05 December 2015

Go Clean, Sexy You by Lisa Consiglio Ryan Book Tour with Review!

Go Clean, Sexy You not only serves up a collection of delicious recipes, but offers a holistic approach on how to live a healthier life—putting whole foods into your body, detoxing every season to regularly cleanse your system, associating with those who fuel you not bring you down, and managing stress with activities that bring you back to balance.

A certified health and nutrition coach, author Lisa Consiglio Ryan provides straightforward guidance on how to overcome the obstacles that keep you from losing those last ten pounds, make you feel exhausted every afternoon, and compel you to indulge in unhealthy habits. Spending years struggling with a growing arsenal of health-destroying conditions that ranged from fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, candida and rosacea to cystitis and tons of allergies, Lisa decided to turn to nutrition and lifestyle to reclaim her health. Then pursuing her education with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, she turned her personal quest into her vocation with the launch of Whole Health Designs.

As a nationally acclaimed wellness expert, Lisa has worked with thousands in her detox programs. Her approach incorporates easy-to-adopt eating habits, free from counting calories and fat grams. As you navigate through the seasons with Lisa’s whole food–based detox plans, you’ll be tapping into your body’s wisdom, forming sustainable habits, and developing loving, respectful relationship with your body. Not only will you feel better, you’ll look better too!

Lisa Consiglio Ryan is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and the CEO of Whole Health Designs, LLC, which provides detox programs, plant-based and gluten-free meal plans, and private coaching. She has a bachelor’s degree in developmental psychology and a master’s degree in education. Lisa has worked with thousands in her Renewal 10-Day Detox programs. Her work has been featured in Fitness MagazineTiny BuddhaElephant JournalThe Daily Meal, and Fox 45 News. She loves green juice, yoga, and hanging out with her family in the Annapolis, Maryland.

My Thoughts

There are many schools of thought on a detoxification diet, some for and some totally against. I am not sure how I feel about the whole thing or if I could even stick to it. Changing eating habits, good and bad, takes a lot of courage and determination. 

I did learn a lot reading through this cookbook, some great facts, and interesting recipes. I love most fruits and vegetables, when you are a kid you are always being told to eat your fruits and veggies, they are good for you. Well, that is not always true, fruits have sugar and with some people that have diabetes have to be careful. I am diabetic and it is an everyday struggle. I think that if a person is willing to go the distance with this detoxing, then this is definitely a book to look at.

At the beginning, you will find an introduction with the author's own story. The first chapter tells you the how's and why's you should detox. What foods you should avoid when detoxing,  foods that you need to have in your kitchen along with the proper utensils. Chapter 3 gives you daily instructions and how to be successful at the detoxing process.

Now these were the chapters that I liked, chapters 4-7 give you the detox plan based on seasonal foods. Along with these tips are detailed recipes, shopping lists to have and even what to do on what days of the plan. 

Like I said earlier, I am diabetic and just not sure if this is for me. Some of the recipes for me are worth looking at. This cookbook gives me a lot of information and tools with which to make a decision. I would say definitely give this cookbook a chance. Of course before going into this type of detox program, please talk to your health care worker. I give this book 5 stars. I was very impressed with the process of detoxing your body.

I received a copy of this book for review for my honest opinion.


  1. So glad to hear you liked Go Clean, Sexy You! It's mainly just eating healthy throughout the seasons so I'm glad you loved the recipe chapters. Many thanks for reviewing my cookbook!

  2. Thank you for stopping by! Yes eating healthy is the key. I do intend to try some of the recipes, especially the smoothies! I use Green Matcha Tea daily so it will be a great addition to the smoothies in your book!


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