31 July 2015

French Lavender (2 fl oz) Best Essential Oil

I have recently started introducing essential oils into my household. I use the oils in a diffuser, make my soaps and sugar scrubs. I have even been making my household bathroom and window cleaners as I hate the smell of the chemicals that may found in everyday products.

Essential oils have so many benefits that you can't possibly run out of oil combinations or uses. So many uses, where do you begin. Well to start you want to buy good quality oils such as Sun Essential Oils. Then you can pick whatever oils that work for you and whatever you want.

French Lavender Essential Oil has been known to help with sleep support, brain and memory support, stress and mood management, digestive health and for use pre, during and post-pregnancy. I love to have a lavender mist and use it just before bedtime on my pillows. The smell of French Lavender is so relaxing that bedtime is a pleasure!

I received a 2 oz bottle of Sun Essential French Lavender Oil and I was not monetarily compensated for my review.


  1. Hi, I"m so glad you commented on my caramel brownie recipe cause now I'm at Your Blog and It's great! I love lavendar. I might just have to try this one!
    Thanks for the review.
    Mom 'N Daughter Savings

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Come back often!!

  3. This sounds like something I could definitely use and I will have to get some...thank you for the review.

  4. I have used lavender eo for over 25 years. I started using it for headaches and I still carry a small dram bottle with me.

  5. I would like to try some of these but it seems they are so expensive. Thanks for review.

  6. jo n, I love the smell of lavender. Very soothing.

    Sandra, yes it can be expensive but these oils last so long that it is worth the expense.

    Thanks for stopping by ladies!


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