23 March 2012

Made In America – 4th Of July Blog Hop Event Sign Up Now!!


Mimi from Woven By Words and Courtney from Joy Of Momma Joyner are excited to bring a FUN, new event celebrating The 4th Of July, called Made In America. This event will run from 12:01am EST Wednesday, July 4, 2012 through 11:59pm EST Wednesday, July 18, 2012. Want to join in the celebration fun? It’s super easy!!
Rules to Participate:
  • You must get at least a $25 prize/package together to be given away during the event. We want ALL prizes to be American Made!
  • You must display the event button on your sidebar from now until the event ends
  • Participation is completely FREE! All you have to do is make sure the button is on your blog side bar, and write a post encouraging other bloggers to join in the fun! Put the link to your blog post in the form below.
  • If you would like to participate in a GRAND PRIZE CASH GIVEAWAY (completely optional!!), you can send $5 (gift) via PayPal to joyofmommajoyner@gmail.com. This will get you TWO social media entry options! (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Email, GFC, Pinterest, Klout, etc.) The GRAND PRIZE CASH value will be determined when we know how many people are going to participate in that part of the giveaway. The GRAND PRIZE CASH GIVEAWAY will be hosted on Woven By Words and Joy Of Momma Joyner. We ask that you refer your readers to either of those two sites to enter the CASH GIVEAWAY!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mimi at mnjesusfreak@gmail.com or Courtney at joyofmommajoyner@gmail.com
We are going to have a great Celebration of being Made In America! Join in the FUN! Sign up soon! Your spot on the Linky will be determined by when you sign up! Please, DON’T FORGET… Once you have your Made In America post up, please fill out THIS FORM and put the link to your post in the form!

<br /><a href="http://wovenbywords.blogspot.com/" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackEvent','outbound-article','http://wovenbywords.blogspot.com']);"><img src="http://i816.photobucket.com/albums/zz90/bigguysmama/MadeInAmericabutton.jpg" border="0" /></a>

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