
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

30 May 2024

Release Blitz for A Devilish Element by Madelynne Ellis!


Release Blitz for A Devilish Element by Madelynne Ellis

Can a bluestocking and mathematician admit the truth of their feelings, or will a certain devilish element end a love that’s just begun?

Dive into this tale of gothic mischief, medicine, and murder, and discover the Wakefields, four spinster sisters and the brother who’s determined to see them matched. A DEVILISH ELEMENT by Madelynne Ellis is the first book in the Wooing the Wakefield’s series. Readers of a delicate disposition beware, spicy shenanigans, chemistry, and corpses abound in this tale of gothic Regency romance.



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Remote Cedarton Castle is haunted. That’s what Eliza Wakefield's sisters say before she sets off to visit her recently married friend. The crumbling ruin is even more isolated and foreboding than expected. Its inhabitants, a small cluster of Lord Linfield’s closest allies. Moreover, all is not well with the Linfield’s marriage, leading Eliza to fear for her friend’s safety and her mind.

Mathematician Jem Whistler is a man caught in a trap. He’s in love with a woman he can’t have and owned by a lord who demands things he’d rather not give. Unexpectedly reunited with the woman who owns his heart, he struggles to keep his attachment hidden. When the threat from Cedarton’s white lady increases, Jem and Eliza must work together to uncover the true nature of the spectre haunting Cedarton’s shadowy halls. That’s if they can keep their hands off one another long enough to investigate.

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Copyright 2024 Madelynne Ellis

’Twas a fact that when an earl gave you an ultimatum, you knuckled down to it regardless of how badly it smarted to do so. Perhaps, he was being unkind to judge Linfield so harshly. The situation was not entirely of his making. He was as trapped by circumstances as the rest of them.

Jem was about to mutter something to aid them out of the current quagmire when a shrill scream set all their teeth on edge. A kind of rictus besieged them all, so that they didn’t move and barely breathed until the siren’s wail ended.

Bell came to first. He flipped onto his feet in a show of athleticism Jem would never have attributed him. “What the devil?”

He had to give the physician his due, Bell never shirked his duty if circumstances arose where it seemed his services would be in demand. Jem had not forgotten that woman’s death, the way Bell had handled everything with effortless efficiency. There’d been nothing he could do to save her, she’d been dead by the time he reached her, but the fact that he’d made it his duty to take care of her said much for him, where some of his mannerisms and foibles might have given an opposite impression.

“That is Lady Linfield, if I am not mistaken.”

Jem and Linfield caught up with him on the main staircase. A footman was hurrying downwards. “Her ladyship,” he gasped. “She’s… she’s upstairs, by the … Dropped into a dead faint—”

“And you left her?” Jem asked, still on the move.

“Mr Cluett’s there.”

“With my wife?” Linfield brows knotted.

“He came out of his room,” the footman explained. “And was swift enough to catch her when she swooned.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. It’s not like Georgie to be so quick off the mark. But that must mean she’s on the second floor. What the devil is she doing there?”

“Perhaps the questions might wait.” Bell was already halfway up the stairs. “You,” he pointed at the footman. “Fetch my bag.”

By the time Jem reached the upper landing, Bell was already skidding onto his knees. He pushed George aside and took up her ladyship’s wrist to feel for a pulse.

“Is she all right?” Linfield had followed him up the stairs, though he seemed keen to maintain some distance.

“A faint, smelling salts will set her to rights.” Bell produced a glass vial from his pocket and uncapped it beneath her nose. Lady Linfield awoke with a start, followed by some flailing and another anguished cry. “Get away. No… no, you shan’t have me.”

“Lady Linfield… Jane, calm yourself, there’s nothing to be alarmed about.”

“I saw it. Right there.” She pointed dead ahead to where Cluett stood. “Clear as day she was. Oh, she wants me. She means to kill me, I know it. We should not have come to Cedarton. It is cursed…cursed! Such utter folly. Husband. Linfield. Tell him we need to leave. Right now, this very moment. We have to leave.”

“What the devil is she babbling about? Ghosts and nonsense. Utter tripe,” Linfield muttered, prompting Jem to chastise him with a stare. While Lady Linfield was clearly overwrought, there was no need to be so impolite about it. The woman had clearly suffered a major shock, and Jem for one believed there was something to it. No one wound up this terrified without cause



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Madelynne Ellis is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author. She wrote her first novel after discovering Black Lace Books in the 1990s. After escaping the Hotel California, she dived into storytelling full time. Her books are filled with bisexual bad boys who like to get down and dirty, and stories so angst-filled you know they’re going to hurt. She lives in the UK near the Welsh border, where you can find her surrounded by books, drinking rapidly cooling decaf coffee, and listening to loud music.


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Scales of Justice by Mitchell S Karnes May 13 - June 7, 2024 Virtual Book Tour

 Scales of Justice by Mitchell S Karnes Banner

Scales of Justice by Mitchell S Karnes

Top assassin Graham Turner walks a delicate line as he tries to secretly solve the mystery of his parents' "accidental" deaths. 

The truth is buried deep within a child's forgotten past and an organization that demands secrecy and absolute devotion.

 His main obstacle is William Allen, Graham's boss and legal guardian. A master of manipulation and control, William pits Graham and his brother Robert against one another like pawns on a chessboard. William's idea of justice is kill or be killed.

Just as Graham discovers the identity of his parents' murderer and sets out to exact his revenge, he falls in love and develops a conscience. 

Graham must choose between love or loyalty, forgiveness or revenge. In a world of gray, Graham must find the line between black and white, wrong and right.

Follow the parallel stories of Graham and his father, two assassins who become their own worst enemies.

Book Details:

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Thriller
Published by: Amazon
Publication Date: September 7, 2023
Number of Pages: 479
ISBN: 9798860779228
Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads |

Read an excerpt:

Chapter 1

“Ease up, Champ,” Graham whispered. “Don’t wear yourself out and make my job too easy.” He removed the small envelope from the three-pronged plastic stick of the bouquet and opened it. “You are the only Chance I’ll ever take. Have a great conference. I’ll see you next month…and I’ll be keeping Atlanta hot for you!” There was a little red heart sign and the name, “Mary.” Graham shook his head in disgust. “He really does have a woman in every port.” As soon as the noise subsided and Graham heard the shower water, he readied himself for the task at hand. He slipped into the shadows of the far corner of the den and waited for Chance to come to him. Graham didn’t have to wait long.

Chance opened the bedroom door and wrapped the fluffy white towel around his waist. He examined the damage to his brand-new white shirt. Twisting and turning it in his hands, he noted the two missing buttons, the slight tear, and the smudges of red lipstick. “Oh well,” he said and tossed the shirt in a nearby wastebasket. “Well worth it.” Opening the fridge, he uncorked a chilled liqueur and chugged the miniature bottle. “Wow, Stacey was tenacious!”

Shelly, you idiot, Graham thought. He wanted to step out of the shadow and kill Chance right then, but he resisted the urge. All in due time, Graham, he assured himself.

“Oh well, she served her purpose,” Chance said. “Now how do I get rid of her before Janet calls?” Chance walked back to the bedroom and returned with a gold ring. Putting it on his left hand and glancing one more time toward the sleeping naked woman in the bedroom, he lifted the phone to his mouth and said, “Call Janet.” It rang once…twice…three times.

“Hey, babe,” came the sweet voice on the other end. “How’s your day been?”

“Draining,” Chance said with a smile as he looked back to the bedroom. “It was a real struggle.”

“Oh, but I’m sure you kept up your end of the deal,” she said. “Nobody can stand up to my man.”

“You got that right.” Chance heard laughter in the background of the phone and bristled defensively, “Janet, who’s that?”

“Oh, I’m at the ladies’ book club tonight. You want to talk to anyone?” she asked.

“No thanks,” he said. “Hey, I got to go. I need to get packing for the trip back.”

“Okay, babe. I love you,” she said and then hung up.

“Yeah, yeah,” Chance said and tossed the phone to the couch to the left of Graham. Chance suddenly noticed the flowers and walked over to examine the bouquet. “When did these get…” He pulled out the note. “Mary…Mary…Mary…who the hell’s Mary?” He picked up the bouquet, smelled it once, and then walked it over to the trash can. He slapped the back of his neck. “What the hell?” He twisted around and slapped again at the stinging sensation in the back of his neck.

“The polistes annularis,” the dark figure announced calmly. “Or as we say in Tennessee, ‘The red paper wasp.’” He took a step back as Chance swung awkwardly at him. “But you lawyers…you love all of that Latin mumbo-jumbo, don’t you?” Chance fell to his knees. Graham took the opportunity to touch Chance once again with the wasp held delicately in his tweezers, this time stinging the front of his throat. Chance slapped at the wasp, but Graham pulled it safely away. “Ah…ah…ah,” Graham said with a shake of his head. “Just one more for good measure, if you don’t mind.” He put the wasp to Chance’s temple, and it obliged once again with a deadly sting.

Chance uttered raspily, “Who are you?” as he grabbed at the swelling lumps on his temple and neck. His tongue was swelling rapidly, and Graham could tell he was already struggling desperately to breathe.

“Who am I? I guess I owe you that much,” Graham said. “What harm could it do?” He squatted a few feet from Chance and scrutinized the desperation in his face and eyes. Chance clawed his way toward the bathroom, but it was so far away. “Graham Turner at your service.” He studied his victim as Chance’s body convulsed. Graham laughed, not at Chance’s situation but his own last comment. “Well, I suppose I’m actually at the service of your wife Janet.”

Chance stopped struggling and turned his swollen neck towards Graham. Was it a joke? Chance tried to say Janet’s name, but his tongue was too swollen to utter any sound other than the heavy wheezing of each belabored breath. The couch within his reach, Chance crawled for it.

“Looking for this?” Graham asked, waving Chance’s phone in front of him. “You lawyers are way too predictable.” He put the phone in his jacket pocket. “Anyway, you asked a question and we only have a few minutes at most, so let me explain while there’s time.” Graham moved toward the bedroom door and waited there. Seeing Chance glance towards the bed, Graham said, “Oh, don’t concern yourself with Shelly; I drugged her drink downstairs as soon as I saw your overt interest in her little black dress. She’s out for at least another hour.”

Graham smiled. He didn’t have to hear the words to know the thought. “Yes, I do think of everything. That’s why they pay me so much. But your wife…” Graham paused. “Yes, your wife, she thinks of everything too. Quite a lady you have there. Well, I suppose I should speak in the past tense in that situation. Quite a lady you had, Chance.”

The lawyer’s neck was blowing up like a massive goiter and his face contorting so badly that Graham’s stomach heaved; he quickly stood and walked away as Chance struggled toward the bathroom. Looking out the window, Graham continued, “She caught wind of your plan to leave her and cut her out of everything…last year, I think.” Graham couldn’t stand to see Chance struggle any longer. He moved back to him, stepped over the lump of flesh and said, “Save your energy, you won’t find the epinephrine kit either.” Chance collapsed; sobbing, quivering and moaning to his last gasp of breath. Graham removed the black gloves and replaced them with a set of blue latex gloves instead. He checked Chance’s wrist for any sign of a pulse. He waited and watched until he was absolutely certain Chance Harrington was dead from the anaphylactic shock. According to the research, Chance Harrington had a deadly allergy to wasp stings…especially the red paper wasp. Graham set the wasp on Chance’s neck and used the dead man’s hand to squash it. Finally, he put the dead wasp next to the bouquet Chance had dropped on the floor.

As he removed up any evidence of his own presence in the room and made certain the scene looked authentic for a bee sting, Graham said, “Thanks, Mary…I owe you one.” He closed the door, wiped the handle and waited for the elevator. He wasn’t about to walk back down fourteen flights of stairs, especially in Denver.

The elevator door opened, and Graham disappeared inside. One more dead body to lose in the endless count of bodies…one more name to forget…one more job to mark off as “Zero Retribution,” a job well done.


Excerpt from Scales of Justice by Mitchell S Karnes. Copyright 2024 by Mitchell S Karnes. Reproduced with permission from Mitchell S Karnes. All rights reserved.

Mitchell S Karnes

Mitchell S Karnes is a husband, father of seven, and grandfather of nine. Mitchell uses his experience and insights as a minister, counselor, and educator to write and speak on challenging issues and concerns with an ever-growing audience.

He has published five novels, three short stories, a one-act play, and numerous Bible study lessons. He is now working on a new series featuring Abbey Rhodes, a Nashville Homicide Detective.

Through two separate battles against Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, God has given Mitchell a new perspective on life that challenges him to create stories to not only entertain audiences but call them to action.

 Mitchell's mission is to reach and reconcile those who have been disillusioned with God and His church and inspire the church to live out the love of Christ Jesus in a broken and hurting world.

Catch Up With Mitchell S Karnes:
Instagram - @mitchellskarnesauthor
Twitter/X - @mitchellskarnes



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The White Raven Book 3 by M.J. Moores Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours @AuthorMJMoores @mj_moores

 Legacies meets Lost Girl in this fast-paced new urban

 fantasy trilogy. 

When the supernatural world decides to kick your ass...

 Smile and kick it right back.  

The Blade of Balance

The White Raven Book 3

by M.J. Moores


 YA Urban Fantasy

No job. No alliance. No clue…

This isn’t about Dray finding herself anymore. This is war. Her BFF-Familiar is holding the fort at the club. Wolf Boy is in uber Nexus protection mode, and the drive-her-mentalist is tracking a missing dragon.

It’s time to go hunting… but seeking the essence required to jumpstart the Blade of Balance drops Dray squarely in everyone’s crosshairs. Really, nowhere better to be than on the brink of social annihilation behind enemy lines. Unfortunately, the key to unlocking the power of the Blade lies with Dray’s less-than-strategic ability to negotiate with severely unbalanced forces… and deciphering the meaning of the final riddle.

If Dray is only the Seeker… who, then, is the Wielder?


Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of The Blade of Balance today!


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The Soul Collector

The White Raven Book 2

It’s a bird, it’s a plane. No… it’s a murder-hornet!

Stuck in raven form after her run-in with the most insane wizard alive, Dray is content to focus on healing. But the djinn she negotiated help from has other plans. He sends a warning via stinger in mid-air, forcing Dray to shift before she’s ready. The hostile calling card parrots in her head as she plummets to the ground: Time’s up. Favour’s due.

Back on the asphalt, Dray barely has time to take a breath, or a step, before getting blasted by a second summons. She’s on the fae council’s radar, big time. No one else can root-out the maniac wizard who spliced her soul (Public Enemy No.1), so the council offers Dray a deal she can’t refuse. Being a high school outcast never prepared her for this kind of popularity contest.

Can she survive spying for the good guys while breaking the djinn (Public Enemy No.2) out of jail right under their noses?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of the second book in the White Raven series The Soul Collector today!

**On Sale for Only 1.99 May 27-31!!**

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The Hollow Kiss

The White Raven Book 1

Bloody Walls and Supernatural Espionage Were Not on the Final Exam

Graduation meant a whole new world away from the labels of outcast and freak, but a supernatural abduction leaves Corvina Dray with a hole in her memory and a deadly kiss.

Inexplicably drawn to a dark stranger in a back alley, Dray’s soul-sucking lip-lock lands her with a DB and the local PD on her trail. Then, a girl she doesn’t remember shows up out of nowhere and helps her dispose of the corpse.

Dray’s dead-body-bestie initiates her into an underground world with only one rule— expose the fae and suffer the consequences. But navigating this piranha-paradise to hunt down the maniac responsible for her transformation is likely to kill her… or worse.

Can Dray reverse the curse before she spends the rest of her life in an orange jumpsuit?


After paying for my supplies, I walked out the back to get away from Mac’s penetrating stare. He’d sensed a change in me. I wasn’t in the mood to dodge questions.

Outside, I pulled the full cart down the alley connecting the rear of two rows of stores. The hardware place had been at one end, but I didn’t turn onto the closer side street—didn’t know if another wave of nausea would hit. The last thing I needed was the whole town knowing I had a bad hangover. Or worse. Lips were loose enough without my help.

I’d take the long way home. The side streets and back alleys of town had always been my escape route growing up. No one knew them better, except maybe the rats.

My guts contracted and forced me forward—not to my hands and knees, but stumbling toward the back door of a shop across the alley. No! No! Shit, no! My cart overturned. Somebody sauntered out of the back of the store. My heart flailed against my chest. The door banged shut. Midnight Man from earlier glanced over at me, confused, then a cocky smile lit up his face. 

The idiot thinks I’m coming on to him. I tried to scream at him to run, but my voice died in a strangled squawk.

I lunged forward, bound by the invisible force. Opening my jaw a second time, I launched myself at him. Terror crystallized in his eyes as our mouths smashed together.

We crashed to the ground next to a fence. His fingers dug into my arms, then stiffened. Body rigid, cheeks caved, the guy shuddered as I pulled my lips from his and a long trail of smoke filled my every tingling cell. I arched my neck back, swallowed, and collapsed. Spent. Whatever had filled me seconds before, that had driven me to attack this guy, now left me empty.

Scrambling away from Midnight Man’s lifeless form, I accidentally kicked his arm. I dry heaved against a fence that housed an industrial-sized garbage bin. Not having eaten—except for a few mouthfuls at Rainey’s—there was little in my stomach to come out.

I curled into a ball. The shaking rattled my teeth. It wasn’t another attack, just the aftereffects of the first.

A shadow fell over the body and hovered across my legs.

Oh my God—someone saw!

I whimpered.

Just take me away now. Toss me in prison and throw away the key. The shadow’s hand reached out. I flinched.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of The Hollow Kiss today!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

See What the Experts Are Saying

"It was so much fun watching Dray unravel the mysteries of her new world. MJ's fantasy was fresh, and the plot intriguing." ~ Auburn Tempest, author of the Chronicles of an Urban Druid series

"Hollow Kiss is a terrific first-in-series for an exciting new paranormal YA series. If you like found-family stories with rich magic systems and tons of action, you’ll love Hollow Kiss."
~ Kim McDougall, author of the Valkyrie Bestiary series

**On Sale for Only .99cents May 27-31!!**

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MJ Moores has dabbled in all things writing since the age of nine. With a minor in creative writing, a decade teaching high school English and Drama, and more than twenty full-length works of fiction under her belt, her seven years as a freelance editor can only be the cherry on top of a life surrounded by story and words. Lately, you can find her working at the library on the days she's not dealing with a flurry of words for her latest book.

MJ loves to write upper YA adventure in sci-fi, fantasy, and suspense. Her newest series, The White Raven, is a fast-paced urban fantasy with a strong female lead, and a hint of mystery. Imagine Legacies meets Lost Girl -- Hold your breath and dive into the adventure. 

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Title: Getting to Know You by Jennifer MD Cox New Release Blitz! @ninestarpress

Title:  Getting to Know You

Author: Jennifer MD Cox

Publisher:  NineStar Press

Release Date: 05/28/2024

Heat Level: 1 - No Sex

Pairing: Female/Female

Length: 98900

Genre: Contemporary, contemporary, romance, lesbian, actors, Los Angeles, stage theater/play production, Jewish culture, toxic ex, found family and community, following dreams, pets

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Maggie Fromm moved to LA to follow a dream: to become an actress and live happily ever after with her high school sweetheart. When her heart is broken after a year of eking out a living, Maggie finds herself fighting for her dream alone. Her luck may change when she meets Gwen Knowles, a talented and spirited director drawn to Maggie's energy on stage. 

As they work to bring an independent play to life, Maggie and Gwen face shadows from their past—but this time, they have each other.

The Game Master of Somerville
A.J. Raven © 2024
All Rights Reserved

“Jerry, when are you going to start doing it again?”

I tried not to roll my eyes for the umpteenth time. “Stop making me repeat myself,” I answered, trying to keep my voice calm as we walked through the school corridor to the chemistry lab. “What did you think I would continue doing?”

I already knew the response I was going to get. Ugh!

“I don’t know,” said my tall friend Justin, faking a shrug. “I thought you were going to continue solving cases, you know?”

Now I couldn’t help rolling my eyes at him. Enough was enough! Leave it to Justin to continue annoying me to do something that would get him attention. “Yes, you’re right, Justin!” I made sure he took in the irritated tone of my voice. “There’s a whole pool of unsolved cases out there just waiting for me to dive in!”

“Maaaaybe,” Justin sang. I shot him a look. He answered with a smile, brushing away a strand of his brown hair from his forehead. “Who knows? You can’t be sure unless you try.”

“You do realize it’s only been a couple of weeks since we solved the Devona case, right?”

I tried not to remember an incredibly weak Devona all tied up in a chair. Her blood being drawn by her captor with a syringe. If only I had figured it out a bit sooner. She would have lived—

“I know, I know.” Justin’s voice snaps me back to reality. We were outside the lab.

“Sure you do,” I said sarcastically, pushing my glasses back up my nose. Even though Justin had been annoying me for the past few weeks about solving more cases, in a way, I kind of appreciated his annoyance keeping me busy and stopping me from continuously remembering Devona’s face.

Justin took a deep breath. “Fine, I’ll give it a rest.”

“Thank you.” I faked a smile and mentally started to count down the time until Justin would bring up the same topic again. I entered the lab. The rest of the class was already there. I saw my childhood friend Ashley Burro-way, Ash for short, near one of the working stations. Her brown hair was tied up in a tight knot.

“Justin still wanting you to take on another case, Sherlock?” she asked with a smile, handing me a lab coat as I came closer.

I nodded, taking the coat from her. It took me a second to get accustomed to the smell of the chemicals all around me. I thought I was going to sneeze. But didn’t. Ash put on her safety goggles and opened her textbook. “If you ask me—” She looked straight at me. “—I don’t ever want to go through all of that again.”

“I hear you,” I said. Not knowing what else to say to her, I looked around. Justin was talking to some boys in our class. I knew the only reason Justin wanted me to take on another case was because he missed the attention it gave him. The moment the Somerville High newspaper published my story about solving the Devona case, the entire high school basically went wild. It was the first time the paper was read by the entire student body. The police did a good job when it came to keeping the local media away from me and my friends, but it was tough avoiding the sea of students and the faculty while at school.

Justin took the opportunity to break the ice with his crush, Lucy Broadway. My other friend, Nick Perez, enjoyed the attention, too, but not as much as his best friend, Justin, did. Ash had addressed the attention targeted at her by putting up a defensive air and simply avoided answering any of the questions she was asked about the case at school. The last member of our little group, Kate Williams, who already had an I-don’t-care attitude going on, did just that…just didn’t care. Due to the reputation she had already cemented, the students knew not to approach her unless she directly gave them permission to ask her a question.

The bombardment of questions I faced the day the paper was released was a lot to handle. “How did you figure it out? Did the police help you crack the case? What’s next?”

I answered the questions I could. And fortunately, like everything else in this world, interest dwindled and people started to talk about other stuff after a couple of days. Apparently the mystery-of-the-week plots occurring on the current famous TV shows were better than the real thing. None of us were affected by the dying attention except for Justin. On the fourth day, Justin shared his fear. According to him, Lucy was losing interest in him even though I told him it was just him being presumptuous, and he needed to work on his confidence. And frankly, let’s assume, if Lucy was indeed the kind of girl who only liked Justin because of the attention he was getting from the rest of the school, then she wasn’t the type of person he should be wasting his time with anyway.

Of course, Justin didn’t listen.

“Jerry, where are you?” Ash snapped her fingers in front of my eyes.

“Huh?” I blinked.

“Seriously, Jerry,” she said in a concerned voice. “You’re kind of spacing out more than usual. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I saw Ash purse her lips. I knew what she was going to say. Ever since the Devona case, Ash had been bringing up therapy. She wanted me to talk to a professional after what Tom did to me. Ugh! That name!

Thankfully, our chemistry teacher, Miss Ophilia Patience, walked into the laboratory and Ash, like the rest of the class, kept quiet. Miss Patience wasn’t the kind of instructor the students wanted to cross. She looked at the class. No one said anything. After giving a quick nod, she started writing on the board behind her.

I looked around the lab again and realized someone was missing. “Where’s Nick?” I asked Ash. Her gaze was on the board, copying every single word Miss Patience was writing. I noticed Justin looking back at us from a few workspaces ahead. He averted his gaze when we made direct eye contact. I wanted to bet a hundred dollars he thought Ash and I were talking about taking up another case without telling him.

It took a few seconds for Ash to respond as she continued scribbling. “Don’t know.”

Weird, I thought. It wasn’t like Nick to miss class without telling us. Even if he did skip class, he and Justin always did it together. I tried not to think about it too much and looked at what Miss Patience was writing on the board.

Surprise! It was boring.

Time dragged on as Miss Patience talked about ways to influence chemical reactions. As far as I could tell, heating different materials up seemed to do the trick for a lot of them. Want to see something change? Try heating up the molecules!

And speaking of things heating up, I guess the same thing was going to come true for me and my friends soon enough. There was no way we could’ve avoided what was coming for us. But at that time, in the chem lab, with Ash busy writing notes next to me, none of us had the faintest idea about the domino effect that had already begun. I do sometimes wonder about what I could’ve done if I had known more back then.

Hidden myself in my house? Not talk to anyone ever? Resigned from my position as a contributor at the school’s newspaper?

But wondering about such possibilities didn’t matter anymore.

What was done was done.


NineStar Press | Books2Read

Jennifer earned her minor in creative writing from Alfred University in 2016. As a pansexual genderflux individual and a trauma-informed mental health counselor, they’re passionate about representation in fiction. 

Each story she tells is an opportunity to explore the beauty in nonconformity, healing, and diversity. After a lifetime of putting imagination to paper, Jennifer’s debut novel, Getting to Know You, came into being as a promise kept to a friend. Jennifer lives in the Finger Lakes with her family, where they enjoy tabletop roleplaying games, sewing, and cuddling their cat.

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