
To any authors/publishers/ tour companies that are looking for the reviews that I signed up for please know this is very hard to do. I will be stopping reviews temporarily. My husband passed away February 1st and my new normal is a bit scary right now and I am unable to concentrate on a book to do justice to the book and authors. I will still do spotlight posts if you wish it is just the reviews at this time. I apologize for this, but it isn't fair to you if I signed up to do a review and haven't been able to because I can't concentrate on any books. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly April 2nd 2024

11 January 2019

Want to Learn How to Write? Don’t miss You Can Write—Really! By Kelli A. Wilkins!! @KWilkinsauthor

Want to Learn How to Write? Don’t miss You Can Write—Really!
By Kelli A. Wilkins

If one of your goals is to write a novel or a short story this year, you’ve come to the right blog.
When people learn that I’m a writer, they often tell me: “I want to write a book, but…” and then they go into longwinded explanations about why they can’t write it. Usually they don’t know where (or how) to start, or they say they don’t have the time.
Well, I’ve got a solution for all that.
And as an author of more than 100 short stories and 19 romance novels, I’m often asked: Where do you get your ideas? How do I get published? How do you write a book? What advice do you have for writers who are just starting out? Do you have any writing tips? Can you help me?
Sure I can!
One day I started thinking about everything I’ve learned over the years, and inspiration hit me: Why not write a book on how to write? The result? You Can Write—Really! A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Fiction.
This fun and practical book walks you through the story-creating process step-by-step from getting a great idea to meeting your characters, developing a plot, and on to writing, revising, and submitting your work.
Each easy-to-read chapter is based on my years of experience as a writer, advice I’ve received over the years, and the technical “know-how” I’ve gained in writing classes and workshops. I also included helpful tips all writers can use, plus easy writing exercises to get you motivated.
I’m an eclectic writer, and that means I write everything—short horror fiction, full-length romance novels, science fiction, and non-fiction. People are always asking me, “How can you write in so many different genres and styles? What’s the secret?”
It’s really not that difficult. Why? Because the basic mechanics of good storytelling are universal, no matter what genre you write. Every fiction story contains the same ingredients: an interesting and engaging plot, characters the reader cares about and roots for, supporting details, and background that draw the reader into the story.
Once you have the basics down, you can write—really! Here are a few quick tips and writing exercises:
TIP: Set aside an hour a day to write. Not sure you have an hour? Consider writing on your lunch break or during a commute. Get up an hour earlier or schedule time after dinner. Make an appointment with yourself and keep it. You can also write in two blocks of 30 minute sessions.
TIP: Keep a pen and paper (or a voice recorder) with you at all times to note bits of dialogue you overhear, something strange, funny, or creepy you see, or anything else that captures your attention and could be used for a story.
EXERCISE: Write three to five dialogue exchanges where two characters meet for the first time. What do they talk about? What is happening in the scene or around them?
EXERCISE: All characters want something, whether it’s a cup of coffee, a new car, to escape from jail, to eat lunch, or to finish a big project on time. Brainstorm five things your character wants, large or small. Here are some examples: woman wants to escape her abusive husband; man wants to bury a body; private investigator wants to find a blackmailer; fifth grade kid wants to get away with cheating on a math test.
Here’s the book summary:

You Can Write—Really! A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Fiction
Have you always wanted to write?
Are you looking for an extra boost of motivation?

Do you have a great story idea, but don’t know how to develop it?
If you’ve always dreamed of writing and getting published, but have no idea where or how to start—THIS is the book for you!
You Can Write—Really! is an easy guide designed for beginner writers who need a boost of motivation and simple instructions on how to get started.
Award-winning author Kelli A. Wilkins takes you step-by-step through the writing process, covering the basics of plotting, editing, revising, and submitting. She explores ways to get your creativity flowing, explains where authors get ideas, and shows you how to create interesting characters for your story.
Contains helpful tips all writers can use, PLUS fun writing exercises to get you motivated!

Ready to write? Order your copy here:

All other platforms:
Happy Reading (and Writing!)
Kelli A. Wilkins

Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 19 romance novels, and 5 non-fiction books. Her romances span many genres and heat levels, and she’s also been known to scare readers with her horror stories.
In January 2019 Kelli released the second half of her new flash fiction series, Cupid’s Schemes. These two volumes of lighthearted mini-romances are perfect reads for a quick lunchtime escape or an after-work indulgence.
She also released her first online writing course, Fiction Writing for Beginners, through Teachable. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to write. Visit: for more details.
Kelli’s historical romance, Redemption from a Dark Past, was published in 2018. This full-length Gothic novel is set in the kingdom of Hungary in 1723 and blends a sensual romance with mystery and suspense.
If you like horror fiction, don’t miss her latest novella, Nightmare in the North.
Kelli posts on her Facebook author page: and Twitter:
Visit her website and blog to learn more about all of her writings.

Here’s a full list of where you can find Kelli on the web.
Newsletter sign-up:
Teachable Online Writing Course:

10 January 2019

King Beatrice by Evangeline Interview!

About the Book
Alex is a young boy interested in his experiments, his dog, family, and little else. He lives a life of seclusion until the day his dog leads him on a wild goose chase through the forest and he comes across Beatrice, a crazy girl with leaves in her hair and the fierce belief that she is a king.
After many attempts of trying to avoid Beatrice, Alex realizes he's stuck with her. As the years continue and a true friendship grows, he finds that perhaps she isn’t so bad, even if she constantly bests him in their duels. But life isn’t so simple, as the real world—a world of bullies and death and temptation—invades their make-believe, will it be too much for Beatrice? Will Alex make it to her in time?

What do you find most challenging about the writing process, and how do you deal with it?

Hmm, it’s all equally difficult and exciting, but probably editing. More specifically, when you’ve read through your story literally 7 times in just a couple weeks and you can’t edit properly because you can hardly stay awake. The break you get while others are editing your book is a godsend.

What helps me is that I like to keep a trinket for every book I write. I own the Diptych Sundial I mention in King Beatrice, so every time I feel like I’m losing connection or am simply exhausted, I like to fiddle with that to keep me close to the story.

When and where do you do your writing?

I work a full-time job where my hours fluctuate through all times of the day, so I write whenever I get time. I usually try to spend at least 5 hours writing when I have days off.

I like to write anywhere! I’m in a coffee shop right now, but I have a nice office in my house where I turn on Christmas lights at night and light candles. When I was writing King Beatrice, though, my entire first draft was in a journal, so I spent a lot of time in parks and by the river.

What have you learned about promoting your books?

I’ve learned that marketing, promotions, and branding are incredibly difficult. It takes a lot of effort and research and you must work every day to get yourself off the ground. Getting in touch with so many more people and seeing the fruits of your labor paying off, especially with book signings, is definitely worth all the long hours!

What are you most proud of as a writer?

I think I’m most proud of two things. The first being that after working my whole life for this, I’ve finally reached a huge dream of mine and published a book! The other is that when I sat down with one of my peer editors, he told me that this story would help someone. He said someone is going to read King Beatrice and it’s going to change them for the better. That was one of the most rewarding moments I have ever experienced.

If you could have dinner with any writer, living or dead, who would it be and what would you talk about?

God, that’s a hard one! There are so many incredibly talented writers! I’d probably want to have dinner with Maya Angelou and just be inspired by every word she says. I was in the third grade when my mom gave me one of her books and Still I Rise has affected me perhaps more than anything else I will ever read. Thank you, Maya.

A Literal Mess (An Allie Cobb Mystery) by J.C. Kenney Book Tour! @JCKenney1

A Literal Mess (An Allie Cobb Mystery) by J.C. Kenney

About the Book

Cozy Mystery 1st in Series 
Lyrical Underground (January 8, 2019) 
Print Length: 196 pages 
ASIN: B07C6T6X41 
The first book in a new series featuring Allie Cobb brings the New York literary agent back to her Hoosier home town where a mysterious death keeps everyone on spoiler alert . . .
Allie Cobb left home for the literary circles of Manhattan to make her name out from under the shadow of her legendary father. Now his death brings her and her rescue cat Ursula back to the southern Indiana town of Rushing Creek, population: 3,216. But a tragic new chapter hits the presses when the body of her father’s hard-drinking, #1 bestselling client is found under the historic town bridge. The local police suspect foul play and their prime candidate for murder is the author’s daughter—Allie’s longtime friend.
Determined to clear her bestie, Allie goes into fact-checking amateur detective mode while trying to ignore the usual rumormongers. Those with means, motive, and opportunity include the vic’s ex-wife, his rejected girlfriend, the mayor, and a rival agent trying to mooch clients. With a rugged genealogist distracting her and the imminent Fall Festival about to send tourists descending on their once-peaceful hamlet, Allie needs to stay alive long enough to get a read on a killer ready to close the book on a new victim: Allie . . .

About the Author

J.C. Kenney grew up in a household filled with books by legends Agatha Christie and Lilian Jackson Braun, among many others, so it was no surprise when he found himself writing mystery stories. When he's not writing, you can find him following IndyCar racing or listening to music. He lives in Indianapolis with his wife, two sons, and a cat who is the inspiration for Ursula in the Allie Cobb Mysteries.

Author Links 
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Purchase links 

January 9 – Mallory Heart’s Cozies – REVIEW
January 9 – The Power of Words – REVIEW
January 9 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW
January 10 – View from the Birdhouse – REVIEW
January 10 – Carstairs Considers – REVIEW
January 10 – CelticLady Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
January 11 – Teresa Trent Author Blog – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
January 11 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW
January 11 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST
January 12 – Socrates Book Reviews – REVIEW
January 12 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW
January 12 – A Wytch’s Book Review Blog – REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW
January 13 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW
January 13 – Rosepoint Publishing – REVIEW
January 13 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT  
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09 January 2019

Academic Curveball (Braxton Campus Mysteries) by James J. Cudney Book Tour and Giveaway! @jamescudney4

Academic Curveball (Braxton Campus Mysteries) by James J. Cudney

About the Book

Cozy Mystery 1st in Series 
Independently Published (October 14, 2018) 
Paperback: 281 pages 
ISBN-10: 172877876X
ISBN-13: 978-1728778761 
When Kellan Ayrwick returns home for his father’s retirement, he finds a dead body in Diamond Hall’s stairwell.
Unfortunately, Kellan has a connection to the victim, and so do several members of his family. Soon after, the college's athletic program receives mysterious donations, a nasty blog denounces his father and someone attempts to change students' grades.
Someone is playing games on campus, but none of the facts add up.
With the help of his eccentric and trouble-making nana, Kellan tries to stay out of the sheriff’s way. But who is behind the murder?

About the Author

James is my given name, but most folks call me Jay. I live in New York City, grew up on Long Island, and graduated from Moravian College with a degree in English literature. I spent fifteen years building a technology career in the retail, sports, media, and entertainment industries. I enjoyed my job, but a passion for books and stories had been missing for far too long. I’m a voracious reader in my favorite genres (thriller, suspense, contemporary, mystery, and historical fiction), as books transport me to a different world where I can immerse myself in so many fantastic cultures and places. I’m an avid genealogist who hopes to visit all the German, Scottish, Irish, and British villages my ancestors emigrated from in the 18th and 19th centuries. I frequently blog and publish book reviews on everything I read at ThisIsMyTruthNow via WordPress.
Writing has been a part of my life as much as my heart, my mind, and my body. I decided to pursue my passion by dusting off the creativity inside my head and drafting outlines for several novels. I quickly realized I was back in my element growing happier and more excited with life each day. My goal in writing is to connect with readers who want to be part of great stories and who enjoy interacting with authors. To get a strong picture of who I am, check out my author website or my blog. It’s full of humor and eccentricity, sharing connections with everyone I follow—all in the hope of building a network of friends across the world.

When I completed the first book, Watching Glass Shatter, I knew I’d stumbled upon my passion again, suddenly dreaming up characters, plots, and settings all day long. I chose my second novel, Father Figure, through a poll on my blog where I let everyone vote for their favorite plot and character summaries. It is with my third book, Academic Curveball,, the first in the Braxton Campus Mysteries, where I immersed myself in a college campus full of so much activity, I could hardly stop thinking about new murder scenes or character relationships to finish writing the current story. Come join in the fun!

  List of Books & Blog 
 Glass Shatter (October 2017) 
Father Figure (April 2018) 
Braxton Campus Mysteries 
Academic Curveball - #1 (October 2018) 
Broken Heart Attack - #2 (November 2018) 
Flower Power Trip - #3 (Early 2019)   

Websites & Blog 

Social Media Links 

Purchase Links 
a Rafflecopter giveaway 

January 7 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – GUEST POST
January 7 – Mythical Books – REVIEW
January 7 – Here’s How It Happened – SPOTLIGHT
January 8 – Books,Dreams,Life – SPOTLIGHT
January 8 – Teresa Trent Author Blog – SPOTLIGHT
January 9 – Valerie’s Musings – REVIEW
January 9 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
January 9 – Bobo’s Book Bank – SPOTLIGHT
January 10 – Jane Reads – REVIEW
January 10 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT
January 11 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
January 12 – MJB Reviewers – REVIEW
January 12 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
January 13 – Mallory Heart’s Cozies – REVIEW
January 14 – Carla Loves To Read – CHARACTER GUEST POST
January 14 – The Book’s the Thing – REVIEW
January 15 – My Reading Journeys – SPOTLIGHT
January 15 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
January 15 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
January 16 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

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