
To any authors/publishers/ tour companies that are looking for the reviews that I signed up for please know this is very hard to do. I will be stopping reviews temporarily. My husband passed away February 1st and my new normal is a bit scary right now and I am unable to concentrate on a book to do justice to the book and authors. I will still do spotlight posts if you wish it is just the reviews at this time. I apologize for this, but it isn't fair to you if I signed up to do a review and haven't been able to because I can't concentrate on any books. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly April 2nd 2024

10 May 2024

A Rose In The Blitz Ann Bennett Blog Tour! @annbennett71 @cathiedunn @annbennettauthor @thecoffeepotbookclub


Book Title:

A Rose In The Blitz


Sisters of War


Ann Bennett

Publication Date

29th March 2024


Andaman Press

Page Length



Historical Fiction / Historical Romance

Escape into the dramatic world of London during the Blitz in this sweeping family saga of love, war and betrayal.

Northamptonshire: 1980: Wealthy landowner, Hadan Rose, is dying. His daughter, May, rushes to his country estate, Rose Park, with her daughter, Rachel, to nurse him through his final days.

In the afternoons, while Hadan sleeps, May tells Rachel about her wartime experiences.

In 1940, Three of the four Rose sisters leave Rose Park to serve the war effort. May, the youngest is left behind. But she soon runs away from home to join an ambulance crew in London. She experiences the horrors of the Blitz first-hand but what happens to her there has remained secret her whole life.

In 1980, at Rose Park, Rachel wanders through the old house, looking at old photographs and papers, uncovering explosive family secrets from ninety years before. Secrets that her grandfather wanted to take to his grave.

At the local pub, Rachel meets Daniel Walters, a local journalist and musician who takes an interest in her. But can she trust him, or does he have an ulterior motive for seeking her company?

As the secrets of the past gradually reveal themselves, both Rachel and May realise that their worlds are forever changed.

Fans of Lucinda Riley, Dinah Jeffries and Victoria Hislop will love this escapist wartime saga, Book 1 in the Rose Park Chronicles.

This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited. 

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Ann Bennett is a British author of historical fiction. Her first book, Bamboo Heart: A Daughter's Quest, was inspired by researching her father's experience as a prisoner of war on the Thai-Burma Railway and by her own travels in South-East Asia.

Since then, that initial inspiration has led her to write more books about the second world war in SE Asia. Bamboo Island: The Planter's Wife, A Daughter's Promise, Bamboo Road: The Homecoming, The Tea Planter's Club, The Amulet and her latest release The Fortune Teller of Kathmandu are also about WWII in South East Asia. All seven make up the Echoes of Empire Collection.

Ann is also the author of The Lake Pavilion, The Lake Palace, both set in British India during the 1930s and WWII, and The Lake Pagoda and The Lake Villa, both set in French Indochina. The Runaway Sisters, bestselling The Orphan House, The Child Without a Home and The Forgotten Children are set in Europe during the same era and are published by Bookouture.

Ann is married with three grown up sons and a granddaughter and lives in Surrey, UK. For more details please visit

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No Halo Required Carolina Callings Book 1 by Travis Casey Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours! #NoHaloRequired #CarolinaCallings #OnSale @TravisCaseyAuthor @SilverDaggerBookTours


 NO HALO REQUIRED just won First place in Literary

 Fiction in the Incipere Awards presented by Entrada Publishing!

No Halo Required

Carolina Callings Book 1

by Travis Casey



*First Place winner in Literary Fiction in the Incipere

 Awards presented by Entrada Publishing

Isaiah Hightower has everything a forty-nine-year-old man could want: respect as a high school principal; admiration as a leader in the black community; and a wife who would do anything for him.

Despite his shining public image, Isaiah's life is plagued with indiscretions. When these threaten to unravel his world, he silences the threat by any means necessary.

When his wife, Yvette, witnesses her husband's greatest sin, her life is about to change forever. But it doesn't have to. One lie will protect her lifestyle and save her husband's reputation.

**On Sale for Only $1.99!**

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The Mayor's Race

Carolina Callings Book 2

Cory Logan retired from boxing after winning millions of dollars, but he never won a world title. When he dies, all he'll have is a headstone that no one will visit. To live in infamy, he wants a sports facility named after him. The only thing that stands in his way is the mayor of Hilton Head, who insists it be named after an African American.

Yvette Tyson is frustrated since she divorced her cheating husband. She struggles with her new life, embarrassed by her past and unable to gain the respect she once had. Does she really have to spend the rest of her life working the graveyard shift at the supermarket?

When Cory runs into Yvette, their past lives converge. It soon becomes clear that Yvette winning the mayor's office would benefit both of them.

It's a simple case of Black and White.

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Dark Alley to Power

Carolina Callings Book 3

Yvette Tyson is making a run for the governor’s office. Her goal is clear. Win.

She has the backing of her boyfriend, Cory Logan. He is kind, gentle, and determined— and offers the kind of support an unmarried black woman needs to get into office. Their relationship has grown over the past year, and she had been seen arm-in-arm with him in public numerous times. She is proud to show him off, and him, her—so there is no color issue—or is that exactly what it is?

Does Cory need a black governor to get a sports center named after him?
Does Yvette need a white boyfriend to win that demographic to get elected?

All bets are off as convicts, ex-husbands, mistresses, unscrupulous family members, secret club affiliations, and manipulating the media are all part of the ammunition at a candidate’s disposal.

All parties are willing to take a

**On Sale for Only $1.99!**

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By Travis Casey

Excerpt from Chapter 2

Yvette enjoyed the ride to church. What she relished even more than the passing green scenery were the sly glances Isaiah threw her way "checking her out." He had complimented her over breakfast on how nice she looked in her brown and white dress. The brown was the same color as her skin making it look as if she simply wore white strips covering her modesty. The look excited her—and obviously Isaiah too. A million bucks, he compared her to. She was pleased she could still wear horizontal stripes without looking fat. Not all women could do that at forty-one. She was anxious to get to the church and tell Gloria Huntington she still had what it took to get her husband to acknowledge her as desirable. And while in church she'd pray that the good Reverend would keep his sermon short—assure the righteous of their passage to heaven, damn the sinners to hell, and get the heck out of there so she could get back home and screw the principal's brains out.

They pulled into the parking lot where Isaiah parked in one of the six spaces reserved for deacons. Yvette waited for Isaiah as he walked around and opened the door for her. He didn't do it all the time, but church was one place where he always opened the door for her—Sundays and special occasions—that was their arrangement.

Yvette got out of the car, gave Isaiah a smile and a pat on the cheek, and then headed for the church. She bounded up the stairs to the white wooden chapel in three-inch heels in search of her friend, leaving Isaiah behind to shake hands with other parishioners.

Gloria Huntington stood at the entrance of the Hilton Head Evangelical Free Church waving a Japanese paper fan in true Southern Belle style—with short, rapid strokes—each stroke barely covering a two-inch span from start to finish. Despite her fanning vigor, the South Carolina humidity threatened to penetrate her makeup base. That would be unacceptable. God and Maybelline would have a lot to answer for if her superior good looks melted on the steps of the house of the Lord.

They first met when Gloria was fighting to clear her husband's name of murder charges, crimes she insisted he didn't commit. Isaiah donned his shining armor and raised the profile of the case. He loved bringing national attention to injustices against people of color. Yvette and Gloria became friends and both were delighted when the Hightower's moved to Hilton Head, making it an even closer friendship.

Following Gloria's lead, the two women air-kissed, leaving Gloria's makeup intact. Yvette admired her spirit to use such a rich red lipstick to compliment her light-brown skin. Large red and gold earrings dangled prominently over her shoulders ensuring she would be seen as a woman of daring—and style.

"Darling," Gloria purred. "How delightful to see you. I must say, you look adorable."

Yvette stood back, opening her arms and smiling—showing white teeth worthy of a TV commercial. "He noticed," she boasted.

"Darling," Gloria eyed her up and down, "Stevie Wonder would notice you in that."

Yvette slid her hands over her hips. "I do work hard to make him proud."

"And you succeed. The man appreciates his wife. How wonderful is that?"

Even through her dark skin, Yvette blushed. "You're too kind."

"Not kind, observant. After all, you married a significant cog in the education of our children, a champion of the African American community, and a deacon of this very church. You have every reason to be proud of him. And isn't he up for the Citizen of the South?"

"Yes, I nominated him for the COTS award and had the Chief of Police in Savannah second it. Isaiah is the most wonderful man I've ever known—and so driven."

"Yes, and, girl, I bet he's driven you to some places most of us can't even imagine."

Yvette play-smacked Gloria on the arm. "Stop it. You're so naughty." She stepped closer and whispered. "And yes he has. He's driven me to some places even God doesn't know about."

The women giggled.

Yvette straightened her posture. "But when the lights are on, I'm honored to hold the title as Mrs. Isaiah Hightower."

"Of course you are."

Isaiah stepped between the women. "Good morning, Gloria." He attempted to deliver an affectionate peck to her cheek but she pulled back, protecting her makeup. She puckered her lips and simply kissed the air in front of her.

"Isaiah," she greeted him. "Slain any dragons lately?"

"I can't say that I've disposed of any mythical creatures recently, no."

Yvette draped her arm over her husband's shoulder. "But what he has done …"

He held a victorious beam. "Well, only if you consider the Hilton Head Town Council a dragon."


"I've persuaded them to close the Bare Trap on Madison Street."

Gloria smiled. "I can understand with a wife as beautiful as yours you have no need for strip clubs, but why would you invest your valuable time in such an insignificant crusade?"

"Insignificant? It's hardly that. We need to protect the children."

It was barely noticeable through her packed foundation, but Gloria's face creased. "Isaiah, why are you worried about strip clubs? As immoral as those places may be, they have checks in place to ensure they are kept as a visual orgy for adults; whereas all the children of today's world have to do is jump on the pornographic gateway known as the internet and they can see all the nudity they want—and heaven knows what other kinds of debauchery."

Isaiah shook his head. "It's too near the high school. Young girls see the strippers arriving at work in Corvettes and Mercedes and will give up their education to make money the easy and uneducated way. No, God has spoken to me. He asked me to shut down this particular playground of sin, and I answered. The council has accepted my arguments and the Bare Trap was closed down two days ago." He thrust both arms in the air. "Halleluiah!"

"And that's your dragon?"

Isaiah dipped his head. "No halo required."

"And they did it on that argument? Your students may become strippers one day?"

"I may have mentioned that a sophomore student was already a dancer there."

"What? At sixteen? Was she?"

Isaiah shrugged. "It's possible—one day … maybe."

Yvette stepped forward. "And statistically, the ratio of minority dancers to white ones was grossly out of proportion. The place is not only immoral; it discriminates against people of color."

Gloria looked at her friend. "And you researched this, did you?"

Yvette nodded. "As you mentioned, Isaiah is a busy man. I help where I can when discrimination is involved. Out of twenty-three performers at the Bare Trap, twenty-one were white, one African-American, and one Native American—I believe she dresses up as a squaw."

"I see." Gloria continued flapping her fan. "And you want to see more people of color taking their clothes off?"

Yvette frowned.  "No, you're missing the point—"

Isaiah patted her hand. "Not to worry, darling. Those Jezebels won't be taking their clothes off for the underclasses of Hilton Head anymore."

"Thanks to you," Yvette congratulated him, then turned to Gloria. "He's one of God's angels."

"No halo required," Gloria echoed.

Yvette looped her arm through Isaiah's. "Let's go give God the thanks He deserves and get the heck out of here. My pom-poms want shaking."

They entered the church—Isaiah's favorite place on earth.

Travis was brought up in Midwest America before embarking on a nine year Navy career that allowed him to travel the world and learn about life. He has ping-ponged across oceans moving from mainland United States to Hawaii, to Scotland, to Seattle, to England, to Minnesota, back to England, and back to Minnesota where he currently resides ... for now

He writes easy-reading, light-hearted fiction and true stories about his own experiences that even the best fiction writer couldn't make up. Relax by the beach or curl up on the couch on a rainy day while Travis takes you on fun-filled adventures that let you forget about life for a while and have a laugh.

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09 May 2024

Legacy of the Fallen The Fallen Mages Book 1 by Jane Shand Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #LegacyOfTheFallen ##TheFallenMages @janeshandauthor

A dangerous quest risks the return of an ancient evil. Legacy of The Fallen is a thrilling fantasy adventure for fans of Empire of Sand, The City of Brass, and This Woven Kingdom. 

Legacy of the Fallen

The Fallen Mages Book 1

by Jane Shand


 YA Epic Fantasy Adventure

A dangerous quest risks the return of an ancient evil.

Afshaneh spends her life looking over her shoulder, waiting for her grandparents to send someone to take them back. She might have grown up in luxury, but it was a prison. Now she and her mother live a simple life in the eastern slums of Mahariz. She hides her identity and her forbidden magic. But when she takes on a dangerous quest, will her secrets be revealed?

Her close band of friends know she can be reckless and impulsive, so they are not surprised when she agrees to reclaim a lost artefact for a stranger. She could not refuse; he offered enough money to keep her and her mother safe forever.

However, she soon learns that this artefact and the one who seeks it could be the most dangerous things in the land. Her quest will take her to the ominous ruins of a castle once occupied by evil mages: The Fallen. She will begin to understand their legacy and will be faced with a choice.

Should she destroy the artefact – become the heroine everyone believes she can be – and so attract the wrath of an evil mage, or should she claim the reward and risk the return of The Fallen?

Legacy of The Fallen is a thrilling fantasy adventure for fans of Empire of Sand, The City of Brass, and This Woven Kingdom. If you enjoy vivid worlds, complex characters, and tales of reluctant heroines/chosen ones then join Afshaneh on her quest and discover which choice she makes.  

**Coming Soon in August!**

Curse of the Fallen

The Fallen Mages Book 2

PreOrder HERE!


However impetuous her behaviour in the past, this trip to the mage ruins was the first time she had openly defied her mother. Afshaneh’s face flushed in shame at the way she had spoken to her mother. Ignoring her warnings, her threats, and her pleas, she had grabbed food, spare clothes, and a knife, and simply set off. She had even slammed the door behind her.

Afshaneh could still recall the defiant sense of freedom that had washed through her as she marched towards the city gates. She had possessed enough common sense to purchase more supplies on the way – she had not grabbed enough from home to last her the eight day round-trip – with coin she had saved over the last few weeks. However, once she stepped through the city exit she quailed. The land was wide and she was alone. It was almost four days of travel to reach the plateau. Afshaneh’s breath hitched and her heart beat loud in her ears. What did she think she was doing? She was no explorer!

She turned back to the gate. She would return home and apologise to her mother and forget this madness.

A tug at her core had her facing north once more. She frowned as she stared into the distance. She could not see the plateau upon which the ruins sat; yet it was as if they called to her…

Without conscious effort, she found her feet moving, leading her away from Mahariz and to whatever awaited her at Yehtkala, the ‘Castle of Sorcery’.

The trip had been gruelling and if it were not for that insistent tugging at her soul, she would have turned back. At night she huddled in her blankets, eyes flying open at every tiny sound. Luckily, nothing approached her. 

Afshaneh did not let her mind linger on the hours she spent crying in the rocky maze that blocked her path after enduring more than two days of hiking. She had been certain she would die in there, lost forever. Would anyone ever find her bones? 

But at last she had reached the cliff and refilled her sadly depleted water skin. Afshaneh stared upwards. She scrubbed her face and scowled. Why did everything on this journey have to be so difficult? The path switch backed up the steep cliffside and was overgrown and covered in loose soil and pebbles. Perhaps there was another way up.

Afshaneh searched for two hours before she gave up and returned to the base of the cliff, defeated. If there was another way, she could spend days looking for it. 

Resolutely she pivoted so that her back was to the climb. She ate a meagre meal and sat with her arms tight around her knees. She could not do this. It was too much. She peered over her shoulder and let out a sighing breath. She had already come this far, she could not return to her mother now. She had caused her mother grief and she needed to have something to show for it. She firmed her lips, settled her pack more comfortably and started climbing.

Pebbles rolled out from beneath her feet, threatening to fling her to her death. Bushes snagged at her trousers and she had to carefully unhook them. They could not afford material to repair any tears. 

By the time she struggled over the top she was crying with exhaustion and rested for a while, drinking in the sight of the once majestic fortress. Now it was rubble, partial walls, and the occasional dome or tower. Whatever catastrophe had befallen this place had been thorough.

The trip through the dark interior was not something Afshaneh wished to remember, either. The only thing that kept her moving, leading her onwards, was the sensation that something important awaited her here. The pull of it had only increased as she crept through a gap in the outer wall and stared at mosaics and friezes of fearsome mages. 

It drew her down corridors and over rubble and then up a staircase she found in a corner. It led her up one of the remaining towers. The stairs wound up and up and her thigh muscles protested after her long journey. 

At last she reached a tiny landing at the top with two doors. Both stood open, listing on their rusted hinges. But she had eyes for only one. She darted through the doorway and halted, scanning the room. Mouldy carpet, faded tapestries, remains of wooden furniture. A half-collapsed bed sagged against the far wall. Something was underneath it. Before she could think about what she was doing, she had thrown down her pack and was squeezing into the gap beneath the base. There! Something gleamed iridescent in the darkness and called to her. She reached out her hand and snatched it up. A sensation akin to satisfaction washed through her and she wriggled out again. 

Ignoring the dust and cobwebs adorning her clothes and face, Afshaneh slowly opened her fist to inspect what she had discovered. In the centre of her palm lay a gem. It flashed in every colour of the rainbow, was egg shaped, and fit neatly into her hand. Afshaneh grinned gleefully. It was all hers! A precious jewel that she could sell for a fortune and she and her mother might finally be safe.

Jane Shand has always been an avid reader of fantasy and mystery and is an author of YA Fantasy.

She got hooked on fantasy after reading ‘Lord of the Rings’ at a young age and was determined to write books full of magic and adventure.

Her books always have magic, adventure, and some mystery. They are full of friendship and co-operation as well as danger and enemies. There will be a happy/satisfactory ending and some clean romance. Her books are all set in the same ‘world’ though on different continents and there is a thread/item that ties all the books together.

She lives in Hampshire, England with her family and two cheeky cats who would love to help her write.

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