10 April 2013

Watershed by CD Brennan Spotlight and Giveaway!!

CD Brennan

She left home to find herself...and found love along the way.
Maggie isn’t looking for love on her backpacking trip through Australia. She’s got enough man troubles back in Ireland. Australia is her escape, a place of adventure where she can create memories to last a lifetime.
But some memories won’t be left behind.
Gray is ready to quit hiring backpackers to help with the work on his remote Queensland cattle station when Maggie turns up. She’s just passing through, but the connection they forge during the long nights herding cattle won’t be so easily cast aside.
CONTENT WARNING: A strong-willed Irish heroine, a stubborn Australian hero, and oceans of difference to bridge for love.
A Lyrical Press Contemporary Romance

About the Author:
Having traveled and lived all over the world, Cd Brennan now talks with a strange accent, a mix of distant terminology, a blend of culturally cute but confusing euphemisms that leaves everyone looking at her with a blank stare. Luckily, her Australian husband (who she met in Ireland) and her two Aussie/Yankee sons have no problem understanding her – well, except for the word “NO”. Now settled back “home” in Michigan, she enjoys reliving her glory days by writing about them. She considers the last fifteen years abroad the perfect research for her Love Where You Roam series; matchmaking women and men from different cultures, even different hemispheres, helping them find their true one across oceans of difference.  As destiny plays a hand in all the stories, Cd Brennan truly believes that what is for you, won’t pass you by. She hopes to inspire others to get out there: “Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” [Mark Twain]  And of course, fall in love.

She couldn’t figure him, and this was the first chance they’d had to be alone since that night. She put on her best teasing smile. “How did a seasoned bushman like you let a bull get the best of ya?”
As soon as it came out of her mouth, she knew it was the wrong thing to say.
His brow furrowed, anger lighting his eyes. “It happens to the best of us.” He ripped another piece of bark from the tree and turned to go.
“Did you have a good time last night?” Maggie hurried on. “I mean, other than the incident with the bull.”
He shrugged. “It was all right. Did you?”
“It was brilliant. I had a fantastic time.”
“Yeah, it looked like you were having a good time with ol’ mate there.”
Maggie raised an eyebrow. “Jason?”
“Yeah, that skeg.”
He had noticed.
“What does that mean? Skeg?”
Gray shook his head. “It’s nothin’, forget it.”
Maggie’s temper flared. “I might not be an Aussie, oi-oi-oi,” she mimicked, “to know that it’s rude.”
Gray shrugged. “Anyway, looked like you guys were getting pretty close. Are you going to stay with him next?”
Now her temper kicked in. She pumped harder on the swing. If he would only step a few feet closer, she’d be able to get him with her legs. That’s what he needed, a kick in the bum.
“Maybe I will.” She raised her chin in defiance. “With Lizzy here, you don’t need my help anymore.”
Gray narrowed his eyes at her. “Who told you that you were any help?”
Her mouth fell open. How rude! He was treating her like he had when she first arrived.
Suddenly, a loud crack sounded, and then snap! The next thing Maggie knew, she was lying on the ground on her back, the rope in her hands.
Gray squatted down over her. “Are you okay?” He appeared genuinely concerned.
She let go of the ropes and let her head fall onto the grass. “I’m grand, just need to catch my breath a moment.” There she was lying on her back again, looking up at him, wondering what the hell had happened. This was twice now. Was it divine intervention? Maggie wasn’t superstitious like most of the Irish, but she was smart enough to know not to push her luck if things looked grim.
He hovered over her, and she could feel the energy building between them like it always did when they were close. He smelled of earthy oats. His eyes were darker in the shade, not the usual golden reflection from the sun. She gazed into them, feeling herself being pulled deeper into everything that was Gray. “Thank you for bringing my journal and phone to me at the hospital.”
His features softened. “No worries.”
She dropped her eyes away to play at the blades of grass, pinching individual stems and running them through her fingers. “You came like you promised.”
He grabbed her hand with both of his, forcing Maggie to return her gaze to him. He gently rubbed the outside of her hand with his thumb. “We ride out early tomorrow. Be saddled up by first light.”
He dropped her hand suddenly and stood to go.
Maggie yanked a bunch of grass from the ground and threw it at his retreating figure, letting her head thump onto the ground. God, was she in love with him.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the giveaway. It looks good.

  2. Looks like a really good read.Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. WATERSHED is going to be a wonderful read thank you.


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