26 April 2013

The Return of Catesby by Bob O'Connor Spotlight and Guestpost!!

Today we have a guest post from Bob O'Connor about writing historical fiction. Bob's book The Return of Catesby is currently on tour with Walker Author Tours. Enjoy, and pick up your copy of the book at http://www.buybooksontheweb.com/product.aspx?ISBN=0-7414-8206-1.

They say “truth is stranger than fiction.” In my case, the combination of truth and fiction make for a really good story.
What I have done with my book “The Return of Catesby” is to write a story based on a real character in history who was a slave. Catesby was owned by Colonel Lewis Washington, a descendant of George Washington. He was a teacher at the newly formed Storer College in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia set up right after the Civil War to teach freed blacks to become teachers. As such, Catesby imparts his knowledge and his story of becoming free to both teach and inspire his students.
As a man who had been actually captured by John Brown, had his own blacksmith shop, escaped slavery via the Underground Railroad, been a United States Colored soldier in the 54tgh Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and had been captured and sent to Andersonville Prison, Catesby had the extensive  background needed to impart knowledge to his students. After all, if a crippled slave like Catesby could succeed, his students certainly could too.
“The Return of Catesby” is available on line at www.boboconnorbooks.com or at amazon.com. 

The Return of Catesby is a sequel to “Catesby: Eyewitness to the Civil War” published in 2008. In this account, Catesby, a former slave, becomes the first colored teacher at Storer College in Harpers Ferry, WV. Storer was one of the first schools in the country to be established for the purpose of educating former slaves.
Catesby, a real historical character, brings his experience as a blacksmith, a veteran of the Union Army, and his survival of the famed Andersonville Prison to his students. The historical fiction story is based on Catesby’s journals, papers and letters.

“The themes of overcoming adversity and believing in yourself weave expertly through this historical novel. The themes ring just as true today as they did for Catesby and his contemporaries 150 years ago. The struggles, hardships, importance of friends and family are all components that repeat throughout this compelling story of the difficult life after the Civil War… This historical perspective of O’Connor’s newest novel is a good addition to one’s continual learning of our country’s history.” — Joanne L. White

Purchase your copy today!

The Return of Catesby:  Tour Stops (all dates 2013)

April 15: Excerpt at Andi’s Book Reviews
April 16: Guest Blog at Writer’s Sanctuary
April 17: Review at A Book Lover’s Library
April 18: Guest post by Sheila Deeth
April 19: Interview at Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

April 22: Review at Andi’s Book Reviews

April 23: Interview at A Book Lover’s Library
April 24: Review at Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde
April 25: Excerpt at A Cup of Coffee and a Good Book
April 26: Guest post at Celtic Lady’s Reviews

May 20: Guest post at Andi’s Book Reviews
May 21: Excerpt at Writer’s Sanctuary
May 22: Review by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman
May 23: Guest post at A Book Lover’s Library
May 24: Review at Reviews and Opinions

May 27: Interview at Andi’s Book Reviews
May 29: Guest post at Reviews and Opinions
May 30: Guest post with Jesse Kimmel-Freeman
May 31: Interview at Writer’s Sanctuary

Click here to purchase your copy of The Return of Catesby!

Author bio: Bob O’Connor

Bob O’Connor, a native of Illinois who now lives near Harpers Ferry, WV, has been a life-long student of both the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln. As a 7thgrader he attended the Centennial of the Lincoln Douglas debates at Galesburg, Illinois. One year later he portrayed Lincoln in his school play. Today he is the author of six Civil War era books. His subjects are Abraham Lincoln’s bodyguard, John Brown the abolitionist, the U.S. Colored Troops and brothers fighting against brothers.
O’Connor’s books (two non-fiction and four historical fiction) depict real people and real events. His research has uncovered a never before published drawing of the hanging of John Brown and a complete 500 page unpublished manuscript written by Lincoln’s bodyguard. He has made over 500 appearances in 18 states and the District of Columbia in the last six years to talk about his books.

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