25 September 2017

Not My Type Author: M.E. Gordon Book Tour and Giveaway!

Title: Not My Type 
Author: M.E. Gordon 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: October 28,2017 
Cover Designer: https://www.facebook.com/TheIllustratedAuthor/ 


Lexi- I live on a farm…scratch that, I lived on a farm. I was on my way to L.A. to live amongst the rich and famous, to work for the rich and famous. I did not leave a farm and a seriously complicated relationship, to dive back into another one. Yet, there I was falling for a rock star that was so my type of man, it was scary. Could I ever truly leave the farm and the man I left behind to start over? Was this new relationship just a rebound from the last?
Trent- I had one type of woman all my life. I had this image of her in my head from as young as a boy. She'd be petite, beautiful long blonde hair, quiet, someone that would stand behind me as I rose to fame with my band mates. I did not see myself with a southern, loud mouthed, Amazon, of a woman who drove me up the wall. I didn't have time to be chasing a woman, they usually came to me but here I am, doing everything in my power to win over a woman who wasn't even my type

All about me in Five Questions
Question 1 – What makes you, you? What makes me, me? Well I was born and raised in Central Maryland. I live now with my wonderful husband and four energetic children. My day to day consist of getting kids ready for school, answering e-mails, writing, editing, making breakfast lunch and dinner. I have always loved writing. My grandmother gave me my first journal when I was in the third grade. I wrote in it almost every day, and I still try to write in it as often as I can. Before I started my first novel and became a stay at home mom, I worked in daycare, I loved it! Never a dull moment when you have 15 kids running around! 

Question 2- When you don’t have your ‘Mom hat’ or ‘Author hat’ on, what are your interests? I love going to the movies, whether it be with my husband or friends. I get pretty jazzed about good movies. I love them all romantic, suspense, action. I don’t do scary though, unless I’m at home snuggled on the cough next to my hubby with a blanket over my head. Go figure I love reading! I really like romantic novels but I also dabble in Young Adult, I love me some Potter and Everdeen, hell I’ll admit it, I even liked Twilight, before the movie. 

Question 3 – Describe your writing set up? When I write, I have to have music on. I have a play list for each of my stories. Without music I just can’t write. I also like writing in the dark, with only a small lamp and computer screen to light my way. For each of the novels that I write, I have a journal that I jot down future ideas in the story line, character descriptions and words I want to incorporate. I’d be lost without my journals; I carry them around with me everywhere. You never know when an idea is going to pop up in your head! I like to have a large glass of ice water and sometimes a cup of coffee, if it’s one of those days. I’m sure all you Moms out there know what I’m talking about!
Question 4 – Boxers or Briefs for your hunky heroes? Boxer-briefs! Best of both worlds? … I think so! Oh and they’re always black! 

Question 5 – Who inspires you to write? Who inspires me to write? Honestly, I write for the women like me who want to be able to picture themselves as the heroine. All too often the leading lady is someone who’s unattainable for most. The tall, thin, long legged, beauty, the petite, slender girl next door who happens to also be drop dead gorgeous. Those women are usually frail and sometimes, not much is going on upstairs. I try to write about, real, strong women who tell it like it is. For instance, we all know that most of us wear spanks, when we go out to a club. Suck it in, stand up straight and don’t sit down, unless you’re behind a table. These are the things that constantly go through your head. I want my readers to be able to put themselves in my heroines place. What would you do if a really hot guy was dancing with you? Pray your rolls aren’t showing? Chin up to hide any chance of showing a double one? Arch your back to show off ‘assets’ you think are better than others? Maybe even move his hands just so he won’t feel that extra cushion?
Although I have written a few stories with a typical heroine and don’t get me wrong, I love them and they are ‘real’ in their own way, just not physically. Those stories were easy to write because they didn’t have body issues or insecurities, they didn’t have to worry about ‘sucking it in’ or ‘muffin tops’. Now, I wouldn’t call my heroines plus size, I call them real, real girls/women who love themselves but are still aware that they aren’t that Victoria Secret model. I find it challenging and exciting to write about curvy women and all the little things that come along with it. It’s not easy and sometimes I think that it’d be easier to follow suit and write about idealistic women, but in a way, we all are and we all need that one heroine to look up to and I hope that my leading ladies, curvy or otherwise fulfill that need for someone.

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