28 November 2011

Lena's Kindle Touch 1,000 Followers Giveaway!

To celebrate 1000 followers on her blog Lena Sledge, author of Waiting on Heaven and an anthology If I Had My Way is having a contest for a Kindle Touch...now that is pretty awesome!! A Kindle Touch would make a perfect gift for Christmas or just to keep for yourself..so what are you waiting for?? Go to Lena's blog, link below, and tell her how happy you would be to win this giveaway!!

About Lena Sledge
  Lena is an Alabama writer, poet, book reviewer and blogaholic. She attends several writing conferences and workshops every year and enjoys;sharing what she has learned with other authors and aspiring writers on her blog.


To Enter: go to this link http://www.lenasledgeblog.com/2011/11/lenas-kindle-touch-1000-followers.html

Contest will run from November 23, 2011 thru December 18, 2011. Hopefully this gives enough time for the winner to receive their Kindle Touch by Christmas.

Prize: One (1) NEW Kindle Touch eReader from Amazon.com

Simple-to-use touchscreen, with audio and built-in Wi-Fi
  • Most-advanced E Ink display, now with multi-touch
  • New sleek design - 8% lighter, 11% smaller, holds 3,000 books
  • Only e-reader with text-to-speech, audiobooks and mp3 support
  • Built in Wi-Fi - Get books in 60 seconds
  • Borrow Kindle books from your public library
  • Exclusive EasyReach touch technology lets you read easily with one hand
  • New X-Ray feature lets you look up characters, historical figures, and interesting phrases. 
  • Must follow my blog through GFC, RSS or Email. 
That's it. All other entries on Rafflecopter form are optional. You can fill out part of the Rafflecopter form now and come back at a later time to fill out the rest if necessary before the giveaway ends.

Good luck to everyone!!! oh yes, while you are on Lena's blog don't forget to thank her for this awesome giveaway!!!

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