31 August 2018

“Unchained Courage” by MK McClintock and “The Unwitting Hero of Whitcomb Springs” by Samantha St. Claire Book Tour!

“Unchained Courage” by MK McClintock and
“The Unwitting Hero of Whitcomb Springs” by Samantha St. Claire

MK McClintock is an award-winning author devoted to giving her readers books laced with adventure, romance, and a touch of mystery. Her novels and short stories take you from the rugged mountains of Montana to the Victorian British Isles, all with good helpings of daring exploits and endearing love stories. She enjoys a peaceful life in the Rocky Mountains where she is writing her next book.

If you'd like to know when MK's next book will be out, please visit her

at www.mkmcclintock.com, where you can sign up to receive new
release updates.

Samantha St. Claire was born in 2016, the alter-ego and pen name
of an author of historical fiction born a few decades earlier. She
may have found her niche in western historical fiction, served up
sweet.Never faint of heart, her signature protagonists face the 
hazards of the frontier with courage, wit, and a healthy pinch of
Follow www.samanthastclaire.com to read more about the
research that has helped develop the characters, towns, and
stories of the Sawtooth Range Series.

“Unchained Courage” by MK McClintock

Montana Territory—July 1865
Daniel and Evelyn Whitcomb dreamed of adventure as they made a
home in the Rocky Mountains. Four years after Daniel left Montana,
he returns from the Civil War a man uncertain of where he belongs.
Through courage, honor, and the arrival of an oldfriend, Daniel finds
a way back to the life he once imagined. Join him in
“Unchained Courage”
for a lesson in the power of hope, faith, and remembrance.  
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For a complete listing of all currently available and upcoming
Whitcomb Springs stories,


Excerpt from “Unchained Courage”

Whitcomb Springs, Montana Territory—July 4, 1865
Daniel led his horse over the familiar two-mile ride up the mountain
trail. He reached a small clearing, and in the center a lake spread out
in glistening glory, reflecting the mountain peaks behind it. He
dismounted and stared in awe at the vista as his speckled horse grazed.
Images of Evelyn overlapped his vision until it seemed a transparent
silhouette of her smiling face hovered over the mountains.  
A well-kept cabin stood a dozen yards from the crystal-clear lake.
The stream feeding into it from the north flowed out to the east and
created a short waterfall down a slope of rocks. Cooper McCord, the
man who had been by Evelyn’s side while Daniel had been at war,
called this part of paradise home when he wasn’t in town.
Cooper’s friendship had become a steadying hand in the three months
since Daniel’s return. Without speaking of it, Cooper understood what
Daniel had been through. They never spoke of their experiences:
Daniel’s in the war between the North and South, and Cooper’s from
his days serving as a civilian tracker in the army, occupying the West
and witnessing the travesties wrought against the natives.
Cooper first brought Daniel to this same mountain lake a week after
the nightmares hadbegun. Since then, Daniel had found solace in this
place high above the town, the people, the noise. When he craved
silence, he came here. Daniel had seen the disappointment in Evelyn’s
eyes when he remained quiet about his experiences, but she never
pushed. He heard the crunch of horse hooves on rocks and twigs
covering the trail.
Only Coopercame here—it was his home. Daniel wondered where he
had beenfor the past three days. Daniel did turn when Cooper said
nothing and saw
the extra horse with the large buckdraped over the saddle and covered
in heavy canvas. Cooper walked over and stood next to Daniel. The
dawn’s warm sun promised a clear and sunny day.
“Thought you might be here this morning.”
“The buck is for tonight?”
Cooper nodded. “Evelyn will understand if you aren’t there.”
“I can’t do that to her.” Daniel watched the sun inch higher on the
horizon. The first Independence Day in four years without the screams,
trumpets, cannons, and muskets echoing in his ears. Instead of
a body-strewn battlefield, Daniel gazed upon the most beautiful valley
he’d ever seen in his life. Instead of cries coming from a hospital tent,
the town of Whitcomb Springs below was a haven for him and anyone
else seeking solace and a peaceful place to live. Daniel still heard the
screams in his nightmares. Muskets firing, filling the air with the stench of smoke and death. He relived it often. Most nights,
the comfort of holding his wife was enough to waylay the madness
within, but the worst of the memories sneaked through his barrier.

“The Unwitting Hero of Whitcomb Springs”

by Samantha St. Claire

Montana Territory—1884
Drawn by the romantic stories of brave men carving a home out of the
Montana wilderness, Rebecca joins her sister in Whitcomb Springs to
find a real man, a man of heroic dimensions. What she finds is Roper,
a man of dubious dimensions. But looks can be deceiving and Roper
may turn out to be just the hero she’s not been looking for.
Amazon ~ Amazon CA ~ Amazon UK

Excerpt from “The Unwitting Hero of Whitcomb Springs”

Sheriff Hank Chase sat with his feet propped up on the cold wood
stove, his fingers steepled before his lips while Roper paced from the
door to the desk. “So, she’s a looker.” Roper stopped midstride,
“A looker? My horse is a looker. This woman’s . . .” Hank grinned.
“I think you said ‘an angel without the wings’. Never knew you were
inclined to poetry.”“You can make fun all you want, but when you see
her, you’ll understand.” Jack piped in, “She sure does smell good.”
The boy’s eyes held a dreamy quality quite unlike the skeptical glint
he normally harbored there. “Just nice, a little like Ma, but sweeter.
Not like the fancy ladies over at Sheila’s house.” Both Hank and Roper
turned to where Jack perched on the edge of Hank’s desk.
Hank asked in a slow drawl, “And you would know that how?”
Jack frowned, pursing his lips saying, “You can smell them from across
the street.”
Roper pressed the issue, asking, “You make a habit of taking your
route home throughthat alley? It doesn’t seem the most direct way
from school or the general store.”
Jack met the question but neither man’s eyes.“I might’ve been invited
in for a cookie or two—on occasion.”
Hank lifted one dark eyebrow. “A cookie? They in the bakery business
now?” Jack squirmed. “I may have run an errand or two for Sheila—
on occasion.” Roper took his turn at bat. “You’re on a first name basis,
too? Is that all you been up to on occasion?”
“Well, yeah!” Jack folded his arms and screwed up his face, a picture
of disgust. “What else?”
Hank and Roper exchanged glances.
Hank asked, “How old are you?”
“Eleven.” Jack cinched up his pants and stuck out his chin. “Nearly
eleven and a half.”
Hank narrowed his eyes. “Your mother know you been over there?”
“Nah.” Jack’s face paled leaving only a smear of freckles to color
his nose. “Hey! You ain’t gonna tell her, are ‘ya?”
Hank threw up his hands and vigorously shook his head. “Not me.”
Roper knew Hank’s relationship with Jack’s mother might make him
a bit reluctant to
snitch on her son. So, Roper stepped in with a little bit of big-brother
advice. “Seems to me that a boy your age might be better off getting
his cookies from his mom’s kitchen.”
Hank nodded, suppressing a grin. “Definitely.”
Jack changed the subject, looking at Roper again. “So, what ya gonna
do to get Aunt Rebecca to like you?”
Hank answered the question. “I’d imagine he should just be his normal,
charming self,”
“His charming self?” Jack looked mystified. “Like in Prince Charming?
I sure ain’t seen it.”
Hank shrugged. “Well, maybe not just like Prince Charming, but he
can be. . .nice.”
Hank unrolled from the chair and ambled back to his desk. He turned
an eyebrow on Jack as he passed.
“And stop saying ain’t. Your mother doesn’t like it.”
“Do I have to be charming?” Roper scratched the back of his neck.
Hank pulled a hand down his stubbled cheek. “Well, you know, just
pay special attentionto her. The usual things like hold open a door
or pull out her chair. Make conversation ladies like. Talk about the
flowers and the weather. Be a gentleman. You know.”
“I don’t know.” Roper frowned and returned to pacing.

 Praise for the Whitcomb Springs Series

"What a wonderful story of courage and hope. I loved Evelyn
Whitcomb’s story and her love for her town and the families in it.
How courageous she was. I hope we hear more about Evelyn and
Daniel in future stories. I look forward to more short stories from
this post-Civil War town." ~Kindle Reader on "Whitcomb Springs"
"Samantha St, Claire's HEALING FIRE is a lovely read! I felt like I was
there in the yard, my back leaning against a fence post, as I watched
events unfold. Miss St. Claire writes about choices a young widow
makes for herself and for her son in the face of societal judgment
and familial pressure. I couldn't pull myself away, so I finished it in
one sitting. Especially gripping was the fire scene. Lovable characters
left me wanting more, please." ~Kindle Reader on "Healing Fire"
"Thank you for this story which just wets my appetite for more books
in the future. I've had a marvelous afternoon reading about the good,
the bad and the honorable." ~Kindle Reader on "Retribution Road"
"Forsaken Trail is another fabulous read by MK McClintock! I have read
just about everything MK has written and I am never disappointed.
This one is no different. It is a short story but it is packed full of
adventure, suspense, love and inspiration. I loved it! I give
Forsaken Trail 5 stars and highly recommend
Cooper’s story for all who love a good historical."
~Kindle Reader on "Forsaken Trail"
"I feel certain most any reader will find something in this story with
which to resonate. You'll find an offering of faith in "Tracking Amy."
I hope you'll read it and share it with someone you love."
~The Constant Reader on "Tracking Amy
"This story is short, passionate and to the point. It leaves you wanting
more from Lynn Winchester!" ~Kindle Reader on "Walk the Lightning"

Series Book Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ9kcf4DPj4

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