Title: The Death Messenger: Whisper of Demon
(A Mystery Thriller Series book 1)
Author: Henry Taba
Genre: Mystery
Page: 225 pages
Publication Date: July 11, 2018
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ henrytaba12
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Email: henrytaba12@gmail.com
Book description:
Every whisper, end in a death. It does not happen to everyone, except Westcliffe Petal. He ignored the first death message that whispered to him, but the fear quickly clung to his heart when the death of his friend confirmed every single word of the message. And when his girlfriend is the next victim, this only exaggerates his troubling mind and the pressure when he doesn't have any lead in his investigation. How Westcliffe prevent the whisper becoming a reality when he has never met the whisperer—the demon?
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