17 December 2016

Christmas Countdown Blitz - Day 12!

Laura L. Walker grew up in a large family in the beautiful Gila Valley of southern Arizona. From the time Laura was young, ideas for stories bombarded her brain. She would spend hours drawing her characters on paper and fantasizing about their adventures. Life became more serious, however, when Laura met her own hero while at college in northern Arizona and they later became the parents of six children. In between spurts of grocery shopping, sewing costumes or quilts, transporting kids to practices, and making dinner, Laura still enjoys putting her imagination to good use. Laura is the author of two LDS contemporary romances, Pierced by Love and The Matchup. Caitlyn’s Christmas Wish is her first e-novella.

Q & A With The Author:

3. What do you fear most?

Because I've faced a lot of different trials in my life, I've learned to put my faith before my fears (although it seems to keep getting tested in different ways.) I hope that by not focusing on them, I will be strong enough to handle them. 

4. What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it?

Before I started writing again after a long drought in 2013, my ultimate dream was to become a published author, which was something I thought would never happen. Now I've fulfilled that dream and oddly enough, I have an incredible to travel to several places I never wanted to go before. Most of them hold historical significance, either in general terms or specifically for my family.

Connect with the Author here: 

Just when former model and single mother Caitlyn Drevier Reel has finally put her life back on track after a divorce and six-month stint in rehab, she is surprised to receive an invitation from her ex-in-laws to spend Christmas with the family. After all, she reasons, her ex-husband Grant is constantly on the road with his band and it's only fair to allow them to get to know her young son, Brody. What Caitlyn isn't prepared for, however, is the spark of attraction she feels for Ridge, Grant's older brother, or the sense of belonging to their wonderful family once again. Ridge, who is recovering from his own personal heartache, seems to feel the same about her. As they work together to ensure the success of the Winter Festival that his parents have organized for their small Wyoming town, Caityln begins to envision a bright future. But will Grant's unexpected arrival keep her Christmas wish from coming true?

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The sun was bleakly shining as they stepped outside the dressmaker’s shop. Caitlyn stopped to catch a few snowflakes in the palm of her hand. “Ah, Las Vegas, I love you most of the time. But you can’t give me this.”
This side view of her infectious smile as she looked up at the sky, her thick lashes contrasting nicely against the cloudy gray, made him want to kiss her. Instead, he caught her in his arms as she slipped on the wet sidewalk.
“Careful.” Ridge steadied her and asked, “You okay?”
“Y-yes, thank you,” Caitlyn answered with a self-deprecating smile. “If the tabloids could see me now, they would know that I’m not as graceful as I appear to be onscreen.”
“I doubt that. It was just a fluke. Where would you like to go for lunch?”
“Since I’m not too familiar with the area, what would you suggest?”
He named a small family-owned restaurant located in downtown Casper. They talked about inconsequential things on the drive there and throughout their meal. Although Ridge had known Caitlyn for quite some time, he was startled to realize that he didn’t really know her. During their conversation, they discovered many interests in common. She was aware of current events and enjoyed learning new things.
When she disclosed the fact that she was enrolled in health and nutrition classes, he said, “Sounds like you’ve got your future mapped out.”
“Not really. My mother always put me on a strict diet, though health had nothing to do with it. Once I started eating better in rehab, I wanted to continue when I was released. It’s so easy to fall back into your old pattern, you know? And the more I’ve studied healthy eating concepts, the more I realize I want to help other women who may be struggling with body image or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.”
“Fascinating stuff,” he said dryly.
Caitlyn smirked. “I agree. Even though my mother didn’t use the right approach, I am grateful for gaining that discipline. I’m trying to implement healthy patterns in my life and Brody’s.”
 “Which is all well and good until Brody goes trick-or-treating for his first time. Then you’ll be singing a different tune.”
Caitlyn pulled a face. “Tell me about it. This morning, your dad slipped Brody a small candy cane. He had pink drool dribbling down his chin.”
Her soft laugh blended in with the soft ambience of the restaurant. Her sparkling blue eyes and sweet smile drew Ridge in. Before he knew it, he had placed his hand over her warm and velvety one. Her breath caught.

Ridge mentally shook himself. What was he doing? This was his brother’s ex-wife, his nephew’s mother. He wasn’t looking for a new relationship now or ever.

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