
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

31 July 2024

Journey of Seven Circles by Russell Pike Book Tour! @Bookgal @therealbookgal


Synopsis (from Amazon):

One spell to change everything. A wizard of immense power, Kryn Darien stands ready to cast the greatest spell he has ever conceived, one that will alter the fate of the universe but cost nothing less than his life. He’s prepared for centuries, forged tools of terrifying arcane might, and developed his craft beyond what any other mortal has achieved, and yet the task before him is so monumental his many sacrifices may be in vain.

As a young priest, Kryn never imagined such responsibility would fall to him. He only wished to live a life in service to those he loved. But the world is more complicated than he believed. War, death, loss, and betrayal strain his dedication to the utmost, and his vows will demand a price far more dear than he ever dreamed.

Throughout Kryn’s journey, he must survive bloody battlefields, thwart murderous magic wielders, and uncover a secret older than humankind. His life will offer no easy choices, and his enemies are steeped in godlike power. But Kryn has never been able to turn away from those in need, even if it costs him everything.

Author Bio (in his own words!)

When I was twelve my mother gave me a copy of Robert Jordan’s Eye of the World, introducing me to the world of epic fantasy.  I was hooked.  Since then, I’ve also read  Anne McCaffrey, Tad Williams, Brandon Sanderson, Jim Butcher, Steven Erikson, Frank Herbert, David Farland, and more. 

There’s nothing quite so sublime as spending a quiet evening sojourning in a world other than your own, and maybe learning something important about yourself along the way.

I’d played around with writing in grade school but took my first real foray during my late college years.  Over the next ten years, I gave up on TV, movies, and all too often sleep, wringing every hour of writing I could from my schedule. 

During that time, it was my pleasure to meet a host of fantastic writers, editors, and artists, including David Farland, whom it was my great privilege to work with.

When I’m not writing, I love a good camping hike (so long as there are enough trees to hang my hammock).  I also volunteer as a sled dog handler, and I have a long-standing love affair with fast cars and lonely mountain roads.








How did a man sign his own epitaph?  In his many years of life, Kryn had never considered the question, and yet, that very task lay before him now.

Emotion churned through his chest like the eddies of a river, murky guilt, icy dread, gnawing frustration, and at last, a silvery thread of hope.  Hope for others but not for himself.  Before the sunset, the man known as Kryn Darien would be no more.  That much was assured.

There were a hundred possible forms his end might take, each offering its own measure of shame, defeat, and bittersweet victory.  Success or failure would decide what portion of each would be his to swallow.  Of course, the only true question was whether his countless sacrifices had been in vain.  One final gambit would settle it all, and the day to cast the dice had come at last.

He'd spent centuries preparing himself for this very hour, laboring each day until his body ached and his mind was exhausted.  Even so, he wished he had another fifty years, perhaps seventy, for more preparations.  But it was a vain hope.

A wizard had ways of extending his life, but such magic could only sustain a man for so long.  He’d long since wrung those spells out like a wet towel, draining every last drop of power he could squeeze loose.  

He’d slowed his aging dramatically, but time’s march could not be halted altogether.  After nearly eight hundred years, his body was ancient.  The day’s ordeal would have been daunting enough in Kryn’s youth, and century by century, he’d spent his vigor like coin.

Nothing had been wasted.  Indeed, every ounce of precious vitality had been exhausted in pursuit of his goal.  But after so many long years there was little man left to spend.  He felt like a deflated money sack with but a few pennies remaining to rattle about the bottom.  What if he’d worked too slowly?  Labored in vain to seize a window of opportunity that had closed decades ago?  What if in the end he proved too small a sum to surmount his great and final task?

The full gravity of that potential bore down on him, and Kryn felt as though a titan’s hand was squeezing his ribs.  For a moment, he struggled to find breath.  His hand faltered over the parchment, unable to write anything but useless scratches as the pen shook in his bony fingers.  A single tear rolled down his cheek though even he was unsure which of his turbulent emotions had called for weeping.  Most likely, it was the loneliness.

Isolation had been his only companion for longer than he cared to remember.  Desperate as he was for the warmth of human company, he didn’t dare travel amongst his fellowmen except in direst need, and even then, only in utter secrecy.  His enemies were too vigilant, their vengeance too sure for anything less.

Nowhere was truly safe.  He'd spent so long glancing over his shoulder, fear was an emotion he knew almost as exquisitely as loneliness.  Year by year, decade by decade, the paired burdens had grown in his heart like a spiritual tumor made of chafing thorns and powdered glass.  But he would not allow himself to collapse beneath the strain.  There was simply too much at stake.  So many counted on him, even if they knew it not.  

Recounting the years in his mind, it seemed impossible he’d made it so far.  He’d never lacked for determination, and through effort, he’d developed raw magical talent into something truly formidable, but luck had been on his side as well, at least in part.

One truth was clear.  The combination of circumstances that had granted him this chance was less a door and more a freak cosmic oversight, like a fluke in the tides that momentarily exposed the bottom of the sea.  He had seen it and seized it, but the opportunity would not come again.  Not for him.  Not for anyone else.  This unique moment in history rested on his shoulders and his alone.

Despite the risks, despite the cost to himself, he’d chosen this path of his own free will.  It was he who’d claimed this unnamed mountain in the depths of the frigid northern seas.  It was he who’d wielded the mighty spells which had carved a fortress within its icy slopes and he who’d named his citadel the Final Bastion.  A stronghold built for one man and for one purpose.

The study in which he now sat lay just beneath the Final Bastion’s peak, hidden below dark slabs of stone and layer upon layer of protective spells.  His study was a gloomy place with just enough mage lamps spiraling about the ceiling to cast the room in a dim violet glow.  The cramped space between the smooth stone walls was barely large enough for his chair, his desk, and the woolen rug he used to keep his aged feet warm.

Even so, it was one of the few places within the Final Bastion he felt at ease, or at least, as close to ease as he ever came.  Any lower, and he’d sense the magical monstrosity lurking in the fortress’s heart, hear the pulse of power humming through the Final Bastion’s walls like the vibrations of a plucked piano wire.  The fact said artifact was his own creation offered no comfort.  That it represented the sum of his purpose, even less.

And yet that purpose must be fulfilled.  He’d cast his life like an arrow from a bow aimed at a single target, and now so close to the culmination of his life’s work, it was no time to balk.  He straightened his shoulders and pressed the nib of his pen to the parchment.

I am Kryn Darien, and these are the final words I shall write.  Though I suspect the world has long forgotten me, I was once known as Kryn the soul warden, also Kryn the betrayer, and Kryn the profane.  In truth, I am all these things.  

I am also a practitioner of magic.  For more centuries than I care to count, I have prepared to cast a single spell, the cost of which will be nothing less than my life.  However, if I succeed, it may change everything.  I hope for the better.

I speak no more on this matter for your own protection, for if you were even to know my purpose, you would be damned as I.  If you wish to return to your normal life, simply cast this letter away.  The spells wrought upon it will quickly erase the memory from your mind, and the letter shall find another.

However, if you wish to know the truth, burn this letter and inhale the fumes.  You will fall into a trance and see a vision revealing the location of a hidden journal.  The words on those pages explain my purpose in full.  Do with this knowledge as you will.

Kryn waited for the ink to dry then rolled the letter and placed it inside a bottle.  Weaving the spells of fate and dream over the vessel was simple enough, in fact, he could barely remember a time when such magic required little more than thought and will.  One final spell sent the bottle on its way, sailing across time and space on a current of magic.

Even as he finished the spell, he knew the letter was more for himself than for anyone who might find it.  But was the message a manifesto?  A desperate plea to be understood?  Or a suicide note?  Kryn wasn’t certain, save that the next few hours would decide the truth.

30 July 2024

Whiskey Kisses by Rochelle Allison Cover Reveal! #whiskeykisses #authorrochelleallison


Join us for the cover reveal of Whiskey Kisses by Rochelle Allison. Fans who love Marriage of Convenience Romances will sink their teeth into this sexy, friends-to-lovers, mafia romance. Keep scrolling for more details about this sexy cover.

Title: Whiskey Kisses

Author: Rochelle Allison

Release Date: 08/27/2024

Genres: Romantic Suspense, Mafia Romance

Page Count: 310 pages

Tropes: Marriage of Convenience, Mafia, Friends to Lovers, Rescue Romance, Forced Proximity


 Caught between family loyalty and their affection for one another… 

Tristan I always get my way.

Fighting is my life. In the ring, on the street, there’s no problem that can’t be solved with my fists. When an injury puts me on the sidelines, my family sends me down South on business. They want me to take over Doyle Whiskey, a job they claim is perfect for me. And it is, until the owner’s daughter stumbles back into my life. Evie’s not the shy, awkward girl I knew as a kid. She’s beautiful and fierce, and she doesn’t need me. Until she does.

Just because I can’t step into the ring, it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten how to fight. Especially for a girl like Evie. Evie Our marriage might be a sham, but our friendship isn’t. 

When my father’s debts land him in hot water, there’s a lot more than just money on the line. My freedom is at risk, and if I don’t figure something out, I could end up married off as payment. But then Tristan shows up to take over our distillery. He’s as gorgeous as ever, but he’s not the sweet, mischievous boy I crushed on as a kid. He makes deals and takes what he wants and when he sees that I’m in danger, he takes me, too. In marriage. I know he’s protecting his own interests by protecting me, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve wanted him my whole life, and I’ll do whatever it takes to protect him right back. 

 Because the queen’s the most powerful piece on the board.

Whiskey Kisses is a steamy, dark, Irish mob romance, marriage of convenience, m/f, friends-to-lovers, forced proximity. It's the second book of the Gangland Hearts trilogy, which should be read in order. Recommended for mature audiences


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About Rochelle Allison


Born and raised on the sunny beaches of the US Virgin Islands, Rochelle Allison has been living in her imagination since she was a little girl. Nowadays, Rochelle lives just outside of Atlanta with her one true love and their kids. When she’s not making up stories, she can be found reading, hiking, swimming, playing Wordle or taking pictures. She can almost always be found with a book…and chocolate.

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Larger Than Love Series: Big Boys of Gilroy, Book One by Jole Cannon New Release Blitz! @ninestarpress #bookaddiction #bookshelf #mustread #instabook

Title:  Larger Than Love

Series: Big Boys of Gilroy, Book One

Author: Jole Cannon

Publisher:  NineStar Press

Release Date: 07/30/2024

Heat Level: 2 - Fade to Black Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 81600

Genre: Contemporary, 1990s, bears, coming out, family drama, gay, in the closet, romance

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Bernard feels like an outsider in the gay community. Thirty-five, chubby, and hairy, he doesn’t fit the image of the stereotypical gay man. Failed relationships in his past solidify the idea he is destined to be alone.

Rory is struggling with his identity. At thirty-five, he is still single. When he reunites with his childhood friend, his religious convictions and the desire to be with a man clash as he must choose between what the Church taught him is right and what his heart desires.

The two men are forced to face their fears and make a choice. Live alone and accept their fate or take a leap and challenge what they believe.

Larger Than Love
Jole Cannon © 2024
All Rights Reserved
Warning: Adult Content


Friday, April 10, 1998

Bernard sat at the bar with a glass of soda. Smoke blurred his vision as it wafted from machines. The scents of overpriced colognes, fruity drinks, and a hint of hair spray assaulted his nose. Thin twinks with platinum hair and gym bunnies in tank tops flooded the dance floor. The repetitive techno music pounded in his head as the dancers moved under the strobe lights. He couldn’t tell when one song ended and another began.

Liquid Pearl was the nearest gay bar to home. It was a place Bernard believed he would fit in. His mistake. Close by these fitness gods sat a bear of a man. Him. Bernard was a few inches shy of six feet and carried a thick two hundred and seventy-five pounds. His round belly pushed against the bar as he attempted to find a comfortable position on the small bar stool. His once-muscular arms flexed as he lifted his glass, a shadow of his youth on the farm. Beefy calves strained against his jeans, the byproduct of years of milking cows. Short-cropped black hair matched his groomed beard. His plaid flannel shirt and blue jeans contrasted with the skinny jeans, muscle shirts, and salon-styled hair of the men surrounding him. The average age was twenty-five, and he was in his mid-thirties. Over the hill in the gay community. Odd man out was an understatement.

Bernard received a few looks and even had men approach him. However, every conversation revealed their true intentions. He never received more than a second glance or a chat because he didn’t sleep around. They viewed him as a piece of meat, something to consume, rather than a person. He didn’t accept their invitation. Bernard was not someone to conquer, and he wouldn’t cave into the temptation of anonymous sex, no matter how strong the urge to touch another man became. He refused to settle for less than what he deserved. And he deserved happiness.

Regulars came in to unwind, dance, and have fun. Some men, like him, didn’t fit the mold of Liquid Pearl but they didn’t stick out the way he did. Friends surrounded them. Bernard didn’t have friends here, and those who approached him didn’t want his friendship.

While Bernard drank his soda, someone slid onto the stool next to him.

“Bartender, a Sex on the Beach,” the man demanded.

What a rude way to order a drink. Doesn’t he have any manners?

“Hey there, sexy.” The newcomer’s tone changed. He sounded less aggressive but still manipulative. Bernard shifted in his seat.

“I’m Chance,” he said.

He shoved his hand in front of Bernard’s face.

“Bernard.” He gripped Chance’s hand harder than he should have and refused to make eye contact.

Bernard recognized the name and voice. Platinum-blond hair, bright-blue eyes, and tanning booth skin. A hottie men fawned over, but not his type. Bernard returned to his drink.

“You look kind of lonely sitting here all by your lonesome,” Chance said. “I see you here sometimes, but you don’t talk to anyone.”

Bernard glared back at Chance and caught him pouting. Clearly, he was used to a certain amount of attention and Bernard wasn’t showing him enough.

“Why don’t we go back to my place and get to know each other?” He caressed Bernard’s shoulder.

“Thank you for the offer, but I’m here to drink and relax.”

Bernard eyed Chance. He pinned him at twenty-one or twenty-two. There was no reason someone this young, a boy compared to him, would be interested in him except as a conquest. Chance’s smile did not falter. His bleached teeth gleamed beneath the neon lights. Does he think I’m so desperate I’ll go home with the first person who shows an interest in me? I have standards, and this guy does not meet them.

“Come on, I’m sure I can thrill you tonight.” He lowered his hand below Bernard’s belly. “I’m sure you could use a little attention. A guy like you probably doesn’t get much. I can change that.” His lips were close to Bernard’s ear as his hand traced a path to Bernard’s crotch. The stench of his cologne overwhelmed Bernard’s senses. Chance’s hand moved to find Bernard’s cock but appeared lost between his thick thighs.

Bernard grabbed Chance’s hand and moved it off him. Did he think that was a compliment? That I should take what I can get? Not a chance, Chance. Heat warmed his cheeks.

“I said no, thank you.”

“Oh, honey, I don’t get told no.” Chance placed his hand on Bernard’s chest. The bartender placed Chance’s drink on the bar and moved to the next patron.

“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” He removed his hand again. “Oh look, your drink is here. Now you can go.”

But Chance continued his pursuit. “Sweetie, I know you want me, and I want you. There’s no need to play hard to get. So, why don’t we get out of here? What do you say?”

He slipped his hand into Bernard’s shirt and stroked his chest. A flicker of disgust passed across his flawless face as he rubbed Bernard’s chest hair. He composed himself, but not before Bernard caught him. Does this guy have no shame? It’s clear he isn’t into me. What’s he after?

Bernard grabbed Chance’s hand, rougher this time, and took it out of his shirt. He glared. “Touch me again, and I will break your hand, ‘sweetie.’” He tossed his hand away.

“You fat bastard!” Chance yelled loud enough to drown out the music. Patrons closest to them turned. Chance stepped back and gestured at his body with a theatrical up-and-down sweep of his hands. “You have a hot guy right in front of you, willing to take your disgusting ass home to actually fuck, which I doubt you’ve had in a long time, and you turn it down? You’re not only fat, but you’re also fucking stupid! No one around here is going to touch your ugly, fat ass.” He made a show of including the entire club. “You should get it when you can. You’re old as shit and going to die alone!”

Silence followed the outburst. The music still thumped its rhythmic sounds while the dancers continued, oblivious to the exchange. Those nearby waited with bated breath for Bernard’s reaction.

Bernard silently stood. His mass eclipsed Chance’s frame. He closed his eyes and took two deep breaths then released them.

He spoke slowly and softly. “Listen to me, you egotistical, carbon-copy asshole. I may not have your looks, but I do have standards, dignity, and self-respect. You think I’m so desperate that I’ll go home with the first person who talks to me? I am going to guess that you talked to me on a bet. I’ve seen your type. You’re not interested in me. You don’t want to have sex with someone like me.” Bernard pointed out the musclemen who surrounded them. “Those are the guys I’ve seen you leave with. Either way, I wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole, so leave me alone.”


NineStar Press | Books2Read

Jole Cannon is a high school math and math programming teacher. When he’s not shaping the mathematical minds of tomorrow, he’s playing video games with his partner, watching television, doing math for fun, and working on his master’s in history.

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29 July 2024

Sweet Pecan Pie by Drew Dusebout Book Spotlight!

Sweet Pecan Pie (Ballast Books; July 16th, 2024) by Drew Dusebout is a delicious July title about finding joy in a purposeful life.  


Drew Dusebout’s grandmother-in-law never made the same pie more than once. Her sweet pecan pie was a little different each time, but it was always delicious. 


In Sweet Pecan Pie, Drew encourages you to discover the recipe for your best life. His stories will open your heart to experiences, adventures, and people you normally wouldn’t consider. 

From orphanages in Ukraine to the jungles of Honduras to remote villages in Africa, Drew’s life became sweeter each time he said “yes” to the opportunities provided. Instead of clinging to society’s recipe for a good life, he found his own recipe. 

The best version of your life is like a delicious piece of pecan pie. Shared in a fun, whimsical vignette style with a bit of pop culture thrown in, Drew's writings will inspire you to experiment with your ingredients and have fun finding your perfect slice

Drew has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. He ran a paper route as a young boy, started his own business selling cowboy hats as a teenager, was instrumental in building out a new niche in the financial services industry after graduating college, and co-founded Hands4others (H4O)–A movement to rise up young people to help solve the world’s water crisis as a parent.

Under Drew’s leadership, H4O helped hundreds of thousands of people in countries all over the get sustainable access to safe water. It provided thousands of teenagers an opportunity to learn servant leadership and join a global cause that saved lives and is a key component to breaking the poverty cycle in much of the world. 

Drew has led H4O youth leaders on numerous trips to developing countries to see firsthand the fruit of their efforts and help local communities gain access to safe drinking water. 

He has served as the Board Chair for both El Montecito School and Providence School in Santa Barbara and has been a guest speaker with an emphasis on leadership, finances and entrepreneurship at local high schools as well as Westmont College

Drew has taken his passion to think out of the box and his love of adventure to promote change, serve and lead in a variety of ways. Whether it be with his family, in his business life, or in the community he is busy mentoring, coaching, challenging, and supporting people of all ages and organizations who dream of having their greatest impact on the world. 

He currently sits on the board of Calvary Chapel in Santa Barbara and his first book, Sweet Pecan Pie: Grab Your Slice and Say Yes to a Life Full of Joy, Purpose, and Adventure is being released this summer.

In Sweet Pecan Pie, Drew shares his personal story and the people and experiences that have impacted him the most as way to inspire readers to live their best life, a life that counts. He challenges us with the big, important questions such as:


At the core, what is life about?

  • Playing it safe and being comfortable or taking risks and living an adventure with others in mind? 

  • Getting more stuff or giving away more stuff?

  • Success and recognition or significance and service?

The Cost of Love Jenkins & Sons Construction Series Book 6 by Sharon C. Cooper Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours @AuthorSharonCCooper21 @authorsharonccooper


A marriage of convenience was not exactly what he had

 in mind...

The Cost of Love

Jenkins & Sons Construction Series Book 6

by Sharon C. Cooper


 Contemporary Romance 

A marriage of convenience was not exactly what he had

 in mind when he vowed she’d one day be his.

Antonio Jenkins is resigned to being a bachelor for life. Everyone around him is getting their happily ever after, leaving him without hope of ever finding his special someone. Until he meets Scarlett. He instantly knows she’s the one for him. Yet proving it to her is going to be the biggest battle of his life.

Single mom Scarlett Rowsey craves that toe-curling, heart-stopping, undeniable love she’s seen in the movies. But history has shown her it’s impossible. She’s incapable of falling in love. However, everything changes when she learns her daughter, Bella, might be in danger. There’s nothing Scarlett wouldn’t do to protect her—even marry someone she may never love. Antonio is everything she longs for in a man—kind, gentle, and protective. Still, Scarlett fears she might crush his heart in the end.

For Antonio, a marriage of convenience is a small price to pay to love and protect the woman of his dreams. But will Scarlett lower her guard enough to see this arrangement as more than a transaction?

*Books in the Jenkins & Sons Construction series can be read as standalones.

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***Don’t miss the other books in the Jenkins & Sons Construction series***

*All books in this series can be read as a standalone.

Find links on the Author’s Site!


USA Today bestselling author Sharon C. Cooper loves anything involving romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies, or real life. She writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and dabbles in romantic comedy. She enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sharon’s stories have won numerous awards over the years, and when she isn’t writing, she’s hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work, or reading a good book (a romance of course).

 To read more about Sharon and her novels Click the


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26 July 2024

✨ IT’S RELEASE DAY!! ✨ Happy Release day! Barrett by Laramie Briscoe is the 4th book in the Broken Falls Series!


Barratt (Broken Falls, #4) 


 Laramie Briscoe 


Contemporary Romance

Release Date

July 26, 2024 

Hosted by

 Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

Barrett Grant is wild AF with hips he knows how to use, and he’s also eleven years younger than me…


Get Baked is the culmination of every dream I had as a twenty-something. A dream my ex-husband stomped like a bug beneath the tip of his expensive Italian leather shoe. When I left with nothing more than my dignity and a vintage stand mixer I found at a thrift store, all I wanted was to be happy. Promised myself I wouldn’t settle until that happened.

Years later, it’s finally happening in the small town of Broken Falls, WV. My dreams are coming true, my happiness is so close I can reach out and touch it.

But my secrets? They won’t stay buried forever. Especially where Barrett Grant is concerned.


I messed up big time with Gabby, the hot, older, owner of Get Baked. I had no business swiping right if I wasn’t going to take our relationship and her feelings seriously. When I reacted badly to a waitress who questioned if she was my mother, I should’ve let it go. 

But I didn’t, and now I can’t. Not when I miss the f*ck out of her, and lost a year off my life the night Get Baked was broken into. This time, I promise myself, I’ll give us the shot we should’ve gotten the first time.

If only she gives me a second chance.

Tropes Included

  • small town
  • blue collar
  • second chance
  • reverse age gap
  • golden retriever hero

Barrett is book three in The Broken Falls Series: a series of interconnected standalones following a group of friends who have become family in small-town West Virginia, and the women who bring them to their knees. You do not have to read them in order, but each book builds upon the relationships of the last.


It's been a long day, and Gabby still hasn't texted me back. My common sense tells me I should take that for what it's worth, but the part that really cares about Gabby wants to make sure she's okay? It's worried as f*ck, and I need to know. I debate on whether I want to stop when I drive by and see her car still parked in the back of Get Baked. There's a real chance that she doesn't want to see me, there's an even bigger chance that I just need to make sure she's okay. I want to set eyes on her.

Parking next to her, I get out and walk to the back door. I knock twice, waiting for her.

"Who is it?"

"It's Barrett. I just wanna make sure you're alright. I'll leave if you want me to after I see how you're doing." I hurry those words in a rush.

The sound of her unlocking the door makes me smile. With a sigh, she opens it, staring at me. "As you can see I'm okay. It's going to take more than what happened to bring me down. I might be a little bruised and broken, but I'll make it through."

"I have no doubt that you will, Gabs. I just want to make sure you're good. You never texted me back."

She sticks out a hip, throwing me a little bit of attitude, which I love. "I didn't know I was required to text you back, Barrett. We broke up, remember? I wasn't sure that after the way we left each other, either of us would want to hear from the other."

That's a fair assumption. "I care about you, I always have. I can't turn that off because we've had some sh*t happen between us. I lost years off of my life when I saw that someone had broken into your shop, Gabby."

"I know..."

"No you don't. You'll never know the fear." I interrupt her. "I know I don't have the right to be here, because I f*cked up what we were building."

She interrupts me. "No, we both f*cked that up, Barrett. It wasn't just you. That was a team effort." She exhales loudly. "Let's start over."

I inhale, close my eyes, and then let the breath out slowly. "Hey girl, hey."

She laughs, which is what I hoped she would. It lights up those eyes of hers and my stomach does a flip. "Hey."

"So, I texted you earlier, you might not have gotten it, or you were busy. But I wanted to make sure you're okay. There's been some crazy sh*t happening in the neighborhood lately." I grip the door facing to keep from reaching out and cupping her hip in my hand.

Her head dips down, before coming back up. "I did get your text, but I was busy, and then when I thought about responding, I was tired. I'm fine. The window will be replaced next week, and until then I've posted on social media, and Kara mentioned it in her live stream today.  I'm not hurting for customers, people have been extremely supportive, and I'm sorry I didn't respond to you."

"It's okay. I'll leave now that I know you're not hurt. I gotta take a shower anyway." I'm dirty, and dusty, and just want to get all of that off. I love my job, but I'll never be the type of guy who can get off work and then head out immediately afterward. All part of living that blue collar life.

"Barrett, do you wanna come in and eat something? You came all the way over here, when I know more than anything after work, you want to go home." She pushes a piece of dark hair behind her ear. "You were worried about me, and I appreciate it. Let me at least feed you."

Little does she know I want way more than for her to feed me, but right now I'll take whatever she's offering. Whatever it takes to get me the second chance I've wanted for months, I'm going to do. "I'd appreciate it, you don't have to."

"I know, and the one thing you should know about me is I don't do things I don't want to do."

I grin, tilting my head back. "That's the damn truth. What are you feeding me?"

She rolls her eyes. "I have leftover pot roast that I'm making quesadilla's out of."

It's one of my f*cking favorite meals. I groan, rocking back on my heels. "It's like you knew I'd be here."

"Oh God c'mon in you little sh*t."

And with those whispered words, I know that for tonight we'll be okay.

Laramie Briscoe is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of over 30 books, with sales of over half a million copies.

Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie has appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Her books have been known to make readers laugh and cry. They are guaranteed to be emotional, steamy reads.

When she's not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on Netflix. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband.

⬇️ Start the series with Boone⬇️





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