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23 January 2016

10 Day Virtual Book Blog Tour of Pinnacle Lust by Michelle Dim-St.Pierre! @pinnaclelust

A Day in the Life of an Author
Michelle Dim-St. Pierre

Stephen King, Michael Crichton, Dean Koontz, Stephenie Meyer, George R. R. Martin, J.K. Rowling… I imagine that they spend their days on the beaches of their latest Mediterranean vacation, sipping from drinks adorned with tiny umbrellas, counting the hours until they meet Leonardo DiCaprio, who is on set of their latest book-turned-movie…

Okay, maybe that’s a little excessive.

Whether you are Stephen King, Danielle Steel, or Michelle Dim-St. Pierre, the life of an author isn’t as lavish as you might imagine. Writing is a profession that has its joy and frustration just like any other job. It’s a job with good days and bad days. And while I personally don’t know Stephen King or Danielle Steel, I know enough other authors to tell you that a day in the life of an author is not that far from anyone else’s.

But if you insist, I’ll share a snapshot from my life with you.

For the most part, I am an early bird. 6:00 a.m.—I rise and shine, there is so much to do that there’s never time to sleep in. I religiously start my mornings with a cup of coffee and then robotically get in front of my computer. First, I answer e-mails—anything including communicating with my editors, determining future timelines with book festivals, interacting with my readers, and exploring marketing opportunities. I check Facebook. Share any fun writing-related posts. Post a status and Tweet.

Before I know it, it’s 10:00 a.m.

Before lunch, I kick into creativity mode. I spend a couple hours writing. But not the writing that you think—I have yet to work on my current project. In the mornings and early afternoon, I’m normally blogging, marketing and working on newsletters—I have to be honest—these aren’t my favorite things, but I have to do what I have to do. I’m always on the lookout for a new idea for a blog to better connect with my readers and fan base.

By now it’s 4:00 p.m. and I’ve already had a full working day and still haven’t worked on my current project, my next book. Are you surprised? Well, the day is far from over.

It’s time to get out of my chair, stretch my old bones, get away from the computer and enter my other life—where I create my plots and characters. I’m inspired on a regular basis by the things around me—each of which is another brush stroke to my current or future novel—my family time, travel, social life, work-out, shopping, cooking, and anything else I do away from my computer inspires me and brings new insights to my work.

It is only late at night or when I get away from the exhausting routine that I finally get a chance to relax and really write—and what do I mean by write? Writing my actual book.

So you tell me, how much of this time do you really get? I bet it’s not a lot—just like me. The bottom line, I don’t have enough time to write. Clearly the business side is demanding and eats away at my time.

Although Pinnacle Lust has received numerous book awards, honorable mentions, and great reviews on Amazon, I know I’m not a worldwide known author…yet. And while I know I probably won’t be stopped on the street and asked for my autograph anytime soon, those daydreams—of the Mediterranean beaches, of the book-turned-movie, of Leonardo DiCaprio—can keep me pushing to write the next word, the next paragraph, the next page… until I get there.

About Pinnacle Lust

In a Tel-Aviv hospital during Operation Desert Storm, Sharon Lapidot, a beautiful young nurse, is having an affair with a married doctor.

Sharon’s colorful and exciting life is ultimately destroyed by powerful and eroding mistakes. But her courage and wisdom lead her to an unregretful commitment.

Vividly told, this compelling journey of love and lust, honor and betrayal, loss and redemption, will move you — and perhaps even change you.

Social Links:


Where to Purchase Pinnacle Lust:

About Michelle Dim-St. Pierre:

Michelle Dim-St. Pierre was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel, where she spent more than half of her life before relocating to the United States.

She lived through four wars and served in the Israel Defense Forces for two years. Unlike her first year of service in an armored division in the Golan Heights, she spent her second year serving in the medical corps where she interacted directly with the injured soldiers of the Peace of Galilee war and their families. This interaction, along with the exposure to the hospital atmosphere, fascinated Michelle and further touched her heart.

After graduating from nursing school with a BS in Nursing in Tel-Aviv, she practiced internationally for 32 years in various positions in the surgical field and quickly advanced into health care administration. During her career she worked in the Operating Room, Recovery Room, and CCU – along with many other duties.

Writing was Michelle’s outlet at first, but it soon became her passion. Recently she left nursing and became a full-time writer. Her international background, along with her military and nursing experience is always at the tip of her pen. Her first novel, Pinnacle Lust, starts the Pinnacle trilogy.

Michelle is a world traveler who enjoys cooking epicurean food and creating original recipes.
My Thoughts
This story starts out with a young woman, Leigh Stone, who upon her 18th birthday receives a package and letter from her mother. Inside the package is a box containing her mother's journal and the letter explaining the gift.

"Dear Leigh,
Best Wishes on your eighteenth birthday. It is time for me to unveil the lie I live, and for you to face the truth. I wrapped up long pages from my life for you.
Love, Mom"..Chapter one of Pinnacle Lust

This story is not about Leigh but about her mother, Sharon Lapidot, who worked as a nurse in the labor and delivery department at a hospital, in the Hassidic are in a Jewish community in Israel in the 1990's. 
While at work one day she meets a doctor, Dr.Sloan, and there is an immediate attraction between the two. Even though Sharon currently has a boyfriend who she is very disillusioned with and does not love, so she is ripe for an infatuation. The only problem is is that Dr.Sloan is a married man. 

Through the journals the reader becomes more familiar with Sharon as she describes life as a girl born Jewish but who really doesn't follow the Jewish laws. We learn the customs of a woman that is not married and how they are expected to marry and never be alone anywhere with a man not her husband. So just the fact that Sharon is carrying on an affair with a married man, she is breaking many of the rules. She does not care though as her love or lust for Dr.Sloan overwhelms her and her daily life. They meet in secret at first but then their affair becomes known and found out by the wife, also named Sharon. That is when things begin to unravel for Sharon. 

I am not sure how I feel about Sharon, she appeared to be very needy and dependent on Dr.Sloan and her friends, not able to really make her own decisions. Should she have continued on with the affair even when she knew that the man she loved and lusted over would never leave his wife and family? I could say of course she should have, but when the heart is involved, who can say what is right or wrong. Now Dr.Sloan, I didn't care for, mainly because he had the best of both worlds. A wife and family and a mistress, the affair went on for over three years but ultimately Sharon Lapidot, paid the price while he continued on with his life. 

This story is an emotional, lusty tale of a woman duped by a man. I had been offered this book for review a few years ago and could not get into it and when I was offered again, I figured I would give it another go. I am glad I did, even though the story was about a very typical woman in love with a married man story, the way that the author wrote it had me continuing on. I really have to say that I enjoyed it.

I received a copy of this book for review and was not monetarily compensated for my thoughts.


  1. Hello Kathleen,
    On behalf of Michelle Dim-St. Pierre and Book Marketing Services, I would like to thank you for hosting Michelle today on Celtic Lady Reviews. If anyone has any questions and/or comments they would like to share, please leave them in the comment box. Michelle will be by later in the day to respond.
    Please join Michelle tomorrow, Thursday, January 21st, 2016, for her interview with MorgEn Bailey
    We invite your readers to follow Michelle’s 10 day virtual book blog tour. Direct links for each day of the tour can be found on Michelle’s Facebook page For more information about Pinnacle Lust and Michelle, please visit her website:
    Best regards,

  2. My pleasure! I will be adding the review later this week!

  3. Kathleen, thank you for hosting me on Celtic Lady Reviews. I appreciate the opportunity and will be checking often during the next few days for any questions and comments that your followers may have.
    Best Regards,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You are very welcome. I have to admit that probably about two years ago, I received this book for review and just could not get into it, not sure why. So when I was offered this book I thought what the heck I will try it again and I have to say that I am glad that I did. I really liked it! So I am glad I stuck with it!


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