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21 June 2012

Operation Smile: A Smile Changes Everything

What does a smile mean to you??? To me a smile is a happy emotion and it is awesome to see, especially on a child. A child's smile means trust, love and happiness. What if a child could not smile, or eat or survive because of a facial deformity? Take a moment to visit Operation Smile and read the heartbreaking stories of people with deformities...I learned a lot from the videos and stories and it is uplifting that there is an organization out there to help these people lead normal lives. But they need your help...

 Operation Smile is a charity organization healing children’s smiles, making the world a better place. As a children’s charity, they measure themselves by the joy they see on all of the faces they help. At Operation Smile, they’re more than a charity organization. More than an NGO. They’re a mobilized force of medical professionals and caring hearts who provide safe, effective reconstructive surgery for children born with facial deformities such as cleft lip and cleft palate. Severe cleft conditions can cause an inability to speak, eat, or even smile. Can you imagine not being able to smile? With a simple 45 minute surgery, these children’s lives can be changed forever. There are too many cases where their parents can’t afford to give them the surgeries they need in order to live a normal life. For 30 years now, Operation Smile has provided tons of free surgeries to children around the world.

Campus Book Rentals - your textbook alternative has partnered with Operation Smile to give these children a new outlook on life. To give them a life of smiles and happiness. CampusBookRentals has committed to providing the funds needs for over 1000 cleft lip surgeries. will donate a portion of EVERY BOOK RENTED to help children in need. CampusBookRentals is a great way to save money in college! You could save 40-90%, and there is free shipping both ways! If you are in college, or know someone in college, spread the word. It’s a great way to save money, and save lives.

So take a moment to visit both websites, you won't be disappointed...
Thank you

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