
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

05 August 2024

The Mutiny of the American Foreign Legion Rebels of the American Hemisphere Book 1 by Neal Alexander Book Tour! #TheMutinyOfTheAmericanForeignLegion @neal.d.e.alexander@SilverDaggerBookTours

 The Mutiny of the American Foreign Legion

They fought America's wars, now they're fighting for their own freedom. 



Hugo Ayala has burned his bridges with the Colombian military by denouncing murders committed by his former officers. After surviving a bloody assignment in Yemen with an American security company, he completes U.S. Army basic training. But he's blocked from becoming a green card soldier by new anti-immigration laws. He stays on as an illegal, and joins the American Foreign Legion, an immigration rights group whose members have fought for the USA.

Meanwhile, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is detaining and deporting thousands of people a day, without due process. But now the communities being targeted include Hugo and others who know how to fight back. The leader of the AFL has his own political backers and doubtful motives. As each side ratchets up the violence, American political unity starts to crack.

This gripping thriller which draws on current events and little-known facts:

- Many non-citizens serve in the US armed forces and as employees of American security contractors. For example, the second US Marine killed in action in the Iraq War was Guatemalan. A recent MIT study of these green card soldiers is subtitled “Between Model Immigrant and Security Threat”.

- Border Patrol agents “have gone from having one of the most obscure jobs in law enforcement to one of the most hated,” according to the New York Times. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deport people without due process, including US Citizens.

- A recent Chicago Tribune op-ed describes how current how the current “struggles over immigration echo the conflict over slavery”. Confrontations in Texas over immigration have been described as “civil war” in the New York Times. 

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LAPD had closed off the street at both ends of the block, and small crowds were gathering. Some just wanted to see the action, others chanted slogans: “Abolish ICE,” “Deport ICE from California,” “Chinga la migra.” Some of them kept one eye on the livestream on their phones.

There was a service alley behind the unit where Devon was holed up. A third ICE truck slalomed between the dumpsters, skidding through the garbage, and came to a halt by the rear entrance. The alley was too narrow to turn the truck to face the back door, so both officers scrambled out of the passenger-side door and took cover behind the vehicle, one behind the hood and the other behind the rear wheel.

“Stay back,” shouted an AFL voice from inside the building.

Reflexively, each ICE officer strafed the back door with a burst of automatic fire. Some of the rounds hit the checker plate of the door but only left dents. The AFL returned fire from a couple of holes in the wall. One was a round air vent, and another where a brick in the wall was missing.

At the front of the building, one of the ICE officers continued firing toward the AFL gunman on the roof behind the cornice.

“Changing clip.”


No one on the roof took the chance to return fire.

Out the back, in the alley, the two AFL shooters concentrated their automatic fire on the cab of the ICE truck, which buckled, then shattered in a shower of glass and shrapnel. Now there were knots of people at each end of the alley as well, and they cheered.

In front, the four ICE officers switched from targeting the roof to the window, shredding what was left of the blinds. Now some of the bullets were getting through the shield behind the window and ricocheting inside the unit.

They paused for ten seconds.

“Seems like they’re done.”

“Roger. We’re going to breach.”

Josh went back into the truck and came out again with a door-breaching ram. He hefted it slowly over to the door as Carl walked alongside him with his pistol aimed at the window. The other two agents covered the building with their carbines.

In the back alley, the other ICE agents were no longer under fire either, but they kept their weapons trained on the exit.

When Josh got to the front door, he looked around at the others and they nodded at each other. He swung the ram and the front door gave way.

Carl went through the front door as Josh dropped the ram, drew his pistol, and followed him.

Their eyes adjusted to a dark office space. The only window was beside the door and had been blocked off by three full filing cabinets, one laid horizontally on top of the other two. These had been Devon’s shield. The metal of the cabinets had been ripped apart by ICE gunfire. The paper contents had been blown out and now lay like a layer of confetti on the grubby linoleum. Around the window was a scattering of automatic pistol cartridges.

Further back from the window, there was a man-sized hole in the floor. Carl jerked his head towards it, and both ICE agents approached, guns drawn. A plank of wood lay across the hole with a rope tied around it and going down into blackness. 

Neal Alexander was born in Newcastle, England, and lived and worked in Nigeria and Papua New Guinea before moving to Colombia in 2004. He is a founder member of Extraliminal Producciones and took part in the 2006 Cali Festival of Performance Art.  He has co-written and produced short films with Extraliminal including two in Ecuador as part of a Wellcome Trust Public Engagement award: El Shupa and Kepa Pajta. In 2024 he published his first novel, The Mutiny of the American Foreign Legion. 

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Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an



I changed my day job to part time, and moved to Cali, Colombia.  I co-founded Extraliminal Producciones, and we’ve made several short films from scripts by myself and others.  The most recent is called Alfor the Tinker and is about an anthropomorphic animal trying to make his living in the city by recycling.  I’ve also written feature screenplays as well as my current novel.

What is something unique/quirky about you? 

I’m not an extrovert but sometimes I dive into the deep end, for example in the Cali Festival of Performance Art in 2006.  Our piece started with me on stage wearing a flip chart attached to a sandwich board.  As I declaimed a manifesto about the democratization of art, my collaborator, Javier Alvarez, ripped pages off the flip chart and pasted them up on stage.  Then the two of us headed out of the auditorium.  The audience followed us out onto the street where the final sheets were pasted up among the graffiti opposite the building.  

Tell us something really interesting that's happened to you! 

In 1989, my Avianca flight out of Lima was delayed after a holiday in Peru.  This was the first time I had to identify my bag on the asphalt before getting onto the plane.  I later learned that the extra security was because Pablo Escobar had blown up another Avianca plane over Colombia.  I missed my connection in Bogotá and the airline put me in a hotel.  When I turned on the TV news, I saw the security police’s Bogotá HQ in ruins after a car bomb.  When I went back to the hotel reception as planned the next morning, they told me that the others in my situation had already left.  I got straight into a taxi and, when I reached the airport, was mightily relieved to see that there was still a queue for check-in.  I didn’t ever want to go back to Colombia, and never imagined that I'd move there permanently fifteen years later…

Where were you born/grew up at? 

I was born in Newcastle in the north of England.  When I was still a baby my parents moved to rural southwest Scotland and I grew up there.

What do you do to unwind and relax

In the municipality of Cali there are more bird species than in all of Europe.  There are several places in the hills around the city where you can see many of them up close, and I like to spend a night or two there with my family.  Those birds come up quite often on my Instagram.  

Describe yourself in 5 words or less! 


Do you have a favorite movie? 

One amazing movie that I reference in my book is Starship Troopers.  Now I can hardly believe my eyes when Neil Patrick Harris, aka Doogie Howser MD, appears in a leather trench coat like a Nazi torturer.  On first viewing, I thought we were on his side!  Only recently did I realize that the enemy “brain bugs” are based on the Ohmu guardians in Nausicaa, the Studio Ghibli eco classic.  (Meanwhile, my book references an entirely different strand of the film…)

What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?

I went with my wife to Haworth, which is the village in Yorkshire (England) where the Brontë sisters grew up.  My father’s side of the family is from Yorkshire.  The three Brontë sisters, and their brother, were children of a clergyman and grew up socially distant from the working class children around them.  Sometimes I imagine writing a bathetic version of their childhood, based on me and my sisters in rural Scotland, children of two outsiders, miles from the nearest kids our own age.  

I never thought I’d write a thriller, but it seemed the right way to express the overlap between two ideas.  The first arose from meeting a friend of a friend who’d been a soldier in the Colombian army and then worked for an American security contractor in Afghanistan.  The guy was very genuine and idealistic which, in my ignorance, weren’t characteristics I’d really expected from someone with that background.  The second idea was from a history podcast, in which the narrator sometimes makes pointed remarks like “Just as well that couldn’t happen nowadays, huh?”  In particular, paying foreign armed groups to solve your security problems, like the Romans with the Goths, the Romano Britons with the Anglo Saxons, and the early French with the Vikings.  Those armed groups don’t always want to just melt away again, especially if they haven’t got what they were promised.  

What can we expect from you in the future?


On Amazon there’s a space to name your book series.  It seemed a pity not to use that, and I chose Rebels of the American Hemisphere.  Then, I didn’t want to just leave it behind without coming up with some ideas for the next one.  There’s something of a clue to those ideas in Devon’s backstory, which we learn towards the end of the current book.  My next book won’t necessarily be in that series, however, because I also have ideas on other themes.  

Where did you come up with the names in the story? 

There’s an airport in Medellín named Alaya Herrera which is still a bit of a tongue twister for me.  However, I find Alaya quite euphonious by itself, so that became my protagonist’s surname.  Then, in Spanish, the H in Hugo is silent, making it sound more guttural, suggesting someone very different to the kind of Hugo in Succession, for example.  

What did you enjoy most about writing this book? 

I like getting into minutiae and I needed a lot for this book.  Not just about security contractors but also, for example, how nurses work, and how medical errors happen.  As usual, it's not that people are negligent but they're put into an imperfect process with imperfect tools.  I spent a lot of time reading about automated drug dispensing machines, dose calculation for cancer meds, and drug-drug interactions.

Who designed your book covers? 

David Prendergast.  He was patient with me and I’m really happy with how the cover turned out.

If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead? 

Michael Mando, who played Nacho in Better Call Saul, could be a good Hugo.  He’s got a strong presence for action sequences, but also conveys inner thought and conflict.  And his build is how I imagine Hugo.  He’d need to be less manicured than Nacho, though.  

How did you come up with the name of this book? 

I have a weakness for short titles.  For this book, for a while I liked “Sekyu,” which is a Filipino slang word for security guard.  Maybe it's euphonious but it’s too opaque.  Yes, a title should be intriguing, but not too cryptic. With time I found out more about green card soldiers, and the military angle became important.  Although the current title is relatively long, I think it's strong and people find it impactful.

Convince us why you feel your book is a must read. 

The book plays into the theater of live violence that's been part of California since the televised shootout which wiped out the Symbionese Liberation Army in 1974.  In the book, the violence takes place in landmark locations such as Sacramento Tower Bridge and LA City Hall, and is not caused by some random mastermind, but by real issues affecting the current United States, such as conflicts between state and federal forces over immigration.

Did You Know?

Many non-citizens serve in the US armed forces and as employees of American security contractors. For example, the second US Marine to be killed in action in the Iraq War was Guatemalan. A recent MIT study of these green card soldiers is subtitled “Between Model Immigrant and Security Threat”.

Border Patrol agents “have gone from having one of the most obscure jobs in law enforcement to one of the most hated,” according to the New York Times. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deport people without due process, including US citizens.

A recent Chicago Tribune op-ed describes how the current “struggles over immigration echo the conflict over slavery”. Confrontations in Texas over immigration have been described as “civil war” in the New York Times.

Stuff about Writing/ Reading

What are your top 10 favorite books? 

Gulliver's Travels

(Jonathan Swift, 1726)

Wuthering Heights

(Emily Brontë, 1847)

Sentimental Education

(Gustave Flaubert, 1848)

The Confidence-Man

(Herman Melville, 1857)

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

(Robert Louis Stevenson, 1886)

Dirty Snow

(Georges Simenon, 1948)

The Black Prince

(Iris Murdoch, 1973)

American Psycho

(Bret Easton Ellis, 1991)

American Pastoral

(Philip Roth, 1997)

My Year of Rest and Relaxation

(Ottessa Moshfegh, 2018)

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02 August 2024

Cordelia Manor A Haunted Hearts Series Book by Adam J. Ridley Cover Reveal! @SilverDaggerBookTours #AdamJRidley @blakeallwood9

 His inheritance may lead to his death, unless a magical

 caretaker can save them both.

Cordelia Manor

A Haunted Hearts Series Book

by Adam J. Ridley


 LGBTQ M/M Paranormal Romance  

His inheritance may lead to his death, unless a magical caretaker can save them both.

Evan inherits a mysterious manor house that's filled with restless spirits and Cary is the manor’s magical caretaker charged with managing them.

When the two meet, they unwittingly become the target of one of the manor’s most vengeful ghosts.

Despite the dangers, a passionate and deep love blossoms between them. Will that love be enough to protect them as they unravel Cordelia Manor’s secrets, or will the past repeat itself, destroying them and all they’ve built together?

Cordelia Manor is part of the Haunted Hearts series.

Haunted Hearts is an Own-Voices Paranormal Romance Series about love and the things go boo in the night. Join us on our romantic journeys over 10 books from some of your favorite authors! Be sure to read the entire series so you don’t miss a moment of falling in love, or sometimes falling into a happily ever after-life! Each book is a standalone but why not read them all? Everyone deserves the HEA!

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**Check out the rest of the Haunted Hearts Series!**

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After years of writing romance under the pen name Blake Allwood, I decided to pursue my other genre passion, fantasy and science fiction. Adam J. Ridley is the reality of that pursuit.

My husband of 28 years and I have had an adventurous life. We’ve had many businesses, we’ve raised over twelve foster children, two of which we adopted, and had at least two professional careers.

To say we are people who seek experiences is  understatement.

As I’ve grown older, my passions seem to be better reflected in my imagination. Fantasy, urban fantasy, and science fiction all allow me to escape into worlds that transcend life. I’ve always been a major lover of fantasy writing and started reading it at a rather young age.

My husband and I travel full-time now in our RV (caravan for those not in the United States.) We’ve been doing this since 2017 and y’all, we love it.

Please join me on Facebook, and other social media sites. I work hard to be easily accessible to my readers, cause you all are the reason for all the lovely work!

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Murder at Mistlethwaite Manor by AJ Skelly Book Tour!

Murder at Mistlethwaite Manor

by AJ Skelly


 Historical Romantic Suspense, Mystery

Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None meets The Gilded Age in this delicious, suspenseful murder mystery.

When Lady Emma Grace Hastings receives a much-coveted invitation to the most auspicious Christmas party of the season—one that comes with a 10,000 pound prize for the winner of a mysterious game—she cannot believe her good fortune.

But as the guests are assembled at Mistlewaithe Manor, the chilling intent of the game is revealed. Each guest has cause for alarm, because all of them have secrets, and to win the prize money, those secrets must be exposed.

Things take a sinister turn when Emma Grace finds herself caught between her old love and her soon-to-be betrothed. Suspicions abound, and old wounds are opened. The dead body in the study does not help. Nor does the raging winter storm that prevents escape from the manor. Emma Grace must battle her heart, use her wits, and put her sleuthing skills to the test to survive the weekend alive.

Because there is a murderer among them.

And no one with secrets is safe.

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“If you’ll follow me, my lady.” The same maid, skin pale and hair nearly white blonde under her tidy white cap, bobbed a curtsy and indicated I should follow her down another chilly hallway.  Thick, vibrant carpets muffed our steps as I trailed the woman, trying not to ogle outright at the vast displays of wealth lining the walls.  Paintings, statuary, tables inlaid with mother of pearl and studded with semi-precious stones.  Tapestries likely worth more than a king’s ransom covered huge swaths of the stone.

We traipsed up two flights of curving stairs to yet another ornate hallway, this one dark with alternating paneled wood and red and gold damask cloth.

“Your chambers, my lady.  All the guest chambers are here on the third floor.  Women to the right side of the hallway, men to the left.  Do you require anything else momentarily?  Your luggage should all be present and accounted for.”

I stepped inside the room and delighted in the dazzling array of lush greens and soft pinks, completed by a sparkling chandelier hanging from the middle of the room.  Glass orbs dangled from its gilt arms, bending and refracting the light into a thousand rainbows across the walls and into the shadowed corners of the room.  My trunk and suitcase were stacked neatly beside a cherry wood vanity, which was set with a silver comb, brush, and mirror.  Another card with my name on it lay on its marble surface.

Excitement hummed beneath my skin, and suddenly I couldn’t wait to be alone to tear into this newest missive from my most elusive host.

I would avoid bloody hands this time.

“That will be all, thank you,” I demurred.

Once the door was shut, I abandoned all decorum, hiking my skirts above my ankles and racing to snatch the missive.

Tearing the envelope open like a savage, I slowed and reverently took out the folded card.


Lady Hastings,


Welcome to Mistlethwaite Manor.  I trust your stay here will be most memorable.  Please wear your finest holiday frock to dinner tonight.  The games will begin promptly at half past six.   Bring all your wit and charm and come prepared.


Yours truly,

The Master of Mistlethwaite


Come prepared?

Prepared for what?

AJ Skelly is an author, reader, and lover of all things fantasy, history, and fairy-tale-romance. And werewolves. She has a serious soft spot for them. As an avid life-long reader and a former high school English teacher, she’s always been fascinated with the written word. She lives with her husband, children, and many imaginary friends who often find their way into her stories. They all drink copious amounts of tea together and stay up reading far later than they should.

You can read more of her short stories at

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- 1 winner each!  

Tapestry Deadly Curiosities Book 6 by Gail Z. Martin Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #DeadlyCuriosities @WinterKingdoms @morganbriceauthor

 A haunted tapestry. A cursed dynasty. Dark magic, and

 a supernatural creature with an insatiable hunger.


Deadly Curiosities Book 6

by Gail Z. Martin


 Supernatural Mystery Adventure

A haunted tapestry. A cursed dynasty. Dark magic, and a supernatural creature with an insatiable hunger.

Cassidy Kincaide and the Deadly Curiosities crew get a call from a desperate real estate investor to un-haunt a mansion that has belonged to a family of dark witches for generations. Inside, a hidden chamber reveals a legacy of supernatural power, a dangerous tapestry woven with malicious magic and defiant ghosts that refuse to accept the house's new ownership. When the dust settles, the family's witch and the djinn that has influenced the dynasty's fortunes for more than a century are missing—and bent on vengeance.

A mysterious pop-up gallery sells magical tapestries to Charleston's art collectors, but good luck quickly turns bad as the woven pieces permit the djinn to drain and kill the owners. Meanwhile, Cassidy's best friend, Teag Logan, and his fiancé, Anthony Benton, finalize plans for their wedding, dodging mama drama and supernatural setbacks.

When Cassidy and her allies go after the witch and the djinn, they find themselves targeted by magic that can bend perception and reshape reality. The psychic pain caused by the cursed tapestries fuels the power of the djinn and the dark witch, setting up a showdown with the Alliance for the soul of Charleston.

Can they stop the witch, defeat the djinn, destroy the tapestries, and still make it to the wedding on time?

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Deadly Curiosities Book 5

A dark witch dynasty. A malicious, immortal undersea place-spirit. Eternal

 guardians who wagered their souls to protect Charleston.

Omens of impending disaster have the city on edge. Tremors warn of earthquake risk, while a potentially catastrophic storm gathers strength over the ocean and heads for land.

A last-man-standing promise among elderly veterans creates a dangerous inheritance involving an imprisoned, wish-granting goblin. A sea captain and a swashbuckler worked blood magic to protect Charleston from an ancient evil with a spell that bound their souls and their descendants to the task, but danger looms as its power fades. The head of a witch family wants artifacts and secrets—and he’ll do anything to get them.

Cassidy Kincaide runs Trifles and Folly, an antique and curio store where her touch magic helps get cursed and haunted objects out of the wrong hands. More than once, she and her allies have saved the world from supernatural threats.

The clock is ticking for Cassidy and her friends to stop the dark warlock, capture the goblin and restore the guardian spell before a malevolent ancient entity takes its vengeance on Charleston and the coast. It’s going to take all the magic, courage and quick thinking they can muster—and for once, that might not be enough.

Legacy is an action-packed urban fantasy paranormal thrill ride full of dark magic, infernal creatures, goblins and demigods, haunted places, pirate ghosts, found family, witch dynasties, loyal friends, Voudon spirits, secret history and plenty of adventure.

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Deadly Curiosities Book 4

Stolen magic. Infernal creatures. A cursed heir to a

 warlock dynasty.

 Supernatural suspense.

Caribbean ghosts terrorize Charleston and rack up a body count. Then Beckford Pendlewood, the heir to a powerful family of dark warlocks, shows up raving about a bound demon locked in a lost box and begs sanctuary.

Cassidy Kincaide can read the history of objects by touching them. She and her allies use magic and paranormal abilities to keep Charleston and the world safe from supernatural threats.

Can Cassidy and her friends find the demon box, stop the killer ghosts, and break the Pendlewood curse before Beckford’s murderous cousins and the vengeful demon destroy them all?

Inheritance is an action-packed thrill ride full of dark magic, infernal creatures, demons and demigods, haunted places, found family, witch dynasty politics, loyal friends, Caribbean ghosts, secret history and plenty of adventure!

Book Four in the Deadly Curiosities series.

“This story starts out right in the thick of it with loads of action, and doesn’t let up until the final pages.”—Drops of Ink on Inheritance

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Tangled Web

Deadly Curiosities Book 3

Zombies rise in Charleston cemeteries, dead men fall from the sky, and the

 whole city succumbs to the “grouch flu.” 

Cassidy Kincaide runs Trifles and Folly in Charleston, an antiques and curios shop with a secret history of ridding the city of cursed objects and keeping the world safe from supernatural threats.Cassidy’s magic can read the history of an object with a single touch. Her best friend Teag is a Weaver witch, and her boss, Sorren, is a 600 year-old vampire.

Now a vengeful dark witch is gunning for Teag and planning to unleash an ancient horror.

Cassidy, Teag, and Sorren—and all their supernatural allies—will need magic, cunning, and the help of a Viking demi-goddess to survive the battle with a malicious Weaver-witch and an ancient Norse warlock to keep Charleston—and the whole East Coast—from becoming the prey of the Master of the Hunt.

Tangled Web is an action-packed thrill ride full of magic, restless ghosts, infernal creatures, haunted places, found family, vampire politics, old Norse magic, Wild Hunt, loyal friends, secret history and plenty of adventure!

Book Three in the Deadly Curiosities series.

“There are plenty of spooks and magic to keep the action fresh. From page one to the big finale, the plot gallops along at a good pace.”—Cats Luv Coffee on Tangled Web

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Deadly Curiosities Book 2

Immortals never forgive, never forget.

Sorren has spent centuries shutting down the plans of powerful immortals, dark warlocks, fallen angels, and supernatural creatures. He’s a vampire working with paranormal allies to protect a world that doesn’t know the dangers that prowl the shadows. Now an enemy from his past is picking off everyone Sorren cares about, destroying his sanctuaries, and making it clear that Sorren will be the final target of a magic-fueled vendetta.

Cassidy Kincaide runs Trifles & Folly in modern-day Charleston, an antique and curio shop with a dangerous secret. Cassidy can read the history of objects by touching them and along with her Weaver witch friend Teag, Sorren, and their allies, they get rid of cursed objects and keep Charleston and the world safe from supernatural threats.

The clock is ticking. Old power stirs, the kind that hasn’t been seen in centuries, waking from slumber and hungry for vengeance.

This sort of evil can’t be destroyed—but it can be contained, and that’s what Sorren and his allies did long ago. Now, the evil has returned, even stronger and craftier than before. Cassidy, Teag, and Trifles and Folly are in the crosshairs against an unknown enemy with strong magic and significant resources and to win they’ll have to put their lives—and souls—on the line. Can they help Sorren fight a deathless foe from centuries past, or will they see everything they love go down in flames?

Vendetta is an action-packed thrill ride full of magic, restless ghosts, infernal creatures, haunted places, found family, cursed paintings, old Norse magic, demigods, vampire politics, fallen angels, loyal friends, secret history, and plenty of adventure!

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Deadly Curiosities

Deadly Curiosities Book 1

Some family heirlooms are to die for.

Welcome to Trifles & Folly, a store with a secret. Proprietor Cassidy Kincaide’s psychic gift lets her know the history and magic of an object by touching it. Cassidy and her friends—including Weaver witch Teag and her vampire business partner Sorren—save the world from vengeful ghosts, dark magic, hidden monsters, and things that go bump in the night.

When a trip to a haunted hotel unearths a statue steeped in malevolent power, and a string of murders leads to the abandoned old Navy yard, Cassidy, Teag, and Sorren discover a diabolical plot to unleash a supernatural onslaught on their city.

It’s time for Cassidy and her team to handle the “deadly curiosities” before it’s too late.

Deadly Curiosities is an action-packed thrill ride full of magic, restless ghosts, infernal creatures, haunted places, dangerous curios, found family, loyal friends, secret history, and plenty of adventure!

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Gail Z. Martin writes urban fantasy, epic fantasy, steampunk and more for Solaris Books, Orbit Books, Falstaff Books, SOL Publishing and Darkwind Press. Urban fantasy series include Deadly Curiosities and the Night Vigil (Sons of Darkness). Epic fantasy series include Darkhurst, the Chronicles Of The Necromancer, the Fallen Kings Cycle, the Ascendant Kingdoms Saga, and the Assassins of Landria.

Together with Larry N. Martin, she is the co-author of Iron & Blood, Storm & Fury (both Steampunk/alternate history), the Spells Salt and Steel comedic horror series, the Roaring Twenties monster hunter Joe Mack Shadow Council series, and the Wasteland Marshals near-future post-apocalyptic series. As Morgan Brice, she writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance, with the Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow series. Gail is also a con-runner for ConTinual, the online, ongoing multi-genre convention that never ends.

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