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01 October 2016

Love, Life and Logic by Uday Mukerji Book Spotlight!

Release Date: November 29, 2016 
ISBN: 978-1-941861-26-4 
Publisher: Harvard Square Editions
Trade paperback and eBook formats 
178 pages, $22.95 

About the Book
Set in Exotic India, Singapore, and in Central Europe, Love, Life, and Logic captures the individual struggle of a young man against the seemingly unnamed, unknown, anonymous power of the universe. In a shocking revelation of his innermost thoughts, the book depicts a painful account of his emotional turmoil arising out of his own confusions and dilemmas, and his personal developments through all that.

Rohan grows up in a middle class family in a small town in Goa, India. He asks himself many life questions like we all do every day. Is our life and death an end in itself, or do they have a much deeper implication in a gigantic universal process? Is each human life also someway connected to the chain of events unfolding every day in front of our eyes? We all have different thumbprints; but why? Are we all a part of big numbers game, or does each one of us really matter?

Chased by these and many such questions, Rohan leaves his lucrative job and his family in search of the truth. The journey gets complicated when he meets Adeline, a 23-year old vivacious girl in Vienna. Love, again? That brings him back to question his failed marriage. Is marriage an end of the road for love? Do all marriages come with an expiration date?
It’s the search and the road leading to his final realization that makes this book insightful and thought-provoking. 

About the Author
Uday Mukerji was born in India, and worked most of his life in Singapore as creative director in adverting. However, he left his job in 2009 to pursue a career in writing. After writing, re-writing, and deleting a few versions, and secretly burying two laptops, six years later, he is now ready to share his first literary fiction with you. His narrative voice comes from his strong, deep-seated personal beliefs. He is greatly influenced by Indian philosophy of life, and in this book, he also offers us a peek at that.

He loves to travel and interact with people, not so much on FB or Twitter, though, but face to face, maybe with a cup of coffee. He is a nature lover and his concern for environmental protection also made him the editor of Singapore Environmental Technology Yearbook for ten consecutive years.

Available through Ingram, Baker, & Taylor Brodart, Amazon, & bookstores everywhere   

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