
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

17 May 2024

A Secret Match (A Gay Wrestling Romance) By Kelli A. Wilkins Book Spotlight!


Behind the Scenes: A Secret Match (A Gay Wrestling Romance)

By Kelli A. Wilkins

This “Behind the Scenes” blog is part of a series examining my romance novels. In each blog, I’ll talk about why I wrote the book, share my thoughts on the plot and/or characters, and reveal what I loved most (or least) about writing the book. Warning: Blogs may contain spoilers. 

If you missed any blog in this series, you can catch up here:

A Secret Match is a contemporary gay romance set in the world of professional wrestling. It’s a follow-up book (of sorts) to my M/F wrestling romance, A Deceptive Match.

Technically, the book isn’t a sequel because it’s a gay romance and falls into a different romance genre… But it’s closely connected because it focuses on Everett Kinkade, a secondary character I introduced in A Deceptive Match.

In that book Ev is the best friend of wrestling champ Vinnie Valentine. They’ve been together for years as tag-team champs, confidantes, and are as close as brothers. I fell in love with Ev so much while writing A Deceptive Match I knew he needed his own book. And I knew it wouldn’t be an easy one.

Ev is a gay professional wrestler who has lots of insecurities and personal issues to overcome. Although he’s been in a long-term relationship with his boyfriend, Josh, he’s kept their involvement a secret. Aside from Josh nobody except Vinnie (and Danni, the heroine from A Deceptive Match) know he’s gay. He has a hard enough time dealing with his sexuality on a personal level, and on a professional level—forget it.

So naturally I put the screws to Ev—right in the first scene. When the book opens, Josh and Ev are having “going away” sex, and all seems well—until they have a major argument. Josh is tired of being hidden away like a “dirty secret” and wants Ev to come out or at least acknowledge their relationship to someone in their life. 

Ev refuses for several reasons. His wrestling persona is a heartthrob who women fantasize about, and he needs to maintain his image if he wants to keep his job. Obviously, coming out would threaten his livelihood. (This book was written before it was “acceptable” for wrestlers to come out.) He’s also afraid of what people will think about him if they know he’s gay. After a heated exchange, Josh gives him an ultimatum and walks out.

Ev is distraught and turns to his best friend and fellow wrestler, Vinnie for advice. Danni and Vinnie play a crucial role in Ev’s story—both in his personal journey—and in the ring. 

The head of the wrestling organization, Nick August, tells Ev he has to go along with a “steal my woman” angle involving Vinnie and Danni. As part of the storyline, Ev has to kiss Danni in front of a live audience. This is the turning point in the book. Ev is torn between living a lie and being true to himself—and in the spur of the moment, he comes out on live TV.

From there, all hell breaks loose.

Ev instantly regrets what he’s done and is afraid he’s just tanked his career, some of the other wrestlers aren’t thrilled with the news, and Nick August is beyond furious. But in true wrestling fashion, the fans think it’s all a work—until Ev comes out again. This time, he’s out and proud. 

When I wrote the book I knew Ev and Josh would be apart for about a third of the story, but I wanted to give readers a peek into their lives before the break-up. I decided the best way to do that was through flashbacks. Over the course of the book readers learn how Ev and Josh met, see their first kiss, and more. When Josh and Ev reconnect, readers know all about them and realize they’re meant to be together.

I love Ev as a character. On one hand, he’s funny, sharp-witted, sexy, and a wiseass. And on the other hand, he’s an emotionally fragile, wounded warrior who is torn between living two lives. 

A Secret Match has everything a good wrestling storyline needs: action, heroes, heels, drama, humor, sexy wrestlers—and in this case, some pretty hot love scenes. It takes readers (and the characters) on an emotional roller coaster ride. And it’s not just for wrestling fans. The wrestling world is merely a backdrop for a tender romance and a look inside Ev’s mind.

A Secret Match isn’t a sequel to A Deceptive Match per se, but it takes place in the same world of pro wrestling and many of the characters from A Deceptive Match appear in A Secret Match. You don’t have to read the books together or in any particular order, and each book stands alone as an individual read. 

I hope you’ll check it out. If you love wrestling, if you love romance, and if you loved A Deceptive Match, you’ll love this book too. Here’s the book summary and links:


Everett Kinkade is a world-famous professional wrestler and the sexy heartthrob of millions of adoring female fans. But Ev has a secret he doesn’t dare share with anyone. He’s gay.

After years of being Ev’s secret lover, Josh is tired of hiding in the shadows and wants Ev to openly acknowledge their relationship. Coming out is the last thing Ev wants and fears it will ruin his career.

One night in a moment of truth, Everett outs himself on live TV. There’s no going back, and his announcement sparks a firestorm of problems—both personally and professionally. He’s forced to come to grips with who he really is while facing down a manipulative boss and a tag-team out to destroy him.

Torn between living a lie and losing the man he loves, Ev has risked everything… can he find a balance between his career and his heart?

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Don’t miss the book that introduced Ev to fans… A Deceptive Match


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I hope you enjoyed this “Behind the Scenes” look at the making of this hot gay romance. I welcome questions and comments from readers and other authors. You can contact me via the form on my site or on social media.

Happy Reading,

Kelli A. Wilkins


Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20+ romance novels, and 6 mystery/horror ebooks. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror and mystery stories. 

Kelli released her fourth gay romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets, in April 2024. This tender contemporary romance takes place over a summer weekend, where two friends reconnect while seeking love and acceptance.

She published The Route 9 Killer, a mystery/thriller set in Central NJ, in early 2023. 

Follow Kelli on her Facebook author page: and

visit her website/blog for a full title list and social media links.

#CoverReveal for Rebound, by Evelyn Sola! #AuthorEvelynSola


Join us for the cover reveal of Rebound by Evelyn Sola. Fans who love Marriage of Convenience Romances will sink their teeth into this sexy, diverse romance. Keep scrolling for more details about this sexy cover.

Title: Rebound

Author: Evelyn Sola

Release Date: 06/14/2024

Genres: Contemporary Romance, New Adult

Page Count: 420 pages

Tropes: Marriage of Convenience, Sports Romance, Romantic Comedy, Diverse Romance


  Catching feelings in a marriage of convenience is REALLY inconvenient.

Layla Jackson isn’t looking for marriage or her own happily ever after. At least not at this point in her life and especially not with notorious playboy and single dad, Seth Wakowski. He may be a baller on the court, but off- he’s immature and the total opposite of the kind of guy she would ever want to be involved with. Seth’s baby girl? 

Now that's a totally different story. Layla and Jasmine adore each other. But when people in Seth’s life tell him it’s time he settle down and clean up his act, there's only one person he can think of for the job. If only he can show her there's more to him than meets the eye. Despite her judgmental attitude toward Seth, she can’t deny the electrical charge each time their eyes lock. Or the desire that runs through her each time they touch.

Can Seth win Layla over and prove that their marriage won't be just another rebound? He knows he’s playing for keeps, but will he be able to convince her of that?

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About Evelyn Sola

A Boston native, wife, mother, and wine enthusiast. If she’s not writing, thinking about writing, you will find Evelyn with a book in her hands. While a new publisher, she’s been writing for years, and she will continue to write for many years to come. 

Evelyn is obsessed with assertive and confident men who will stop at nothing to get their woman. Her stories are filled with love, passion, and humor. She currently lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and two daughters.

#ComingSoon #Rebound #TheMischiefsSeries #MarriageOfConvenienceRomance #MarriageOfConvenience #SingleDad #SportsRomance #DiverseRomance #InterracialRomance #RomanticComedy #RomCom #SpicyRomance #NewAdult #ContemporaryRomance #BWWMRomance #MustRead #Preorder 


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The Devil’s Spies by K.C. Sivils Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #TheDevilsSpies @AuthorKCSivils @author_k.c.sivils

 The devil has eyes and ears everywhere!

The Devil’s Spies

by K.C. Sivils


Historical Fiction

Needing to stop the flood of humanity fleeing communist oppression by making it to the divided city of Berlin, the communist government of East Germany took drastic measures. In August of 1961, construction of the Berlin Wall began.

Two young lovers, an American refugee worker, and an East German seminary student, find themselves separated by the wall. Desperate to be reunited and build a life together, Angela Wettin and Michael Dieterich, with Michael’s brother Joseph, set in motion a dangerous plan to escape by tunneling under the Berlin Wall.

Determined to stop any hope of gaining freedom, the East German Stasi, the dreaded secret police of the communist state, formed Department XX/4 to infiltrate and spy on the Church in East Germany.

Faced with betrayal, dangerous cave-ins, and family conflict, the trio enters a life-and-death race against the Stasi and Department XX/4.

Can they gain their freedom before they are caught by the Devil’s Spies from the Stasi?

**On Sale for Only .99cents 5/12 - 5/18!**

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 U.S.A. Today and Amazon Best-Selling author is the creator of the scifi crime noir series of Inspector Thomas Sullivan novels as well as the southern noir series of stories centering around the private investigator James Benoit "Heat" Heatley.

A longtime fan of crime noir and science fiction, director Ridley Scott’s adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s sci-fi classic Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep into the masterful Harrison Ford vehicle Bladerunner encouraged Sivils to consume as much of both genres as possible in his younger years.

A fan of past noir masters such as Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler, Sivils also enjoys the current generation of storytellers like Sandra Woffington, Tom Folwer, Jeff Edwards, Renee Pawlish, and James Scott Bell.

In addition to his aforementioned series, Sivils is also the creator of the Agent Nelson Paine Historical Mystery series set during WW II and the early years of the Cold War.

In a previous life, Sivils was a varsity basketball coach and high school history teacher. He and his wife, Lisa, have three adult children, seven grandchildren, and two four legged furry children who still live at home, Bella and Mr. Darcy.

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ebook of The Devil’s Spies,

ebook of The Price of a Lie,

ebook of Murder on the Harz Mountain Railway

- 1 winner each!  

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16 May 2024

Ever Mind the Rule of Three Mystic Academy Book 1 by Samaire Wynne Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #MysticAcademy @samairew @samairewynne

A Wytch & Magical Cat Urban Fantasy

"This is the story of a girl and her cat." 

Ever Mind the Rule of Three

Mystic Academy Book 1

by Samaire Wynne


 Urban Fantasy

Deep in the house lies a box, hidden where no human

 would find it. Inside the box lies an object of such

 immense power it refuses to be ignored even one more


Tabitha Murphy is no stranger to tragedy. After losing both parents as an infant, she's being raised by her aunt and a very special cat.

Although she's descended from a long line of wytches, Tabitha has shown no sign of any powers whatsoever. Without magic, she won't be allowed to attend the school where her aunt teaches. In fact, with no better options, Tabitha plans to attend UCLA in the fall and live a mundane life.

During an afternoon out with friends after their last day of high school, she halfheartedly shares french fries and milkshakes at the local malt shoppe and agrees to go to a carnival in town later that afternoon.

That’s when something happens that shocks her to her core. Something that will change the course of her life forever.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

Ever Mind the Rule of Three is a 120,000 word urban fantasy story suitable for all ages.
No AI was used to write this book or create its cover.

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Don’t miss the rest of the Mystic Academy series!

Find them on Amazon

Samaire Wynne grew up in a lot of different places, and now happily resides on the East Coast of America, laboring away at writing stories every day. 

She is an animal lover with far too many pets, yet she still muses how she’d like to add even more. 

A lover of all things night and gothic, she also loves to read and reread her favorite books. 

Owned by a cat named Tyrion, she can be found haunting the shadows and mists that hang low over the hills of southern Virginia.

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Chapter One of Ever Mind the Rule of Three

With my birthday coming up next month, and no magic in sight, I had resigned myself to attending a mundane college. I idly wondered if I really felt comfortable attending UCLA, so far from the town I’d grown up in.

Salem, Massachusetts was an old town—very old, in fact. A current of custom and habit underlay the everyday lives of the mundane who lived here. I could trace my descent from a long line of wytches, going back more than four hundred years.

But, as my aunt reminded me every time I got to worrying so much that I paced the front sitting room of our three-story house, only about a quarter of the women in the family ever showed promise in the magical arts. Aunt Matilda had, of course. She’d first sparked magic when she was eleven, she’d told me. 

“I lit the cat on fire, accidentally, of course,” she’d explained. “I’d run in from the twilight mist one October day, and Grimalkin had been napping in the window, and had just stretched and then jumped to the hallway, and we collided. I slid right into him and tumbled head over heels.”

“Then what happened?” I asked, chin in hands, leaning forward over the now-empty dinner plates. I’d heard the story many times and reveled in it every time. I loved my aunt with a passion. Huh. Hero-worshipped her, would be a more apt description.

“And then I grabbed my hat, which had fallen off, and got to my feet. I’d brushed my hair back — even then it was too long and unruly to manage without help, and placed my hat back on my head,” said Aunt Matilda.

I held my breath. I knew what was coming next.

She glanced down at me, one side of her mouth quirked in a smile. “And as I stood up, I stretched my hand out to pet Grimalkin. A spark flew from my fingertip and arced to his tail and lit the tip on fire.”

I’d shrieked with laughter, arching my back in glee.

“And you’d been eleven?” I asked, grinning

“Just barely,” she’d said. “Eleven and a week, at most. My birthday is October third, as you know, child.”

I laughed out loud in delight, picturing the cat’s tail with a flame at the end.

“I never forgave her,” a haughty voice came from the window. Grimalkin was washing his paw with great concentration, his digits curled as his tongue swept up from his elbow.

“Oh, you love me,” said Aunt Matilda, standing up and sweeping the beloved cat into her arms. “You know you do.” She planted a kiss on the top of the cat’s head.

The cat curled against his mistress fondly, purring. “Maybe,” he mumbled. “On Tuesdays.”

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The Diva Goes Overboard (A Domestic Diva Mystery) by Krista Davis Book Tour!

The Diva Goes Overboard (A Domestic Diva Mystery) by Krista Davis


The Diva Goes Overboard (A Domestic Diva Mystery) 

Cozy Mystery 

17th in Series 

Setting - Old Town Alexandria, Virginia 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Kensington Cozies (May 21, 2024) 

Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 336 pages

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1496743423

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1496743428 

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CHHN5D3Q 

For once, event planner Sophie Winston finds herself a guest at a lavish engagement party, but things go horrifyingly awry when the groom-to-be is fatally poisoned . . .

In Old Town Alexandria’s unlikeliest match, Natasha Smith’s free-spirited mother, Wanda, is engaged to notoriously pompous antiques dealer, Orson Chatsworth—leaving Natasha to plan the entire wedding, beginning with an elaborate engagement party. 

For the extravagant affair, Natasha splurges on trendy food boards created by rising social media star, Stella St. James. The sumptuous boards go way beyond basic cheese and crackers, as Stella dazzles guests with picture-worthy butter boards, dessert boards, and even doughnut boards. Just as Natasha planned, the food is to die for—until someone actually does.

When the groom collapses, it seems as if a heart attack is to blame. Then guests discover Orson was poisoned, and suddenly Stella’s bespoke boards look a lot less appealing. But with an event this big, the spread of suspects is sure to be impressive. 

Could Orson’s killer be a jilted ex-lover? A money hungry relative? A bitter former business partner? When even Sophie is not above suspicion, she knows it’s time to get on board and scrape together an investigation of her own . . . before murder becomes the town’s next trend.

Includes delicious recipes, fabulous decorating tips, and easy entertaining hacks!

Book Excerpt

Dear Sophie, 
My seventy-five-year-old father is getting married! The bride and groom have been married before to other people and have adult children and grandchildren. They’re planning a huge wedding and the bride will wear white. I think this is in poor taste and they should quietly tie the knot at the courthouse in a civil ceremony by themselves. 
What do you think? Tied in Knots in Loveland, Ohio Dear Tied in Knots, A wedding is one of life’s biggest and most lovely events. If the bride and groom want a big wedding with all the traditions that accompany nuptials, I think they should do it and celebrate in any way that makes them happy. 
There are no age limits on joy. Sophie On Sunday evening, when other people were settling in and getting ready to start a new workweek, I walked my mixed breed hound, Daisy, to relax after finishing up a busy week. 
An unpleasant waft of smoke reached me. Most likely from a fire pit in someone’s backyard, I supposed. As an event planner, I often worked when others didn’t. I had just finished a major convention for the Federation of Pharmacists. 
They had been lovely to work with and their exhibits had been fascinating. It had been a major convention and I was ready for some downtime. The sun had set in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, but the temperature was perfect for sleeveless attire. 
The balmy air made me feel summery and carefree. Porch lights and front door lights gleamed on Federal style homes, many of which had been built in the 1800s. Now and then I caught a glimpse of lights strung over a backyard and the sound of laughter. We had no destination in mind. 
Mostly, I needed to stretch and relax, and Daisy needed to get outside and sniff the world. We ambled along until I saw a blaze. In the seconds that it took me to realize that it arose inside a car, it quadrupled in size. I reached for my phone and called 911. 
“A car is on fire!” I gave the operator the name of the street and the closest cross street. “Hurry! The flames have moved from the front seat to the back.” I felt completely helpless. There wasn’t a thing I could do about it. Although we were a good distance away, Daisy leaned against my legs as if it scared her, too. Sirens sounded louder than normal in the quiet night. 
They passed us and clanged to a stop. In minutes, firefighters had the fire under control. One of the firemen recognized me and strode over. “I hear you called in the fire?” 
“Yes. It was small and then whoosh, it grew so fast!” He nodded. “Yeah, car fires will do that. Did you see anyone get out of the car?” 
“No!” His question worried me. “I hope there wasn’t anyone inside.” “We don’t think so. We’ll open the trunk and have a look as soon as it cools off.” 
I shuddered to even imagine that possibility. I thanked him for responding so quickly and said good night.  

About Krista Davis

New York Times Bestselling author Krista Davis writes the Domestic Diva Mysteries, the Paws & Claws Mysteries, and The Pen & Ink Mysteries. Krista lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with two dogs, two cats, and a hidden stash of chocolate. 

When she’s not writing, she loves to entertain her family and friends who complain when she tests her recipes on them. But she notices that they keep coming back for more.







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May 14 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW

May 15 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW

May 15 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 16 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 16 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading – REVIEW  

May 17 – Baroness Book Trove – REVIEW

May 17 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT


May 19 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW

May 19 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 20 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

May 20 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 21 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

May 22 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

May 22 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic – REVIEW

May 23 – Melina’s Book Blog – REVIEW

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