09 December 2010

Dear Sparkle Virtual Book Tour December ‘10 – January ‘11 and Review December 10th 2010

Join Sparkle, author of the humor pet book, Dear Sparkle: Cat-to-Cat Advice from the World's Foremost Feline Columnist.
(Adams Media) as she virtually tours the blogosphere December 6 2010 - January 14 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book

Sparkle is an award-winning author, blogger, advice columnist and supermodel. She is also a cat – a ruddy Somali of champion lineage, in fact, whose father, GC Tajhara’s Miles Davis, was twice on the cover of Cat Fancy. Sparkle’s first book, Dear Sparkle: Advice from One Cat to Another, won the Wild Card category at the 2007 Hollywood Book Festival and honorable mentions in several other contests. She also recently came home with the Pettie Award — the pet blogging equivalent of an Oscar — for Best Cat Blog. Sparkle lives in Los Angeles with two humans, two feline roommates (both rescue cats), and (unfortunately) a dog.
You can visit Sparkle’s blog at http://www.sparklecat.com/.

About Dear Sparkle: Cat-to-Cat Advice from the World’s Foremost Feline Columnist
Dear SparkleFace it, kitties, your humans can’t help you untangle your problems — especially when they’re usually the ones driving you crazy! But never fear, the world’s foremost feline authority, Sparkle the Cat, is here to solve all of your kitty conundrums. With 70 Q&As, “Sparkle Says” sidebars, and full-color photos throughout, this guide is definitely NOT your usual human-written cat book.
Whether you’re a confused kitty who doesn’t understand why you’re supposed to stay off the couch, a cat who’s furious because the new puppy ate your catnip stash, or a freaked-out feral who wants to return to the wild, Sparkle has the wise — and often hilarious — answers for your woes. And who knows? Humans who read it (with your permission, of course) may even learn something new about the way we behave.

My Thoughts:
Can I say I loved this book?? As a cat lover I found this book to be very funny and informative. If you are a human that has cats, you will see the humor in each one of these letters to Sparkle and of course the answers from Sparkle. And only a cat lover can relate to the issues written in this book and can recognize the behaviors because chances are you have dealt with these very same issues. This is basically an owners manual with laugh out loud answers. A must for all cat owners, whether you have one cat or a housefull.
I received a review copy of this awesome book from Sparkle and was not monetarily compensated for my review.

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