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01 February 2016

The Launch by Mark Victor Young Spotlight!

Praise for The Launch!
“A group of characters I recognize and want to get to know better. Pitch perfect writing.” – Cynthia Dagnal-Myron, former reporter, Chicago Sun-Times, Arizona Daily Star, and Rolling Stone
“Young doesn’t simply develop characters individually, but also based on their relationships to one another. This multifaceted character development brings the entire story into vivid clarity.” – Book Blogger Pure Jonel
“Thanks for this potent kick of nostalgia. How important those days were to the adults we’ve become. Call that ‘The High School Theory.’” – Beverly Akerman, author of The Meaning of Children
“A novel which moves along very nicely and captures my attention.” – Ann Elizabeth Carson, author of We All Become Stories

Watson Sinclair has only been in New York for a couple of hours and already he’s had a small accident in his car involving some distracting cleavage and an inconveniently-placed fruit stand. His best friend JC Dubois is a few blocks away kidnapping the editor of the Royal Features Syndicate. Watson has to pick them up and get back across the Canadian border safely with their prisoner. It didn’t have to be this way.
Watson and JC always wanted to be cartoonists for the daily papers. Their dreams came true when they received a syndication contract for their comic strip. But then months went by and legendary editor Ray Bennett stopped returning their calls. They were faced with a choice: give up and go back to their day jobs or consider drastic measures to get the job done. Like kidnapping Ray and taking over the launch of the strip themselves.
The plan is simple: drive to New York to take Ray and his laptop back to London. Give orders to Ray’s prick of an Assistant Editor. Keep Ray quiet and secure, convince his staff that he is working from home, and keep all this from their wives. They’ve got one week.
If they pull this off and execute a successful launch, their dreams are back on track. If they screw it up and get caught, they go to jail.
Nothing like a little motivation.
Available On, 

About the Author
Happily married since 1992 and a father since 2003, Mark has been a writer for as long as he can remember. He was born in Toronto and grew up in London, Canada. He was the first winner of the Lillian Kroll Prize for Creative Writing at Western University, where he also completed a degree in English Literature. He has published novels, poetry, short fiction, feature articles, comic strips and book reviews in various media.
He lives with his wife and daughter in London.

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