’s front was saturated in blackened crimson, from collar to hem.

Oh yes, I knew who he was and that he had slashed his fellow fisherman as well as Mrs Conti Lang with a scalpel. Only now he was holding his new choice of lethal weapon – the aforementioned axe – and I was trussed up on the floor, ready for chopping.

I contemplated screaming, and instantly gave up on the idea. My throat was still hoarse from my drinking excesses. My prospects of producing anything louder than a gravelly groan were slim. I would only provoke him. I couldn’t bear the thought of another blow to my head. So I spoke softly to distract him from his murderous intentions.

‘Could you help me up to the chair, please? I can’t do you any harm whether I sit or lie on the floor, and I’d much rather be sitting up. My head, you see, is throbbing. I had one too many last night.’

He put away his axe and leaned over to lift me up by the elbows and help me to the chair. I hunched in it, feeling like I imagine a snail would feel when its shell had been torn from its back. Still, I thanked my captor for his gallantry and requested a glass of water. Again, he obliged. I held the glass with my tied-up hands and drank slowly whilst assessing the seriousness of the situation I was in. It didn’t look good.

Although she writes in a wide range of genres, Anna Legat is best known for her DI Gillian Marsh detective series and The Shires, her cozy murder mysteries. Anna is also the author of the historical thriller, Buried in the Past. She lives near Bath.

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Moonlight Beach (Murder and Magic Book 1) by Yurie Kiri Book Tour! @yurikiri @SilverDaggerBookTours

It’s going to be a wild ride so strap in and hold on. 

Moonlight Beach

Murder and Magic Book 1

by Yurie Kiri

Genre: Supernatural Murder Mystery, Paranormal Thriller

Winner of the 2020 Hollywood Book Festival’s award for Genre Fiction.

Chick lit Café Awards First Place toMoonlight Beach: Murder and Magic by Yurie Kirifor best Paranormal Thriller, Crime & Mystery - April 2023.

What Is Shattering The Idyllic, Seaside Community Of Rancho, California?

Grisly death. Bodies washing up on nearby Moonlight Beach. It’s downright disconcerting to the privileged one percent living in their gated communities in one of SoCal’s ritziest enclaves. Worse, they have no idea what or who is behind the slaughter.

Is It Sharks? Something Supernatural? Greedy Venture Capitalists?

Maneaters are known to inhabit the waters off Moonlight Beach, but shark attacks are rare. What about black magic, satanic rituals? A coven of witches lives nearby. Or could it be the venture capitalists, whose latest company harvests human organs for transplant, exploiting the vulnerable to save the wealthy elite?

The Violence Shows No Signs Of Ending

Two more people are killed on a cliff overlooking the beach – and all their organs are missing. This bloody terror isn’t slowing down. It’s accelerating. What the hell is going on? They better figure all this out before more people get butchered or, God forbid, Rancho’s inflated property values plummet.

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Moonlight Canyon

Murder and Magic Book 2

"Moonlight Duology" has just been selected as the winner in the "Sequels" category for the 2023 Los Angeles Book Festival. Moonlight Canyon, the second half of Moonlight Duology is the sequel to the award-winning book, Moonlight Beach.

Terrible Things Are Happening In Silver City

The rural paradise of Silver City, just south of Moonlight Canyon, is under attack. Half-eaten, mutilated bodies are showing up in public places. The peaceful residents of Silver City are in a panic. Horrible murders shouldn’t happen here. Evil like that is reserved for the big cities, right? Wrong.

Are Drug Smugglers To Blame?

A powerful, south of the border, drug kingpin named Tito Ocotillo could be responsible. Tito’s biker gang, the Coyotes, are very capable of murdering their enemies and putting them on public display as a warning to others.

Could It Be Space Aliens? Or Ancient Native American Dark Rituals?

Some people believe that space aliens are dismembering people to study us. Tito Ocotillo is using an old, mysterious Native American woman called Jane to try and open up a portal to the underworld. Whatever is terrorizing Silver City must be stopped and fast before this pastoral heaven becomes a living hell.

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Moonlight Duology

Murder and Magic Books 1 & 2

Yurie Kiri's novel "Moonlight Beach" won the 2020 Hollywood Book Festival's award for Genre Fiction is packaged here in the "Moonlight Duology" with its sequel "Moonlight Canyon". These two books have been described as something like Carlos Castaneda's "The Teachings of Don Juan..." combined with Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" only more intense.

Now "Moonlight Duology" has just been selected as the winner in the "Sequels" category for the 2023 Los Angeles Book Festival.

Dive into the gripping 'Moonlight Duology' - a psychic thriller combination of murder mystery and supernatural intrigue that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last.

The 'Moonlight Duology' is a classic psychic thriller that will captivate your imagination, leaving you breathless and yearning for more with its series of unfortunate events. A masterful blend of Carlos Castaneda's mystique and Jack Kerouac's raw energy, this series will redefine your understanding of intensity."

Moonlight Duology: Murder and Magic Books 1 and 2 by Yurie Kiri are both awarded in the world of books that are captivating and filled with suspense with a hint of masterful supernatural elements. Find out Kindle Unlimited today and prepare yourself for a journey of violence, witchcraft, and crime.

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Moonlight Rocks

Murder and Magic Book 3

"A Wild and Crazy Ride."

"... if you're not used to the writer, buckle up."

"This book has very great character development with a plot so great that you can’t ignore nor get enough..."

"The author’s use of religion to push the plot forward and develop characters is so masterfully crafted and unique – I’ve personally never seen in done in a novel like it is portrayed in Moonlight Rocks."

Amazon 5-star Reviewers

What would you do if God fell into your lap?

Jessy Ascher and her friends set up camp near Moonlight Rocks in the California desert to watch the Leonid meteor shower. After darkness falls, a stunningly bright meteor suddenly flashes across the sky blinding the friends to the approaching danger.

The meteorite blasts into their camp site knocking everyone unconscious but Jessy quickly regains her senses. Her friends however, cannot be roused. Instinctively she grabs the still smoking meteorite and stumbles downhill toward the jeep she arrived in, desperate to get help for her friends...

But, Jessy isn't alone in that rough, cactus-filled landscape... two dark figures who also saw the meteor flashing down to Earth are frantically searching the same area and they are ready to do anything... even murder to get their hands on a meteorite they could sell to the highest bidder.

And what about the meteorite? Others have been waiting for its arrival. Cultists, fanatical members of nearby religious or supernatural factions - some good, some evil - believe that the meteor heralds the birth of a new Messiah and they, too, are ready to do anything to gain control of the blessed rock.

Jessy wants help for her friends, others want the meteorite for their own end, but the Meteorite, it wants something too... Is this the dawn of a new spiritual age, or just a bunch of psychos raging in the desert?

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Moonlight Rip Tide

Murder and Magic Book 4

Want to go for a ride in a classic car? Park by the ocean? Sounds nice huh?

Mona found the man and his car, a beautiful, old Ferrari, very attractive. Sure, she'd go for a ride with him to look at the ocean, the party was boring anyway. Maybe by the time they got back things would liven up a bit...

She felt the bag tighten around her neck, cutting off her air supply. This cannot be happening. She gasped and struggled, but it was no use. He was as strong as he was classically handsome, a real Hollywood leading man type. Everything went dark as she lost consciousness, her last thought was about the mistake she'd made threatening to tell Danny's wife...

Susan felt that someone was stalking her. She'd gotten several strange calls attempting to make appointments for private exercise and aerobics lessons. Dicky and the cops had wrecked her apartment and she needed to work to get a new place but she was afraid to take on an unknown client. What should she do?

"Get in the car or your pregnant friend is dead!" he said hoarsely. Susan must save Anne, but how?

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**Coming soon Spring 2024!**

Yurie Kiri speaks Japanese, English, French and has studied Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish and a smattering of other languages such as Korean and Russian along with binary and hexadecimal machine language. Why? Because if you really want to get to know someone, you need to speak their language no matter if they’re machine or human.  

Yurie lived and worked in Asia for decades before recently coming to America. Yurie went on an extensive backroad journey all across the US and Canada. Yurie also sailed (single-handed) from Mexico to the Canadian border, retracing a well-traveled road journey by sea in a small, live-aboard sailboat. 

Yurie has been traveling and gathering story ideas from Asia for the Game Series, which covers Japan and other Asian countries, and North America for the Murder and Mystery Series which covers the American Southwest. 

And, yes, Yurie does not use pronouns (for a reason). For one thing, it keeps the reader guessing – is Yurie male, female, non-binary, or even a machine? No one really knows for sure…

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