Join me in welcoming Annmarie Kelly, author of Victorious Woman, to Celticlady's Reviews!!
Tell us a little bit about your writing and research..
It took a couple years for me to find my writing “sweet spot” – that time when I’m mostly likely to write easily. I think everyone who writes has one and, if s/he can find it, I believe it makes the creative part of writing easier. I can do rewrites later in the day, but the creation of a story, article, blog post, etc. happens most easily for me in the morning, in my home office, usually between about 6-8am. It’s not unusual for me to roll out of bed, throw on a robe if it’s cold, take twenty-two steps and plop myself into my office chair. Sometimes I can barely see the screen as I giggle the mouse to wake it up. But it’s good because my mind isn’t cluttered up yet by emails and phone calls, so it’s like a blank slate. Sometimes I feel as though I write until I empty my head of whatever thoughts my brain thought up overnight. Then I stop and get ready to go to my regular office, where I do the business that the writing produces.
When it comes to research, for me, it’s best done separately from the writing. I have a lot of books in my office, and sometimes I remember something that I read a while back that I want to use. Or I want a specific piece of trivia that is in one of my books. Online research is a blessing. Sometimes I just poke around different sites and other times I use the resources provided through my local library.
I like having my research available when I need it. I find it annoying when I have to stop in the middle of writing to get information or do fact checking. To me it’s the same thing as having all the ingredients lined up before I make a recipe. The process for both is more enjoyable when I can just create without stopping for parts and pieces.
PaperbackVictorious Woman! Book Summary
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Kathleen, thanks for sharing Annmarie's thoughts with all of your blog followers.