04 October 2017

The Goblins of Bellwater Author: Molly Ringle Book Tour!


  Title: The Goblins of Bellwater 
  Author: Molly Ringle 
  Publisher: Central Avenue Publishing 
  Cover Artist: Michelle Halket, Sinna Nyan, Anna Ivanova 
  Release Date: October 1, 2017 
  Romance Genre(s): New Adult, Paranormal 
  Words: 81,000 View on Goodreads

About the Book



Skye, a young barista and artist, falls victim to a goblin curse in the forest one winter night, rendering her depressed and silenced, unable to speak of what happened. Her older sister Livy is at wit’s end trying to understand what’s wrong with her. Local mechanic Kit would know, but he doesn’t talk of such things: he’s the human liaison for the goblin tribe, a job he keeps secret and never wanted, thrust on him by an ancient family contract.

Then Kit starts dating Livy, and Skye draws Kit’s cousin Grady into the spell through an enchanted kiss in the woods. Skye and Grady are doomed to become goblins and disappear from humankind forever, unless Livy, the only one untainted by enchantment, can unravel the spell by walking a dangerous magical path of her own.


They had carried Skye up, up, up the trunks into a fantastically weird bunch of cobbled-together houses and bridges and mismatched dim electric lights that they had built all around a huge swath of evergreens. A treetop village, but its surfaces slimier and its inhabitants more disgusting than any of the fantasy fairylands Skye used to envision. Somehow she understood she could only see the place because she had taken their path and eaten the blackberry tart. She also understood that although she had only been carried a few hundred yards off the road, she was now almost totally out of reach of regular humans.

“You love these trees, yes?” their leader had said. Skye gathered her name was Redring.

“Yes.” Skye couldn’t lie, her tongue answering as if under some honesty potion. She still lay in the arms of half a dozen goblins, their prickly hands clamped all over her body.

“And you wanted to see us. You accepted our invitation. We are so flattered, darling one.” Redring leaned closer, her foul breath spilling across Skye’s face. “Some we would simply steal from, and leave to fall apart, but not you. You we would like to keep.”

“Me. I want her,” another goblin said, bulling his way in against Redring’s shoulder. Or at least, Skye assumed it was a he. His voice was deeper and his gaze upon Skye more lustful—it made her shudder, but all she could do was avert her eyes.

Redring shoved him. “Be patient, Slide!” She grinned at Skye again and softened her voice. “You see, there is a procedure for this. You will go home again, but eventually you will come to us.”

Someone shoved another sticky bite of food into Skye’s mouth: orange marmalade. She grimaced, but her obedient enchanted mouth chewed and swallowed it.

“You will want to,” Redring continued.

A different goblin crammed what tasted like musty mince pie into her mouth. She swallowed that too.

“You will lose your way in the human world.”

Another stuffed her mouth with stale cake with raspberry filling, gelatinous and with too many seeds. Tears of despair ran down her temples, yet she ate it.

“You will come to the woods and choose your mate.”

“Me!” the gruff goblin shouted, while someone smashed a handful of candied cherries into Skye’s mouth.

“Shut up!” Redring told him, and the others cackled. “She called to us, so she gets to choose. Besides, it’s more fun, watching to see who she picks.” She turned to Skye again. “And when you have withered enough among the humans, you will join us here. You will become goblin.”

Buy Links

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play

About Molly Ringle

Author Bio

Molly Ringle grew up fascinated with folklore, fairy tales, and all things paranormal, and has always loved the wet green forests of the Pacific Northwest. She lives with her family near Puget Sound, and is inordinately fond of pretty gardens and ‘80s new wave music.

Connect with Molly

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Pinterest | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page


To celebrate the release of The Goblins of Bellwater, Molly is giving away an e-copy of the book along with a $10 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner. For your chance to win, simply enter via the Rafflecopter below. The contest closes at midnight EST on October 13, 2017, and is open to entrants worldwide. Good luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Stops

October 2: 
  Happy Ever After
Outrageous Heroes of Romance
My Fiction Nook
Up 'Til Dawn 

  October 3: 
  Shh, I Am Reading
Books, Dreams, Life
Lilly's Book World
Milky Way of Books 

  October 4: 
  Jamie Deacon - Stories of Young Love
Liz's Reading Life
Drops of Ink
The Bookworm Lodge
Amy’s Bookish Life
Books and Warpaint 

  October 5: 
  Romance Novel Giveaways
Kindle and Me
I Heart Reading
Novel Addiction
Loves Great Reads 

  October 6: 
  Abibliophobia Anonymous
CelticLady's Reviews
Always Love Me Some Books
Kitty's Book Spot
Bonkers About Books

Tour Hosted by LoveBound Promotions


  1. Congrats and best of luck on your exciting new release. So happy for you and I wish you the very best.


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