04 December 2024

Free from Falling Series: The Breakaway Series, Book Four by A E.L. Massey New Release Blitz! @el_massey @ninestarpress


Title: Free from Falling

Series: The Breakaway Series, Book Four

Author: E.L. Massey

Publisher:  NineStar Press

Release Date: 12/03/2024

Heat Level: 2 - Fade to Black Sex

Pairing: Male/Female

Length: 87100


 Contemporary, contemporary, sports/hockey, athletes, rock band, musicians, trans, bisexual, idiots-to-lovers, team dynamics, family dynamics & drama, pining, transphobia

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Justin “Matts” Matthews is good at a lot of things: Rubik’s Cubes, playing guitar, herding cattle, and most importantly for his career in the NHL, hockey. He’s not good at human interactions or social cues, especially when it comes to women. This deficiency is an annoyance rather than a problem, right up until he meets Sydney Warren. If it’s not love at first sight, it’s sure something close.

Sydney Warren, frontwoman for up-and-coming rock band Right Red Hand, is fierce, driven, and she doesn't do relationships. Being an out trans woman in the music industry is more than enough pressure—a romantic entanglement would be added stress she doesn’t need. A romantic entanglement with a professional hockey player who, to all accounts, is only just learning to be an ally is definitely not what she needs. And yet.

After a chance encounter, Matts and Sydney become unlikely friends. However, in the stolen moments of their busy schedules––late-night phone calls between NHL games and concert tour dates—they start to question if maybe “friendship” isn't so apt a description for whatever this is between them.

But can they overcome the outside pressures from family and media that would rather their relationship end before it has a chance to start?

Free from Falling
E.L. Massey © 2024
All Rights Reserved

“Hey, Matty. Are you petting a dog in some back room at a party again?”

He almost hangs up the phone. Because, yes, Justin Edward Matthews—Matts to anyone who matters and Matty to his asshole stepbrother—is hiding in a back room at a party petting a dog. Again.

“I hate you,” Matts says.

“You don’t. What’s the dog’s name?”

“It’s Hawk, Eli’s dog.”

“Give her a kiss for me.”

He does. He’s sitting on a fancy bench thing at the base of an equally fancy bed in one of the dozen bedrooms at the house where the party is taking place. He doesn’t know if Hawk is allowed on the furniture or not, but he figures if she’s mostly in his lap, they’re good either way. He leans into Hawk’s warm bulk and briefly buries his face in her neck.

“So,” his stepbrother says, “the gay kid talked you into going out and socializing, huh?”

“Don’t say it like that,” Matts says, straightening.

“I’m not saying it like anything. I’m stating a fact. He’s a kid. He’s gay.”

“He’s twenty-one, and he’s married to my captain. He’s not a kid. And he’s one of my best fucking friends. Use his name.”

“Fine. Whatever.”

Matts is regretting calling Aaron already. They used to do it all the time—calling each other whenever they got drunk. It was the way they bonded as teenagers when their families were recklessly combined. Matts was off at boarding school, so lonely it was hard to breathe sometimes, and Aaron was unceremoniously uprooted from the only town he ever knew, suddenly expected to call a stranger “Dad.” Their relationship was easier then, born out of isolation and a shared resentment for the people they called parents. But in recent years, their conversations have gotten more and more stilted. Exhibit A: this conversation.

“Hey,” Aaron says, like he can hear what Matts is thinking. “I’m trying. You know I’m trying.”

“Try harder.”

“Okay,” he says quietly. An extremely awkward pause follows. “Well. Why are you hanging out with Hawk and not a less furry lady?”

Aaron has a point. The only good thing about going to parties is that sometimes girls will recognize him, and he can get laid without having to stumble his way through a conversation first.

“I came upstairs to use the bathroom. And it’s time for Eli to check in anyway. I’ll go back downstairs when he does.”

Hawk is Eli’s service dog. Eli doesn’t go to parties much, but when he does, he brings her with him and keeps her somewhere quiet where he can have her sniff him or whatever she does to predict his seizures every so often. And he always has someone with him as human backup too. Tonight, Matts is the human backup. Because he’s still doing PT for another week and isn’t cleared to travel with the team yet. He made the mistake of having dinner with Eli, and afterward, Eli looked at him with his big stupid sad eyes and asked him to please go with him, and Matts is a pushover.

He doesn’t like parties in general, but he especially doesn’t like them when he keeps having to explain that, no, he’s not Eli’s professional-hockey-playing-husband. He’s Eli’s professional-hockey-playing-husband’s injured alternate captain. Which is weird. Not because people are assuming he’s gay. That’s fine. That’s whatever. But people are assuming he’s married. Twenty-one-year-olds should not be married. Even if it seems to be working for Eli and Alex.

“The drinks are all colorful and sparkly,” Matts says. Making fun of rich people’s alcohol preferences is always a safe topic with his family.

“No,” Aaron gasps with faux outrage. “Sparkly?”

“No beer cans in sight.”

“The horror. Not even a bougie IPA?”

“There’s a tended bar, and the menu is all cocktails.”

“Gross. What color did you go with?”

Matts sighs in the direction of his drink on the nightstand. “Green. And then purple. And the worst thing is that I’m drunk after two of them.”

He regularly goes shot-for-shot with Russian NHL players. A neon drink should not be laying him out. He tries to look at his tongue to see if it’s changed color and is unsuccessful.

“Are you still on meds?”

“No, Mom, I’m off everything as of two days ago. Healing great. Should be playing again in another week. And I can’t even celebrate with a beer.”

“What a brave little soldier you are,” Aaron says. “Hey, speaking of moms. Are you coming home for Christmas or not?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. Is my dad…” He flips Hawk’s ears inside out. One will stay that way. The other won’t. He boops her nose, and she sneezes.

“You’re gonna need to finish the question if you want me to answer it.”

Matts sighs. “I don’t know. Just…you think he’ll ever apologize?”

“I think those would be hell-freezes-over type odds.”


“Come home anyway.”

“I’ll think about it.”

The door opens, and Eli slips inside, music from downstairs bleeding through before he shuts it again.

“Hey,” Matts says, “I gotta go. I’ll call you Friday, and we’ll talk about Christmas, okay?”

“Sure. Hey, uh, say hi to Eli for me.”

“Yeah,” Matts says, “I will.” The word “thanks” gets a little stuck in his throat, but he mumbles it out and follows it with “bye.”

He slides his phone back into his pocket as Eli slides onto the bench beside him.

“You okay?” Eli asks. He’s a perceptive little shit.

“Fine.” Matts gestures toward the door. “It’s just a lot. Do you always have to be so damn good at social shit? You’re making me look bad.”

“Oh, no,” Eli says, “you do that on your own.” He gives him a second look and gentles his tone. “You do look a little rough though. You want to go outside? Or we can call it early.”

“Outside works.”

They sit with Hawk for a few more minutes, and when she remains calm and sleepy, they bid her goodbye and head downstairs toward the backyard.

But halfway through the living room, Matts stops.

Because there’s a girl in the kitchen.

Well, there are a lot of girls in the kitchen. But this girl is wearing black ripped skinny jeans, and her equally black ripped shirt—advertising some incomprehensible metal band on the front—has no sleeves or collar. The shirt’s sides have been cut from arm to hem and reattached with long lines of glittering safety pins. Her lips are full. Her hair is a wild riot of brown curls.

She looks like the unholy offspring of ’80s hair-metal-era Bon Jovi and ’70s Joan Jett, and her whole vibe is…unexpectedly but thoroughly doing it for him.

“Who,” he asks, “is she?”

“Absolutely not,” Eli answers. “You are not ready for Sydney.”

“Sydney,” he repeats.

“No,” Eli says again, forcefully steering them toward the back porch. For someone so lean, he’s surprisingly strong. Sydney also looks lean and strong. Her glutes and thighs are particularly nice. She could probably squat him. He’d be happy to let her try.

“I thought the whole point of me coming tonight was that I needed to…expand my social realm or whatever.”

“Social repertoire is the phrase I used.” Eli is still pushing him. Matts is still resisting.

“Repertoire. Right.” He cranes his neck to keep Sydney in sight. She’s completely flat-chested, but her ass is something else. He wonders if she plays hockey.

“And, yes, it was,” Eli agrees. “But I know that look, Matthew.”

“Not my name.”

“I know that look, Justin Edward Matthews.”

That is, admittedly, his name.

“You don’t want to meet her,” Eli says. “You want to hook up with her.”

“And that’s…bad?”

“Have you ever even spoken with a trans woman before?”

“Trans…as in transgender?”

“No, as in transformer. Yes, transgender, idiota. And clearly, your taste in music is worse than I thought if you don’t already know who she is.”

“Wait, she’s a boy? Or—used to be a boy?” She doesn’t look like a boy. Though that might explain the boob thing. Is that bad to think? Eli would probably hit him if he said it out loud.

“And this is why you’re not allowed to talk to Sydney,” Eli says. “She would eat you alive.”

Sydney catches him staring, and Matts waves as Eli finally, successfully, shoves him around the corner and through the sliding doors to the porch.

Sydney appears again, moments later, from the opposite side of the open-concept kitchen, and purposefully makes her way toward them.

“Oh, fuck me,” Eli mutters.

“No thanks.”

“Eli,” Sydney says, stepping over the threshold to join them. “Who’s your friend?”

“Hi,” Matts says. “I’m Matts. I play hockey with Eli’s husband. Eli says I’m not allowed to talk to you because you’ll eat me alive.”

She gives him a considering once-over. “Eli is likely correct, but I’m sure we’d both enjoy the experience.”

Eli throws up his hands.

“Don’t let him fool you though,” she says conspiratorially, bowing with a flourish that somehow doesn’t spill her drink. “I am but a humble bard, at your service.”

“Bard, sure,” Eli mutters. “Humble though—”

“You look like you need alcohol, Eli,” Sydney interrupts.

He sighs. “I do. Syd, behave. Matts, good luck.”

“Wait,” Matts says, “aren’t I supposed to be…monitoring you?”

“Monitor me with your eyes while I go acquire a beverage. I promise to swoon obviously if I need your attention.” Eli throws one wrist against his forehead and falls briefly to one side before straightening and making his way back inside.

“So you’re Hawk’s understudy tonight?” Sydney asks.

She has dimples. It takes him a beat longer than it should to respond because of them.

“That’s me. Temporary service human. Not as cute as the A-team upstairs, I know.”

She gives him another leisurely assessment, and he suddenly wishes he was wearing something more edgy than khakis and boat shoes.

“I wouldn’t say that,” she murmurs over the rim of her glass.

He watches her drink; he watches the light from the hanging lanterns on the porch glint off the rings on her hand; he watches her tongue slide over her drink-stained lips. He realizes he’s staring.

“So how do you know Eli?” Matts asks, only a little desperately.

She tips her head, expression suddenly assessing. It’s an oddly predatory look for someone whose curl-augmented height barely comes up to his chin.

“You have no idea who I am, do you?” Sydney says.

“I—no.” He squints at her, remembering Eli’s assertion about his taste in music. “Should I?”

She reaches out to flick the collar of his button-down. “I guess not. Though one of our songs is on syndicated radio currently.”

“You’re a musician?” That makes sense. That makes a lot of sense. “What’s your band called?”

“Red Right Hand.” She looks like she’s braced for something as she says it, but the name means nothing to him.

“Is that, like, a Twister reference?”

She coughs on a laugh, then hides her smile with the back of her wrist, her long fingers—guitarist fingers?—splayed over the mouth of her cup.

“It’s a Paradise Lost reference,” she says:

“What if the breath that kindled those grim fires,

Awaked, should blow them into sevenfold rage,

And plunge us in the flames; or from above

Should intermitted vengeance arm again

His red right hand to plague us?”

NineStar Press | Books2Read

E. L. Massey is a human. Probably. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her partner, the best dog in the world (an unbiased assessment), and a frankly excessive collection of books. She spends her holidays climbing mountains and writing fan fiction, occasionally at the same time.

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On This Christmas I Thee Wed by Virginia Barlow Virtual Book Tour!


Easy to read happy ever after holiday romance....



On This Christmas, I Thee Wed


Virginia Barlow

Publication Date

 December 18, 2024




Historical Holiday Romance

Bartered to Viscount Hudson Becker by her father, Lady Lavinia Holbrook escapes her arranged marriage and travels to her Godmother, the Duchess of Chauncy to seek asylum. Determined to put men and marriage behind her, she is unprepared for the duke’s interest or his heated kisses. 

The Duke of Chauncy believes love is a weakness and refuses to take a bride despite his mother's scheming. When the duchess makes a wager he will marry by Christmas, he considers the matter a lark. Until Lavinia gets under his skin, and he rethinks his position on love and happy ever afters.

 On This Christmas I Thee Wed is available through these fine retailers…

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His mother planned his downfall into marriage with meticulous care or she wouldn’t have goaded him with her bet. And he didn’t believe her innocent of sending Lavinia to the wrong chamber last night, despite her feigned innocence.

Nay. His mother had nothing to do but plot his matrimonial demise and design a nursery for his progeny.

God. Though he loved her with all his heart, why wouldn’t she accept his decision to remain a bachelor?

Lavinia’s voice played in his head.

There, neither Papa nor the viscount can order me

to do anything I don’t want to do.

He understood her frustration, but even Scotland wouldn’t save him from his mother. The woman had a tenacious streak to rival Satan’s.

And who the hell was the viscount? He knew of no scandal involving Lavinia. Her voice continued.

I refuse to be some man’s broodmare, impregnated and discarded…

Snorting, he wanted to add his discontent to being a…What would a man forced to sire a child be called, anyway? A brood sire?

He chuckled. Discarded like a settee in the parlor.

Forgotten until the lord required someplace to sit. The girl used amusing analogies, he thought. But if she were his, he wouldn’t be sitting on her. Nay, she would be atop

him. The memory of her soft body in his arms made him rigid.

Shifting in his seat to ease his ardor, he remembered her mentioning being abducted by a Scot and taken to the highlands to ravish. Then her voice went all dreamy and soft as if ravishment by a highlander were every girl’s fantasy.

His lips tightened as he swung his chair around to stare out the window, steepling his fingers in thought.

English lords were much better lovers and far superior in every other avenue. What the devil did she have against them?

Perhaps her parents were the answer. The Earl of Holbrook and his wife were the epitome of a marriage of convenience, and with their history, he could understand her reluctance to join the marital throng. He avoided the marriage noose for much the same reason. Thoughts of being tied to some of the ladies his mother paraded through the castle made him shudder with revulsion.

Good god, what a dreadful thought.

– Excerpted from On This Christmas, I Thee Wed by Virginia Barlow, The Wild Rose Press, 2024. Reprinted with permission.

Virginia Barlow has been a dreamer her whole life. She loves reading, traveling, and roses. She will dive headfirst into any romance she can get her hands on in any genre. Although her first love is Regency Romance and always will be.  Something about the era calls to her soul like a siren’s song rising from the depths.

She loves to write steamy romances whether fantasy, historical, or contemporary, all are liberally spiced with adventure and sensual, seductive heroes. Her heroines are just as compelling with equal parts intelligence, sass, and backbone. They give as good as they get whether saving their man’s life or responding to his heated kisses, they’re all in.

The most important thing in Virginia’s life is her family, and spending time with them. When she is not bouncing a grandbaby in her arms or handing out popsicles, she is writing and dreaming up her next love story.  Virginia has published fifteen romance novels with another two on the way and has half a dozen more circling around inside her head eager to make their debut.

Website & Social Media:

Website  https://www.virginia-barlow.com/ 

X  https://x.com/Virgini35142126 

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/3046288755596817 

Goodreads ➜ https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19838312.Virginia_Barlow 

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Love Between Times by Beth Ford is an all-new time-travel romance and it's out NOW! #XpressoTours @XpressoTours⁣


Love Between Times by
Beth Ford

Publication date

 November 27th 2024


Adult, Romance, Time-Travel

When Ashley’s conventional 21st century life falls apart, she returns to England to write the book she shelved years ago, determined to take control of her life.

Meanwhile, in 1377 Wiltshire, Thomas fights his family’s desire that he become a priest and plots to chase his dream of knighthood instead. While Ashley and Thomas search for answers, Thomas suddenly appears in the modern day.

Unable to communicate, his first encounter with Ashley ends with the police demanding his immigration papers. All Thomas wants is to return to the world he understands, but he and Ashley are drawn together again and again. How will they find the answers Thomas needs before the authorities close in without losing each other forever?

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Neither of them said a word. They stood in shock, each assessing the other.

Ashley stared at the young man’s strange clothes. He wore a long, blue shirt over—were those tights?—and oddly shapeless leather boots. Everything he wore appeared homemade. The leather crossbody bag he wore was the only thing he had of decent quality.

She lifted her gaze to his face. His eyes immediately captivated her. They were the most gorgeous shade of blue she had ever seen. His face wasn’t bad either. His hair was thick and a bit long. Even beneath the beard she could tell he had a strong jawline and fine cheekbones. He appeared her age or a bit younger.

Snapping back to herself, she took a few steps backward to put some distance between them. “Sorry,” she said nervously.

The man cocked his head at her like a curious cat trying to figure out what the game was.

“Are you all right?” she finally asked.

He said something that she couldn’t interpret. It was her turn to look confused.

“Are you going to Salisbury?” she asked, since he was headed in the opposite direction she was. Then tried again, “Salisbury?”

“Sarisbury,” he said firmly, correcting her. The middle sound held more of a “r” shape in his mouth instead of an “l.” She couldn’t tell where he was from. The words he had said to her sounded like nothing she had heard before.

But they were getting somewhere. She pointed down the hill toward the city. “Sarisbury,” she said, mimicking him.

He nodded, satisfied. His gaze tracked in the direction she pointed. When his eyes lit on the city, he took a few inadvertent steps back and stumbled over a tree root. Once he was steady on his feet again, he glanced wildly along the horizon. Her eyes darted between him and the view, trying to guess what had surprised him so. Between them and the city, a stretch of highway trailed along the horizon. Nothing particularly remarkable about that. But the man turned pale and crossed himself. When that didn’t improve things in his mind, he pulled a necklace out from under his tunic—she had decided that was the best word for what he was wearing. The necklace was a simple leather cord holding a wooden cross. He rubbed the cross fervently and his lips formed a prayer she couldn’t interpret.

“Are you okay?” she asked again.

He glared at her before he turned and dashed back into the forest.

Ashley hesitated, then followed after him. Despite the fact that running into the woods after a potentially crazy man sounded like a setup for a horror movie, she had to make sure he was okay. She couldn’t just leave him here.

He didn’t go very far. A dozen or so feet farther into the woods, he knelt in front of a low, flat rock. Was he praying?

He stayed in that position for several minutes. Ashley hung back, debating what to do. All thoughts of her feud with Sadie blew away, and she focused on this new confrontation. Did he need help? He certainly seemed lost and scared. She would almost think he was a hermit living secluded in the woods, if they weren’t so close to town and the highway. She considered his clothes. Was there a medieval reenactment happening nearby, maybe at Old Sarum where she had been headed? His outfit appeared of that time period. Had she interrupted some event? But no, the small copse was silent except for them and the distant sound of cars passing along the road.

She still hadn’t decided what to do when his eyes opened again. He looked around. When he saw her his face fell, but he didn’t appear so scared this time. He set his jaw in determination, stood, and approached her.

He said something to her. She almost understood a few words. There was something in the middle that sounded like “thu”—was he saying “you” maybe? When she showed no recognition, he said something again. It sounded different this time. The accent on a few words reminded her of French, but she didn’t speak that language except for a few important phrases she had picked up through pop culture such as Voulez-vous couche avec moi? That probably wouldn’t be the best sentence to introduce herself with. She captured a smile before it appeared on her lips.

It would be mortifying if it turned out she just didn’t understand his accent. When she’d lived in England before, she had always found it nearly impossible to understand anyone from Sunderland. Maybe he was from there. “Sunderland?” she asked. He still looked confused. So much for that theory.

He watched her as if he expected her to provide him with some clue or direction.

“Do you need to go to Salisbury?”

“Sarisbury,” he said. This was still the only word they agreed on.

She sighed. If he was a psycho murderer, it was probably best to get out of the countryside and back into the city where she could get help. She inclined her head toward Salisbury. He nodded and followed her down the hill.

Beth Ford is a historical fiction author living in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. She is the author of the novels In the Times of Spirits and Love Between Times as well as the Cassie Woods, Reporter novella series. Her upcoming novel After the Spirits Come: A Continuation of Dickens's A Christmas Carol will be released February 11, 2025. Her work has also appeared in a variety of literary journals.

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When Stars Fall by Wendy Million release Blitz! @indie_pen_pr #authorwendymillion #wendymillion


When I got my first big break, I was thrilled to be co-starring with Wyatt Burgess and thought I could handle life with him. But, when his best friend overdoses outside a nightclub, Wyatt spirals deeper into his addictions. 

After ten years of heartache, I’m content with the life I created and the last thing I expected was to see Wyatt on TV, telling the world his biggest regret is losing me. Readers who love second-chance romances will consume When Stars Fall by Wendy Million, a forced proximity, celebrity romance.


He's the most famous movie star in the world, and now he's on my doorstep begging for a second chance.

When I got my first big break, I was thrilled to be co-starring with the Wyatt Burgess–former childhood star, charismatic, sexy as hell–and heavily dependent on drugs and alcohol. 

I thought I could handle life with him, and I did for a while. But after his best friend overdosed outside a nightclub, he spiraled deeper into his addictions. Desperate, I gave him an ultimatum: the lifestyle or me.

After ten years of heartache, I’ve carved out a life that makes me feel stable and content. The last thing I expect is Wyatt Burgess on my television screen, telling the whole world his biggest regret is losing me. 

Now he’s standing in front of me, forcing me to choose between the comfortable life I’ve created and the passionate whirlwind that allowing him back into my life could bring.

But I wasn’t one hundred percent honest when I left, and I fear he’ll never forgive me.  

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Copyright 2024, Wendy Million

In a daze, I wander the narrow hall to my bedroom at the rear of my home. Although I can afford a lavish house, I have a small three-bedroom bungalow on an oceanfront lot. Nothing fancy, but it suits my needs. When I have to, I put on the glitz and glamor, but for the most part, I’m hidden away here in Hamilton, Bermuda.  

The frantic pace of Los Angeles is kept at bay by careful scheduling and an adherence to privacy above all else. The Hollywood pomp and circumstance were never for me; just the right place and people. Wyatt never understood that. 

My security intercom buzzes, and I answer the nearest receiver. “Headed to bed, Freddie. What’s up?”

“Uh, Ellie, there’s a man here who wants to see you.”

“It’s late. I have jet lag. No one who knows me would come this late.”

I’ve made sure my house is hard to find. Entrances and exits are concealed by overgrown bushes and shrubs. The property is gated and not listed on any documents that are easy to access.  

Cab drivers and sightseeing tours get a hefty donation at the end of their high season if they haven’t used my name or property to advertise their businesses. Extreme privacy has been my companion since I left Wyatt and Los Angeles behind.

“It’s Mr. Wyatt Burgess, and he says he isn’t leaving until you agree to speak to him.”

Ice freezes in my veins and then fire chases it out. Turns out I don’t need to levitate off the island to commit murder tonight. “Oh, Freddie. I have a thing or two to say to Mr. Burgess. You can deliver him to the door.”

“Yes, ma’am.” A grin is evident in his voice. He must have watched The Jackson Billows Show too. With the show taped in the late morning, Wyatt had lots of opportunities to hop on a two-hour flight here. Never occurred to me he would.

I check my appearance in the kitchen mirror and then scold myself. I’ll open the door only to tell him to go to hell. Using national television to declare his undying love after ten years and a series of bad choices and then expecting me to take him back?! I don’t think so. Not happening.

At the side entrance where expected guests are delivered, I swing the door wide.

Immediately, I realize my mistake. He’s taller than I remembered, which seems ridiculous. That’s not all, though. His dark hair is a little darker, and his blue-green eyes more electric. Without the barrier of the screen, everything jumps at me at once.

My heart does one loud, crushing thump and falls to pieces.

Ten years, gone in a heartbeat.

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About Wendy Million

Wendy Million is an award-winning author whose contemporary romances about strong women and troubled men have captivated her loyal readers.

 She is the author of the contemporary second-chance romances, When Stars Fall and Miss Matched. Writing as W. Million, she is the author of the Bellerive Royals series, the Tucker Billionaires series, and the Little Falls series. 

When not writing, Wendy enjoys spending time in or around the water. She lives in Ontario, Canada with two beautiful daughters, two cute pooches, and one handsome husband (who is grateful she doesn’t need two of those).

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Lake of Widows by Liza Perrat Blog Tour! @cathiedunn @liza_perrat_author @thecoffeepotbookclub @liza_perrat_author @thecoffeepotbookclub

Book Title

Lake of Widows


Book 2 of The Women of the Lake trilogy (all standalones).

Book 1: Lake of Echoes


Liza Perrat

Publication Date



Perrat Publishing




Historical Women’s Fiction

Three women. One shared struggle. Can they survive? 

1970. When Adrienne Chevalier’s perfect life in a chic quartier of Lyon unravels, she flees to rural Sainte-Marie-du-Lac to escape her controlling husband, Emile.

Taking refuge at the idyllic L’Auberge de Léa, Adrienne befriends Blanche Larue, who is herself trapped by her husband’s infidelity. Adrienne begins to understand the subtle strictures that keep women chained across generations.

But to what diabolical lengths will Emile go to reclaim his wife? And can Blanche find the courage to choose truth over appearances?

1914. Suzanne Rossignol bids farewell to her beloved husband as he marches off to war. Through Suzanne’s journal entries, Adrienne discovers that the damaged soldier who returns from the trenches is a stranger, leaving Suzanne to navigate a home-front battlefield.

Join Adrienne, Blanche and Suzanne on their emotional journeys amidst the tranquil French countryside as they fight to escape the shackles of tradition and abuse. Their stories, bridging half a century, are bound by a timeless struggle.

A heart-wrenching blend of historical and women’s fiction, Lake of Widows explores the complexities of marriage, family secrets and self-discovery in 20th-century France.

Perfect for fans of Kristin Hannah and Kelly Rimmer.

Universal Buy Link: https://books2read.com/u/bPnrKz 

Liza grew up in Wollongong, Australia, where she worked as a general nurse and midwife.

After meeting her French husband on a bus in Bangkok in 1988 and, three children and many pets later, she has now been living in a rural village in France for thirty years.

She works part-time as a medical translator, and editor, and as a novelist.

For newsletter signups, Liza offers her award-winning short story collection for free: Friends and Other Strangers: https://books2read.com/u/mleND9



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