
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

06 November 2015

Reconnecting by Katalin Kennedy Spotlight and Giveaway!

About Reconnecting: 

RECONNECTING is an essential novel for our times. Katalin Kennedy expertly weaves a captivating story about how the bonds that women experience guide their choices -- and ultimately destiny -- through relationships that can be as messy and wondrous as life itself. As we get to know Marlie and her enquiring mind, her pondering of crucial issues and ensuing flashes of insight reveal how love and friendship, with a good dose of providence, can guide our lives and lead to wisdom. This book is as heart-warming and comforting as a good feast for the soul. We are left wanting to share more time with Marlie and her distinctive friends.

Social Links:

·         Facebook:
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Where to Purchase:

·         Chapters Indigoor short link:
·         Baico Publishing Inc:  or short link:

About Katalin Kennedy:

Katalin (András) Kennedy escaped from Hungary with her parents on Christmas Eve 1956. She married Duncan Scott Kennedy in 1972 and graduated from Ottawa’s Carleton University. In the latter part of her career, she managed major national projects with Health Canada’s Family Violence Prevention Programs, until her retirement. Her beloved soul mate, the Rev. D. S.  Kennedy passed away in 2006. She now resides in Cornwall, Ontario and continues her involvement in various organizations: Canadian Federation of University Women, Probus Club of Cornwall and Area, Encore Seniors’ Education Program and the Cornwall and Regional Writers’ Society. For ten years she was a columnist for Seaway News. In 2012, Kennedy launched her first novel “The Women Gather” and in June 2015 “Reconnecting” was also released by Baico Publishing.

·         Author: Katalin Kennedy: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hello Kathleen,
    On behalf of Katalin Kennedy and Book Marketing Services, I would like to thank you for hosting Katalin today on Celtic Lady Reviews. If anyone has any questions and/or comments they would like to share, Katalin will be by later in the day to respond.
    Katalin is having a giveaway during her tour. 1st prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card and an autographed copy of Reconnecting; 2nd Prize: autographed copy of Reconnecting; 3rd Prize: autographed copy of Reconnecting. Click here to enter:
    This is Katalin’s last day of her ten day virtual book blog tour. If you missed any of the postings, please check here for the direct links: or on her website:
    Best regards, Della

  2. My pleasure! I look forward to reading this book when I get back home!

  3. Thank you so much for posting my new novel "Reconnecting" on your web site, Kathleen. I am looking forward to your review of my second book! All the best. Katalin Kennedy

  4. Thank you Katalin
    I look forward to reading the book when I get back home!



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