28 June 2013

JKS Summer Beach Reads - Reads to Keep your Brain Sharp

Hunter Lewis - Crony Capitalism in America: 2008-2012

When private interests need a political favor, they know whom to call. When politicians need money, they also know whom to call. The people involved try to keep most of it concealed behind closed doors.

This is the system that prevails in Russia after the fall of Communism. But increasingly it is America's system as well.

Many people regard Wall Street as the epicenter of American capitalism. In reality it is the epicenter of American crony capitalism. Where Wall Street stops and Washington begins is impossible to say. This situation was not caused, as many suppose, by the Crash of 2008. Rather the Crash was caused by the longstanding Wall Street-Washington partnership. But the problem extends far beyond Wall Street to every corner of America.

If we are going to do anything about our present economic problems, and also give the poor a chance at a better life, we will need to eliminate crony capitalism and restore an honest economy.
Although full of hair-raising stories, this book is also about solutions. It tells us in clear and simple terms what is wrong and what needs to be done about it.

Hunter Lewis - Free Prices Now!
“Free Prices Now!” begins by asking why the human race is still so poor. How can it be that 
billions still lack even enough to eat? It then provides the answer. A prosperous society is a 
cooperative society. Cooperation in turn depends on trust. And trust requires honesty. 
The most reliable barometer of economic honesty is to be found in prices. Honest prices, neither 
manipulated nor controlled, provide both investors and consumers with reliable economic 
signals. They are the foundation for a successful economy.

A corrupt economic system does not want honest prices, honest information, or honest results. 
The truth may be unprofitable for powerful government leaders, private interests allied with 
them, or economic “experts” whose careers have been devoted to price manipulations and 

The US Federal Reserve and other central banks have created a system of “liar loans” and false 
prices. Other parts of government have contributed as well. In effect, the regulators on whom we 
depend have become dis-regulators.

Can it really be this simple, that economic prosperity and job growth depend on allowing 
economic prices to tell the truth, free from the self-dealing and self-interested theories of 
powerful special interests?


Although Lewis takes us inside the complexities of the national economy and the Federal 
Reserve, his lively and transparently clear writing style makes it easy for anyone to follow him.

Ramsey Dean - Riding on a Beam of Light
“It’s perfect for bedtime reading, and one I’m sure kids will ask to have repeated often – and maybe even get inspired by.” - 

Albert Einstein famously put emphasis on the power of imagination and so does Riding on a Beam of Light. When Einstein won the Nobel Prize, he credited his own boyhood idea of riding on a beam of light with the spark that led him to his theory of special relativity. In this intricately illustrated storybook, lights-out turns into learning but instead of a history lesson we transcend to see the world from young Albert Einstein’s point of view, with a sense of fascination and adventure reminsicent of Harold from Harold and the Purple Crayon and Max from Where the Wild Things Are. At it’s heart is a story about imagination and dreaming, with gorgeous illustrations that captures our grown-up hearts and our children's curiosity. Can young minds change the world? Einstein proved it and now Riding on a Beam of Light brings that message to kids in terms they can celebrate on their scooter. So, turn the light on and off, discuss the speed of light, and have your child imagining what young Albert Einstein imagined as a child. This is a book parents can begin enjoying before the kids even understand language (or physics).

"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales." - Albert Einstein

***Special iTunes Promotion (Download Free until June 24): https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/riding-on-a-beam-of-light/id642819739?mt=11

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