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18 June 2024

Romancing the Tropics Volume 2 by Leah Miles, Sara J. Walker, Vanessa Victoria Kilmer, Erika Kilmer Freidly, L.J. Green Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours

These five short tropical romances, spanning from 1901 to the present day, will put you in the mood for sunshine and love. 

Romancing the Tropics

Volume 2

with stories by Leah Miles, Sara J. Walker, Vanessa

 Victoria Kilmer, Erika Kilmer Freidly, L.J. Green


 Sweet Romance Anthology 

These five short tropical romances, spanning from 1901 to the present day, will put you in the mood for sunshine and love. This collection offers sweet to edgy stories perfect for lazing on the beach or poolside. Join these couples as they defy the conventions and expectations of their worlds to embrace love’s fullest connection with their happily ever after waiting to be discovered.

Here’s what's inside:

Not Another Jack by Leah Miles

Her final wedding gig takes an unexpected turn when a hunky Navy SEAL crashes the party, reigniting old flames and stirring new misunderstandings amidst the choppy seas of love.



Get a grip. I’ve got practical matters to attend to. 

She cleared her throat.

“There’s my phone, laptop, wallet with credit cards, cash, passport, and clothes.” She laughed nervously. “You know, the things we can’t live without. My assistant will provide a detailed list. She already shut down my electronics and credit card accounts, but my cell and computer were off when she checked, and the cards hadn’t been used.”

“Can she get a last location on your cell phone?” 

Rachel noticed his long limbs. 

He must be tall. It’s my job to notice these things. It’s not because he’s eye candy. Really, it’s not.

“She’ll have that shortly. She’s also in contact with the U.S. Consular Agency and has sent them a completed DS-64 and DS-11 to get my passport replaced.”

“Your assistant is quite efficient.”

“She’s the best. She even offered to shop for clothes and have them shipped here for me.”


“We’re like sisters, but she planned to be on vacation, too. So, I don’t want her to spend more time than necessary on this.”

Detective Bikadi nodded. “The doctor has cleared you for release. Can I give you a lift to your hotel? You’re staying at the Ritz-Carlton on Seven Mile Beach.”

He already knew which hotel she booked.

“I can have the hotel send a car or get a taxi.”

“The choice is yours, of course.” His eyes focused on hers again. “You’ve been through a lot already, and I thought you might prefer not to wait here any longer than necessary.”

She shivered. His formal speech patterns gave her a spell of déjà vu.

“Thanks.” She stood with a wobble.

He held out his large hand to her, an offer of support.

She took it and watched his fingers curl around hers.

“Go slowly.” Detective Bikadi guided her to a wheelchair.

“I don’t need that.” She chuckled, brushing her dark hair out of her face with her free hand. 

He still held her, firm, yet gentle, almost tender. His touch brought up feelings she hadn’t experienced in years. She couldn’t meet his eyes as she pulled her hand from his. A nurse gave her a neon pink scrunchie which Rachel used to bind her hair.

Granted, he’s hot—just my type physically, with his naturally brown skin kissed rosy by the tropical sun, his long black hair, and bottomless brown eyes. But the butterflies in my stomach, the tingling under my skin, and all my pleasure points surprise me.

 She shook her head and blinked. “I can walk.”

“You know they won’t let you get to the door under your own power. And chauffeuring you will soothe my macho feelings.” He grinned.

The dimples on each side of his luscious lips sent Cupid’s arrow to her heart. 

Oh, boy. I’m in a basketful of trouble.

The Gardener’s Secret by Sara J. Walker

In the tranquil beauty of the Keys, love and deception collide. Will their journey lead to healing or heartbreak?


Cort Spears stood and stretched his back. He’d been crouched down, pulling weeds around the butterfly garden for the last two hours. It’d been years since he’d done outside manual labor, and even though his Isamerada Island Resort shirt was loose, breathable cotton, he was roasting in the summer heat. 

And this was only his fourth day as a gardener at the resort.

The sparkling blue ocean beyond the edge of the resort lawn looked cool and refreshing, and only a few families dotted the wide beach. The pools were fine, but he preferred walking in the waves with soft sand under his bare feet. Maybe he’d walk in the surf later, after supper. 

A woman in shorts and a t-shirt sat on a towel in the grass about twenty feet from him. She was in profile, her knees drawn to her chest, and her face looked sad. Without thinking, he pulled off his work gloves and approached her. 

So as not to startle her, he crouched a few feet away and spoke softly. “Are you alright?”

Her head swiveled toward him, and her brown eyes were huge. “What?” She scrambled to her feet and snatched up the towel. “No, I’m not. But it has nothing to do with you, so please go away.”

He stood and tucked his hands in his pockets. Something seemed familiar about this woman, but he knew he’d never seen her before. “I was just thinking what a beautiful day it is and thought walking on the beach would be nice. Would you care to join me?” 

“Don’t you have to work?” she said crossly, keeping her face averted as she scooped up a leather handbag and hopped on one foot at a time to slide on worn sandals.

He suspected there were tears in her eyes she didn't want him to see. The last thing he needed was another project right now when he was trying to figure out what was happening with the finances at this resort, but he couldn’t resist. “I’m due for a break. Would you care for a short walk?”

She arched a brow and pointedly looked over toward the butterfly garden boxes.  He followed her gaze and saw Manuel was still working. 

Cort frowned, unused to having someone question him, but then he was currently posing as an employee. “I can take a break,” he murmured.

“Thank you, no.” She hotfooted it toward the resort entrance without a glance backward. “Well, that’s interesting,” he said. Women usually fell all over themselves to get and keep his attention—or, more specifically, his money. Of course, he wasn’t usually dressed as a gardener.

Catch As Catch Can by Vanessa Victoria Kilmer

A private investigator is out to find an online hacker of billions of dollars. Will she catch the thief or find someone even more valuable on Grand Cayman Island?



Get a grip. I’ve got practical matters to attend to. 

She cleared her throat.

“There’s my phone, laptop, wallet with credit cards, cash, passport, and clothes.” She laughed nervously. “You know, the things we can’t live without. My assistant will provide a detailed list. She already shut down my electronics and credit card accounts, but my cell and computer were off when she checked, and the cards hadn’t been used.”

“Can she get a last location on your cell phone?” 

Rachel noticed his long limbs. 

He must be tall. It’s my job to notice these things. It’s not because he’s eye candy. Really, it’s not.

“She’ll have that shortly. She’s also in contact with the U.S. Consular Agency and has sent them a completed DS-64 and DS-11 to get my passport replaced.”

“Your assistant is quite efficient.”

“She’s the best. She even offered to shop for clothes and have them shipped here for me.”


“We’re like sisters, but she planned to be on vacation, too. So, I don’t want her to spend more time than necessary on this.”

Detective Bikadi nodded. “The doctor has cleared you for release. Can I give you a lift to your hotel? You’re staying at the Ritz-Carlton on Seven Mile Beach.”

He already knew which hotel she booked.

“I can have the hotel send a car or get a taxi.”

“The choice is yours, of course.” His eyes focused on hers again. “You’ve been through a lot already, and I thought you might prefer not to wait here any longer than necessary.”

She shivered. His formal speech patterns gave her a spell of déjà vu.

“Thanks.” She stood with a wobble.

He held out his large hand to her, an offer of support.

She took it and watched his fingers curl around hers.

“Go slowly.” Detective Bikadi guided her to a wheelchair.

“I don’t need that.” She chuckled, brushing her dark hair out of her face with her free hand. 

He still held her, firm, yet gentle, almost tender. His touch brought up feelings she hadn’t experienced in years. She couldn’t meet his eyes as she pulled her hand from his. A nurse gave her a neon pink scrunchie which Rachel used to bind her hair.

Granted, he’s hot—just my type physically, with his naturally brown skin kissed rosy by the tropical sun, his long black hair, and bottomless brown eyes. But the butterflies in my stomach, the tingling under my skin, and all my pleasure points surprise me.

 She shook her head and blinked. “I can walk.”

“You know they won’t let you get to the door under your own power. And chauffeuring you will soothe my macho feelings.” He grinned.

The dimples on each side of his luscious lips sent Cupid’s arrow to her heart. 

Oh, boy. I’m in a basketful of trouble.

R&R, and a Rescue by Erika Kilmer Freidly

A couple of soulmates travel to St. Thomas for a much-needed vacation. They get caught up in the theft of Blackbeard’s coin.


“Hi, we have a reservation for Drake,” I say as I hand over my ID and credit card.

“Ah, yes, Mr. and Mrs. Drake. We have you in the best room available. It has a jacuzzi tub.” The receptionist hands back my cards with the room keys.

I start to correct the receptionist on our names. 

Bash takes a key. “Thank you, sir, we look forward to enjoying our stay here.”

“Yes, thank you. I’m really excited to tour the grounds again,” I say to the receptionist.

“Oh, you’ve been here before and loved it so much you came back.”

“One day was not enough time on this island and I’m glad I was able to come back again with my husband.” I hear Bash choke at the word husband, and I smirk, knowing that got him. The receptionist looks at Bash, a little confused. Bash grabs the bags and starts ushering me away. When we are out of earshot, I can’t help but start cracking up.

My eyes tear up from laughing, “Are you okay, husband? Did you choke on your own spit?”

Bash sighs. “As much as I love you, you know how I feel about marriage. I don’t care that he got my last name wrong because my last name never meant anything to me, but I am not worth being your husband.”

I give him the look I always give him when he is putting himself down. “I have told you once, and I am going to tell you again, and I will continue to tell you until you start believing it. You are worth it.” 

I can see the muscles working in his jaw as he tries to bite back an argument. I stare him down, waiting to see how this conversation will go because I am prepared to defend him even against himself. He finally relents and sighs again as he walks away to put the bags down. 

I head to the balcony and open the French doors to stare out at Charlotte Amalie Harbor. I see all the sailboats and cruise ships bobbing in the harbor. 

Bash comes out behind me and wraps his arms around me, placing his head on my shoulders. These are the moments I cherish the most when he feels comfortable being himself and isn’t always on high alert like someone is going to jump out and attack us.

“I love you, Bash.”

“I love you, Thea.”

Where Trade Winds Meet by L.J. Green

This story captures the blossoming connection between William and Muriel as they bond over their shared dreams of exploration and adventure, defying societal expectations and forging a deep, resolute bond in the vibrant setting of Key West, Florida in 1910.


First Chance Meeting

As the trolley neared its next stop, the spell of their encounter waned, giving way to the reality of their separate lives. William offered a polite nod, a gesture that belied the significance of their meeting. "Perhaps I'll see you around, Miss."

"Perhaps," Muriel responded the word lingering like the aftertaste of a bittersweet chocolate.

With a final glance that held the weight of uncharted futures, William stepped off the trolley and onto the bustling sidewalk, disappearing into the throng of townsfolk and tourists. Muriel watched his retreating form, her heart hitching at the thought of all the 'perhaps' ahead.

Evil Lurks

Jealousy seared through him like the midday sun as he watched William place a hand ever so lightly on Muriel's back, guiding her away from the bustle of the dock to a quieter spot between stacks of cargo. There, shielded from prying eyes, they shared a laugh that Albert could almost hear that felt like a punch to his gut. A rage began to simmer within him, fueled by visions of what could be happening in those hidden moments.

"Who does he think he is, she was promised to me?" Albert whispered to himself, his knuckles whitening around the railing.

Proceeds benefit the First Coast Romance Writers, an independent non-profit organization that helps writers hone their craft and expand their knowledge of the publishing industry.

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The authors participating in this anthology are members of First Coast Romance Writers (FCRW), and proceeds from this anthology benefit their organization. FCRW is a non-profit that welcomes both published and unpublished authors, as well as any individuals involved in writing and publishing. The chapter is dedicated to promoting excellence in romantic fiction through monthly meetings and workshops in a comfortable forum. They strive to help writers establish careers by providing innovative programs, networking opportunities and pertinent information on effective marketing techniques.

 Learn more about FCRW 

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Rolling Home Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail by David Fitz-Gerald Blog Tour! @AuthorDAVIDFG @cathiedunn @authordavefitzgerald @thecoffeepotbookclub


Publication Date

June 15, 2024


David Fitz-Gerald




Western, Historical Fiction

Climb aboard! Don't miss the heart-pounding climax of the Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail series. Rolling Home is the final installment.

In the heart of the rolling village, dissent brews as the stubbornest naysayer refuses to continue the journey. With an ominous early snowfall and memories of the ill-fated Donner Party haunting the pioneers, Dorcas Moon faces a new wave of challenges. Just when she believes things can't get worse, a disastrous river crossing claims their wagon and submerges their belongings.

As the rolling village approaches the final leg of the journey, the looming threat of outlaws intensifies. The notorious bandit known as The Viper and his ruthless brothers are determined to rob the greenhorns, sell their stock, and kill every last one of them. The pioneers had heard tales of their brutality, but now, with Dorcas' daughter kidnapped and Dorcas captured, everyone is in danger.

What will become of Dorcas Moon, her family, and their friends? Will anyone survive the perilous journey?

Rejoin the expedition and witness the thrilling end to a gripping saga.

This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.

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Series Trailer

This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.

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David Fitz-Gerald writes westerns and historical fiction. He is the author of twelve books, including the brand-new series, Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail set in 1850. Dave is a multiple Laramie Award, first place, best in category winner; a Blue Ribbon Chanticleerian; a member of Western Writers of America; and a member of the Historical Novel Society.

Alpine landscapes and flashy horses always catch Dave’s eye and turn his head. He is also an Adirondack 46-er, which means that he has hiked to the summit of the range’s highest peaks. As a mountaineer, he’s happiest at an elevation of over four thousand feet above sea level.

Dave is a lifelong fan of western fiction, landscapes, movies, and music. It should be no surprise that Dave delights in placing memorable characters on treacherous trails, mountain tops, and on the backs of wild horses.







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