27 December 2016

Atlantis After Midnite by Lisa Kulow Book Tour and Giveaway!

Atlantis After Midnite
by Lisa Kulow
Genre: Fantasy, Historical Romance
This is not your average tale of Atlantis. The Royal family are more than what they appear to be.  Shape shifters, aliens, and time travelers.
The kingdom of Atlantis is being plagued by unknown sickness. Parts of land are disappearing and it seems the Gods are mad and neither the king nor his advisors know why. As the city bursts with chaos, the king is introduced to Yew'll. She has no memory of her life before Atlantis and seems to be the only one who is immune to the sickness.

As the people prepare for departure, the king brings his son, Crown Prince Kyrian to a room he has never before seen. He tells Kyrian to bring the most important thing to him back at midnight.

Kyrian has no idea why or what is happening. He returns with Yew'll as he is drawn to her and has deemed her the most important part of his life.

Kyrian is confused as his world disappears and he emerges somewhere new. With Yew'll by his side they embark upon a bizarre journey as they try to uncover these strange events.

Discover Atlantis in a new and exciting way~

Atlantis A New Beginning:
The Royal Love Stories
By Lisa Kulow
Genre: Fantasy, Historical Romance
Prince of Atlantis, Kyrian, has moved to his new kingdom in the Amazon with his soon to be queen, Yew’ll.
He wants to begin his new life with his lady love and live happily ever after, but evil forces have other plans for Kyrian and Yew'll and their new friends, Shea and Leode.Their happily ever after is interrupted by heart-wrenching threats to their love and their new home that will leave you shaken.
Many Atlanteans are gifted with impressive powers of the mind and the ability to create, conjure,
shape shift, and heal; yet some choose to serve the Darkness by using their gifts to increase their own power. As a result, terror and sickness return to reign over the land.
Shea, Kyrian's servant, and friend, uses his final gift to save the world as they know it. In that process,
the whereabouts of some of the Atlanteans is realized. Can they come together to keep their race alive,or will the once great empire be doomed to fall yet again?

I have always loved to read! I hoped to one day become an Author.
That has finally happened. If you're here thank you for your support.
I love most genre's fantasy, paranormal, sci-fi, historical, and mythology is a passion of mine.
Romance of any kind including Dianna Love, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Laurell K Hamilton.
I love horror as well. Stephen King, and Dean Koontz , Kimberly Shursen among many others.
you can follow or contact me at:


  1. I think Atlantis may exist, why not? Anything is possible I guess.

  2. Sounds good can't wait to read it. I don't think it exists.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Jean602! You are probably right! Happy New Year!


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