27 November 2014

24 Soho by Gilbert Cartier Spotlight!

Psychic International Banker and Author Gilbert Cartier Releases New Memoir 24 SOHO
24 SOHO, the provocative title of psychic banker Gilbert Cartier’s new memoir, takes readers through the ups and downs of the author’s unconventional life. From the back woods of Canada to the excitement of the cultural scene in Toronto to the South of France, Mexico, and other exotic locales, readers share how Cartier grew up repressing his diverse psychic abilities while encountering strange phenomena throughout his childhood, adolescence and adulthood. 24 SOHO is the Toronto address of the haunted house where the author cultivated an unusual friendship with a mischievous Polish ghost.
Cartier chronicles his blossoming years while being bullied and assaulted by his peers. His only refuge was in the safety of his home, where he learns how to meditate with the help and guidance from ghosts/spirits of dead relatives.
“In 1986 I was threatened that if I published my book The Great Canadian Art Fraud, I would end up in Lake Ontario with cement shoes on,” Cartier says.  “So – in a matter of four weeks, I quit my job, sold everything I owned and moved from Canada to the United States.”
“Well, after twenty eight years, I am finely telling my story.”
And indeed he does. In one chapter, Cartier details his involvement with world renowned Ojibwa Indian artist/shaman Norval Morrisseau, and in another chapter, Morrisseau’s involvement with the son of one of Canada’s notorious Family of Families.
Gilbert Cartier has received enthusiastic reviews from his new book, and an independent film is currently in talks. He lives in Florida with his partner of 20 years and prefers to keep a low profile.

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