
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

23 July 2014


 BookGirlTV informs, inspires readers with top quality new reads
Newest interviews with BEST-SELLING authors Linda Fairstein, Adam Braun

NEW YORK CITY – Tessa Smith McGovern finds the best new books to read for BookGirlTV so you don’t have to and takes you behind the scenes with today’s top authors.

With BookGirlTV, McGovern cuts through the advertising and hype to find what books you should be reading right now. She aims to save people time and money by only highlighting exceptional books that readers will want to finish and to provide readers with an interactive, entertaining and life-enhancing monthly video book club that fits anyone’s schedule. BookGirlTV also works to shine a light on under-recognized female writers, both emerging and best-selling, and can help new authors learn strategies and wisdom from successful authors.

The most recent edition of BookGirlTV’s author interview show, ‘Just Books with Tessa Smith McGovern’ features an interview with Linda Fairstein about her book “Terminal City,” which reveals the “dark side” of New York City’s Grand Central Station. McGovern’s upcoming interviews include Adam Braun, founder of Pencils of Promise and author of The Promise of a Pencil, and author and journalist Anna Quindlen.

BookGirlTV also produces a series called BookGirlBUZZes, 1-2 minute book reviews that tell you what a book’s about (don’t worry, no spoilers here!) and whether those 5 star Amazon ratings are accurate – think of it as the mobile version of your local bookstore clerk.

BookGirlTV airs Thursdays at 4 p.m. on YouTube and BookGirl.TV and after on Facebook, Twitter, BlipTV, Dailymotion, iTunes, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, Roku and all connected TVs(Frequency). The BookGirlBUZZ mobile app for Android and iOS allows people to stay up-to-date and watch BookGirlTV on their favorite mobile device. The email newsletter also keeps people in the know about new episodes of BookGirlTV and offers the chance to win free books, many of them signed.

About the BookGirl: Tessa Smith McGovern, originally from England, published her first short story in 1996 and has continued to publish work while also founding eChook Digital Publishing and hosting and producing BookGirl.TV. McGovern’s linked short story collection, “London Road: Linked Stories,” has earned high praise, including being the Gold Medal Winner in the 2012 eLit Awards. McGovern also teaches at The Writing Institute at Sarah Lawrence College, NY.

You can watch a video here:

Strangers on a Bus by Rob Manary Promo Blitz!

PROMO Blitz – Strangers on a Bus
Romantic Comedy / Memoir
Date Published: March 29, 2011

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If you liked When Harry Met Sally, you'll fall in love with Robb and Gertrude from Strangers on a Bus...

Robb is crushed by a failed relationship with the love of his life and finds himself unexpectedly on a long bus trip from his adopted home in the U.S. back to his native Canada.

At the first stop in NYC, a girl gets on and so begins a contemplation of life, love, and strange events that will bring tears of laughter and heartache streaming down your face.

Is this girl Robb's real true love or just a rebound? How far can they get on a bus ride anyway?

This is a true story.


Chapter 22
Things To Do in A Bus Stop Bathroom?

The sun started to come up as we crossed into Canada, and Gertrude told me we wouldn’t be making out once it was daylight. Lip dancing on a brightly lit bus was too “tacky” for her, and besides her lessons were having a not entirely unpleasant side effect on her.

I find it best to try not to understand women at all. But, there is one phenomenon that causes me more confusion than any of the other baffling behavior women indulge in.

When you tell a woman something and she doesn’t believe you, so you tell her the opposite, and she doesn’t believe that either, I like that.

So, you tell her the first thing you said was, indeed, the truth, and she doesn’t want to believe that one either.


So am I. Here is the latest incarnation of this occurrence.
Gertrude: “All this kissing isn’t bothering you? You’ve got more restraint than any guy I’ve ever met. I thought you would have been trying to feel me up hours ago.”

Me: “Would it have worked?”

Gertrude: “Maybe, probably not. I think it’s nice. You’re a gentleman.”

Me: “Not really. Every time we stop I take care of that in the bathroom.”

Gertrude: “You’re such a pig! You washed your hands right! You’re so gross! You didn’t! Did you?”

Me: “I thought I was a gentleman! I lie! I lie! I lie! Of course I didn’t.”

Gertrude: “You’re such a pig! You did! Didn’t you? You’re so gross!”

Me: “Stop laughing at me if I’m so gross! I didn’t! I didn’t!”

Gertrude: “You did so! You’re such a pig!”

Me: “Okay. Fine. I did.”

Gertrude: “No you didn’t! You’re not that big a pig. Close. But no. You didn’t.”

Me: “I tell you I didn’t and you say I did. I tell you I did, and you say I didn’t. You’re such a weirdo.”

And then I kissed her, because the sun was rising quick, and because I couldn’t see another way to end that conversation. It is possible that debate could have gone on indefinitely, and there was no way I could prove conclusively what I had or had not done in a bus stop bathroom.

After what might be our last extended lip dancing lesson Gertrude whispered in my ear, “I was horny and wanted Dicky-bird…that is fun to say, so in the bathroom… I did.”

About the Author - Rob Manary

Robert Manary is an international playboy and man of mystery, with the charm and sophistication of James Bond shaken not stirred with a couple ounces of Cyrano de Bergerac, a dash of Rasputin, and garnished with the rapier wit of Thurston Howell the Third.

That's how he sees himself, anyway.

The truth is Robert Manary is a construct created to protect the dubious reputation of his Clark Kent like mild mannered writer/puppeteer/the man pulling the levers and breathing life into the Great and Powerful Oz (don't look too closely behind the curtain).

Robert Manary's alter ego dropped out of Radio Broadcasting College to pursue a lucrative career bartending at a seedy gentlemen's club, played around stocking shelves at a small grocery store until he screwed up badly enough to be given a promotion, and finally left the glamorous life of fighting with Parmalat representatives over the quantity of soy milk required for a small Northern Ontario town to function adequately, for the bright lights of New York.

Wow that was one long sentence!

Manary is also a master of the run-on sentence, an abuser of commas, and has no idea how to properly use this bit of punctuation: ";"

He also thinks he is much "cleverer" than he probably is.

Manary is an award winning blogger, an erotic romance novel writer, the author of a pretty decent romantic comedy, and for a brief period in the early nineties served as dictator of a small South American country.

Most of that is true.

New York, New York, if you can make it there you can make it anywhere. Manary couldn't make it there, and with only a little prompting from law enforcement agents returned to Canada, and chronicled the journey in that pretty decent romantic comedy mentioned in a paragraph above.

Manary is also an experimental artist who has no clue how to write an Author's Bio, and definitely no idea how to end one.

He has only been in love once, and that didn't work out so well, but he dreams and dreams of that girl he's loved all along.  Can a taste of love be so wrong?
P.S. He is also a shameless plunderer of pop culture.

Author Links

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Lost Sonata by Elizabeth Grace Finleigh Spotlight!

Book Description

 April 9, 2014
Annabelle is a free spirit and a cellist with an orchestra in London. Alastair is an investment banker from an influential family in Scotland. Their friends were not surprised when they fell in love walking home from a dinner party, she is beautiful and he is the eligible bachelor. As their wedding day draws near she is having second thoughts. The quiet strength she had been irresistibly drawn to that night had become dark and sinister. Her family is worried for her, and as her life unravels she struggles to make sense of the fear taking over her every thought. He doesn't love her, but he won't let her leave. Ending the engagement to Alastair will only tempt him into making a decision that will change their lives forever.

Book Details

  • File Size: 404 KB
  • Print Length: 170 pages
  • Publisher: Elizabeth Grace Finleigh; 1 edition (April 9, 2014)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
About the Author
About me:  Elizabeth was born in Ireland and moved with her family to London when she was a child. A classically trained cellist, her love of music brought her to play with an orchestra in London. For so many years she kept hidden the secrets of her engagement. It has been eight years since the first word was written down on paper. She and her husband Finn, along with their two young boys, live in New England. They teach music for a private school, and those dark, desperate years in London, so long ago now, are forgotten.

Purchase Links:

22 July 2014

Dell Venue Windows 8 Tablet Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway Giveaway brought to you by Bepoz. Visit the giveaway page here.

Deep in Death by Colleen Helme Book Release Blitz!

A Shelby Nichols Adventure – Volume 6
Paranormal Mystery
Date Published: July 22, 2014

Running “errands” for her mob-boss employer, Joey “The Knife” Manetto, often ends with Shelby in trouble, making her cautious about continuing her association with him. Instead, she focuses on a new client who hires Shelby to find her missing mother. What seems like a routine case turns into something more sinister and deadly than she ever imagined. In the meantime, Uncle Joey has summoned Shelby to his office, where she runs into her former nemesis. Shelby inadvertently hears something that makes her fear for the lives of Uncle Joey and his hit-man, Ramos. This time, Uncle Joey is not sure he wants to involve Shelby in something he knows could get her killed. Keeping Shelby’s involvement to a minimum has disastrous results, sending Shelby on a dangerous path. As her investigation unfolds, Shelby finds death at every turn, and soon realizes she is in over her head. Can she escape from danger in time? Or will she find herself deep in death?


A twinge of pain burned through my arm, and I gently rubbed the spot where I’d been shot nearly three weeks ago. Getting a shot in the arm may sound like a simple thing for most people, but when it’s done by a bullet, it’s a whole different story. At least it was healing nicely, and the scar wasn’t too big, but every once in a while my arm ached like it had happened yesterday, probably because I was overdoing it again. After a few seconds the pain subsided, and I finished pulling on my shirt and got dressed.
Today was my first day back at work since the shooting, and I was ready to take on a new project. This time the job was a client from my consulting agency, which suited me just fine. My last job for Uncle Joey, the local mob-boss, had gotten me both arrested for murder and shot by a bullet in the arm, so I was a little nervous about doing anything for him again.
A few months ago I had to tell Uncle Joey my secret that I could read minds so he wouldn’t kill me. We’d worked out a compromise, and over the course of our association, we’d even become close. Crazy as it sounded, I’d started to think of him as my real uncle, even though he wasn’t. Since most of his errands seemed to get me into trouble, he’d also saved my life a few times. Well, to be honest, it was his hit-man, Ramos, doing most of the saving. But it was Uncle Joey who’d told him to watch out for me.
I sighed every time I thought of Ramos. He had a troubled past which only I knew about, and I’d helped him come to terms with it. Besides saving my life several times, there was also a physical attraction that I only dared admit out loud to my best friend, Holly. Of course after seeing him, she had a crush on him too, and since we were both happily married, I had to think it was all right. But with all of that going on, I had to wonder about myself. I mean, Uncle Joey was a big, bad mob-boss who had threatened to do me bodily harm, and Ramos was his hit-man. They were the bad guys and I had a soft spot in my heart for them. Was something wrong with me?
My husband, Chris, had no qualms about severing all ties with Uncle Joey, and it put me in a hard spot trying to please them both. But since the last job, things had changed. After I got shot, Chris had a long talk with Uncle Joey, and I hadn’t heard from him in three weeks. In some ways it was a relief, but in others, I kind of missed him…and Ramos…well…mostly Ramos. Still, I wasn’t about to call and offer my services. Not considering what had happened last time. Nope. I wasn’t ready to get shot again. In fact, I would be pretty happy if I never saw another gun in my life.
I took a deep cleansing breath and checked the time. I had an appointment with my client at ten this morning, and it was time to go. Her name was Tiffany and this was her senior year of college. Since I didn’t have a real office, I’d told her we could meet at the campus library in-between her classes, and with her busy schedule, meeting on campus worked out great for both of us.
I drove through town with my windows down and breathed in the crisp fall air. It was the first part of October and the sky was the perfect color of blue. The trees were just beginning to change into brilliant autumn colors, and framed against the blue sky, the pure beauty and serenity lifted my spirits. With everything I’d gone through lately, I knew I was lucky to be alive.
I parked at the visitor parking meters near the library and headed toward the front of the building. It had been several years since I’d been there last, and a wave of nostalgia washed over me. I’d only been to one year of college before I’d talked Chris into marrying me. It was love at first sight for me, but it had taken some gentle persuading on my part to help Chris see how perfect we were together. Right after our marriage, we’d gone off to law school in another state. Josh had been born exactly nine months later followed by Savannah two years after that. There were times when I regretted not finishing college back then, but I wouldn’t trade the life I had now for anything.
I loved my family and, as it turned out, I had a pretty good career without a degree, and I was proud of what I’d accomplished. Of course, if I hadn’t gotten shot in the head during a bank robbery, which left me with the ability to read minds, it might be a different story.
It was still hard for me to believe how my life had turned upside down simply because I’d stopped at the grocery store for some carrots. Who would have thought? Now I had my own consulting agency where I could get paid for helping people, and most of the time, all I had to do was read their minds. Not that it was always that easy, but after getting shot, I’d take some simple cases for a while.
A young woman sat on a bench near the fountain where we’d planned to meet. Her gaze caught mine and her eyes widened slightly before she recognized me. As I approached, she smiled and gave me a quick wave. She had long blond hair and a sweet face, but her somber eyes seemed out of place for someone her age, like she’d gone through some hard times.
Since she was a college student, I was a little nervous that she couldn’t afford my one-hundred-and-fifty-dollar-an-hour fee. But we’d talked about that before I agreed to meet her, and she’d seemed fine with it then. She stood to greet me.
“Shelby Nichols? Hi. I’m Tiffany Shaw. Thanks for meeting me.”
“Hi Tiffany, nice to meet you in person,” I answered.
“I know this is kind of informal, but it’s such a beautiful day. Do you mind staying out here in the sunshine?”
“I think that’s a great idea.”
“Good.” She resumed her seat on the bench and I sat beside her. She was thinking that she wasn’t sure how to start. What she needed might not even be possible, but she’d read about me in the paper and figured if anyone could help her, it was me. She’d been saving up for years to hire a private investigator and wanted the best. After a little digging, she’d heard rumors that I had premonitions. It didn’t faze her in the least. In fact, after all this time, she thought it might be the only thing that would solve the case. She just had to make sure her dad didn’t find out, since he was the over-protective sort. He’d tell her she was throwing away her money, and probably accuse me of taking advantage of her.
That certainly put a lot of pressure on me, and my stomach tightened with dread that her father would disapprove. But since she was thinking about not telling him, maybe he’d never need to find out. Considering her age and circumstances, I had hoped she’d hired me for something easy, like finding out if her roommate was after her boyfriend. But no, she was thinking about her mother, and that she was probably dead, and I knew nothing was ever as easy as I wished.
“I’d like to hire you to find my mother.” Her lips tightened and pain flashed through her eyes. “You see…I’m getting married in a few weeks and I really want her to be there.” She didn’t add ‘if she’s still alive’ like she was thinking.
She’d always imagined her mother would be at her wedding, and now that it was actually happening, she couldn’t stop wondering where her mom was and what had happened to her. The day her mother had gone missing was the worst day of her life, and thinking about it brought all the horror back, but she knew she would never move on unless she had some answers.
“Tell me what happened,” I said gently.
She took a deep breath. “It’s been nearly six years, and I know that’s a long time, but just hear me out before you decide if you can take the job or not.”
“Okay.” I encouraged her with a smile. “Go on.”
“Like I said…it will be six years on the twenty-eighth of October since she went missing. That night, she drove to the office where she worked to drop something off and never came back. They found her car parked in the parking structure with the keys in the ignition. Her purse was on the passenger seat. Nothing was taken, and there was no sign of a struggle. It was like she just disappeared off the face of the earth.”
“What did the police tell you?”
“Well…they dusted for prints, checked her office, put out a missing person’s report, questioned her colleagues at work, and brought my father in for questioning.” She hated that they had suspected him. He was innocent. He had nothing to do with it. He loved her mom. It still made her angry. It was part of what had made the day so bad. She not only lost her mother, but her father was never the same after that.
“What happened to your father? Did they charge him with anything?”
Tiffany shook her head. “No. They had no evidence that he was involved, but the police always suspect the husband first. So it was bad enough that my mom disappeared, but the fact that they thought my dad had something to do with it made it ten times worse.”
She sighed, wondering for the thousandth time what kind of person she would be right now if she still had her mom. She’d probably be a lot happier, that was for sure. “My dad’s doing better now. He even got married a couple of months ago.”
“That’s good,” I said.
“Yeah.” She was glad he had finally moved on, and wished it was something she could do. But the ache just wouldn’t go away, especially with her upcoming wedding. This was the most important day of her life, and her mother should be there. So where was she? What had happened? Who had taken her? Why hadn’t she come home?
In her heart, she knew her mother never would have left unless she was forced into it. Speculation from the police and others of affairs, with her mom running off with another man, only deepened the wound, and she wouldn’t believe any of it. That’s why a small part of her had to believe her mom was dead, but what if she wasn’t? What if someone was holding her captive? It could happen, and she just couldn’t give up until she knew for sure.
“What did the police decide about the case?” I asked.
“Officially, she’s missing and presumed dead. At least that’s what they declared so my dad could re-marry. I don’t know what happened to the case files. But I’m hoping you can dig them up and maybe find something that got passed over. I know it’s a long shot, but I’ve never had the resources to hire a private investigator until now. Do you think you could look into it for me?”
I bit my bottom lip. The chances of finding out what happened at this point were pretty slim. My mind-reading ability wouldn’t be of much use, although I could still question her dad. Even though she didn’t think it was him, I’d learned that some people were really good at keeping secrets, and I wasn’t about to rule him out. I could probably get my hands on the police file and talk to the detectives who handled the case, but beyond that, I didn’t have much hope.

PROMO Blitz - July 22nd

Imogene's Message by Christine Sherborne Spotlight!

Book Details

  • File Size: 1695 KB
  • Print Length: 218 pages
  • Publisher: Colourstory Pty Ltd; 1 edition (May 9, 2014)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00K91UC2Q

Do you love Thrillers with a touch of the supernatural?
Edited and recommended by noted editor Don McNair

When extreme religious fundamentalists known as the Phineas Priesthood led by Ezekiel Yates and his three cousins, target Xantara Pembroke because they believe she is a witch, they launch a major conflict between unworldly disciples of good and evil. This 60,000-word, action-packed thriller shows the twists and turns of both sides as they try to destroy or save the souls of earth.

Imogene is the daughter of Xantara, a Guardian of Avebury Circle, an ancient monument near Stonehenge. For over three thousand years, wives of eight village families have performed ceremonies to heal local people, with power handed down from first daughter to first daughter. The Pembroke family encounter extreme prejudice from the Priesthood.

Braedon the village doctor is drawn into a world he didn't know existed to protect his daughter. His wife Xantara keeps her secrets and causes conflict in the marriage.

All that is forgotten when Imogene levitates in Avebury Circle. Will the world believe Imogene’s incredible message?

This book has the potential to go viral!” Mike Smith of Creating Lifestyle!

“I just finished editing a thriller by an Australian writer Chris Sherborne, titled “Imogene’s Message.” I was so impressed with it that I offered to recommend it. This is only the second time I’ve done this in my 50 year professional editing career, so you can see that I’m enthused with her work. She has a good story, tells it well, and knows how to use good hooks and writing to keep readers engaged.” Don McNair

“Neither of us could put this book down, reading it in one sitting.” June & Peter Phillips

“Imogene’s Message is packed with excitement. I can’t wait for the next one.” Julie Lilley, UK

Interested in Spirituality, Paranormal, and a book that's action packed?

This book will have you glued to your chair until you've finished it. Fast-paced, scary and outrageous.

21 July 2014

Jaded by Michelle Bellon Book Release for Promotional Book Tours!

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New Release!


To what lengths will a man go for the woman he loves? Reed Dartmouth will learn the answer to those questions time and time again throughout his relationship with Jade Montgomery. When he first meets her as a young, gentle boy the heartache from losing his mother only a year before is still fresh and painful. Jade is different from anyone else he’s ever met; tough, sassy, and even a bit cruel. But she’s also the same as he is: she knows what it’s like to lose a parent. Their friendship begins and a bond like no other is formed. Time passes and Reed learns that not only are Jade’s parents dead, they were murdered and she’s made an oath to one day bring them justice. No matter the price. As they grow older their love evolves but for Jade, old habits die hard and she can’t stop hurting those she loves the most. Even in the midst of searching for her parents’ killers, passion ignites and jealousy burns as Jade tests Reed’s devotion for her. Will she push him too far?

Buy on Amazon


Michelle Bellon

About the author:

Michelle Bellon lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and their four children. She drinks ungodly amounts of coffee and has an addiction to chapstick. She works at a surgery center as a registered nurse and in her spare time writes novels. She writes in the genres of romance suspense, young adult, women’s fiction, and literary fiction. She has won three literary awards.

Website | Facebook | Facebook Author Page | LinkedIn

Check out Michelle's Other Books

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A Better World by Marcus Sakey Book Spotlight and Excerpt!

But it's harder for our kind.

  • For readers born knowing daddy's darkest secrets
  • For eidetics reliving every humiliation
  • For tier ones despised for being better
No matter what you're feeling, you are not alone. We've all been there. Literally --- our suicide hotline is staffed entirely by brilliant volunteers.

Everybody gets blue.
But if you're thinking about hurting yourself, call us first.
Just because you burn twice as bright . . .
doesn't mean you should burn half as long.


“Set in a near-future America tragically accustomed to terrorism, Edgar finalist Sakey’s stellar sequel to 2013’s Brilliance holds the reader in thrall until the final crack of an unthinkable doom—then offers more.”
– Publishers Weekly, starred review

“This is one fine, thumping thriller . . . Sakey’s series has been taken as an allegory of America devouring its own. Could be. But recommend it, too, as a first-rate actioner forever pulsing forward, told in vivid, even poetic prose.”
– Booklist, starred review

“I love this story so much.”
– Gillian Flynn, New York Times best-selling author of Gone Girl

By Marcus Sakey
Book Two of the Brilliance Saga

 Marcus Sakey’s Edgar Award-nominated Brilliance was one of the most critically acclaimed thrillers of 2013, a riveting and suspenseful introduction to an alternate present day where one percent of people – the “brilliants” – are born savants, able to overmatch and outperform the rest of us on every level. Assigned to track the most dangerous terrorist in America, Federal Agent Nick Cooper, a brilliant himself, was forced to put his life and the lives of those he loved on the line to save his country – and his soul.

A BETTER WORLD (Thomas & Mercer; June 17, 2014) continues the Brilliance saga. Cooper, now an advisor to the President of the United States, must face off against a shadowy network led by brilliants hell-bent on inciting a civil war. With three cities under terrorist control and panic spreading rapidly, Cooper must put everything on the line – and choose between his country and his own kind. 

Marcus Sakey has been called “one of our best storytellers” (Michael Connelly) and “a prodigious talent” (Laura Lippman). In A BETTER WORLD, he takes readers on a relentless adventure through a world all too close to our own.

A BETTER WORLD by Marcus Sakey * On-Sale Date: June 17, 2014
Price: $14.95 * Format: Trade Paperback, Audio, and E-Book * Thomas & Mercer

About the Author
 Marcus Sakey's thrillers have been nominated for more than fifteen awards, named New York Times Editor's Picks, and selected among Esquire's Top 5 Books of The Year. His novels Good People and Brilliance are both in development as feature films. Marcus is also the host of the acclaimed television show "Hidden City" on Travel Channel, for which he is routinely pepper-sprayed and attacked by dogs. Prior to writing, he worked as a landscaper, a theatrical carpenter, a 3D animator, a woefully unprepared movie reviewer, a tutor, and a graphic designer who couldn't draw. Marcus lives in Chicago with his wife and daughter.

Praise for BRILLIANCE (Book One in the Brillance Saga):

Brilliance is a tightly plotted thriller with classic questions beating in its geeky heart.”
–, Best Books of 2013

“Sakey’s premise is utterly compelling; no committed thriller aficionado will be able to set the book down. His complex characters are deeply engaging, and his writing is propulsive. Best, however, is his insightful evocation of government and popular reaction to the “brilliants.” We’ve already seen it: in doctrines of preemptive war, enhanced interrogation techniques, the Patriot Act, the civil rights struggle, and the ginned-up, gnawing fear that sets Americans against Americans. Brilliance is disturbing—and brilliant.” – Booklist, starred review

“In this parable of democracy’s downfall told in rapid-fire cuts, Sakey upends truths Cooper once thought self-evident, the truths people don’t seem to want any more, preferring instead, “safe lives and nice electronics and full fridges”—nothing less than the tragedy of our times.”
– Publishers Weekly, starred review

“One of the finest thrillers I have ever read . . . if ever there were truth in advertising, Brilliance lives up to its name. It is an utterly brilliant read from a brilliant mind. . . . A masterpiece . . . easily the best book I have read this year.” – Crimespree Magazine

 “Take a dash of Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, mix a pinch of Huxley's Brave New World and mix thoroughly with Marcus Sakey's distinct voice, view and style and you'll come out with the hauntingly wonderful beginning of a trilogy . . . Brilliance is timeless and may very well be the next American classic.” – Jen Forbus, Jen’s Book Thoughts blog

“An awesome summer read . . . will make you happy from start to finish.”
– Gillian Flynn in Entertainment Weekly

“Recommended . . . more than lives up to the title.” – Newcity (Chicago)

“With Sakey's newest novel Brilliance, though, he's blasted in a new stylistic direction that definitely spins his image.” – New London (CT) Day

“At once mystery, thriller, family saga and romance . . . The plot takes many unpredictable twists, the characters are multidimensional, the world quite believable and the social/political commentary pointed and often chilling.”
– Chicago Tribune

“This high-concept, genre-bending yarn . . .is an uncategorizable stew of mystery, thriller, speculative and science fiction enriched with generous dollops of allegory and social satire.” – Chicago Sun-Times

“If the second and third books in this trilogy please as much as this first, Sakey has a solid winner on his hands.” – Mystery Scene

“Perfectly titled, this tour-de-force has it all -- a credible protagonist, a riveting plot, and enough philosophical questions for a roomful of Jesuits.”
– Cleveland Plain-Dealer, Grade A Review

“The emotional guts of Brilliance are my favorite part. The hero has a child, and he’s afraid the youngun will test positive for the mutant gene and be taken for testing by the government. It drives him through the story. That’s the well-done stuff, and it counterbalances the stuff you’ve seen before. Give this one a look.”

“We join Cooper on this chase after a hidden world of terror suspects, which includes enough plot twists to satisfy the most demanding thriller reader, and just enough social commentary for the politically aware reader. His work asks the right questions and refuses the easy answers. And it is an exciting thriller. Rarely do we see both in the same book.” – Daily Kos

Brilliance is . . . I don't want to say brilliant, but only because that's a gimme. But it is. It keeps the pulse pounding and the mind fully engaged, a perspicacious beginning of a new saga.” –

“Gripping . . . Sakey weaves together a fast-paced and gripping story, balancing action and political intrigue.” –

 “Loaded with suspense from beginning to end . . . This is one of those great and rare books that has a large page count but reads quickly, driven in equal parts by characterization and plot as well as by Sakey’s own highly developed literary skills. Reading as if it is a cross between the X-Men universe and The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick’s classic science fiction work,Brilliance will stay with you while it leaves you wanting more – a wish that fortunately will be granted.” –

“Sakey doesn't write "safe" books. He writes books that cut their own course and keep the readers off balance. He is such a talented man that he knows exactly where each plot twist is going and is able to justify it all in the end. . .  Reading a good Sakey novel, and this is definitely a good Sakey novel, is like running an obstacle course. You have to be prepared for the unexpected and you must have the stamina to stick with the story, because most readers will want to finish it in one sitting. So go ahead and jump on the Marcus Sakey bandwagon now. Might as well since it is heading your way, and familiarity and admiration are inevitable.” – Huffington Post

“Marcus Sakey’s new supernatural thriller, Brilliance, lives up to its name. From the very start, this first novel in a projected series is full of action and intrigue. . . Through some twisted ups and downs, the fast-paced Brilliance has all of the best with manipulation, revolution and social commentary in a world disturbingly close to our own.”
– Bookpage

“Summer is the perfect time of year to dive into thrillers that will burn away the afternoon and make you forget about your job, the heat or your visiting in-laws. Two new page-turners out in July fit that description, breaking new ground in the techno-thriller genre, which draws upon themes in science fiction, espionage and action . . . Marcus Sakey's Brilliance is part science fiction, part high-speed chase with a healthy dose of "Big Brother" paranoia.” –

Excerpted from A BETTER WORLD by Marcus Sakey.  Copyright 2014. Published By Thomas & Mercer. Used by permission of the publisher. Not for reprint without permission.
Air Force One was an hour shy of DC when the Secret Service agent told Cooper that he was wanted in the conference room.
Across a military and agency career, Cooper had ridden on posh private jets and rattling Army transports, had soared in a glider over the Wyoming desert and jumped out of a perfectly good C-17 with a chute on his back.  But Air Force One was unlike any aircraft he’d ever been on. 
A customized 747, the plane had three decks, two galleys, luxury sleeping quarters, a fully-equipped surgery, national broadcasting capabilities, first-class seating for the press corps and the secret service, and the capability to fly a third of the way around the world without refueling—which it could do mid-air. 
Cooper unbuckled his seatbelt and walked fore.  The agents at the door of the conference room nodded at him. 
The room was a mobile version of the situation room, with a broad conference table and plush chairs.  A holo-conferencing screen showed a sharp tri-d of Marla Keevers in her office at the White House. The president sat at the head of the table, with Owen Leahy at his right and Holden Archer at his left.
Archer glanced at him, said, “Tulsa, Fresno, and Cleveland have lost power.” 
President Clay said, “Marla, how bad is it?”
“Based off satellite imagery, we estimate that the entire metro area of all three cities has gone dark.”
“Why based off satellite imagery?”  Clay asked. 
“Because engineers in charge of the power grid for each region report no unusual activity.  All substations report back green.”
“A cyber attack,” Leahy said.  “A virus tells the system to send massive amounts of power from the grid to individual transformers, blowing them out, while at the same time co-opting the safety systems so that there’s no warning indicator.”
“Yes,” Keevers said.  “That’s what’s got the engineers rattled.  Work crews say there’s no damage to the substations.  The transformers are working.  They’re just not providing power to the cities.”
“How is that possible?”
“The Children of Darwin,” Cooper said.
Keevers nodded.  “It would appear our protocols have been rewritten.  It would take abnorm programmers to pull that off.”
“So what you’re telling me,” the president said, “is that a terrorist organization has turned off three cities like they flipped a switch?”
“I’m afraid so, sir.  With some anomalies.  In each city, several regions still have power.  Two in Fresno, three in Tulsa, and two in Cleveland.”
The image of Keevers was replaced by live satellite footage.  The view was haunting.  Instead of the riotous glow of cities at night, the holograms showed deep black marked by faint ribbons of light that must have been highways.  The only bright spots were in discreet blocks, roughly rectangular, where things looked normal. 
“So the virus wasn’t a hundred percent effective,” Archer said.  “It’s a small comfort, but it’s something.”
Cooper leaned forward, staring at the maps.  There was a pattern, he was—

Two areas in Fresno, three in Tulsa, two in Cleveland.


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