
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

08 May 2024

Ashes on the Wind by Brandy Purdy Book Spotlight! The Story Behind the Novel: An Interview with Brandy Purdy!

Please join me in reading an interview by author Brandy Purdy

About the Book

Nathan "Babe" Leopold was a socially awkward genius who used arrogance as a shield. He cultivated a philosophy of absolute selfishness cherry-picked from his reading of Nietzsche and indulged himself with vivid sexual fantasies about kings and slaves.

Richard "Dickie" Loeb was the brightest of the bright young things, a social butterfly as fragile as glass inside, hiding his insecurities behind a dazzling smile and a mouthful of lies. He found escape in thrilling tales and fantasies of crime.

They were two brilliant and privileged boys, each harboring secrets it would have been social suicide to reveal in their 1920s world.

When Babe met Dickie, it was like his favorite fantasy had stepped out of his dreams into real life.

When Dickie met Babe, he thought he had found the accomplice who would help make his criminal dreams come true.

Dickie was willing to give Babe what he wanted, if Babe would give him what he wanted. Quid pro quo. Until Dickie wanted something more, leaving Babe desperate and willing to do anything to hold onto his dream. Even if it led down a dark path to the Crime of the Century and infamy as the thrill killers Leopold and Loeb.

Brandy Purdy is the author of 10 novels that include The Rippers Wife, The Secrets of Lizzie Borden, and The Boleyn Wife

Now Brandy has a new book out which coincides with the anniversary of the Crime of the Century, 

 The Story Behind the Novel: An Interview With Brandy Purdy

Just in time for the 100th anniversary of the murder of Bobby Franks comes a new novel by author Brandy Purdy: Ashes on the Wind: The Love Story Behind The Crime of the Century.

This, Purdy’s 10th novel, focuses on the relationship between the killer duo of Leopold and Loeb, how it began, grew and changed over the years. Ashes can be ordered from Amazon in either paperback or ebook format here.

I was happy to talk with Purdy about her interest in the case, her research, and to dive into some details of the novel itself.

ER: Do you remember when you first heard about the case and what interested you about it?

BP: It was in A Pictorial History of American Crime by Allen Churchill. My mother used to take me to the library when I was a little girl and they kept all the coffee table size books in one area, and I found that book and I was just fascinated by it, I loved seeing all the vintage illustrations. Leopold and Loeb was one of the cases in that book that just stuck with me and that I would look for more information about throughout the years as I got older and understood better. 

It was the relationship between these two young men that always intrigued me the most as well as their psychological issues.

ER: Have you read or watched other fictional adaptations of the story before?

BP: Oh yes, I try to keep up with everything, I love seeing how different novelists and filmmakers and playwrights are inspired by the story. The movie Swoon was always my favorite, I used to want to rent it every time we went to the video store, and it was one of the first DVDs I bought. And I love listening to the soundtrack of Thrill Me.

ER: What gaps did you see in those other stories that you wanted to fill?

BP: Most books tend to focus on the crime and the trial. I wanted to focus on the relationship, how it began and developed through the years. 

And the prison years, their lives didn’t end when they went to prison just changed drastically. And it’s the one part of their story I wish we had more information about especially in regard to Richard Loeb.

ER: Can you tell me about your research process for this project?

BP: I love doing research.  Even though I write historical fiction and put my own interpretation and creative spin on things, I love having the opportunity to research and explore stories that fascinate me.  I read most of the nonfiction books that were available at the time I started writing, and I did some newspaper research, though admittedly not as much as I would have liked to, and a little archival research that I was able to do by mail or online since I can’t travel. My interviewer here, Erik Rebain was also immensely helpful to me in so many ways.

ER: Your book is a work of fiction, can you discuss the line you walked between historical accuracy and creative license?

BP: I always start with a factual framework and embroider upon that as I’m inspired to as I go along. And sometimes the decision to use creative license is a more practical one, for example I try to avoid multiple characters having the same first name, like in this novel Leopold and Loeb’s friend Dick Rubel is called Richie, and sometimes I reassign actions or dialogue if I didn’t develop the actual speaker / performer as a character, or as in the case of the trial in my novel to streamline the psychiatric testimony.

ER: Did the book surprise you at all once you started working on it?

BP: Oh yes, it definitely surprised me! I’m trying to avoid giving any spoilers here, but one character who I wasn’t even sure would be more than a brief mention, evolved in a very unique way and changed the course of the rest of the story. It completely surprised me, I didn’t see it coming till it happened. It made more work for me, but I wasn’t sorry a bit.

My characterization of Richard Loeb also surprised me a great deal throughout the novel.

ER: You include people who haven’t been represented in fiction about this case before, can you talk about widening the narrative around this story?

BP: Yes, when I write a novel, I don’t like to be cookie cutter, I like to try to give readers something different they may not have experienced before. I wanted to go wider and deeper than just the criminal activity and the trial. And it’s always important to me when

 I write a novel about a murder that the victim or victims be more than just names on the page, like when I wrote The Ripper’s Wife, it was important to me to develop each of the Jack the Ripper victims as an individual person.

 So while the relationships as depicted in my novel might be deeper or different than they were in real life, I hope I was able to give back life and personality at least in the pages of a novel so readers see a person not a corpse.

ER: Nathan Leopold is the narrator for your book. Can you describe what it was like to write from his perspective?

BP: A little intimidating at first, because of his genius, I had to make myself focus more on his emotions than on his accomplishments. If I let myself think too much about philosophy and languages I would get bogged down, a little scared and overwhelmed.

But I did become more interested in birds because of this book, I have bird feeders now and I love the cardinals that hang out around the camellia tree by my front porch, I love watching them they’re like a little soap opera. 

My Leopold is an unreliable narrator, which is my favorite kind to write, so ultimately it’s up to the readers to decide if or when to believe him.

ER: Not to give away too much, but it seems like some of the characters in your book were able to grow and change, while others got stuck repeating patterns. Can you talk a bit about that?

BP: Yes, that was one of the things that surprised me while I was writing this novel. Someone grew and revealed a greater emotional depth than I originally expected them to, while someone else got stuck, very stuck.

Sometimes bad habits or behaviors learned through childhood experiences or relationships can leave people stuck in an emotional rut, doomed to make the same mistakes, even when there’s an awareness of this and even sadness or frustration. And sometimes obsession blinds a person to everything else except the object of that obsession.

ER: The relationship between Leopold and Loeb is central to the narrative of your story, can you describe how you see this relationship and how it evolved over time?

BP: I think at first, at least on the surface, it looked like a good thing, they had enough similarities, and being in college at such a young age they were basically in the same boat, but the cracks started appearing almost at once and widening. In my novel,  Leopold sees Loeb as a fantasy come to life. But that fantasy figure and the real Richard Loeb are two very different personalities. And that’s a very big problem, and an even bigger one when Leopold just can’t let go of the fantasy.

ER: Your characters are all very distinct, did you have a favorite character you enjoyed writing dialogue for in this book?

BP: Yes, Loeb when I first read about his manner of speaking and suddenly changing subjects it reminded me of those old screwball comedies from the 1930s. So I visualized him, at least in the early years of my novel, as a sort of male version of Carole Lombard in My Man Godfrey.

There was another character I also enjoyed very much, but I’m afraid of saying too much and giving spoilers, so let me just say this person represented hope and what might have been. I know from personal experience what it feels like to live without hope, or at least to have that feeling, and I found this character very comforting, inspiring and peaceful but in a bittersweet way.

ER: Do you remember what it was that made you interested in Melvin Wolf and sparked him becoming such a central character?

BP: Of all the ABCD crimes, he stood out to my mind as the most interesting. Originally he was not intended to be a character, but it was the combination of the mystery surrounding his death, the family clothing business, his interest in charity and theater that just set the creative wheels of my mind turning. 

I still wish I knew more about him and what actually happened to him, and I became very fond of him while I was creating this character.  I unexpectedly had the chance to talk to one of his descendants, and while very little is actually known about Melvin, she told me it was a belief passed down in the family that he was gay.

She also told me there had been other gay men in the family who had been open and accepted in eras where that was generally not the case. I liked the idea of creating this mature and confident young man who was comfortable in his own skin, in being himself, and loved and supported by his family, to contrast the childishness, insecurities, and dysfunction of Leopold and Loeb, and the embarrassment and shame they felt whenever there were rumors about their relationship.

ER: What were the best and the worst things about writing this book?

BP: The best thing was definitely getting to delve so deeply into the subject. I got to explore and learn so much, not just about Leopold and Loeb, but about the times they lived in, the pop culture of the period, psychology, sexuality, just so many things. 

The worst thing was formatting the book, that was an absolute nightmare. So traumatic I’m not sure I will ever write another! 

And, on a more personal level, watching my father change and disappear into rapid onset dementia. But the hallucinations and delusions he experienced did help me create the hallucinatory scenes that Nathan Leopold experiences in my novel. Not in terms of the subject matter, my father’s were completely different, but the vividness and confusion. Ultimately, it’s up to the reader to decide what exactly Leopold’s hallucinations are, whether they are dreams, supernatural, psychiatric, or a manifestation of the conscience he rejects and claims not to have.

Fun fact, I always try to include a ghost story in each of my novels because it was a book of ghost stories that first inspired my interest in history. So to anyone who reads any of my books, happy ghost hunting!

Thank you to Ms. Purdy for talking with me about her new book!

To learn more about the book go to:

This interview was originally posted at the below site.


Murder at Mistlethwaite Manor by AJ Skelly Cover Reveal! @SilverDaggerBookTours #MurderAtMistlethwaiteManor @a.j.skelly @aj.skelly.71

**Check out the gorgeous cover!**

There is a murderer among them. 

And no one with secrets is safe.

Murder at Mistlethwaite Manor

by AJ Skelly


Historical Romantic Suspense, Mystery

Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None meets The Gilded Age in this delicious, suspenseful murder mystery.

When Lady Emma Grace Hastings receives a much-coveted invitation to the most auspicious Christmas party of the season—one that comes with a 10,000 pound prize for the winner of a mysterious game—she cannot believe her good fortune.

But as the guests are assembled at Mistlewaithe Manor, the chilling intent of the game is revealed. Each guest has cause for alarm, because all of them have secrets, and to win the prize money, those secrets must be exposed.

Things take a sinister turn when Emma Grace finds herself caught between her old love and her soon-to-be betrothed. Suspicions abound, and old wounds are opened. The dead body in the study does not help. Nor does the raging winter storm that prevents escape from the manor. Emma Grace must battle her heart, use her wits, and put her sleuthing skills to the test to survive the weekend alive.

Because there is a murderer among them.

And no one with secrets is safe.

**Releases June 4th – Preorder now!**

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AJ Skelly is an author, reader, and lover of all things fantasy, history, and fairy-tale-romance. And werewolves. She has a serious soft spot for them. As an avid life-long reader and a former high school English teacher, she’s always been fascinated with the written word. She lives with her husband, children, and many imaginary friends who often find their way into her stories. They all drink copious amounts of tea together and stay up reading far later than they should.

You can read more of her short stories at

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A Governess Should Never… Lure a Spy (The Governess Chronicles – Book 4) by Emily Windsor Book Blitz! #emwindsor @emilywindsorwritesregency


 A Governess Should Never… Lure a Spy

(The Governess Chronicles – Book 4)


Emily Windsor

A Dangerous Spy. An even more Dangerous Governess.

“So tell me, Miss Jones, why should I employ you as governess?”

A question to rouse fear within the breast of any prospective governess, unless…she wasn’t a governess at all.

Yet Amelia must secure this position by whatever means necessary as this gentleman, dubbed The Scandalous Hugh Cadwalader by fashionable society, is not all he seems. Behind the elegant finery and azure eyes is a dangerous warrior of a man, a tenacious spy for the Crown.

One who might just have turned traitor…

“Just one more question, if I may…”

With her perfect references and perfect demureness, Miss Jones appears…perfect.

Feminine guidance and distraction are required for his inquisitive ward while Hugh Cadwalader hunts a traitor in the alleys of London’s Rookery.

But can such perfection be all it seems? And was that a glimpse of golden fire within those amber eyes?

The Dangerous Spy and… The More Dangerous Governess.

One should never judge a governess by her perfectly forged references or a spy by his unblemished Hessian boots, for behind both facades lay passion untamed, subterfuge unbound and a quest for justice.

A battle of wits with only one winner… Love.

With theatres of glister and glamour, nights of shadow and menace, hairpins of poison, and…being pressed to a desk by a shirtless masculine chest, the vocation of governess has never been so perilous – to the heart.

The Scandalous Hugh Cadwalader first features in Book 2 of this series, A Governess Should Never... Deny a Duke. This is his story.

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Regency Romance with Warmth, Wit & Well-tied Cravats.

Emily grew up in the north of England on a diet of historical romance and strong tea.

Unfortunately, you couldn’t study Regency slang, so she did the next best thing and gained a degree in Classics and History instead. This ‘led’ to an eight-year stint in engineering.

Having left city life, she now lives in a dilapidated farmhouse where her days are spent writing, fixing the leaky roof, battling the endless vegetation and finding pictures of well-tied cravats.

More about me can be found at:


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Leap The Race In on Book 1 by OC Heaton Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #TheRaceIsOn #99cents @ocheatonauthor @ocheaton

One small step could ruin mankind’s greatest leap...


The Race In On Book 1

by OC Heaton


 SciFi Techno Thriller

One small step could ruin mankind’s greatest leap...

November 2003. Brilliant scientist Uma Jakobsdóttir has figured out a way to solve global warming for good. Known as LEAP, the system is capable of providing Earth’s ultimate second chance...until it falls into the wrong hands.

When playboy CEO Samuel Reynolds III snatches LEAP out from under her nose, he adds insult to injury by attempting to destroy Uma. But this is no malicious whim. As the daughter of its creator, Uma enforces the LEAP Laws.

Because of its potentially devastating capabilities, LEAP users must not clone people, revive the dead, or merge minds and species. But in the race to recover her precious piece of tech, Uma is faced with sacrifices that push her resolve to breaking point.

From the frozen wastelands of Iceland, to the leafy suburbs of London and the mean streets of New York City, LEAP is a technothriller that will keep you questioning what it means to be human.

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I write what I love to read – big issue thrillers that are

 super well researched inside a complex plot full of

 twists and turns.

The result of the above is The Race Is On Series, an idea I had on a trip to Iceland. The first in the series is called LEAP, which tells the tale of a device which has the power to halt global warming. The ensuing race to control the power of this machine will continue throughout the sequel to LEAP which I’m well on my way to completing. It’s called Green Ray and will be published in May 2023.

Just like LEAP, the 2nd book weaves fact with fiction and encompasses events such as the 2009 global financial meltdown, Al Qaeda, a new US President and a cornered CIA; another delightful concoction around which I have constructed another tall, but hopefully credible, tale. Watch this space!

I live in Leeds, UK with the love of my life and our two daughters. It rains a lot in Leeds but that works out well for me – loads of time for research and of course writing!

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Route 41, South-West Iceland

13 November 2003, 18:43 hours GMT

The doomed four-by-four plumed thick fountains of spray into the darkness as it crawled along the narrow highway to Keflavík International Airport, its bright beams illuminating a hypnotic kaleidoscope of churning rain. The sight made Sally Moltex nauseous. She tried the side window, but it was mirror black, reflecting the Jeep’s night-lit interior back at her. She closed her eyes, willing the vehicle to move faster as a thrill of excitement surged through her at the memory of what they’d seen that afternoon. Almost immediately, it was replaced by a prickle of fear.

Everything screamed hoax: one second, they’d been stood inside the Department of Geothermal Studies, the next, they were in Ethan Rae’s London Town house. They’d gone outside onto a busy Camden Town street thick with traffic. Alone. Ethan had insisted on that. They’d walked to the tube station. Bought a newspaper. Again, Ethan had been insistent. They’d asked someone where they were. And a second person. The third had shouted abuse at Sally; accused her of being an ignorant Yank.

Of not knowing that she was in London. James had eventually intervened in his charming British way, calmed the man down, and they’d returned to Ethan’s office. Twenty minutes later, they were back in Reykjavík. Heads spinning at what they’d seen. Hearts beating with what Ethan had given them.

‘Do you think LEAP’s fake?’ she asked her companion.

James Reagan didn’t reply straight away. Without taking his eyes off the road, he attempted another call to his producer at News 24/7 in London. Nothing. He was going to miss tomorrow’s deadline if he didn’t get through soon. Seven million Saturday viewers was no disaster, but it was well below his Friday average.  

 ‘Nah,’ he said. ‘Ethan wouldn’t risk it. What would he gain by misleading us?’

 ‘That’s what I can’t work out,’ Sally said, tracing her fingers along the cold glass of the passenger window, trying to keep pace with the streaming water.

‘How do you fake what we just saw?’ James said. ‘Besides which, it will do him way more damage if he’s lying.’ 

Sally wasn’t so sure. She liked James. Had known him for twenty years, but he anchored a light entertainment show for a channel that needed content. Lots of content. She, on the other hand, unearthed stories. Real stories that took months to fact check before she allowed them to be broadcast. If they got this wrong, James could blame Ethan, an eccentric billionaire. She would be finished. 

‘I need more time,’ Sally said.

‘Ethan is launching in ten days. With or without us.’

‘You’d broadcast on the strength of what he just showed us?’

‘As of midday tomorrow,’ he said. ‘That’s if we can take off to—


He never finished his sentence. A loud crack from the rear of the Jeep veered it savagely left. James tried to counter by wrenching the steering hard right, but the small charge had done its job. The Jeep flipped, bleeding fuel from its shattered underbelly as it slithered off Route 41 and onto the lava below.

The dead rock punctured the thin roof, ripping through plastic, metal and cables which sparked into life. Fumes met fire and a blinding explosion boiled into the sheeting rain, as long forgotten lava flows glowed red in approval.

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