15 November 2018

River's Winter By Leanne Davis Release Blitz!

Title: River's Winter ( River's End Series #10) 
Author: Leanne Davis 
Genre: Western Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: November 15, 2018 

Terrible mistakes in Jacob Starr’s youth made him disappear far away from those he loved most, while leaving behind the only decent thing he'd ever created in his life, his son. He finally comes home, but to many, home is not a place he is welcome. He’s determined to stay, to get a job, start a new life... and most of all, finally claim the son who doesn't even know who he is. Before that can happen, a tragic incident turns Jacob into a hero in a way he never intended, alongside a woman he’d never met before. Arriving recently in River’s End, Luna Castellanos is looking for a new life and career but what she finds, is soon based on something she never intended: infamy. After she and Jacob unwillingly become heroes in a tragedy that has the nation's attention, she can't find the strength to be the hero everyone claims her to be. Instead, she feels frozen in her anxiety and lost to the person she once was. But the only one who understands this, and therefore her, is Jacob Starr. It creates a bond between them that is quick, strong, and honest, with a chemistry that is much more far reaching than the one tragic moment they share. Jacob's new status as a hero confounds and confuses him. All the new and unwanted attention, threatens to drive him into old, dark habits. But someone finally needs him, and only him. Heady stuff for a man who no one has ever needed or wanted. Luna has become the only person in the world to see him as their friend, confident, protector, and yes, hero. A roll that he cherishes. But once Luna learns of his past, will she still be able to look at him as her hero, or will she finally see him like everyone else?


Leanne Davis writes contemporary and new adult romance. Leanne's books have been listed on numerous Amazon bestseller lists, including the Movers & Shakers list and in the Amazon Top 120 overall books along with #1 Bestselling New Adult & #1 Top Rated Women's Psychological Fiction by The Other Sister.
She lives in the rainy area of Western Washington, and spends as much time as she can getting away from the rain by traveling to destinations all across the state where she and her family do tons of camping. Many of these locations become the settings for her books. She earned her business degree from Western Washington University, and worked for several years in the construction management field before turning to writing.

River's Escape (Book #2) http://www.books2read.com/riversescape
River's Return (Book #3) http://www.books2read.com/riversreturn
River on Fire (Book #5) http://www.books2read.com/riveronfire
River's Lost (Book #6) http://www.books2read.com/riverslost
River of Change (Book #7) http://www.books2read.com/riverofchange
River's Destiny (Book #8) http://www.books2read.com/riversdestiny
River's Rescue (Book #9) http://www.books2read.com/riversrescue

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