10 December 2018

Return of the Lycan King by Candace Blackburn Book Tour and Giveaway!

The biggest fight for the new Lycan King is convincing his Queen that
he is committed to her forever.
Darren has already fought to convince Cass to give him a chance,
but a new Monarchy is just the beginning of the changes to the
Lycan Kingdom. But as secrets and challenges to Darren's crown
emerge,his inner circle must close ranks to protect their Kingdom,
and to make sure the newly-returned LycanKing keeps his crown.
Candace Blackburn returns to the world of the Lycan King in this
epic, edge of your seat third installment!

Rafflecopter for Return of the Lycan King: Book 3: Darren and
Cassandra Blog Tour Giveaway:

Candace is offering two lucky winners their choice of either a $25
Amazon Gift Card of $25 Barnes and Noble Gift Card! To enter,
simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:
About Return of the Lycan King: Book 3 Darren and Cassandra:

Title: Return of the Lycan King: Book 3 Darren and Cassandra
Author: Candace Blackburn
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: December 11, 2018
Publisher: Candace Blackburn
Series: Return of the Lycan King #3
Format: Digital eBook
Digital ISBN: 1-7328151-0-0

Darren chases Cass to Ireland, determined to make up for his
mistakes. When they return to North Carolina to build their lives
together, nothing is the same. Darren has already fought to convince
Cass to give him a chance, but a new Monarchy is just the beginning
of the changes to the Lycan Kingdom. Secrets and challenges to
Darren's crown emerge, and his inner circle closes ranks, to protect
their Kingdom, and to make sure the newly-returned Lycan King
keeps his crown.

Available at:  Amazon | Barnes and Noble  | Goodreads

Copyright © 2018 Return of the Lycan King: Book 3 Darren and
Candace Blackburn

Chapter One
Adult Language and Situations
Liam's completion of flight training had rather fortuitous
timing. Liam was one of the members of Lex's security team before
Darren moved in. Darren snagged the other Lycan on the way to
the airport with the subtle threat to "move your ass and don't
breathe a word to anyone." Darren looked out the window of the
Konstantine jet and didn't see ocean, but he didn't know how
close they were to Dublin Airport. Reading Liam's thoughts
would have been easy enough, if Darren hadn't happily discovered
that he could block that ability. So, he hadn't been subjected to
the "have you lost your fucking mind" lecture that Liam likely
received from Lex. Or the "you let anything happen to him, I'll
kill you, myself" that undoubtedly followed said lecture. Darren
spent the entirety of the flight thinking of his mate. The pain in
her voice, on her face, and the tears in her eyes, all as a result
of Darren not claiming her. Pain, he had his own. Not claiming her
was a physical, mental hell--it was pain from head to toe. But,
he had reasoned that he'd rather live with that pain, than put
Cass through one second of his impressive--or not--collection of
screw-ups. Not to mention, all the bullshit that came with being
King. I'd rather cut off my own head than cause her pain like I
saw that day. Which is why they were over European airspace,
because Cass was in Ireland. She left to escape him.Because seeing
me hurt her. "Darren, we're ten minutes out from Dublin."
Liam's voice cleared his guilt-filled thoughts. He ran his hands
through his hair and realized he needed to go splash some water
on his face.
"Thanks.""No problem."
A minute later, he stood in front of the mirror and frowned.
One of his buddies in college looked like he was in a perpetual
hangover. Darren's roommate used to tease the guy, telling
him that he looked like he'd been ridden hard and put away
wet. That saying pretty much summed up the reflection in the
Maybe I should stop off and get a haircut, buy a new shirt and
He probably would do that, if it didn't take much time. His
primary objective was to find Cass and get them back to the
plane as soon as possible. Hell, he might as well tell Liam to
file a return flight plan for, what, five hours from now? Yeah,
that should do it. He hated the thought of claiming his mate
in the bedroom on the plane, but damned if he was going to wait
to get back to Raleigh. And, they wouldn't be in Ireland for
very long. Oh no. In and out, that was his plan. They'd be back
in no time.


Liam kept up with Darren's footsteps, barely.
"Still don't understand why you wouldn't want another beer.
That may have been the best I've ever had. We should take a
European beer tasting trip, just for comparison, though.
German ales are pretty damned good." They'd only gone in the
last bar because Darren caught Cass's scent.
"Not interested." Glancing around the crowded Temple Bar
section of Dublin, Darren wondered why Cass would be there.
She was private, definitely not the type to hang out in tourist
spots. "Or we could just stay here and sample whiskey. All
the whiskey."Technically, that didn't sound like too bad of
a plan, if he weren't searching for his missing mate. "You
should get on your knees and thank God that you can't get
Liam snorted just as Darren thought he'd, again, picked up on
Cass's scent. He froze mid stride and almost took out a group of
people. Peering inside the closest bar, he inhaled deeply and
looked for her glossy black hair. Nada. Shit.
Darren turned, making a complete circle so he could visualize
everything around him. His frustration was growing. Cass was
so close, and he needed to see her. Feel her. Wrap her in his arms.
Drop to his knees and apologize for being a colossal ass. Spend
the next century begging her forgiveness. Then spend the rest of
his life making her happy. The sounds of barf splattering the
pavement shook him out of his thoughts. "This"--he pointed down
at the moaning human in front of him--"is what all the whiskey
gets you."
Liam glanced down with disdain as they stepped around the
human. "Not me." He waved a
negligent hand. "Higher tolerance and all that."
"Mmm hmm." Looking around, again, Darren barely restrained a
growl. Cass's scent grew fainter, and he was no damned closer to
finding her. Going to lose my motherfucking mind.
Material brushed his arm, and Darren snarled as his head
snapped around. "Hey, do you mind holding my jacket while
I tie my shoe?" What the fuck? Darren snatched the jacket and
Liam bent, after casting a pointed glare toward Darren's hands.
Claws had already punched through the tips, and if he were a
betting person, he'd put money on his eyes glowing. Taking a
deep breth and closing his eyes, he slipped on his polarized
Ray Bans, covered both fists with the jacket and willed himself
to calm."No problem." Biggest white lie ever. If Darren spent
two more seconds out there without Liam's assistance, he'd
likely have shifted and torn abloody path through the Temple
Bar district. They needed to get out of public, check into a
room and Darren needed to sleep off any jet lag. Then come
sunrise, he'd try again. Liam stood and cast a worried glance
at Darren. "Okay?"Not in the slightest. "Fine. Let's get
something to eat, go find a room, and search again tomorrow."
Liam almost seemed to slouch in relief. "Sounds good. We'll hit
the roads in the morning."
He confirmed that with a small nod. And I'll spend another
sleepless night without her.

Other Books in the Return of the Lycan King Trilogy:

Return of the Lycan King: Book 1 Nicholas and Kristen

One life, one mate.  Nicholas Konstantine has been waiting over
a thousand years for his mate. But when he finds her, she's
completely unaware of her Lycan biology, and she's battling
her own personal demons.Kristen O'Connor is a recovering addict,
with some major trust issues. By not letting anyone get close,
she won't get hurt. Yet after one meetiing with Nicholas, her
walls are crumbling, and she wants more with this man.

But Nicholas reveals his Lycan side, and hers as well. In
addition, ghosts from both of their pasts come back to
haunt them. Will they face everything together, or will
Kristen's fears be stronger than her love?
Available at:  Amazon  | Barnes and Noble  | Kobo  | Goodreads

Return of the Lycan King: Book 2 Lex and Elizabeth

Lex thought he'd lost her, but Elizabeth is back and she is his mate.
But between her getting used to life as a Lycan, threats from
dangerous elements looming over their heads and very odd changes
in the Lycan kingdom happening all around them, nothing will be
easy. Lex and Elizabeth's love has to be the strength to pull them

Available at:  Amazon  | Barnes and Noble  | Goodreads

About Candace Blackburn:

Candace makes her home in North Carolina with her high school
sweetheart husband and their two sons.  She's an indie author who
has published two previous romances (with a bit of fantasy in each),
Tristan's Redemption and Nate's Forgiveness.  Her current works are
all paranormal romance (her favorite genre to read!) and are set in
her home state.  She loves coffee, cold weather, the Boston Red Sox,
the Carolina Panthers, and hearing from fans.

Connect with Candace:
 Website  | Facebook  | Twitter  | Goodreads  | Amazon

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