01 June 2015

The Geeky Chef CookBook by Cassandra Reeder Review!

Geek out with recipes inspired by books, movies, television, and video games!

You've conquered comic con. You binge watch Star Wars regularly. Now, it's time to get your geek on in the kitchen!

Cassandra Reeder loves to cook, and she's a bona-fide mega-geek. Comic-lover, avid gamer, and sci-fi and fantasy lover, she started The Geeky Chef in 2008. She creates real-life recipes for all the delicious foods you've seen in your favorite sci-fi and fantasy movies, TV shows, and video games. From Game of Thrones and the Hunger Games to Doctor Who, the Legend of Zelda and the World of Warcraft, this book features over 60 recipes and photos that you can re-create right in your own home for the geek in your life. Finally learn to create Butterbeer and Pumpkin Pasties from Harry Potter. Indulge in the Lemon Cakes from Game of Thrones. Sip from a bowl of Plomeek Soup from Star Trek and enjoy with Peeta's Cheesy Bread from the Hunger Games right in your kitchen! Fantasy foods are fantasy no longer...
Recipe not legible but you can get an idea on what is in the cookbook, that you will have to buy if you want the recipes!


About the Author

The first fictional food recipe Cassandra Reeder made was Tree Star Cookies inspired by The Land Before Time at age six. Her geeky nature combined with her love of cooking led to the creation of geekychef.com. The goal of Geeky Chef is to help the geek community bring their food fantasies to reality. So if you've ever found yourself drooling over Pumpkin Pasties in Harry Potter, curious about Lembas Bread from Lord of the Rings or wondering if the cake is really a lie, this blog is for you. Each dish is thoroughly researched to make the final product taste and/or look as close to the source material as possible. Of course, everyone will imagine differently, but Cassandra hopes to give dedicated geeks a run for their tastebuds.
Cassandra currently lives in Portland with her fiance and pet parrot. Despite what conclusions you may have come to, she is not actually a pirate. Well, she is mostly not actually a pirate.

My Thoughts

What an awesome cookbook, who would think that you could get the same food that is in your most favorite geeky shows, such as Star Wars, Harry Potter and even Dr.Who? Well with this cookbook you can. The first chapter is Beverages, non alcoholic. Blue Milk from Star Wars, Red Potion from various video games such as The Legend of Zelda, Minecraft and World of Warcraft. Another beverage is Butter Beer from Harry Potter and of course it would not be complete without a "Blood" recipe from your favorite vampire shows. On to alcoholic recipes to add a bit of spice to your marathon watching geeky shows party.

Snacks and Appetizers come next. Such names, Figgins, Spoo, Cheese buns have the tastebuds tingling. Then of course my favorite is Soylent Green. If you have not seen this cheesy classic movie, then you are missing out for sure. There are recipes for soups and stews, entrees, cakes and cupcakes and desserts. There are varying degrees of difficulty in the recipes, some pretty simple, others pretty labor intensive. I would like to see nutritional information, but that is just me.

In the introduction, the author tells us how the idea for this book came to be. A great cook should follow their own instincts, according to Cassandra Reeder, make substitutions, add in whatever strikes your geeky soul. I think I will be trying Dragonbreath Chili...just the name sounds fiery. With each recipe the author lets the reader know a bit about where the the recipe was inspired from. Of course with the chili, I will have to tame it down a bit as hubby and I are upward in years and all that spice will certainly hurt our innards. But I sure want to try it. Another recipe that I want to try is 1Up Mushroom Cupcakes from....yup Super Mario Bros my favorite of all time game.

What do I think of the cookbook?? I think it is awesome! If you love to cook or bake, and you are a geek for anything science fiction, then you absolutely have to have this book. It is available in Kindle or print. I highly recommend this book. Very unique!  You can visit the author here www.geekychef.com/

I am going to include the recipe for Butter Beer to get you guys started. This recipe is NOT from the book but from the authors website...this recipe looks pretty basic and the one in the cookbook looks much better, but this still gives you an idea


1/4 cup evaporated milk 

1/4 cup butterscotch sauce 

2 tablespoons whipped butter, 

room temperature 1 1/2 cups vanilla cream soda 


Combine evaporated milk, butterscotch topping, and butter in a glass heatproof measuring cup. 

Heat in microwave for 1 minute. 

Remove and stir until butter has melted and incorporated into mixture. 

Meanwhile heat cream soda in another heatproof measuring cup for 1 minute 30 seconds.

Divide butterscotch mixture between 2 (10 to 12-ounce) mugs. 

Fill mugs with heated cream soda and stir thoroughly. 

Serve garnished with a cinnamon stick or an old-fashioned butterscotch candy stick. 

See more at: http://www.geekychef.com/2008/12/butterbeer.html#sthash.gKymmu57.dpuf

I received a copy of the book for review from Edelweiss and was not monetarily compensated for my review.

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