24 October 2017

Halloween Countdown Blitz - Day 8!

Ann lives in Texas with her husband and rescue pets. She taught reading and other subjects for a number of years before leaving to devote more time to her first love—writing. Reading with children was always her favorite part of teaching.

Cool Well Press published her ghostly series for the young at heart, Stevie-girl and the Phantom Pilot, Stevie-girl and The Phantom Student, and Stevie-girl and The Phantom of Crybaby Bridge.

Her adult novels—All For Love, women’s fiction, and the suspense trilogy Stutter Creek, Lilac Lane, and Copper Lake, are all published by 5 Prince Publishing.

Takers, Ann’s foray into speculative fiction, was released earlier this year.

She has won several awards for fiction since her college days and has had short stories and essays published in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, The Binnacle, Timeless, an anthology, Seasonal Sweet, and Suspenseful, an anthology, Jitter Press, Fictionterrifica, The Rusty Nail, The Sandstorm, Reflections, an anthology, and Blue Mountain Review.  

Connect with the Author here: 

When a small plane crashes behind Jason Lee's rural home, the spirit of the pilot decides to stick around. What would you do if a phantom took up residence in your closet? Jase decides to ask Stevie-girl for help. She's the only kid he's ever seen entering the old haunted Taylor mansion--alone.

Q&A With the Author:

1.     When did you start writing, and was there a specific event or person who influenced you to become an author? 
 I’ve been writing since dinosaurs roamed the Earth. My mom, dad, and Aunt Alma bought books for me on every birthday and Christmas. They fostered my love of reading, which in turn fostered my interest in writing. I wanted to be like my author-icons.

2.     Are you currently working on a project, and if so, can you tell us anything about it? 
My current project is Stevie-girl BOOK FOUR. I love the title of this Stevie-girl book so much that I am afraid of jinxing it (by revealing it too soon), but it is almost finished. However, my next—upcoming—release is titled THE REMAINS IN THE POND. It is my newest Romantic Suspense novel and will be published by 5 Prince Books on November 13th.

3.     What is your favorite writing snack? 
 When I’m writing, I have to have my Diet Vanilla Coke and something crunchy – trail mix or any kind of nuts. If the nuts have a chocolate coating, so much the better!

4.     If you could have dinner with any of your characters, which ones would you choose? Why? What food would you serve? 
  I would love to have dinner with Stevie & Jase. I would serve Stevie’s Inside Out Chocolate Cake and ask them to tell me their best ghost stories!

5.     Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? 
  When I first wrote about Jase and Stevie, I thought it would be limited to a short story (which is how it began), but it won a couple of awards and an editor asked if could expand it, so I did. And it’s still going…I love this pair!

6.     How do you relax, or what do you enjoy doing when you are not writing? 
  Reading, movies, playing with grandkids, going to the beach (which is a million miles from here) and walking on my favorite trail while listening to one of my many playlists or audio books.

7.     What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it?
  My unfulfilled dream is to write the story of my parents’ lives. I’m working on it bit by bit.

8.     What do you fear most? 
  My greatest fear is for some harm to befall one of my loved ones.

9.     What advice would you give someone who wants to write a book some day? 
  Just start writing. Write the most important parts first. Don’t worry about making it pretty, just get it down while it’s fresh. You can always revise later.

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