
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

07 August 2024

Notebook Number NineJackie Careira Blog Tour!

When all the lies and hypocrisy of the world become too much to ignore; when you see it all so clearly that you can’t erase the image from your mind. 

What do you do? And is it even possible for ‘normal’ people to undertake a true journey of self-improvement without running away to a monastery up a mountain? Bekki is going to find out. 

Notebook Number Nine is a life-affirming, often humorous story of self-discovery and what being human means.

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JACKIE CARREIRA is an author, playwright, musician, and co-founder of QuirkHouse Theatre Company with her husband, actor AJ Deane. Born in England to Portuguese parents, she grew up and went to school in East London, but also spent part of her early childhood in the Old Quarter of Lisbon with her grandparents. These colourfully diverse cities, and her ‘genetic nomad’ background, have always had a big influence on both her writing and her general view of the world. 

Jackie now lives in Suffolk with her husband, two cats, and a ridiculous number of books, most of which she hasn’t got around to reading yet. She spends a lot of time in public libraries, where there are even more books, but at least she doesn’t have to dust those. She is a proud patron of Halesworth Library in Suffolk.






06 August 2024

The Tarnished Son by Elizabeth McKenna Book Tour with Excerpt~~

About The Tarnished Son

The Tarnished Son
Domestic Suspense
Setting – Wisconsin
Independently Published (‎ July 23, 2024)
Print length ‏ : ‎ 324 pages
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D4R8HM6S

“This is a nice, quiet town with good people. Things like that don’t happen around here.”

But they do.

In THE TARNISHED SON, a tourist’s death, an alluring young teacher, a father’s carnal desires, and a stepdaughter’s vendetta ultimately destroy a village dynasty.

The respected Clark family has governed Williams Bay since 1837. On a hot August day, seventeen-year-old Liam causes a tragic boating accident. What happens next—infidelity, drugs, theft, and more—deepens long-hidden cracks in the family’s façade, exposing their secrets and tarnishing their golden image.

Meet the family:
William Sr., the grandfather who rules the family and the village with an iron fist
Hank, the father who lets temptations lead him on a path of self-destruction
Liam, the shining son who gets away with everything
Rose, the stepdaughter who has had enough and pushes the whole house down

Grab some popcorn and watch the destruction unfold in Elizabeth McKenna’s unpredictable family drama!

Read an Excerpt!


Sunday, September 3

My son paced the living room his current wife, Nora, had redecorated five times in the past three years. She called this version Shabby Chic, which meant filling the room with pillows, flowers, fake crystal lamps, and brand-new scuffed-up furniture. When she crowed about the great deal she got on a pair of bookcases that looked ready for the junkyard, I thought P.T. Barnum was right. There’s a sucker born every minute.

Irritation spread through my body, growing into anger that threatened to choke me as I watched Hank from my recliner by the fireplace. Side by side, it was clear we were related. We were both six feet tall with the same blue eyes and strong jaw the previous generations of Clark men shared, but that was where the similarities ended. At seventy-five years old and despite a recent hip replacement, I had the physique and at least eighty percent of the strength I had at fifty-five. My son walked around in a “dad bod,” whatever the hell that was. My brown hair had long ago turned gray, and I made weekly trips to the barbershop to keep it high and tight. At forty-seven years old, Hank pampered his brown curls with fancy products his wife bought at a beauty salon. He was a weak man and my biggest disappointment.

Hank paused before the mantel, picked up a family portrait, and studied it with weepy eyes. “I’m worried about Liam.”

“Why?” I demanded. “The boy seems fine.”

He shook his head. “Liam needs to talk about what happened and how he feels. If you suppress a trauma, you’ll end up sick, both mentally and physically.”

I sighed heavily and added an eye roll. “Did you read that medical advice on Facebook or Instagram?”

“I’m serious, Dad,” he whined. “We need to do something for him.”

 The doorbell rang, and Hank looked bewildered as if he had never had a visitor. 

I stomped my cane against the floor, but the thick carpet muffled my intended effect. “For goodness’ sake, don’t stand there like an imbecile. Answer the door.”

He hurried from the room, obeying my command. A moment later, he returned with the village’s police chief.

“Don’t get up, William,” the chief said as I scooted forward in my chair.

I nodded my thanks and shook the hand he offered me. “This hip replacement is more trouble than it’s worth. The doctor says to give it time, but what the hell does he know? Anyway, have a seat, David. I assume you’re not here to listen to me bellyache. Hank, pour the chief some coffee. He takes cream, no sugar.”

Hank’s eyes widened as if I had asked him to perform open-heart surgery. “I’ll have to make some. There isn’t any left from breakfast.”

My single raised eyebrow at this earth-shattering news spurred him from the room.

The chief wedged himself into what remained of the couch after Nora had added two rows of unnecessary pillows. He leaned toward me, rested his forearms on his thighs, and clasped his hands. “I was wondering if I could talk to Liam again.”

“Oh? Why?” I lifted my voice in surprise, though I had expected his visit. David wasn’t the sharpest police chief, but he was thorough. “You have his statement, and the boy is so upset that I would hate to put him through any more pain. He’s barely left his room since last night.”   

The chief’s forehead creased as he studied his knuckles. “You see, William.” He paused to clear his throat. “A witness to yesterday’s drowning has come forward. His story differs from Liam’s, so we need to confirm what actually happened before I can close the case.”

 “I don’t understand. Didn’t the other children on the boat give the same account of this tragic accident as Liam?”

“Yes,” the chief agreed. “Almost verbatim.”

“There you have it.” I slapped my thigh. “Your witness must be mistaken. Perhaps they were too far away to see everything clearly? Or the afternoon sun blinded them?”

The chief squirmed on the couch. “The witness was on the lake path, which is a fair distance, but his version of the event seems plausible.”

“In what way, David?” I kept my tone even with a touch of indifference to display we had nothing to hide or worry about.

He coughed into his fist, a stall tactic he often used when meeting with the village trustees. “The witness said a boat with two males and three females was coming at high speed into the bay and directly at the man on the paddleboard. When the driver swerved to avoid the man, he created a wake that caused the man to lose his balance and fall in. His description of the boat and the people on board matches your boat and the kids.”

About Elizabeth McKenna

Elizabeth McKenna’s love of books reaches back to her childhood, where her tastes ranged from Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys to Stephen King’s horror stories.

Her novels reflect her mercurial temperament and include romances, mysteries, and suspense. Some are “clean,” and some are “naughty,” so she has a book for your every mood.

Elizabeth lives in Wisconsin with her understanding husband and Sidney, the rescue dog from Tennessee. When she isn’t writing, reading, or walking the dog that never tires, she’s sleeping.

  • Purchase Links:  Amazon  The ebook is on sale for 99 cents until the end of August.


July 29 – Novels Alive – REVIEW

July 29 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT

July 30 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

July 30 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

July 31 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

July 31 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT

August 1 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT

August 1 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT

August 2 – Boys’ Mom Reads! – REVIEW

August 3 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

August 4 – StoreyBook Reviews – AUTHOR GUEST POST

August 5 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

August 6 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

August 7 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

August 8 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW


August 9 – Lynchburg Reads – REVIEW

August 10 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

August 11 – Lady Hawkeye – SPOTLIGHT

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Cully Beinn Wolves Book 1 by Brekke Elle Book Tour! @SilverDaggerBookTours #BloodCurse #CullyBeinnWolves @authorbrekke

 War makes monsters of all men, and love alone can

 conquer it.  

Blood Curse

Cully Beinn Wolves Book 1

by Brekke Elle


 Historical Paranormal Fantasy Romance  

An untrained healer’s apprentice.
A shifter pack forced to go to war.
And a curse that could swallow all of them whole.

Rini MacIllroy chafes at the responsibilities of being an apprentice healer to her shifter wolf pack. They have stayed safe by keeping separate from humankind, but the American Civil War encroaches on their village, and Rini’s friends and lover are sent down the mountain to fight, while Rini must stay behind.

When a deserting soldier attacks a young girl, Rini jumps into action with tooth and claw. But her rage unknowing unlocks an ancient curse that feeds on bloodshed and violence. Now Rini is hunted through her dreams by a shadow made of nightmares and midnight. Even her steadfast friends and mentor, the ancient priestess Sedna, are unable to help her quell the lust for blood that threatens to consume Rini from the inside out.

When one of her Pack returns from the battlefield, he is broken in body and spirit. Even Sedna’s considerable power cannot heal him. Rini must sing back his soul, using her healer’s magic to heal the wounds that go beyond flesh. While the curse tightens its hold, calling not just for bloodlust but to claim souls, Rini struggles to keep her own inner wolf at bay. Neighbors turn against neighbors, friends betray friends, and the Pack threatens to rip itself apart at the seams.

Can Rini defeat the curse in her own blood, or will she and the Pack she loves be consumed by the beast within?

Blood Curse is a lush historical paranormal fantasy set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, weaving the folklore of the Scottish Highlands with New World magic. Perfect for fans of strong female friendships, coming-of-age adventure, and slow-burn, fated mates romance. It ends in a mild cliffhanger.

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April, 1863

The Moon glowed through her bedroom window, as luminous as a kerosene lamp. No wonder Rini’s ancestors worshiped the Moon, those first wolfkind who howled out in the murky night sky, thankful for guidance. Rini fidgeted in the silver glow, pulling her fingers through the woven plaits of her crimson hair until they were unbound.


The change rippled through her muscles and sinew, prickling her tiny hairs to life with a current of pure being that she missed when she was confined to her skins. But Rini had learned as a cub not to change indoors. Paws and claws never tread well on the smooth floorboards of her family’s cabin. 

“We’ll meet just before dawn and go for a run.” Her two best friends had agreed – together, just their trio, away from the village, away from the Elders, and their parents, and their restrictions. Out into the fresh woods. Free. 

Rini had hardly slept. She’d never been a good liar, but she could deflect an untruth. When her sister, Mena, asked why she fidgeted with their quilt, laying there in the dark after the house had gone quiet, Rini could answer in truth.

“Auntie has taught me so much already I worry I can’t remember it all.”

It was true, of course. Being a brand new apprentice, scarcely a fortnight now, had heaped more responsibility onto her days than Rini could believe. Which is why she so desperately needed this run, this freedom. This chance to be unbound.

But the war crept ever closer to their precious mountains. To their village, up a hollow and away – away from the fuss and noise of humankind, away from their politics and their wars. Away from their superstitions. 

But even the mountains could not keep out the soldiers and the guns forever. 

Rini knew it. But oh, she wanted to forget it. To go and be free. 

Be unbound, if only for one run, one morning. 

Rini leaned on the outside of the stairs, pressing most of her weight against the thick railing to lessen the creaking as she slipped toward the kitchen and the front door. She knew of a legend that told of Daria, the first Bennachadh, using magic to mask the sound of her footsteps as she snuck up on the water hag, Skol. But Rini was just a Healer’s apprentice and didn’t know anything about magic. Unless being an aeisdear meant she was born with a bit of magic. But hearing the songs of trees couldn’t help her slip past her parents.

“Stars be damned,” she whispered. She was eighteen, marked as a woman and perfectly capable of making her own choices. But still she hesitated.

Her parents stood by the stove in the warm pocket of the kitchen. All she needed was to slide by them and she was free. Her elder sister still slept, tucked into the quilt in their bed. She didn’t spy her little brother Oliver about either. If I can just make it to the hallway. But the floorboards betrayed her.

“Serenity, lass, you’re up early,” her father growled, not unkindly. 

Rini shook the loose sheet of her crimson hair over her shoulder and smiled. “Aye Pa, I have to go meet Auntie.” A lie, but a small one. She would go and see her Great Aunt. But after her run.

“Aunt Sedna needs you this early?” asked her mother as she surreptitiously wiped her floured hands against her apron.

“Aye,” Rini said, looking quickly away from her mother’s eyes. She knew too well that her mother could read a lie as quick as a snap of heat lightning. 

“Well, if Aunt Sedna needs her apprentice, then go on,” her father opened his broad arms to her. “Don’t go wandering in the woods, you hear? There were soldiers spotted outside Morgantown when Chief Ian and his boys went down there last.”

“Aye Pa,” Rini shrugged off his hug, the gurgle of guilt in her stomach. Lumina and Lilith were waiting for her, and they were about to break half a dozen restrictions the Chief and Elders’ Council had placed on the village since the outbreak of the war. But the chance to run free was too sweet to miss. 

She smiled, swallowing the untruth. Grabbing up her long skirts so she didn’t trip, Rini hurried from the kitchen before her parents could ask more questions.


The early morning air smelled of the earthy scent of dried kindling burning in the hearth fires around the village. Rini inhaled deeply. She could lick the taste of smoke from the dew-heavy air. The pines hummed, high and fast like notes from a fiddle, their crushed needles releasing a tangy, clean smell. She sighed. She could nearly taste freedom on the breeze. 

She whistled, then ducked behind a stand of trees not far from the McLean cabin. She undressed quickly, pulling her blue homespun dress overhead and tossing it carelessly into a pile with her shift, stockings, and pantaloons. The air caressed her tender skin, her nipples tightened and fine hairs rose along her arms. 

“Impatient, are we?” Lumina McLean sauntered toward Rini, already naked with her nightgown draped carelessly over her shoulder.

“My parents were already awake,” Rini sighed.

“Do they know we’re going for a run?” Lilith, Lumina’s twin sister, asked as she joined Rini, pulling off her chemise with a graceful flourish. When Rini shook her head, Lilith gave a cheerful cry. She opened her arms wide to the purpling sky and let the change course through her body, silver-gray fur replacing skin in a smooth wave, as she landed gracefully on all fours.

“You’re so dramatic,” Lumina scoffed. With a wheeze, the change resettled Lumina’s bones, popping them from joints and refashioning them until her body took the lithe form of a gray wolf.

Rini looked into the clear sky of early morning. The rising sun had burned away the purple haze of dawn. The air tingled, ripe with possibility. Trees sang a familiar aria. The itch beneath her skin spread, her shoulders and knees the first to pop from their fitted joints, pressing outward as they expanded or shrank. The itch ticked down her spine, the vertebra curving, realigning. Her fingernails sharpened and her fingers shortened. In a breath, her skin sunk beneath a blanket of tawny fur. Rini shook out the pelt, her tail uncoiling from the base of her spine. 

She barked, joy and impatience buzzing in her veins. She wanted to run, to feel the wind slide along her shoulders and back. She wanted to pound her paws against the damp earth. She wanted to leave behind Cully Beinn and all the traditions and restrictions that regulated her life. She wanted freedom.

Lilith nipped at her tail, wiggling the thick fur above her eyes.

You want to play chase? Rini thought as she danced back and forth, snapping playfully at her friend. Lumina rolled her eyes and sulked toward the trees.

In a bound, Rini leapt over Lilith to tumble against Lumina, knocking them both over. She gave a giddy yip before springing up the mountain trail, away from their village. She heard Lumina growl, but the drumming of two sets of paws followed her as she climbed the steep path.

It was cool and shadowed underneath the pine and sweetgum branches. Rini raced through the familiar trails, her whole body extended in effort. She was agile in her furs, more graceful than she ever was in her skins. “Four legs are better for balance,” her mother joked whenever Rini tripped over her ankle-length skirts and petticoats. But in her furs, Rini moved in long, sure strides. There were no hems to stumble over, and she was faster than the McLean sisters.

Up and up she raced, easily outpacing the twins. Her tawny fur slicked back as the air streamed past. For a few strides Rini was thoughtless, a creature of movement, a creature of freedom. A sharp tug on her tail pulled Rini into the present. Lilith licked her lips and darted past her, a sly smile exposing her teeth.

Rini barked a laugh at the challenge as she sprang over a felled log. She felt a childlike giddiness as she ran. The wind chilled her nose and made her eyes water, but she ran on, upward, past the farthest Gordon family fields, up past the trickling Laurel River, until a strong scent brought her up short.

Sour, like vinegar and rotten cabbage. Urine. And the copper tang of blood.


Brekke Elle is a word tinker, coffee drinker, and has clumsy thumbs (or so she claims to excuse typos!). A Georgia peach living in the heart of North Carolina, Brekke has traveled and lived around the world – including attending the University of Cambridge in England, interning for an NGO in rural Cambodia, and working at a university in Northern California.

 Along the way she has collected stories (and a bit of bad poetry too). Her first real desire to become a writer (more than just wanting to be Jo March when she was 9) was after reading SABRIEL by Garth Nix. It was the first world she ever wanted to fall sideways into, and she has been recreating those lush worlds for readers ever since.

When she’s not losing herself in her imaginary universes, Brekke spends most of her time chasing her four kids (including twin toddlers!), canning up homecooked chicken broth, and volunteering at a neighborhood community garden. Her favorite color is black (no, really), her favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast (preferable one of Robin McKinley’s retellings), and her favorite drink is coffee until 3pm, then it’s a full bodied Pinot Noir.

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Impossible Love Yosemite Ranch Book 1 by Gracie Owens Book Tour~ @SilverDaggerBookTours #YosemiteRanchSeries @AuthorGracieOwens @thegracieowen

Every woman deserves an alpha hero  

Impossible Love

Yosemite Ranch Book 1

by Gracie Owens


Small Town Contemporary Romance


I came to Yosemite Ranch to close a land deal and make partner.

Instead, I find temptation.

His name is Cal MacLaine. A smoking-hot ex-Navy SEAL and billionaire with breathtaking violet eyes. With a side of first-born-son: overprotective, suspicious, honorable to a fault. He thinks it’s his mission to protect his family’s ranch.

And keep me from reaching my objectives.

Will I close this deal? Will he send me packing? Or will we both find what we've always wanted in the most impossible of places…in one another’s arms?


This redhead in her ridiculous stiletto heels has no business here.

Sure, she’s the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen. Sure, there’s an undeniable attraction between us. But she’s set her sights on a chunk of our family ranch.

I don’t trust her.

She says she’s in mergers and acquisitions. Sorry, gorgeous—I won’t be buying what you’re selling. So how has she succeeded where every other woman has failed? How is she knocking down the impenetrable wall I’ve built around my world—and my heart? I can’t fall in love with Victoria Backlund.

It’s impossible.

Impossible Love is a small town, enemies to lovers, billionaire, military contemporary romance and the first book in the Yosemite Ranch series. Yosemite Ranch...Every woman deserves an alpha hero.

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Love Walks In

Yosemite Ranch Book 2  


When my wife died in childbirth, I knew my guilt and

 grief would never heal.

I try to focus on the life that’s right in front of me. Jasmine, the eight-year-old daughter I worry I’m failing. The successful tech company I started with my brothers. And training horses at my family’s Yosemite Ranch.

Until the day Emma Clark walks in…

Radiating beauty and kindness despite her own pain. A miracle I never saw coming, and a temptation I can’t fight. Can I trust the unbreakable bond she forms with Jasmine? Can I forgive myself enough to welcome love again? And if I go looking into her past, will I find more than any of us bargained for?


I know I’m damaged.

Foster care, loneliness, and minimum-wage work will do that to a girl. But I’m nobody’s victim, no matter what’s in my past. What I am is a realist, and I’m sure love isn’t in the cards for me.

Until Finn MacLaine’s gaze meets my own…

The insanely handsome former Navy SEAL is my new boss. And strictly off limits. But the attraction is too intense to ignore. The connection is too strong to break.

Is love, family, and true belonging suddenly within my grasp? Or am I just a housekeeper longing for the impossible?

Love Walks In is a small town, single dad, billionaire, military contemporary romance and the second book in the Yosemite Ranch series. Yosemite Ranch...Every woman deserves an alpha hero.

Content warning: assault in the heroine’s past is referenced.

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 Gracie Owens is the pen name for two internationally bestselling authors from the American West who have teamed up to write steamy, sassy, and sweet contemporary romance novels. After years of discussing passion projects and brainstorming story ideas, they realized what fun they could have if they put their heads—and laptops—together. The rest is history!

 These days, they spend hours on the phone figuring out how their characters can fall in love despite the odds. One author writes from her couch, focused on outlines, plots, and first drafts. The other writes outside with her dogs next to her, revising, editing, and adding steamy love scenes.

We hope our readers have as much fun with Gracie as we do! 

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