06 June 2017

Code Name Scorpion by Donna Fuller Book Blitz!

Born in Illinois, Donna Fuller has lived in a variety of places and currently resides in Butler, Pennsylvania. At times she feels like a ping pong ball—bouncing from coast to coast and back again. Her grandchildren bring her the greatest joy. She has always been involved in writing, from journals to plays for Cub Scouts, to short stories for her children and as a reporter for a small newspaper. Donna has won awards for her writing and has also taught in writing workshops and retreats. She is the co-founder of the annual OHPA Writer’s Retreat in Western Pennsylvania. Her novels include A Strand of Doubt and CodeName Scorpion.

Connect with the Author here: 

When Trevor Willis offers Dani Carpenter her dream job as director of a new camp for children, she is thrilled. Dani intends to keep Trevor, a family friend, at arm’s length. But her heart changes toward him as they team up to protect Ady, the young daughter of a kidnapped scientist. 

After Trevor testifies against the son of Don Francisco Morales, a major supplier of heroin into the United States, Morales (aka the Scorpion) targets Trevor in a personal vendetta to destroy his reputation and then destroy everyone Trevor loves. 

With Ady tucked away in a secure location, Dani and Trevor embark on a chase that takes them from the forests of the Pacific Northwest to the jungles of Mexico. They must stop the Scorpion before he strikes again.

10 Ten Interesting Facts About Me:

1. I went to BYU when I was 16.
2.  I have lived in 9 different states: Illinois, Wisconsin, Texas, Utah, Arizona, California, New Hampshire,  Oregon, and Pennsylvania.
3.  I drive a 13-year-old mini van.
4.  I have 5 kids, 4 bonus kids and 5 grandkids—they’re my joy in life.
5.  I love family history—but if I go on Relative Finder, I’m told I’m related to no one! 
 6.  I am a cancer survivor.
7.  I am 2 classes away from my Bachelor’s Degree.
8.  I was a real swinger when I was younger (Think vines in trees at my grandmother’s cottage in Michigan)
9.  I played guitar for Catholic Masses when I was younger.
10.  I met my husband on a blind date. We were engaged a month and nine days later and have been married for 38 years.

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