
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

18 April 2013

Fruit of My Spirit by Deanna Nowadnick Review

In a memoir of missteps and misdeeds, Deanna Nowadnick writes of the hugeness of God's love and faithfulness. Reframing life in God's grace, she discovers an indescribable, indefinable, inexplicable love that has encircled her without fail through joyous, sad, cringe-worthy, heartwarming, forgettable, memorable moments in life.Fruit of My Spirit is for anyone who's ever questioned God's ability to love and forgive, who's ever wondered about their place in God's family or God's place in theirs. Nowadnick offers hope for those who dare to question, who secretly wonder, and who fear to ask. Through stories of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, you will experience the enormity of God, too.

From Deanna's Webpage:

Before my father died, he reminded me that Mom had asked me to write a book. At the time the boys were in college, and the notion of writing was unfathomable. Writers write books. By the time my boys were adults, I’d run out of excuses. I was also at that age when I could pause and reflect.
Fruit of My Spirit: Reframing Life in God’s Grace was my first publishing endeavor.  Coming soon is Traveling with God: Divine Road Signs. Both are collections of short stories. Both tell of a loving, faithful God. Each book shares remarkable tales of His grace and mercy.
When not writing, I serve as the Client Service Coordinator for The Planner’s Edge, an investment advisory firm in Washington state. I’m active in my church, editing the monthly newsletter, serving on the Leadership Team, and gathering with a wonderful group of ladies to study and giggle over lattes and chocolate. I also play violin.  One reviewer asked about a hidden talent and I replied that some Sundays the violin should remain hidden. After a thirty-year break, I have moments of sheer inspiration and others that are truly cringe-worthy.
My reading favorites are rather eclectic. Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird gave me the courage to write and to keep writing. Jane Austen warms my heart. Beth Moore feeds my soul and nurtures my faith. Steig Larsson wow’s me. And special mention has to go to Carolyn Keene who gave a young girl her first real love of reading. In third grade I truly just wanted to grow up and be Nancy Drew.
On my desk is a rock with the words “Choose Joy!” etched in it. It’s my inspiration for each day. As an author, it is my hope that my own words might share that joy we find together as children of God.
With Him, it can be so.
With His Spirit and in His love,

My Thoughts:
I received a copy of this book from the author and received it at a low point in mine and my husbands life. My husband was diagnosed with cancer in July of 2012 and has finished with his chemo this year and is finally getting back to normal with a clean bill of health. I am not a very religious person but after going through what we went through I have found that the power of prayer works. 

This book came at a time when my spirits were down but reading Deanna's story, I realize that everyone has their cross to bear. Deanna tells her own life story about her life as a young girl and as a wife and mother where her beliefs in God are a very important part of her life. I did enjoy this little book and I thank the author for allowing me to read about her life.

This review is my point of view only and I was not monetarily compensated for it.

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