03 August 2015

In Velvet by Burt Weissbourd Book Feature!

Today, it is my pleasure to feature In Velvet by author Burt Weissbourd. Burt will be present August 4-5 (all day) at the Canyon General Store

The Yellowstone Park Foundation featured Burt for an interview, you can see the interview here http://www.ypf.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=6737

In Velvet

Available now
"This thrilling novel has a breathless pace that combines science and nature to create nail-biting tension" 
Foreword Reviews

A guest post from Burt!
"I first started visiting Yellowstone Park almost thirty years ago. Before long, my family was coming to fish in Montana and in Yellowstone thirty to fifty days a year. On those trips I fished most days with one or more of my children. Some of my early memories include:

A horse pack trip nine miles up the Lamar River with all three of our children ages four to ten. We had to take a detour because a grizzly had been seen feeding on an elk carcass.

Hiking upstream from Tower Creek on the Yellowstone River with all three of our children to fish for cutthroat trout.

A failed attempt to ford the Yellowstone at Buffalo Ford.

Hiking up the Madison in September to fish streamers for big brown trout.

Wade fishing on the Gallatin with my daughter as two wolves watched us from a snow-covered hillside across the river.

My eleven-year-old son “guiding” me on the Gibbon River in the Gibbon Meadow.

Hiking down to the Gardiner River below the ranger station for wonderful long fishing days with the whole family.

And the list goes on.

Something happened for me in the course of all of those trips, all of those enthralling, never-ending summer days, fishing until dusk.

I’d be hiking out with one or more of my children after a day filled with animal sightings, sunlight breaking through clouds turning portions of the vast meadows a brilliant green, clouds passing in front of the evening sun throwing irregular shadows on a rocky mountainside, a lone bison grazing in the distance where steam was rising from a hot spring pool, rainy days with rainbows so brilliant that it took your breath away. Yes, something wondrous happened. I internalized a sense of well-being, a sense of how splendid life could be, of the promise it held for these lovely children.

Yellowstone Park gave me that, and I hope, in some small way, this book is giving something back to this magical place we call Yellowstone.'

Book Details
  • Hardcover: 280 pages
  • Publisher: Rare Bird Books, A Vireo Book; 1St Edition edition (June 3, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 194020710X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1940207100

The Book
The northwest corner of Yellowstone Park is closed for bear management, and Rachel, a bear biologist, is discovering some very startling animal behavior—grizzlies denning in June, swans at their wintering grounds in summer, what appear to be Irish Elk, an extinct species, with huge palmated antlers. There are also horrific mutations in the young—elk calves with no front legs, earless bear cubs, and eaglets without wings. What has gone wrong? Why is this area closed? Who’s covering up these animal abnormalities in the Park?

A non-stop thriller set in some of North America’s wildest country, In Velvet takes you deep into the hearts of a hard case local detective and a Chicago cop as they take on a corrupt sheriff, a pathalogical poacher, and a lethal black ops manager to solve this ghastly mystery and restore the natural order in Yellowstone National Park.

The Author
Burt Weissbourd is a novelist, screenwriter and producer of feature films. He was born in 1949 and graduated cum laude from Yale University, with honors in psychology. During his student years, he volunteered at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and taught English to college students in Thailand. After he graduated, he wrote, directed, and produced educational films for Gilbert Altschul Productions. He began a finance program at the Northwestern University Graduate School of Business, but left to start his own film production company in Los Angeles. He managed that company from 1977 until 1986, producing films including "Ghost Story" starring Fred Astaire, Melvyn Douglas, John Houseman, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., and Patricia Neal, and "Raggedy Man" starring Sissy Spacek and Sam Shepard, which The New York Times called "a movie of sweet, low-keyed charm." In 1987, he founded an investment business, which he still runs. INSIDE PASSAGE is the first in the Corey Logan trilogy.

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