
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

15 May 2024

Friends for Life by Liz Murphy Blog Tour!

Friends for Life

Kate, Rose and Pascalle are thrown together because they share one experience – they have each lost their husbands. Shocked and bewildered, all three try to work out what it means to be suddenly alone with no partner, no security and their entire future wiped out.

If that wasn’t enough, they are also faced with family conflict, elderly parents, and a support network that turns out to be sadly lacking. And for each woman, secrets from the past threaten to derail their attempts to move on.

*On the surface, Kate’s husband Jason was fun-loving and generous. Only she knows differently. In the months after his death, her attempts to rid her life of the things that trigger bad memories are also driving her son away. By keeping Jason’s secret is she in danger of losing her son as well?

*Rose and Richard were soul mates. Married straight out of university, they shared a career, a business and a love of the good life. Childless, they lived only for each other, or so Rose thought. That all changed the night Richard was killed in a car crash.

*Once spirited, vibrant and flamboyantly French, Pascalle is now a grey shadow of herself. Her husband Trevor’s death has left her so emotionally paralysed, she can’t accept that he’s gone. Then her daughter offers her a chance to create a new life for herself. But will past secrets emerge to hinder her decision?

We follow Kate and Rose through their first year without their husbands. As their friendship with Pascalle grows they encourage each other to be brave, to take control of their lives, and to begin to heal. They draw on past mistakes to help each other build new relationships with their families. And by trusting each other, they realise that true friendship can point the way to a new future.

Extract from Friends for Life by Liz Murphy for Celticlady’s Reviews

Kate, Rose and Pascalle have recently met at a drinks party where they were reluctant guests. All three have been struggling to cope with the deaths of their husbands, and each sees in the other women who understand exactly what they’re going through. They’ve arranged to meet again at a café to chat more. Pascalle, who’s been unable to move on from the death of her husband Trevor four years ago, has just had a dream where he tells her it’s time for her to let him go…

Pascalle had been sitting quietly listening to Kate and Rose, and when they finished she took a deep breath and lifted her head as though she’d made a difficult decision. ‘Can I tell you ladies about a dream I had? I haven’t shared this with a soul.’

  Rose and Kate both nodded at the same time. ‘Of course, say anything you like,’ encouraged Rose.  

  Pascalle began the story of her dream and ended with Trevor’s line: ‘You have to let go of the past to move into the future.’ 

  Tears shone in all their eyes, and Kate spoke first, squeezing Pascalle’s hand. ‘There it is, your message, your sign. Trevor’s giving you his blessing to move on.’

  ‘Yes, and in my heart I know you’re right,’ agreed Pascalle. ‘But you see I don’t want to live without him.’

  ‘We none of us want to live without our husbands,’ Kate agreed. ‘But what a waste it is if we don’t. Two lives lost rather than one.’

  ‘If it hadn’t been for Mum I’m not sure what state I’d be in,’ Rose confessed. 

  ‘How lovely that you still have your mother around,’ said Pascalle.

  ‘In a way yes, but her mind has deteriorated so much now that she doesn’t often recognise me. That’s really hard to accept. Shortly after Richard was killed it did cross my mind that there was no point in me living on. We have no children, I have no brothers or sisters. He was my everything. Then one day when I was at my lowest, I looked at my mother and she had such trust in her eyes, and I realised that I couldn’t leave her, no matter how hard it is to stay with her. So, here I still am, just getting on with it, on my own.’

  Listening to Rose, Kate was struck by how in love with her husband she appeared to have been, and yet if the gossip at the tennis club was true, that love wasn’t returned. But then she conceded, you can never tell the state of a marriage from the outside. I mean, take her and Jason, no-one looking in would have guessed what was really going on there, not even their children who still had no idea about their dad. 

  Her thoughts were interrupted by Pascalle who’d sat bolt upright as though suddenly struck by an idea and was saying, ‘Ladies, I know how you can help me. Justine has been nagging me for weeks to join a yoga class here at the library. I don’t want to go on my own. But if you two would come with me…’ She ended the sentence with a smile.

  Kate and Rose looked at each other.  ‘I’ve never done yoga before in my life,’ Rose said. ‘What about you Kate?’

  ‘Not yoga, but I’ve done a bit of pilates, and I play tennis and swim, so I have a decent level of fitness. Anyway, how hard can it be? Pascalle, I’m in.’

  Rose laughed. ‘In that case I’d better be in too. When is it, what time does it start?’

  Kate spotted a notice on the café wall. ‘Looks like it’s 9am on a Friday morning. I’ll have to rearrange my work diary for that morning, but I can do it.’

  Pascalle, who’d bitten into a piece of her cake, choked when she heard the time. ‘Oh no, sorry ladies, I didn’t realise it was quite so early. Are you sure you don’t mind?’

  Kate and Rose laughed simultaneously. ‘I’ll let you know after the first one,’ Kate giggled. ‘I’ll Google the website and see if there are any spaces in the class.’ After a couple of seconds she found the relevant page. ‘It’s not on for the next few weeks because of Christmas, but there are spaces for the first Friday after New Year. I’m booking us on.’

  ‘I guess there’s no backing out now,’ said Rose wryly as she checked her watch and started to gather her handbag and jacket. ‘I’m so sorry ladies, I should be getting back to my mother.’ She stopped and looked at both women.  ‘I’m so glad we’ve met. I’ve tried loads of bereavement groups but none of them has helped as much as meeting you. Speaking to you, has made me feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.’

  ‘This has been a real pleasure,’ said Pasacalle, ‘But I’d better head off too. Now I can hardly wait for our first yoga lesson!’

  As they hugged goodbye, Kate felt a lightness in her that she hadn’t known for the last three months, and if she was honest, for a whole lot longer than that.

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Originally from Scotland, Liz Murphy moved to London in the mid 1980s as a features writer on Woman’s Own and since then has worked on some of the biggest weekly and monthly magazines in the country including Good Housekeeping, House Beautiful, TVTimes and Sky The Magazine, where she held senior editorial positions. Liz is also a qualified mat and reformer Pilates teacher.

The sudden death of her husband, Steve, prompted her to reassess her priorities, following which she left magazines and now focuses her time on teaching Pilates, playing tennis, working at tennis tournaments, singing in a choir and sitting on the governing body of a federation of three primary schools. She has two grown-up daughters.




Liz Murphy writer

Until the Real Thing Comes Along by Chris Simon New Release! @ninestarpress


Title:  Until the Real Thing Comes Along

Author: Chris Simon

Publisher:  NineStar Press

Release Date: 05/14/2024

Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 101200

Genre: Historical, Romance, historical, family-drama, gay, 1920s, 1930s, in the closet, docker, fire, Brighton, football match

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It’s 1932 and middle-class Malcolm lives with his mother in Highgate. Though confident and capable at work, he is tormented by “beastly inclinations”—a strong attraction to young men. 

One drunken evening at Charlie Brown’s pub in Limehouse he meets Alfie, a working-class docker—and the most beautiful young man Malcolm has ever seen. Alfie is friendly, kind and changes everything by making Malcolm’s inclinations seem considerably less beastly—but in 1930s London, this can surely have no future. Alfie is younger, apparently “normal”, and from the Isle of Dogs, far from Malcolm’s cosy world of quiet privilege.

Nevertheless, Malcolm launches himself into Alfie’s world of rough pubs, a dance club, and even a football match. Resigned to a platonic friendship, he is thrilled to find that Alfie has other ideas. But by offering him something he hadn’t even dared wish for, fate may have called his bluff and he fears his own naivety and sexual inexperience will see him squander this unexpected shot at happiness. 

After some excruciating but sound advice from a more worldly friend, the relationship becomes sexual, and more emotional, but remains an unsuitable attachment that cannot last forever.

When Alfie is nearly killed in a fire at the docks, and war planes on maneuvers growl over the Docklands skies, both are reminded that life is too short to worry about “forever”. During a police raid on an illicit West End club, Alfie’s heroism saves Malcolm from ruin, convincing him that whatever the future holds, this boy loves him now. 

The disapproval of families and friends, a hostile society, Malcolm’s insecurity, and Alfie’s belief that he’ll eventually get married because “that’s what young men do” cannot thwart a love that grows in unpromising ground and endures no matter what is thrown at it.

Until the Real Thing Comes Along
Chris Simon © 2024
All Rights Reserved

Grubby Angels

August 1922

This was wealth. This was power. This was the world in which Malcolm Trevelyan must make his mark.

A line of black cranes dipped and swung over the cobbled north quay of the Western Dock, as they lowered crates and barrels towards the waiting men below. Once landed, the goods were loaded onto handcarts and spirited away into the transit sheds nearby. The noise of the crane winches and the shouts of men drowned out any words of explanation from the guide escorting the small group of six trainee import clerks of which Malcolm was a part.

Beyond the transit sheds stood ancient brick warehouses, bulging with cigars and raw tobacco, grain, fragrant spices, ivory, and ostrich feathers. He breathed in the aromas of the nation’s store cupboard, awed by the sheer scale of the warehouses and by the range of goods he saw in them. Beneath their feet lay a labyrinth of cool vaults packed with puncheons and hogsheads of port, brandy, and wines. The London Docks were an organised chaos and just about the most exciting thing that sixteen-year-old Malcolm had ever seen.

But it wasn’t just the goods. Out on the quayside an even greater impression was made on him by the flat-capped, waistcoated dockers, concentration straining their features, skin glowing with their exertion. They worked in gangs, intimidating clutches of masculinity, strong and foul-mouthed. Most were middle-aged, weather-beaten, worn and scarred, but there was a handful of younger men among them. They were cocky lads—a different breed from any Malcolm had seen before and he was drawn to them. Strong, lithe, and energetic, they laughed and joked together with an easy familiarity he envied.

The dockers paid little heed to the gaggle of pale-skinned trainee clerks observing them. They would spare them attention only if the party looked like they were getting in the way, at which point a youngster would be sent to shoo them off, as though they were scavenging gulls circling over a consignment of raw sugar.

As the visitors weaved tentatively through the busy crowd, a sudden violent hailstorm lashed down on the quayside. Everyone ran for what shelter they could find, apart from the crane drivers, who watched the scurrying smugly from their cabins. Malcolm found shelter in the narrow covered doorway into a warehouse. It was padlocked and he had to share the brick arch with two young dockers and endure the bittersweet sensation of having them pressed up against him. Having their hard bodies and the smell of their sweat so close would no doubt have repelled some people. Not Malcolm. The sweat was fresh, the result of honest toil. And the bodies—well.

The young lads were deferential to him, in case he was someone important, toning down their profanities and allowing him as much space as they were able to. In adjusting his stance to try to give Malcolm more room, one of them yelped as a hailstone the size of a quail’s egg struck his bare arm. His face, close to Malcolm’s, blushed engagingly and he laughed.

“Ow! That bleedin’ hurt!”

“Don’t be such a jessie,” jeered his mate. “Wotcher stick yer arm out for anyway, yer fathead.”

“I was trying to give this gentleman a bit more room, weren’t I? Yer don’t want ’ailstones getting on yer nice duds, do yer, guvnor?”

Malcolm smiled weakly but was unable to utter a single word, let alone form a sentence. This lad of around his own age had called him “guvnor” just because he was wearing a suit, yet he was the tongue-tied one.

The hail lashed down for five minutes before stopping abruptly, allowing the young dockers to return to their labours.

As the clerks filed back out of the dock gates chattering about what they’d seen, Malcolm was disconsolate, because his desperate longing had undermined the excitement he’d felt at having seen the Port of London working at close quarters for the first time. He was no longer incarcerated in boarding school. There were plenty of girls for him to look at, in the streets and in the typing pool at work, but nothing had changed. Boys still preoccupied him and none more than these working-class lads. They were so different from him and the boys he’d known at school—and nowhere was safe, because the streets of London teemed with them. He wouldn’t even know whether the two young dockers would have been considered handsome or not. Their faces had yet to have years of hard labour etched upon them, they’d yet to sustain scars or lose teeth, their complexions were unravaged by the drink to which they would probably turn for comfort. Their youth and vitality, their common clothes and flat caps, the hair cut short at the napes of their necks and their choirboy faces tormented him still.

He could tell himself his inclinations would shift towards women in due course, but he knew it wasn’t true. In a week or two, he would have forgotten about these two particular lads, but there were legions of grubby angels dressed as thugs to fill him with a burning longing for… Well, he wasn’t quite sure for what.

What could he do about it?

The answer was obvious. He must put all his energy into his work and see how far it would take him. It was his duty to achieve wealth and power to ensure his mother would live the rest of her days in comfort, and above all, he mustn’t allow himself to indulge in any behaviour that would bring disgrace down upon her. He must not merely put aside his unnatural feelings but bury them absolutely and forever.

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NineStar Press | Books2Read

Chris Simon is the youngest son of a headteacher and was born and brought up in North Wales. He attended college in Liverpool and Manchester studying Geography and English and returned to Wales to work at a holiday camp, doing everything from chalet allocations to scrubbing grill pans in the off season. He did this over three summers before moving to London to join the civil service, starting in North London benefit offices and ending with the Department for Transport in Westminster.

As well as football and music, Chris has a great love of social history, particularly that of London. After visiting the capital at the age of twelve his desire to live there became the first certainty of his life. He settled in Walthamstow in East London and is a keen supporter of Manchester City and, of course, Wales. It had always been his intention to write a novel whenever he found the time—and now he has.

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Most Eligible Killer Daria White Book Tour! #XpressoTours @XpressoTours⁣ ⁣⁣#MostEligibleKiller #dariawhite


Most Eligible Killer

Daria White

Publication date

 June 4th 2024


 Adult, Cozy Mystery, Mystery

Love, lies, and a lethal reunion.

In the heart of Edenville, Texas, Bianca Wallace’s life is blooming—her business is thriving and her romance with Detective Lamar Sims is heating up. But when her high school crush, Eddie Talbert, becomes the prime suspect in a murder case at her mother’s matchmaking event inspired by ‘The Bachelor,’ her world spirals into chaos.

Reluctantly drawn back into Eddie’s life, Bianca must sift through past feelings and present dangers, as Lamar races to solve the crime. Torn between her blossoming love and a past flame, Bianca’s loyalties are tested—does she trust her heart or the evidence stacking up against Eddie?

As secrets surface, Bianca realizes she might be closer to the killer than she ever imagined. Will her quest for truth be her last?

Dive into Most Eligible Killer to discover if Bianca’s pursuit of justice will salvage her future or sever her deepest ties forever.

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Daria has lived in Texas for most of her life. She never liked reading as a kid. In fact, she almost hated it. However, as she grew up that all changed. Though she received her degree in healthcare management, Daria kept her writing as a hobby. She meant it to be private and her own way of expressing herself. It never crossed her mind to publish until she was in college. So, she took a chance and self published. It worked! Starting off as a sweet romance writer first, Daria branched out in 2020 with books in cozy mystery and Christian fiction. She even has nonfiction titles in the works, reflecting her Christian faith and work in ministry.

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Escape Routes by Marsh Rose Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #LiesAndLoveinAlaska #MarshRose

It’s 1985 and pampered psychotherapist Lauren Olive loses her job, the love of her life to his hairdresser and is forced to move to a backwoods bungalow as a drug couselor in a rural jail.

Escape Routes

by Marsh Rose


Historical Women’s Fiction

It’s 1985 and psychotherapist Lauren Olive, a pampered Baby Boomer in the California wine country, has never owned a bank account, lived without a man, or seen the dark side of life. But after she loses her job, and then the love of her life abandons her for his hairdresser, she’s forced to move to a decrepit bungalow in the backwoods and accept work as a drug counselor in a rural jail.

At her new job, the inmates view her wide-eyed naivete with hilarity and her hardened coworkers resent her middle-class roots. Worse, the bungalow seems poised to collapse around her. If Lauren is going to survive financially, avoid going back to live with her parents, and regain normality, she’ll need to leave her little-girl ways behind. But success doesn’t come without struggle. Surrounded by her crusty landlord, the jail’s seasoned deputies, skeptical inmates and a new love interest, Lauren must confront challenges she never could have imagined in her comfortable city life.

Escape Routes is a tale of maturity under duress. It speaks to the emerging audience of readers who want stories of growth and accomplishment by strong women in compelling situations. Although it is a work of fiction, it offers a glimpse into rural American criminal justice during the 1980s, a time when addiction treatment for inmates was in its formative years. Its narrative captures genuine lifestyles, concerns, speech, and behavior without demonizing, demeaning, or glamorizing the characters on either side of the bars.

**Order a Print Copy from SunburyPress and use the

 code MRTOUR for free shipping!**

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Lies and Love in Alaska

by Marsh Rose


Women’s Fiction, Romance 

To stop the meddling of her matchmaker friends, divorcee Annalee fakes an affair with an Alaskan bush pilot whose profile she has seen in a magazine about bachelors in that rugged environment. The plan backfires when he appears in her small California town and lures her to his remote cabin with stories about the magnetic pull of the Last Frontier and the promise of lasting love.

In ways she never imagined, she finds herself falling for both the pilot and Alaska in spite of the bears, blizzards, peculiar neighbors, pyromaniac ex-girlfriend, stack of love letters hidden in a pantry and evident truth to what they say about single men in Alaska: the odds are good, but the goods are odd. Before Annalee can sever her ties in California and move north, a shocking telephone call from an unknown woman rocks her world and catapults her into a whole new way of life.

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Chapter 1


The Odds Are Good

It was the day after Christmas. Annalee Perkins leaned on her counter and listened to the rain pinging into a galvanized bucket in the next aisle. She dreaded the coming hours. Only Valentine’s Day was as demoralizing as the holiday season at Home And Garden Land. Around her, fellow H.A.G.L. workers drifted in, hung their sodden rain gear and began to prepare for the long day ahead.

The intercom roared to life. Feedback sliced along the cinder block walls, then Annalee heard the voice of her boss Marvin. “Stupefied,” he thundered. “Five letters, sixty-three down, third letter Z.” Marvin began each day with the morning paper’s crossword and he seldom finished it alone. There was a moment of silence, then a reply boomed from the bookkeeper’s microphone.


Annalee sighed.  Her knees ached and she felt older than her 40 years. Reluctantly she shifted her gaze to the window. Outside in the rain, ten women had formed a line at the door. Their clothing, from muddy blue jeans to elegant pants suits, represented the wide range of incomes in the rural northern California wine country. But their faces wore nearly identical expressions of dismay. Each woman carried an object—a bathroom scale, a hose attachment or a set of crescent wrenches, some with festive wrapping paper still attached. When H.A.G.L.’s hangar-like doors opened, they would stride to Annalee’s counter and imply that she, maven of the complaints department, was somehow to blame because their husbands or lovers had shopped for Christmas gifts at the hardware store when they should have been at the jeweler’s. Then Annalee would spend the day issuing return receipts, doling out refunds, pleading for stock boys and occasionally reassuring a crestfallen customer that the customer was indeed worth more, so much more than this offensive dashboard cover and matching automotive cup holder and trash receptacle.

“Men,” Annalee murmured. “They can not accomplish even the most simple requirement of love. A gift.” She congratulated herself. Never again would she find a brightly-wrapped garbage disposal brush under the tree. And while she would pass Valentine’s Day alone, she would not open another box with a bow to find a selection of AA, AAA and D batteries.

She reached for a shop broom and turned to her immediate chore, sweeping up the evidence of mice. H.A.G.L. was damp and drafty to the loyal but long-suffering staff, but for all other species its accommodations were a luxury relative to wintering in the muddy field outside. So with the freezing December rains came a parade of insects, amphibians, birds, bats and rodents to join the swarms of customers.

Someone called her name. She looked up to see her friend Ivy, The Duchess Of Kitchenware, with her faux tiara anchored in her hair by a rubber band under her chin.  "Got something for you," she called.  "Meet me in the staff lounge for lunch."  She waved what appeared to be a magazine. Knowing Ivy, it would be something in the realm of dating, being single, or women her age finding love. Or at least sex. 

Annalee sighed again. 

Marsh Rose is a freelance writer, psychotherapist and college educator. Her short stories have appeared in a variety of publications including Cosmopolitan Magazine, the San Francisco Chronicle, Carve Magazine, Hippocampus Magazine, and New Millennium Writings where she took first prize for creative nonfiction in 2018. This is her second novel. She lives in the north San Francisco Bay Area with her greyhound, Adin.

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Brooke and the Wolf Curses of Midnight Springs Book 1 by Valerie Jo Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #MidnightSprings #99cents @valeriejobooks

 When a lost wolf shifter meets a beautiful thief, their

 lives will change forever . . .  

Brooke and the Wolf

Curses of Midnight Springs Book 1

by Valerie Jo


 Clean YA Paranormal Romance

When a lost wolf shifter meets a beautiful thief, their lives will change forever…

Brooke has been forced to grow up and take care of her ten year old sister all at once during her senior year of high school. With her drug addict mother mostly out of the picture, keeping a roof over her and her sister is more than a challenge. Without any money or food, she resorts to stealing at the farmers' market.

Peter first started turning into a wolf at age eight. When he gets too emotional, the wolf takes full control over his body and mind, and he doesn’t remember anything during that time. To avoid hurting anyone, Peter lives in isolation in the woods, only emerging to sell fish at the farmers' market to get money for supplies.

When Brooke steals a fish from Peter, both of their worlds turn upside down.

Brooke is just trying to get through her last year of high school. With too much responsibility already, is getting entangled with a potentially dangerous wolf boy a huge mistake?

Or will the love Brooke and Peter find in each other be enough to carve out a home in a world that has rejected them both?

If you love young adult paranormal romances, Brooke and the Wolf is for you. Featuring a cursed wolf shifter finding love with a human girl, this story hits all the good stuff. Get ready for one epic love story filled with surprise, danger, and drama as you discover if Brooke and Peter will find happiness in the end.

**Only .99cents!**

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Raven and the Ghost

Curses of Midnight Springs Book 2

If you know the guy you love is lying, do you call him out on it?

Raven has the mysterious ability to know when people are lying. Unfortunately, this superpower is useless when her father disappears without a trace.

To find her father, Raven teams up with Nash, the school’s most skilled computer hacker. Raven fakes a relationship with Nash to help him save face with his ex-girlfriend, and in return, Nash hacks her father’s computer for clues to his whereabouts.

But when Nash discovers more information than he wants to know, will he be able to hide it from Raven, the human lie detector?

Will they find love amidst all of the lies and secrets?

Will they save her father before it’s too late?

If you love young adult paranormal romances, you will swoon over Raven and the Ghost. Featuring a fake relationship, a terrible secret, magic, and ghosts, you will stay up late to read “one more chapter.” Get ready for the second installment in the Curses of Midnight Springs series, full of more surprises, romance, and drama as you discover if Raven and Nash can find their way to each other through the web of lies.

Buy this book to continue the epic series today!

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Juliet and the Assassin

Curses of Midnight Springs Book 3

Would you fight to remember your past, no matter how terrible it was?

After being frozen in time for hundreds of years, Juliet wakes up in our world today with no memory of her previous life. Fate connects her with Michael, a struggling addict with a tragic past he’s fighting to forget.

Juliet is convinced that she cannot move forward until she learns where she came from. But as she and Michael seek to reawaken her memories, they are met with disastrous consequences.

All the while, an assassin is traveling thousands of miles to take out her target—a young girl in Midnight Springs involved with magic. She carries a deep hatred for witches and has made it her life’s mission to kill as many as she can to avenge her family. Juliet can hear her threats in her nightmares as the assassin leaves a trail of bodies in her wake.

Will Juliet and Michael be able to find love when the ugly truth of each of their pasts is uncovered?

Will they be able to save each other from the impending danger of a trained killer thirsty for revenge?

Read Book Three of the Curses of Midnight Springs Saga today to find out!

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Holly and the Unseen

Curses of Midnight Springs Book 4

If your greatest enemy was your only hope, could you trust them?

Holly is a wealthy beauty queen who loathes her cheating ex-boyfriend, Jeff, and his drug-dealing best friend, Elliott . . . but when a curse causes her to lose her vision, she ends up depending on Elliott in ways she never imagined.

Elliott has the power of invisibility and uses it to steal drugs from pharmacies. He sells them to make money to care for himself and his sick mother . . . but it is still barely enough to make ends meet. When Holly needs his help and offers money in return, he can’t say no—even though he hates her and her prissy attitude.

As they learn to trust and depend on each other, they find friendship and respect . . . but can that friendship grow into love when they have spent years hating each other?

Will they be able to forgive and forget all of the hurtful things they have done and said to one another over the years?

Will Holly and Elliott find true love in the person they used to hate the most in the world?

Order Book Four to read the epic final installment of the Curses of Midnight Springs Saga today and find out!

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Darcy and the Wildfire

Experiments of Midnight Springs Book 1

Who would want to live forever in chains?

In order to keep her alive, Darcy's parents forced a terrible curse upon her. She has been sentenced to an eternal life of misery under their watchful eyes . . . but this eternal life comes with its own consequences.

To avoid pain, Jeff wishes a curse upon himself, transferring his own pain to someone else. It leaves him isolated in a way that is far worse than he could have predicted.

In a twist of fate, Darcy and Jeff end up using each other as distractions from the horrors of their lives, only to find out that they actually care about one another.

Can Jeff and Darcy save each other from their seemingly sealed fates?

How many casual kisses does it take to fall in love?

Read Book One of the Experiments of Midnight Springs series today to find out!

**Only .99cents!**

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**Check out the newly released coloring book! **

Curses of Midnight Springs Coloring Book

This coloring book is a must-have companion for the Midnight Springs fandom!

Featuring 46 colorable pages, the Curses of Midnight Springs coloring book will help readers dive even deeper into the world of Midnight Springs. Included are a variety of mandalas, quote pages, object-based designs, and decorative floral patterns--all printed on one side of the page with a blank back to avoid bleed-through (because everyone hates that, right?)

Elements from the following books are included:

Brooke and the Wolf
Raven and the Ghost
Juliet and the Assassin
Holly and the Unseen

If you can't get enough of the Curses of Midnight Springs series, this coloring book is for you!

(Also, be sure to check out the next series in this world, the Experiments of Midnight Springs.)

Get it on Amazon!

Valerie Jo is a young-adult paranormal romance author. Her goal as an author is to merge the fantasy worlds of Sarah J. Maas and Richelle Mead with the contemporary romance styles of Simone Elkeles and Katie McGarry. (If you haven't read anything by these authors, add them to your tbr list. You won't regret it.)

Valerie is a Christian, a wife to an amazing man, and a mother to two beautiful and brilliant children, so she knows all about love and being loved well. Sadly, she had to experience much heartache to get to this point. Her greatest desire is for her readers to find love and peace in the pages of her books, and to never settle for less than that in their own lives. ❤

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