30 January 2017

Valentine Countdown Blitz - Day 1

Kathryn Olsen (aka Kaki) has been to 17 countries on five continents. 

After an illustrious upbringing in Massachusetts, she studied English at Brigham Young University. As a result, she's been known to find theological flaws in zombie lore and Peruvian sacrifice metaphors in Superman movies. 

When not working a desk job or overanalyzing media, she enjoys writing about anything from possessed iPhones to dragon-smuggling androids and has been called upon to lecture on writing by various organizations. 

Her debut novel, Swan and Shadow, was published in March, 2016.

Connect with the Author here: 
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"Aislin is cursed. A regular college student at night and a swan during the day, Aislin can only break the curse by finding her true love. But when her beloved discovers the truth, will his fear override their love? This modern adaptation of Swan Lake will help you discover what love really means."

~ Amazon ~ Amazon UK

 Top Ten List:

10.  I was a fanfiction writer long before I thought to write a novel.  In fact, one reader complained that my 300-page book was too short and I realized that she had last read a Star Wars story that reached 365,000 words.
9.  I live in a small apartment with thrift store furniture and my major splurges are all on trips.  This is how I’ve been to seventeen countries across five continents.
8.  I am useless without a deadline and a reward, so every time I set a goal, I get excited for what I’ll earn by accomplishing it.  For my last manuscript, I got Moroccan food.   If I meet this year’s goal, I’m buying a new laptop.
7.  An octogenarian friend bought my fairy tale for her husband’s birthday.  I was worried he wouldn’t like it until he threatened to kill me if I never wrote the sequel.
6.  One summer, I was the choreographer for a musical revue.  One of my soloists was a girl who worked for a publisher and when it came to publish my book, I discovered that she had been asked to do the cover.
5.  I first realized that i wanted to be a novelist while shelving books in high school.  I fantasized about having people check my book out and I have pictures of my book in libraries.
4.  I did work with an editor at Cedar Fort, but my first reader is always my roommate.  She has a minor in editing and returns my manuscripts with edits, suggestions and plenty of inside jokes.  She also does this for fun, not profit.
3.  I have a goal to learn ten instruments.  So far I play five well (violin, viola, piano, handbells, organ) and one very badly (I haven’t found a cello teacher yet, but have my own instrument).
2.  In middle school, I learned Latin.  In high school, they wouldn’t let me take Latin, so I learned Greek for two years.  Then I transferred to a school with more language options and they told me I had too many foreign language credits.  Then I became a missionary and express myself better in Spanish than English at times.  Currently, I’m learning German.

1.     I have yet to write something I’m embarrassed by, but I have a short story about a tyrannical theocracy that four people have ever read because very few people would get the spirit it’s intended in.

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